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Member Since 29 May 2011
Offline Last Active Dec 30 2014 04:25 PM

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In Topic: Final Fantasy XIII-2

21 March 2012 - 09:46 PM

So what were your thoughts on Caius? I actually liked him although i do not believe Noel is a good "rival" against him.

In Topic: Final Fantasy XIII-2

21 March 2012 - 03:34 AM

Just beat the game and I dont't know why most people don't like the game. I thought it was pretty good, just really disappointed about the ending.... better be a FF 13-3 with happy ending. Anyone else think SE wasnt telling the truth when they said TO BE CONTINUED means to play the other paradoxes?

I mean you never even find out what happened with Snow, Fang, or Vanille.
They never tell you why Lightning turns into crystal or why she turns into crystal on the Goddess's throne.
And Serah's vision of the future was never really shown, along with the chaos being unleashed on the world.
I really don't want SE to end 13 like this, it needs a happy ending with Snow and Serah getting married and Lightning alive.

In Topic: The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread!

14 March 2012 - 08:13 PM

After reading the new chapter and seeing Sasuke go all good guy i gotto thinkin.

What if Sasuke is now a good guy and helps the ninja alliance fight alongside Sakura and everyone?
And he begins to be all nice to everyone. Sakura sees that he has changed and maybe they start to get along romantically or something later.

And maybe the destined fight with Naruto and Sasuke will be a friendly fight after a timeskip before Naruto becomes Hokage?

I really hope for NS but what about the fact that Sasuke seems kinda like a good guy in this chapter?

In Topic: The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread!

05 October 2011 - 07:31 PM

Has there been an interview with Kishimoto within the past 4 months or something? I have not been keeping up with anything except the manga every week. Some guy on Mangastream forum said that Kishimoto basically confirmed NaruHina.

In Topic: ANBU

08 July 2011 - 05:40 PM

I think Kishi emphasized that Kakashi and Itachi both made ANBU at a really young age, after they made jounin.
So I guess that we can assume all ANBU are at least Jounin level.
At least the ones that go do field missions.