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Member Since 28 Dec 2012
Offline Last Active Dec 07 2014 08:58 AM

#682317 Did the Naruto ending bend to outside pressure?

Posted by ahmadaziz on 02 December 2014 - 04:49 PM

Why are people still believing that Naruto can end up with Sakura in canon? They have already given their epilogue and it has clearly stated what happened. I don't see any reason they will change it now. Can you imagine the fallout that will occur after they change canon pairings now? The amount of flak all the staff will get from the NH and SS fanbase. They will literally set fire to the studio if their pairings are withdrawn after being made canon.


They can't tell you about the story because they will get penalized for breaking confidentiality. Even if it is something as obvious as the end pairing.


Not to mention that they have pretty much destroyed NS in these two chapters as much as they destroyed the other pairings in the whole series. That's why every body lost in the end except for the producers and those pairing fans who just wanted the bragging rights.

#681726 Did the Naruto ending bend to outside pressure?

Posted by ahmadaziz on 02 December 2014 - 07:14 AM

That was a very apt description of what happened and I couldn't have put it better myself. Hayao Miyazaki is correct in his diagnosis and the indsutry is indeed full of 'otaku'. It causes the anime/manga to only cater to a niche. Thus creating this self serving cycle where otaku create otaku art for other otaku. That is why I've not been able to really take up any manga/anime as I always feel them to be very disconnected from real life. Naruto, I only cared for because of NS, and look how that turned out.


All this sudden display of obsession with Hinata is actually making it very hard for me not to dislike her because of the way she is being forced upon other characters' development. I used to know her as the weird little girl with an obsession/crush on Naruto but now I can only describe her as the reason Naruto flopped for me. Which is really sad because all the characters had such huge potential and it was never utilized in a realistic and meaningful way.


I do hope that this changes soon as all this will do is keep the whole industry stagnant and closed to new ideas and how to execute them in more realisitc fashions.


@Tiller Amen to that. They should 'give up, on making us give up' :D

#679663 The Great NaruSaku Fic Listing III

Posted by ahmadaziz on 30 November 2014 - 01:25 PM

OMG I didn't know you joined the forum. LOL It's me HaveManners. Welcome to H&E!!

Thank you for the very kind welcome. Actually, I've been on the forum officially since the end of 2012, never really did anything much since a few days ago. Only a single post in all of two years XD


Again, really appreciate the welcome. I am glad to be here. I am sure I will have an amazing time and hopefully can make some new friends along the way.


It's really convenient for me (and amazing) that you reached out now. I was just about to list 'Goodbye Days' here, today, along with some others that I know of, but now that I know you are an active member, I think I should ask first? Have you posted it here yourself? if not, would you like to do so personally?

#677455 Retcons and abandoned subplots

Posted by ahmadaziz on 28 November 2014 - 05:05 PM


Yeah, it isn't getting better. It still feels like a betrayal.


I think the movie has most of us in a holding pattern. Even the ones who don't want to admit any hope. It's like it still isn't completely over yet. There is still one more bomb to be dropped, for good or bad.


I don't want to rain on anyone's parade but if you are a NaruSaku fan, I think all of you may want to avoid the movie. It is clear now what Kishimoto intended all along. Be it very bad writing or just plain old 'being a d***', he never intended to go NaruSaku, despite their development. That movie will just try to provide credibility to the 180 every character pulls in the last two chapters. I think it could even be criminal if he drops NS now out of nowhere, after giving an epilogue, and stating his intentions in the interview.


So save your hearts from further misery guys. Don't watch or anticipate the movie. Or do if you want to but don't expect any NS there. It would only make the pain worse.


My advice, pull a Harmony and just go EWE. Clearly the series has run out of any sort of writing resource it had, however low. So just cut your losses, use the abysmal writing and the completely OOC characters as a valid excuse to ignore the ending as hogwash and keep NS alive in your hearts.


I truly am sorry and I won't begrudge you your hopes but I really don't want to see NS fans get hurt further. They will not be making NS canon. And I am now more or less okay with just that because if, God forbid, they suddenly started using their heads and whatever creativity/ingenuity their primitive brains contain, and make NH and SS even remotely realistic, then I KNOW that would hurt me forever :P 


So really guys, epilogue, what epilogue? :D

#676761 Retcons and abandoned subplots

Posted by ahmadaziz on 27 November 2014 - 08:33 PM

I think we forgot one of the biggest. Naruto henge'd as Sasuke and complimenting Sakura's forehead. That was such a major point for so many different reasons. I am not even remotely sure how they forgot to address this one.

