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Member Since 02 Apr 2007
Offline Last Active Dec 08 2008 07:19 PM

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In Topic: NaruSaku Fic Recommendations

22 November 2008 - 08:52 PM

Title: Pink Umbrellas

Author: Feilyn
Genre: Humor/Romance; AU (?)
Rating: T
Status: One-shot
Summary: Sakura's a disillusioned bar tender, and Naruto's been stalking her a month now. However, once she actually takes the time to get to know him, she wonders if she hasn't been a little quick to judge. NaruSaku

Reason of recommendation: It's a very sweet One-shot which is about the development about Sakura's feelings towards Naruto and of course Pink Umbrellas tongue.gif .

Warnings: Some Sexual themes (?)

In Topic: NaruSaku Fic Recommendations

30 April 2008 - 07:34 PM

Title: Arguing With Myself
Author: Aedien
Genre: Friendship/Romance
Rating: T
Status: Three-Shot
Summary:As the dynamics of Team 7 change and they grow up Naruto and Sakura begin to realize that their relationship is changing too. They just aren't sure what it's turning into.
Reason of recommendation: It's showing the difference between Naruto and Sakura in the same situation. One chapter is written from Sakura's POV and the other is from Naruto's POV. The fic suprised me because you could really feel Sakura's excitement and Naruto's negativeness.

"I've been re-watching a lot of Shippuuden and it amazes me how little real confidence Naruto has. He always acts tough, but it's all superficial, inside he always seems to be doubting himself. Sakura on the other hand acts like she's unsure of herself, and insists that she's the weakest part of the team, but inside she is always pushing herself harder, and cheering herself on. I think it's an interesting dynamic and I've tried to reflect the idea in both chapters of this fic." - Aedien, the Author

Warnings: None .. I think