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Member Since 09 Nov 2007
Offline Last Active Nov 15 2009 01:07 AM

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Naruto AU/Crossover Abilities Datasheet

13 April 2008 - 02:25 PM

Its a datasheet I made at a moment of inspiration. Since I'm not going to write a fanfic out of it, you guys can have it. Just don't forget to give credit.

Name : Alaister Wendel [CLASSIFIED: Uzumaki Naruto]
Age: 17
Height: 5’ 10”
Date Of Birth: 10th October

History: Initial history unknown. [CLASSIFIED: Personal testimony indicates to accidental dimensional transfer] Currently living as an adopted son/heir to Mary and Marcus Wendel.

Class: Manipulator [CLASSIFIED: Summoner/Rune Master]

Attributes: Generalized manipulation abilities, with aptitude for air manipulation

Affiliation: Unknown (possibly a Light magic knight)

Threat Level: C [CLASSIFIED: Unofficial Threat Level S]

Inherent Unique Abilities:
Advanced Air Manipulation
Large Mana Reserves (make that Huge, but no one needs to know that)
Advanced Fast Heal

Derived Abilities:
Elemental Rasengan (Elements: Wind, Ice-dependent on moisture content in air, Fire, Lightening)

Fire Manipulation (obtained by changing oxygen concentration in air alongwith an inflammable aerosol subject carries with him/control weaker than genuine Fire Manipulation but can be combined with air currents for increasing power output)

Water Manipulation (obtained by enveloping and infusing water bodies with air and controlling by proxy/can condense water molecules from air when necessary/control and power weaker than genuine Water Manipulation)

Earth Manipulation (same as above)

Ice Manipulation (obtained by freezing the water by using air currents/used in conjunction with Water Manipulation for maximum effect/cannot be used solo)

Lightening Manipulation (obtained by ionizing air between source and target/shorter range than genuine Lightening Manipulation but has a lot more control over power output)

NB: Subject has the conventional Elemental Manipulations as well, but they are severely atrophied
For example, subject's actual Fire Manipulation is limited to creating a spark.
NB: Elemental Manipulation is a hard skill to acquire but is still pretty common. However most Manipulators only have control over at most two elements. And as of now, Elemental Rasengan can only incorporate two elements at the subject’s level of control. Opposing elements cannot be used together and similar elements, too, have limitations on combining.
Aura Of Perception (obtained by infusing air around subject with mana - chakra, as subject calls it/Maximum radius: 30m/Can be compressed to form Aura Of Control)

Aura Of Control (obtained by infusing air around subject with mana/Maximum thickness: 10cm/Usual thickness: 1cm/basically used as armor/Elemental infusion possible)

Aura Of Intent (obtained by infusing air around target with mana/air pressure control and increase or decrease of carbon dioxide content in air/used for intimidation or soothing)

Flying/Levitation (obtained by creating pressure differences around subject’s body/requires cloak as it cannot by used directly on body/modified AOC/unrelated to normal Flying or Levitation)

Water Breathing (obtained by using Aura Of Control to create air bubble around subject’s body that filters oxygen from water and maintains constant pressure/Maximum depth: 70m)

Wind Tentacles (obtained by compressing Aura Of Control further into localized zones above pectoral muscles/cannot use arms at the same time/Elemental infusion possible/Maximum range: 5m/No. Of Tentacles: 2)

NB: Aura abilities require large amount of concentration and mana, so subject can only perform one ability at a time, and switching from one ability to another takes time. Amount of concentration required is directly proportional to time taken for ability switch, though subject does not need to go through intermediate stages, which improves ability switch speed.

Additional Abilities:
Kage Bunshin (shinobi combat/recon technique, allows user to create solid clones)
Rasengan (pure mana manipulation)
Kawarimi (shinobi replacement technique/allows user to replace subject with comparable object in the environment)
Shunshin (Kawarimi with air)
Henge (shinobi camouflage technique/requires a bit of concentration and can be dispelled by hard knocks)
Mana Reinforcement (forces targeted muscles to perform faster and stronger/lactic acid buildup becomes slower)
[CLASSIFIED: Summon (summons familiars from another dimension/Personal Summon Clan: Toads]
[CLASSIFIED: Runes (otherwise called Seals/subject’s understanding of this particularly hard and old skill is very high]

Cloak (used both for defense and offense/indirect application of air manipulation/weighted)
Seal Tags (explosive, shock, mana detection, proximity)
Katana (Skill Level: above average)

Combat Style:
Focus on speed, damage and evasion, as subject cannot form even a low level “magic” barrier.
Prefers to use traps over direct combat.
Vulnerable to fast or large area-of-effect magic. Resistant to mid level physical attacks due to healing factor and a barrier magic of unknown nature [CLASSIFIED: Aura Of Control]
NB: don’t bother with slower magic, subject will simply dodge it.

AN: Inspiration for - Air Manipulation (Avatar: The Last Airbender/Naruto's wind affinity)
Fire Manipulation (Roy Mustang, FMA)
Aura abilities (Kuzumi Taiga, Mx0)
Wind Tentacles (Lucy, Elfen Lied/Dordonii, Bleach)

A Petition To NaruSaku fans

02 March 2008 - 11:30 AM

Well, seems like we have been noticed, just not in the way we would like to be. It looks like some of us have taken to radical means (the ways of those we debate against)

The Petition

Please do not flame the author or something similar, even though they are trying to provoke us.
Its still in bad taste IMHO.

Crossover Challenge

17 February 2008 - 04:52 AM

Okay what am I doing here again? Ah yes, a challenge. Oh yes, I know what a challenge should be.... a crossover.
I read up Mahou Sensei Negima over the past few days and an idea struck me. Why not a NarutoxNegima crossover? The basic idea is this..

1>Naruto is teleported to Negima-verse during a freak gate accident between the Old World and New World.
2>Naruto's mental age is 20 while his body lost its age to become 14. Negi and Kotarou are 14 as well(so no more age pills). Naruto loses his abilities for some time as his body tries to adjust to the new environment.
3>Harem!!! (This is the main reason why I got this idea anyway). It doesn't matter whose harem it is, but don't go too far, keep the rating close to K+ (at most T).
4>Naruto is being pursued by the Mage's Council for being a Shadow (a mage without records, a potentially dangerous person, an outlaw). You know the punishment...ermine.
5>Chakra=Kanka, Naruto can't use ki or magic separately, but his kanka abilities are very high compared to the primitive kanka techniques used here.
6>and no "no jutsu" shouts please, keep it consistent to Negima-verse.
7>Finally, NO kyuubi. The premise for a 20 year old Naruto is to have survived the bijuu extraction ritual.

The surprise potential is a western looking person using eastern style magic (or this is what it seems to people). And my pervy mind can't keep itself out of the ecciness of the situation. nosebleed8rx.gif a_spaz.gif The idea is good enough to write a story but as I'm too lazy to write myself I'd like someone to write it for me.


Art Crash!!

15 December 2007 - 03:18 PM

Sitting at home doing nothing does no good to me, so I decided to brush up my rusty sketching skills once again. So here we have a collection of sketches that I make using a pencil, an eraser and paper (sometimes a pen as well)

This one is a concept art of a chapter from my fic-The Timeless Man

This is my avatar for the H&E Sky Universe RPG

Summon activation. H&E Sky Universe RPG.

All these are sketches made on a pretty small writing pad as I was too lazy to go buy A4 sized sheets. All the pics are taken using my cellphone/s camera, as I don't have a scanner. Expect a few more based on Naruto fics, as I have planned one for I Live On (Wilson) and Ryuusei no Kyuubi (Shouri)