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Member Since 13 Nov 2008
Offline Last Active Nov 15 2009 02:59 AM

Topics I've Started

Hey cool... my first blog

13 November 2008 - 06:38 PM

Ya know I've always wanted to do one of these things just never knew where to go to start.. okay here goes... My name is Mindy and I have always considered myself a writer... at least up til recently... see I've always been self-conscious about my work ( honestly in a lot of things in my life lol) so I have never really let anybody read any of my stuff besides school work or such, however recently I just thought of this... how can I be a writer when all I do is talk about it? Not to mention the major writer's block... so many ideas yet so hard to get down.. so yeah to mark off my first official blog I hope you can give me any ideas and suggestions.. I'd love to do the same for whatever anybody needs!