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Member Since 18 Aug 2007
Offline Last Active Sep 18 2007 01:46 AM

Topics I've Started

Fanfiction Reviewing Organization

15 September 2007 - 08:02 AM

Say, guys.

The other night I was reading another thread here, referring to fanfic writers slacking and all hose things. When I decided I should give my opinion.

The thread I talk about is the next:


And so I started writing, but I not only gave my opinion on why this lack of interest, talent or whaterver you want to call it, no; I suggested one simple thing, which I'm about to suggest to you as well.

In order to reverse this awful tendency in fanfiction, that inclues writers and reviewers, we must create an organization dedicated to review fanfics, in order for them to improve.

This organization would work within the following terms:

-If flaming is unavoidable, Do Not insult writers, instead, mark his/her errors, or suggest a Beta.

-Every review must contain constructive criticism, for the writer to improve, and will be signed with the name of the organization.

-In order to achieve an optimum performance (and growth), the organization will review every new fanfic that comes out. As this task would be impossible to comply with a few-member staff (meaning 4 or 5), to start working, the organization must start working when a decent number of members is gathered (between 10 and 15 or so).

-Each fanfic will be criticized based on the quality of the story (story-telling skills, grammar, plot development, character management, etc.), not on subjective factors.

-To avoid conflicts, each reviewer will choose a range of reviewing (and infrom it to the organization), which will be pretty much like the filter on FF.net, meaning that the following:
-Series (the series of choice to review, the first series mentioned will be the main series each reviewer will focus on)
-Character(s) (pretty obvious, isn't it?)
-Pairings (the pairings preferred by the reviewer, always marking of whisch series is the pairing, to avoid confusion)
-Status of the story to review (in-progress, complete)
-Genre (drama, angst, romance, etc)
-Rating (from K to Ma)
-Sexual content and ortientation (in case the reviewer wants to)

As an example, I will choose my RoR (Range of Reviewing).

-PenName: Hymir (I will sign as myself, and from my account, but at the end of the review, I will put a legend of sorts, like "Reviewed by the Fanfiction Reviewing Organization", or something like that)
-Series: Naruto (mainly), Death Note, Bleach (each in a smaller proportion)
-Pairings: NaruSaku (Naruto), JiraTsuna (Naruto), IchigoRukia (Bleach), LightMisa (Death Note)
-Status: All (meaning thet I choose to review any story, regardless of the state)
-Genre: All (same as above)
-Rating: T, M, Ma (as much ratings as the reviewer likes, could be 'all ratings' as well)
-Sexual Content and Orientation: Mild Sexual content (suggestive, mainly), Hetero (this could be implied in the pairing or characters section, but to avoid confusion and misunderstandings, such as the characters chosen in a story could not be a couple, but instead only the main chaacters)

-The Organzation will held a list of members (with the corresponding pen name), to avoid impostors.

-The fanfics will be rated with a numerated scale of 1 to 10, being 1 the lowest rate and 10 the highest.
-1 (flooded with errors)
-2 (not too good, not too bad)
-3 (could be better)
-4 (might improve)
-5 (interesting)
-6 (good)
-7 (nice)
-8 (great)
-9 (excellent)
-10 (superb)

-The organization will promote those fics considered, at least interesting (given a rate of at least 5), but not before it gets the consentiment of a staff members promoting board (of at least 10 members, which can be chosen randomly and will have to read the story in question). This is to encourage other authors to improve their writing, so the can be mentioned and pomoted as well.

-Each menber of the organization must follow the No Insult rule mentioned before, violating it will fall under penalty of temporary banning or expelling.
In the future we could add more rules and terms, but that is depending to you guys.

So, I hope you like the idea, for this is a big project, with high expectatives that could be achieved within a small time lapse.

But the principal objective of this project is to improve the quality of fanfics, by promoting and critcizing.

So, if you are interested, reply to this messaage saying a simple "I'm in", or whatever you like.

And please, add your own RoR with the reply, so we can start right away, and tell other readers and writers, for this project could grow further than one series, and expand to a whole lot of them.

Thanks for your time, and really... consider this oportunity to make a difference, one for good.


25 August 2007 - 12:46 AM

Hi guys, uhm, I open this thread to let you know my fic. It's called "winter" and I want to know if you like it. Also, I'd be pleased ifyou discussed and gave me ideas or suggestions about what can be done or... stuff.

Please, I beg you not to flame here, instead, flame elsewhere. But constructive criticism is welcome.

With no further to say, I'll leave you the link to the story. That I updated today and is already in chapter three. Enjoy, R&R.

Chapter I

Chapter II

Chapter III

Help with a fic, a weird one, though.

18 August 2007 - 02:07 AM

I was thinking about a New fic, that... how can I say this, it'sbeen on my head for a while.

Well, since I saw the movie "Pride and prejudice" and read the Jane Austin's book (homonimous); and I was thinking, what would be like to insert the Naruto Characters in the Victorian Era?

At first, I laughed at the sole idea, but then, ideas started to gather up and it seems to be a good one after you think about it for a while.

But the thing is that the fic needs to be written the way stories of that age were written, you know, riddle talking, beautitude in every word and every sentence, and very descriptive, humor and drama interwined, angst and romance going hand-by-hand, and that kind of stuff (the way Jane Austin wrote the book).

The thing is, that this cannot be a One-man project, that would take a lifetime between corrections, points of view, and many, many other things.

Thus, I invite you, those with real talent on writing and/or vast amounts of imagination, to contribute on this huge project, that could turn out to be one of the best, if not the best Naruto fanfic ever, but that only depends on you, and you only.

Oh, by the way, this doesn't mean that I'll stop writing "Winter", no, that story will go on a long time (at least until I feel it's done).

And, every colaborator (writer, editor, corrector, beta, idea-apporting personel, etc.) will be given the corresponding credit they deserve, and, if wanted, the specific apport will be mentioned, but that's up to each one of the involved parts.

Again, this is an ambitious project, so, if you consider it worthy, enrole, and tell this to other authors that you think might show interest and be a great colaboration for the project.

Once again, thank you for reading this post, and if you think you could join in this project, that would be awesome.

Comment Please.