#676758 One Last Rant

Posted by ahmadaziz on 27 November 2014 - 08:30 PM

Guys, guys, take a chill pill. Seriously, I come to this site to find some balm for my troubled heart and all I usually find is negativity and even more negativity - no disrespect intended to anyone.


So obviously we all know that NS didn't happen according to Kishimoto. And I am super bummed about that. However, if we keep ranting about it, none of us will be able to move on. And by moving on, I don't mean forgetting NS, I mean accepting that Naruto was fiction. Fiction is the imagination of one person. If we don't like it, we can always create a better scenario for us. I am not saying that we shouldn't be sad about what transpired. What I am asking you all is to be like the Naruto you all love - the one who never gives up, not the one who we all hate - the one who did give up and is now living a life that seems miserable. So let's all stop spreading this pessimism permeating all around and try to think positively and constructively instead. Like how exactly am I going to support what I thought should have happened. For me, I took a vow

to review every NS art I come across and by contributing myself in said art's promotion and addition


That sagely message given, I too would love to add my two scents to this thread because dammit if it didn't get my blood boiling.


First off, I can respect NH as a pairing. Sure, it was forced the way it was in canon because of a lack of development and the way it is being done now is so childish, it isn't even funny but still, I can respect it and it is somewhat sweet. You know . . . in the whole reversal of NS sense. Naruto truly loved someone who never appreciated it. He then comes to understand that there is someone who has loved him all along. That is NS with a genderbend. My congratulations to NH fans.


But SS is completely despicable and utterly disgusting. There was no reason given for Sakura's crazy love for Sasuke whatsoever other than the fact that he was the coolest kid in the block at the time, and that is just shallow. Then we get all the things he has put her through. If any person takes all that punishment and abuse and still claim to love said person with all of their heart to the point of being willing to leave your whole life behind for their sake, then I am sorry but I have no respect for you, only pity. I refuse to accept this and will remember Sakura as she was, a proud, hardheaded, short tempered but still somehow caring kunoichi. sigh, I would have preferred her with Lee and that is just ewww for me for some reason. I understand that just because Naruto went to hell and back for her, doesn't obligate her to love him back but come on, what caused her to fall in love with Sasuke in the first place when all he has been is a jerk to her at his best?


Next up is why this happened. First reason is that NH made commercial sense. And Naruto was a commercial venture first and a shonen manga second. It wouldn't have existed if it didn't make money for it's creators and publishers. And this has been done so many times with so many supposedly great works of art. Take Star Wars, Princess Leia was supposed to end up with Luke, then the creators realized that Han Solo was more popular and Luke was made her brother instead. So yeah, that happened.


Second reason I guess is the target audience. It was made for 12-15 years old. At that point, you want the coolest boy who is sort of a broken toy you can fix if you are a girl and if you are a boy, you want someone who loves you despite whatever hell you put them through. That is exactly what NH and SS is. It takes a more mature mind to appreciate NS. When you get old enough to understand how relationships work and realize what you really want in your life partner. It's like high school and real life. Both have completely different and opposite standards of what is cool/desirable and what is not.


Third I think is cultural and Kishimoto's own psyche. He loves his emos, especially Sasuke as he is the character everybody in the whole Narutoverse is obsessed with for one reason or another, and surprise surprise, he is the biggest emo of them all. And then every other 'cool' guy has a sob story in Naruto, aka emoism at its finest. I think its more of a cultural thing (The Japanese love their emos, seriously, compare Japanese teenage celebs with western ones) (Not being a racist or thinking less of anyone, just stating a fact that I believe to be true. I could be wrong.) I think that had Naruto been written by a western artist and/or publisher, we would have had a very different ending on our hands. Add to that Kishi's clearly sexist idea of female roles and you get what I am talking about. Seriously, I can't think of a single major female character in the whole series that didn't have her story revolve around her 'man'. Even Kushina turns into a housewife after getting together with Minato. Lets not talk about those who couldn't find a man (Tsunade is a drunk who can't move on, Anko gets fat, Mei is obsessed with finding a husband but is forever single, the list goes on)


And last but perhaps the most relevant, Kishimoto is abysmal as a writer. He may be a great artist and I'll forever be grateful for giving me NS but seriously, his writing skills are cringe worthy. Things just happen for no reason whatsoever other than things just happen. Go figure. And this isn't just exclusive for the ending, although it is most prominent there, it has been happening all throughout the manga.


