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Member Since 24 Feb 2013
Offline Last Active Apr 18 2013 01:31 AM

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In Topic: NaruSaku - The Build Up!

02 April 2013 - 06:24 PM

That was amazing. Great work you've done. Thanks for that.

Ohh, that's the development, baby. And we're hoping for more moments like those narusakuct7.gif

In Topic: H&E's NaruSaku Debate Thread!

31 March 2013 - 09:00 PM

QUOTE (That Uchiha @ Mar 31 2013, 05:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Still filler.
Doesn't matter if Kishimoto made it or not, everything in Road to Ninja should not be taken seriously.

Look at the manga, the focus is on NH.

Even being a filler, we see the interactions between Naruto and Sakura and how they always turn to each other (even in a AU world).
But lets not talk about this "filler" movie made by Kishi.

The focus was on 2 caracaters development. Hinata's development was always related to Naruto. It doest mean NH at all. It's Hinata's development and Naruto being helped by her, like he was by everybody in the war.

In Topic: H&E's NaruSaku Debate Thread!

31 March 2013 - 08:50 PM

QUOTE (Baguette @ Mar 31 2013, 05:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Call it ridiculous if you want, but my post paralleling Hinata and Kushina has yet to be refuted.

I don't if you're kidding or not, but I'll aswer seriously.

-About taking care of Naruto\Minato: Hinata sure does, she loves him. Sakura is on the same position. I have no doubt she would die for him. That even reminds me the Chio speech "Next time die for someone important to you" (I dont remember it exactly). You may say "But Sakura loves him as a friend". This has to confirmed, but that seems to be more than that, really. And Sakura were in many others dangerous situations with Naruto and showed cares for him. There's also the point: Sakura cares for him not only physically, but she wants him to be happy and free, mentally talking. Hinata doesnt know about this side of Naruto, she may did on Naruto Classic, but she has never done something to change Naruto's reallity until those newest chapters.

-About personallity: I guess there's no doubt about it. Kushina is a tsundere, so....And more, Kushina used to underestimate Minato, just as Sakura did with Naruto. But both got surprised by those guys.

-Kushina was saved by Minato. Naruto always saves....Hinata? I guess no.

Oh,I dont know if that's enough, but I did. Im gonna have a snack and watch what happens here ^^

In Topic: H&E's NaruSaku Debate Thread!

31 March 2013 - 08:34 PM

Look, 615 was the chance to establish Naruto's pov, but again, it's the side characters doing the talking since this volume was dedicated to them, based off Neji's sudden death. Naruto came with the resolution of friendship, which oddly enough ended the volume. That part of chapter ends, so what's next. We don't know but it will be crucial. That said 616 was a big opportunities to establish them as the true lover, but there was none. No Naruto's pov, no showing the "awesomeness" of NH, just another chapter that furthers Naruto learning about being connected with all, life and death. 616 was the opportunity was the opportunity to make any justification of NH, but there wasn't. For all we need, Naruto's mind could be, "Hinata, she's just being friendly. Besides, Sakura-chan is the best." Again, all of their developments always happen when they're in a necessary to develop Hinata. When it's NS, it's normal daily life. Is it even necessary to show us that Sakura was going to feed Naruto? No, not really. So why then?


A relationship is based on daily and comum talks and events. That's the difference between nh\ss and ns. It's not that those pairings are impossible to happen, but they had to develop. Kishi seems to like relantionships with development, not only romantically, but about friendship too. About this aspect, ns is the most probably to happen. That's why I like the comparison with minakushi, both has development.

In Topic: H&E's NaruSaku Debate Thread!

31 March 2013 - 08:16 PM

QUOTE (StrikerTheNoble @ Mar 31 2013, 05:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
<--------------------------Green zone


Okay if you're shipping naruhina now, but say kushina\hinata is the paralel.....You must be kidding.

Like others said, I'm really thinking baguette is joking (i hope). If it is, he was a big troll guy xD