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Member Since 06 Mar 2014
Offline Last Active Aug 18 2019 02:48 AM

#842159 Naruto Gaiden 700.7

Posted by MolinMondo on 11 June 2015 - 11:54 PM

So, after my long absense away from the Naruto franchise, I discover after reading this thread that this new 'story' is so laughably bad that it makes me so glad I ditched anything to do Kishimoto.


Even more character assassination? And poor, poor Sakura, shes a complete trainwreck of a character now, as well as Naruto turning into a really pathetic character as well by the sounds of it. The plot of this story sounds like something I've seen on Jeremy Kyle, this is hilarious.


I have absolutely no care about reading this manga, but after the comments in here I actually laughed out loud at how terrible the Naruto franchise has become, and I say franchise because its nothing more than a grab for cash at this point.


Poor Naruto, poor Sakura.

#643743 Chapters 699 And 700 The End

Posted by MolinMondo on 06 November 2014 - 11:18 AM

This unconditional love Sakura has for Sasuke is truely sickening.

#639054 Chapters 699+700 spoilers

Posted by MolinMondo on 05 November 2014 - 07:16 PM

@h_kisame on Twitter, the guy who said the images yesterday were unofficial. Updated his profile with:


"I am not an assistant of Kishimoto. Please do not misunderstand. This is a NARUTO fan of Japan."

#556536 Heaven & Earth Disappointment

Posted by MolinMondo on 01 August 2014 - 10:43 PM

I'll just say that it's clear to me you're passionate to understand Naruto's character and feelings, I think almost everyone on this site is as well. And I feel the same way on your points about Obito. I see Naruto now as a person that is desperately trying to end the 'cycle of hate', which is the main plot point of this whole war arc. It makes sense to me that Naruto can forgive Obito because I believe forgiveness is a part of Naruto's character.


However I think you're being a bit too oversensitive to other people's opinions, forums are great to debate points yes? I'm not very good at debating, which is why I lurk, but I think instead of being 'disapointed' with other members, why not try to convince them?


You may not ever get them to understand your viewpoint, but in this case you can just say to yourself you understand Naruto more? We're not inferior to you, and we all love narusaku, good luck finding a place that has that kind of 'atmosphere' as you put it somewhere else.



Edit: Though of course we would prefer if you stayed. :)