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Member Since 05 Apr 2006
Offline Last Active Sep 12 2009 01:51 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Reuse/Renew/Recycle art thread

26 December 2006 - 03:40 AM

DEC 25:



In Topic: Your Favorite Crack Pairings

11 July 2006 - 04:54 AM

Psh. You call that crack? Here's a hot one: Gaara x HIS RIGHT HAND.
Now THAT is loving yourself.

In Topic: naruto in danger

04 June 2006 - 06:20 AM

Here's the first thing I thought when I read your post: If you're gonna write you should improve your grammar. Bad grammar equals unappealing fanfiction. Second of all, if you're going to write then you should write it. Having someone dictate whether you write out your idea or not is a sign that you will probably abandon the fic. This is especially noted when looking at your writing idea. It's too vague to show that it was well developed and thought out. You probably haven't even planned out the plot. I suggest you write out the details of events and organize them before writing your story.

In Topic: Favorite And Least Favorite Anime Couples

04 June 2006 - 06:04 AM

Favorite Anime Couples

1. Inuyasha x Kikyo (Inuyasha)
2. Kenshin x Tomoe (Samurai X)
3. Yuki x Tohru (Fruits Basket)
4. Naruto x Sakura (Naruto)
5. Lucifer/Nanatsuya x Alexiel (Angel Sanctuary)
6. Takeru x Hikari (Digimon)
7. Chrono x Rosette (Chrno Crusade)
8. Mamoru x Usagi (Sailormoon)
9. Alucard x Integra (Hellsing)

Least Favorite Anime Couples

1. SasuSaku: I really hate this pairing with a passion. It reeks of disgusting acts of abuse, shallow and childish perceptions, blatant incompatability, and non-existent communication.
2. Inuyasha x Kagome: It doesn't have anything to do with the fact that I like Inuyasha x Kikyo. What I didn't like about this pairing is how Inuyasha has to deal with the crap at Kagome puts him through. The words "Sit!" makes my blood boil and the rosery promotes bondage in a non-appealing way. :/ I know its supposed to be humor but I can't find it in me to be amused at all.
3. Kenshin x Kaoru: It's basically the same reasons that I stated for Inuyasha x Kagome. I don't like how Kaoru treats Kenshin even though its supposed to be funny. It's humor that rubs me the wrong way.
4. NaruHina: It's bland and unappealing. The fanfiction versions of this couple contain concentrated amounts of mind numbing OOCness and mediocre interactions. Oh, and the chances of Hinata getting MS upgrades in those fics? Very high. Most of my bitterness towards this couple comes from fanfiction, unfortunately.
5. Miaka x Tamahome: I don't even NEED to explain myself when I say that I HATE this pairing.

In Topic: The Great NaruSaku Debate Thread!

13 May 2006 - 04:21 PM

I think Sakura loved Sasuke but for different reasons of course. We all know that Sakura, as a child, was picked on many times in her childhood. It caused her to repress many traits that she could've developed back such as confidence but it didn't happen. Instead we have a shy little girl who hides behind her best friend. Some time during her childhood she's seen Sasuke who was "strong" and "attractive" even way back in the academy days. These are the traits that Sakura probably desires herself. She WANTS to be attractive and WANTS to be strong. Who wouldn't after suffering the insults about her forehead and the feeling of weakness? Sakura loved this image enough to end her friendship with Ino, she loved it enough to hide her true self as she interacts with Sasuke, and she loved it enough to let it blind herself from Sasuke's true character. Sakura fell in love with her perception of Sasuke and not the person himself. People love what they don't have and Sasuke's image possessed the traits that Sakura doesn't. However, once we have what we want that object really isn't so attractive anymore. Which is why I believe Sakura WILL fall out of love with Sasuke.