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Member Since 18 Jun 2009
Offline Last Active Nov 20 2009 02:23 AM

Topics I've Started

Would Kishimoto...

16 November 2009 - 11:13 PM

Would Kishimoto likely draw something sexual between his characters?

I don't mean like THAT. 111189.gif They're his characters... but, like... yeah. You get me, don't you? rolleyes.gif

I mean, like NaruSaku, or SasuKarin, or god forbid, NaruHina? Is he even capable of it, or would he just skip it cause it would be out of place?

I'm rather curious...

Shippuden 116 ~ Keeper of the Iron Prison

02 July 2009 - 03:01 PM

And so... we have Karin. More canon with the absolutely delicious taste of filler! [/endsarcasm] It was rather irritating really. Her "flashback", although it made sense.

I'm no Karin hater, but I wanted to beat Sasuke's head in when he "saved" her... and I was praying, just praying, for that seagull to take a crap on Sasuke's head... but no.

Suigetsu vs. Karin was good comic relief... although the animation was about 50/50 sucky, and decent.

Team Hebi looked awesome in the opening, no? The Sasuke vs. Itachi thing was foreshadowing, ehehe. The ending made me LAWL. Beach fanservice? Wasn't there an ending like that in the original series also? Alas, our favorite jinchuuriki in a speedo... and Gaara in a "what the hell is that?" kinda bathing suit... nice song though biggrin.gif

Shippuden 115 ~ Zabuza's Blade

25 June 2009 - 01:37 PM

huh.gif It was filler. Well, it was filler involving Suigetsu anyway, and finding Zabuza's sword which apparently wasn't there. a_shifty.gif

On the bright side, Suigetsu made me laugh at the show like I haven't in a while... his characterization was 111189.gif cool. Karin next, huh. Mystery solved, I've been wondering how her name was pronounced for just about eons... a_thumbs.gif

Lawl, in the preview for 116 Karin was licking her lips very ominously a_plotting.gif what could it mean? wow.png

7/10 Animation - sorta sucked at some points...