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Member Since 08 Apr 2010
Offline Last Active Dec 20 2012 08:30 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Bakuman

03 October 2010 - 05:00 PM

The anime for Bakuman was the one I was waiting for the most in the fall...The animation quality really left some after-thoughts but the episode itself was ok(knowing what would happen, of course)
The thing I liked the most from the episode however was the OP, which made me an instant kill laugh.gif
I really like how the voice actors were chosen, because as far as it goes from the first episode, they really fit into their characters.
I am bit disappointed overall for the season because it will be quite short(24 episodes for a lengthy manga aren't quite enough). It seems that the anime might not catch the PCP ark in the manga, unless they are already prepared for a second season or will skip 10's of chapters from the manga...thinking about the latter, leaves a bitter taste however...
Overall, the season gets a generic 9/10 for now XD

In Topic: Fairy Tail

27 September 2010 - 03:18 PM

Wow, it has been some time since I posted in H&E.
Anyway, let's get some thoughts I have gathered happy.gif

Great episode. The quality seemed overly low in the first half of the episode(except the fight), but it seems they wanted to make Fantasia as best as it could. I really laughed when I saw Gray and Juvia making the ice castle. Also, it might seem that the strange man Gajeel was with, may be Ivan(?), Master's son...can't wait for the next episode.

Now we know the official rules about the contest(can't wait to see how Erza will try to stop them fu.png ) Cana and Lucy, huh? I really wonder if Lucy can participate in the tournament by opening the celestial gates (by doing so, requesting partners) There's a really heavy feeling...I hope the chapter the premonition was about will be fairly close...

In Topic: Highschool of the Dead

21 September 2010 - 08:18 PM

It was the last episode. They might make a second season if this one is popular enough in Japan but I doubt it to be very soon.

In Topic: There is still hope for onemanga

20 September 2010 - 11:15 AM

Wow, seems like a really great idea. Hope to see one of your works as well, alexander fu.png

In Topic: Highschool of the Dead

20 September 2010 - 10:57 AM

Okay, the last episode is out.
Okay episode. The animation in this episode was towards greatness. Saya(Takagi)'s parents are great. Hoping for a second second...

Overall season score: 8.5/10 , the start of the season pulling it down...