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Mr. Bu

Member Since 06 Oct 2010
Offline Last Active Dec 04 2010 08:04 AM

Topics I've Started

What weapon would Naruto use?

08 October 2010 - 03:03 AM

The question I would like to ask everyone is what weapon would you want Naruto to have and/or what weapon do you think would fit him the best?

I personally think a Naginata would look cool on him, but maybe with a head more like a Russian sovnya. Wide sweeping motions could tie into his wind chakra affinity.

Only problem with a Naginata is that now and days it is considered more of a woman's weapon so I doubt Naruto will ever wield one, but a Yari would be pretty awesome as well.

A How do you do from Mr. Bu

06 October 2010 - 03:27 AM

Ello all!

Just decided to stop lurking and actually get to posting shtuff.

Since this is a Narusaku forum I will start by stating that I have been kind of a Narusaku fan since a friend got me into Naruto years ago. Even though I was a fan I still followed the mind set of SS and NH for part 1. That all changed in part 2. happy.gif

I tend to be more logical in my thinking, thus I usually look to others' opinions on the "touchy-feely" stuff.

Overall, in my lurking for the past 2 weeks I have enjoyed reading all of your discussions and hope to add to them. smile.gif