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Mojo NS

Member Since 30 Mar 2012
Offline Last Active Jun 05 2012 08:29 PM

Topics I've Started

what did Hinata mean by saying this ?

07 April 2012 - 07:23 PM

so i have a question i always ask my self and it made me worried .it's not new too and i am not sure if you talked about it before gomme but i want to talk about it
in the latest chapters , when Hinata said (wait for me , next time i will hold your hand walk beside you!) OMG r u serious ? sorry i can't hold it anymore) ok my question is : what did she mean?this conforms that Naruto did not fall for Hinata but do you think that what Hinata might do in the next chapters would make Naruto fall for her ? this thing is getting confusing and so annoying

crazy question [resolved]

30 March 2012 - 01:55 PM

ok so I'm new to this but the name of this amazing club is NARUTO X SAKURA . so basically the members are NS fans who are devoted to this pairing and can't stand other pairing
my question is : if what i said is true , why we can't bash a character ?or another pairing ?
i see many clubs and they are having fun and they talk @#%$ about our pairing , so why we are following too many rules in here ? i know bashing is not allowed but how a bout forming a forum or some place to speak freely ??and post funny pics .that really would be cool

Do you think This will happen in the future ?

30 March 2012 - 01:20 PM

this is my first time posting in here i was really confused how or where to post the Q (i"m a bakaXD)
my question is : Do you think that Kishimoto would change the story line cuz of the huge crazy naruhina fan base and end it according to them? because what i noticed reading the last chapters it's like the role of a heroin is shifted to Hinata and a very mere appearance of sakura . it is known that some authors(mangaka) response to what the fans want and end their series according to what people want so they won't lose fans=won't lose money and we all know that NaruHina fans became a majority . even at the end of episodes ( the extra ) i remember sumthing like how the staff of kishi wanted an ending with Hinata in it (the bicycle ending)..sorry i made it long but
what do you think ?

Hiiiiiii i am Mojo ^^

30 March 2012 - 10:17 AM

Ohayooo minna san ! my name is Mawj but they call me Mojo == . how do i start ?
well , i am a girl and i am 23(old ?). and a very very hardcore narusaku fan since the first episode of the anime and chapter of the manga . soo obsessed with it that when i see someone bashes this couple i just feel depressed and my whole day turns upside down ! XD . your club is awesome thank you for makin it .i hope i be your friend , so add me all !
sorry for makin it long . anyway arigato ^^ narusakuct7.gif