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Member Since 13 Apr 2012
Offline Last Active Jun 02 2012 07:26 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Excuse ME ?!

17 April 2012 - 05:26 AM

Sorry no matchstick around...

Go on a D-rank mission!

In Topic: Does NaruSaku have a fandom day?

16 April 2012 - 05:30 AM

Well, I'm just suggesting, what about the day this heaven and earth family first started? I mean its for the NaruSaku fans, by the NaruSaku fans and of the NaruSaku fans isn't it? smile.gif Although I don't know whether all of them are here, but majority are... So why not give it a thought?

In Topic: NaruSaku: The Future

15 April 2012 - 12:28 PM

Oh sorry.. I'm new here.. Please don't mind... So how do I move it to the general thread?

In Topic: NaruSaku: The Future

14 April 2012 - 02:26 PM

Kishimoto-san did say at some point that Naruto was about hardships and diifcult reltionships, so may be what you' re saying is right.. But I just don't want that second possibility to come true shamefulcry0js.gif Anyways thanks. a_thumbs.gif

In Topic: Losing hope in narusaku

14 April 2012 - 02:15 PM

Three reasons why we can’t lose hope in NaruSaku:
- Many are worried about the love-letter incident, initially I was too but then I thought of it a bit differently. I think from what I’ve seen happen in many animes, Sakura’s thoughts were ‘muted’, kept silent ( For instance in Naruto movie 2 Naruto tells something to Sasuke.But only his lips are shown to move, his words are not revealed first. But later when Sasuke almost reaches Orochimaru’s hideout, he’s shown to reminisce about what Naruto said,; only then we hear Naruto’s words-“I’ll definitely bring you back to Konoha” or something like that along those lines). Being an optimistic person I’d like to think Sakura’s thoughts on the lines of an apology… She’s probably apologizing to Sasuke that she has moved on and thus the sad expression on her face. Then she speaks of working together with Naruto and as KnS has quite minutely deciphered her words(@KnS thank you very much your explanation of that part really lifted my spirits up)in that chapter it is worth hoping that NaruSaku will happen after all.
- Second, the many similarities between Kushina and Sakura-“Red Hot Habanero” and “Billboard Brow”. Both had their share of insecurities but eventually came to accept and finally love their drawbacks and also the men who appreciated them. Both had their own “hair- cutting or tearing “ moments LOL!! Both had tendencies to beat up people on being offended by them although Sakura mostly hits Naruto…
- Uchiha Sasuke was never meant to be a part of any romantic pairing as such. His character was modeled on the idea of a ‘perfect rival’. He’s supposed to act as the catalyst, he advances the plot as well as the NaruSaku developments without actually taking part in it. As for Hinata, she has had her own share of character development, I admit she has worked hard to grow stronger, but then again she was never the leading lady inspite of being quite the ‘heroine’ that she is. Moreover if NaruHina was to happen, why start NaruSaku at all?
Kishimoto-san could easily underplay Sakura’s character right in part 1 but that didn’t happen, instead Naruto vowed to protect her and Sasuke with his life and made the POAL.

So, my conclusion is that NaruSaku is inevitably going to happen. As for Sasuke, I never quite understand him at all(Hey, I’m no Naruto, for it is only he who can truly understand Sasuke). I do have my sympathies for him, but I really don’t quite get the idea of ‘revenge’. Well, I would really feel a bit sad for leaving Hinata heartbroken, but then again, “All’s fair in LOVE and war!”
Sorry for the never-ending passages… Considering me as a novice amongst all of you (I’m just 5 posts old in this forum), please go easy on me. LOL!