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Member Since 20 Feb 2013
Offline Last Active Jan 07 2019 11:31 PM

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In Topic: Chapters 699 And 700 The End

06 November 2014 - 05:47 PM

First of all thank you guys for  taking your time out  link these chapters  asap you do good work  seriously thank you and second.


I can't believe this I just can't (sigh) I know it's just a story but it just devastates me I mean I have been following this series since it was brand new  and  everything seemed so sure to me.

Just oh my goodness I'm sorry this may sound stupid but I can never  involve myself with anything Naruto related again  and I never want to  read  anything  from Kishi ever again.


It's  like he purpopsely set up all these signs just go oh just kidding. For me it's like a  feeling of betrayal similar to another  piece of media  that  released which I will not bother to name. Anyways I know I have not been posting much on this forum but again thank you for your commitment and I don't know any of you but I respect you.

In Topic: Naruto 678

31 May 2014 - 10:36 AM

That was an ok chapter, I know I'm picky sorry. However  Gaara's dream  made it better for me, and for the record I am a guy, but I am going to say this anyways.  Gaara's dream makes me want to support NaruGaa it's just sooooo cute :wibble:  . Not  saying it's my OTP though that spot is of course reserved for :narusaku: .     Also thanks for the chapter links