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Sav from Australia

Member Since 01 Jun 2013
Offline Last Active Nov 13 2014 04:12 AM

#657787 Don't Blame Kishi

Posted by Sav from Australia on 11 November 2014 - 10:28 PM

Hideo kojima the Creator of metal gear solid was in a similar position with the fourth one. He was tired of the series (he spent at least 13 straight years working on it) and wanted to move on to something else. In the end; the game felt under the standards of its own series. However, the ending was Worth it, he actually gave resolutions to everyone and did not spit on the message of his series. Raiden (the player who hated and did not understand the beautiful message of 2) backtracked on his character development but in the end the protagonist (kojima) still managed to make him understand what the author was trying to each. Kojima was tired but never conceded defeat on what the series was mainly about (the message of 2 of being your own man and choosing your own life) until the very end.


^^  Thanks for the excellent example of a creator not kittening on his artform.  The message, its all about the message.  And the mangaka failed himself and his characters.

#648756 Chapters 699 And 700 The End

Posted by Sav from Australia on 07 November 2014 - 01:47 PM

Im not sure but we get the chapter way earlier than them (japan) for some odd reason.

I have a lot of friends who are NH and SS fan (because i was one of them before).
they were all in a high even before they read the manga. I can totally understand them. They even tell me that its not too late for me to go back..but i said i couldnt..when they finally calmed down i asked them:

Does this really satisfy you?
Without any ounce of doubt... does this really feel like a complete win? Do you guys just want to win so badly that its okay whatever the method is to achieve it?
are you gonna ignore the elephant in the room that is Naruto's feelings and Sakura's surprising growth towards Naruto.

Since i too loved nh and ss before..and a small part of me stayed there even after i ship NS. I just want to say that ending wouldnt satisfy that small part of me. If they had done it so like what they did with NS development then i might have accepted all of this now.

That small part of me that is ss and nh felt INSULTED.

They ended up together but they never won the fight. It was just handed, spoonfed, BUT NEVER WON. NO FEELING OF REWARD. thats why it could not satisfy.
It was half cooked, unprepared and was not won. Because it did not fight head on.

Naruto and Sasuke had to fight head on to arrive at an agreement and realization. But kishi did not allow this.

Its like you won but did not even fight because you ran away with the trophy before the battle even start.

Idk.. i told myself before that regardless of how the shipping ends i would still be happy nonetheless bec i love the characters and i could easily adapt to whatever the outcome is. But it didnt. 700 was like a different manga. Too different that i could not recognize the characters. There was no connection. It isnt just about the pairings.. everything else seems out of place. Naruto's son felt and did the same way young Naruto did and felt as an orphan which is worst.. because he felt that loneliness even if his parents are both alive.

Im trying to cope with this epilogue by reading other mangas but it only makes me want to see NaruSaku badly. I want to see Naruto happy and determined like he does before 700. But the man i saw that ending doesnt have any spark. What is the meaning of him being a hokage now anyway? Does that hokage meeting bear more significance than Naruto being with his family, overjoyed and has this feeling of completeness??


Excellent comment.  I have run out of likes but this was too good to say something.  The ending section was indeed like something entirely different.

#648718 Chapters 699 And 700 The End

Posted by Sav from Australia on 07 November 2014 - 01:26 PM

I don't know about Japan, i'm talking about other parts of the world. Everyone seems happy and Tumblr is a mess, I don't even wanna go there anymore, I might unfollow all the Naruto accounts.



Yeah I noticed this as well.  It seems alot, and I mean alot, of people are happy about the way Naruto ended.  I understand people had their shipping pairs, etc.  But if these people who are so happy had actually paid attention to the characters and storyline rather than their shipping pair, they would realise that everyone - every single character - is out of character.  This is some twilight zone version of what the characters in Naruto are actually like.


It is ludicrous that these people who are so happy actually understand anything about plots and character development.  They just cared about their shipping.  I just wanted logic.  Naruto x Sakura was logical on all accounts.  That people are happy shows their true appreciation for storytelling and manga.

#646193 Chapters 699 And 700 The End

Posted by Sav from Australia on 06 November 2014 - 07:37 PM

Well I suppose the mangaka was lucky to have gotten a hit and rolled with it.  But this sort of ending shows his true worth as an author.


And the way he has asspulled his characters, shows his true worth as a man.


There are other mangaka.  Ones who respect their characters and fictional worlds they create.  I will go read their work.  Time is too precious to waste on a-holes who pull this kind of nonsense.


But one warning.  Money does not buy happiness.  To sell yourself out like this has real repercussions for the soul.  You invest time and energy into something to see it destroyed and perverted by your own hand.  I pity the man or mangaka rather who chooses such a fate for a few pieces of silver.

#646082 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Sav from Australia on 06 November 2014 - 07:13 PM

How does NH canon make the mangaka richer?


Btw, who agrees that mangaka that do not respect their characters are the worst.  Annoying.  Sell out.  Soulless.  Shang Sung must have taken it.


Is it possible that the released chapter is fake?

#473249 NaruSaku Moments You Wish Happened?

Posted by Sav from Australia on 05 June 2013 - 01:09 PM

@Darkrerst 9.08am


"I guess you have to make a choice first :)"


Do you mean a choice between Sakura and Hinata or a choice between the bolded words "Naruto had kissed Sakura" and "not overly romantic"?

If its choice between girls, then yeah I suppose so.


If its the bolded words, what I meant is more to do with the scene in The Last Samurai.  The protaganist has this relationship with the widow of the enemy he killed and well, its the sort of passionate kiss at the end of the movie that you don't see in majority of movies (which is why I chose it as example) - because its not 'lovey-dovey', its more last kiss before I will probably die, trying to convey my feelings kiss.  I'm not sure if its fits with Naruto's character 100% though, but its just my own personal preference. :D

#472966 NaruSaku Moments You Wish Happened?

Posted by Sav from Australia on 05 June 2013 - 08:46 AM

I wish Naruto had kissed Sakura before the war started, like in movies where the hero is going to go off to battle and he kisses his wife/lover before heading off - not overly romantic, just showing deep emotions (think the scene in The Last Samurai, a movie where there is only one romantic moment in the whole movie) :D


That would have made me happy.  But I suppose he didn't even know there was going to be a war.