I'd also like to ask clarification about something I feel I don't understand. How exactly is Naruto the bad guy for rejecting Sakura in the Land of Iron? He did the right thing for all intents and purposes. Even if he could've been with Sakura had he accepted her, he'd always have known that it was for all the wrong reasons. She wouldn't have been happy and only confessed out of a sense of obligation. And he would have felt terrible when he realized that Sakura had to sacrifice her happiness out of her friendship with him. And that is not Naruto at all. That is the lighter version. The harsher one is that Sakura was acting selfishly then and there. She confessed to get Naruto to break his promise as she was feeling guilty because of it. That is called manipulation and after everything they've been through, he should have felt insulted that she could think of using his feelings for her to make him do something he didn't want to.


Hope I didn't offend anybody, especially with the last part. If I did, know that it's 1 am in the morning here and I have been up since 7 am yesterday. So please chalk it up to my drowsiness.


Also, I know I am being a big hypocrite for saying this after my rant above, but still guys, it's high time that we as a community started acting more positively and try to channel our energies into something creative. Share ideas for fics, collaborate on art or just plain discuss the weather but please refrain from spreading negativity. I assure you, this is only holding us down.


God I need some sleep.

#676146 The Great NaruSaku Fic Listing III

Posted by ahmadaziz on 27 November 2014 - 06:35 AM

@Namaenash That was a very awesome piece. It was natural, very well written and the flow was very smooth. Thanks for sharing. There were a few grammatical oversights here and there but they were easily ignroable. I do hope that you plan to continue with this idea as it left a lot of things hanging.


P.S. Love the quote you have in your signature. Very deep and poignant.

#646251 The Future of Heaven & Earth.

Posted by ahmadaziz on 06 November 2014 - 07:52 PM

Well, I joined this community way back when I first started getting into NS. I guess a good year and a half ago . . I had just gotten into Naruto and was hooked on NS from the start. Then my job got in the way and canon started pissing me off, (it hasn't stopped ever since) so I let go of it and found a new way to get my NS fix, fanfiction, which was a absolutely new thing for me. I guess what i am trying to say is that this is pretty much my first actual meaningful post here, I really wish it was under better circumstances but anywho . . . 


I won't lie, the ending made me pretty sad. I apologize if my words don't make it better for the rest of you but I just had a fanfic author reveal the ending in their fic and for the first few minutes, I was kinda sorta devastated. Even though I hadn't followed Naruto for almost two years, the news still hit me like a truckload. And it was pretty bad until my mind started the emotional damage control and then I logged on here to see what was what and I saw the attitude of the community and it was like a breath of fresh air. Right now, I guess I am still melancholic but I have realized that the canon is just one person's creation. It doesn't have to ruin my take on NS and all that I enjoy about it.


So I would like to thank you guys for having created this forum the way it is. I won't let go of NS as it is a huge part of my outlook on life and I hope you guys keep that love alive as well. I will be here a lot more now so my gratitude to Smiter for deciding to continue this hang out.


I do, however, hope that writers and other artists don't give up on NS. That's actually my biggest point of concern out of all of this. As I mentioned, NS introduced me to the fanfiction and I have been hooked ever since. It's NS fics now and NS art later and so on, whenever I get the time. So here is my plea to all you amazing artists and authors out there who have helped me discover so many new things in the past, I hope you continue to do so in the future. I can't really begin to tell how much I have enjoyed reading your works and I really, really wish that you keep this up. Tricksie, I am looking at you, you better not leave us hanging !!!! :)


Phew . . . now that that is out of my system, here goes nothing . . . 


Hey guys, M.A.A here (I can't find the option to change the freakin name anywhere !!!) but you may call me ahmadaziz . . . I am kinda sorta new here, even though my profile may like to say otherwise. I love NS and reading NS and watching NS and some football/soccer too . . . . I hope that we can be friends. Please take good care of me and tell me what's a guy to do around here (other than be amazed at myself for coming up with M.A.A as a nickname)