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Denim the 88th's Drabble Corner

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#61 Cloud



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Posted 20 November 2008 - 02:50 AM

Hey, Denim?


#62 Paradox Jast

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Posted 20 November 2008 - 06:13 AM

Ahhh, NaruTayu, probably my favorite crack pairing.


#63 Denim88


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Posted 02 December 2008 - 07:46 AM

A drabble idea, partly inspired by krisk.

lulz, babysitting --Click here to view--
Moegi often wondered why she had decided to work as Naruto's secretary after he became the Rokudaime. She supposed it was because she felt she owed it to him, seeing as he had done so much to help her and Konohamaru when the first started dating...like giving them easy missions, and letting him work shorter periods of time at the Academy.

However, after baby sitting the exhausting (yet still adorable) Nikkou Uzumaki, she was beginning to wonder how much of her job description this entailed. She was the secretary of the Hokage...not his childcare provider.

“"Nikkou-chan, get back here! I need to get your diaper on!"

“"Hehehaha, no way! You gots to catch me!"” giggled a three year old Nikkou, who was currently wearing only her t-shirt and nothing else...she was also heading out of the Uzumaki clan household at a full sprint...well, as fast as a three year old could go.

Good thing it was spring.

- - - - - -

“"Well, Gaara, we have a spare bedroom if you need one. You know that you are always welcome to stay here with Sakura and I."


Naruto didn't waste a moment, and turned to see his only daughter sprinting to him. Almost by reflex, he knelt down and held out his arms as she jumped into them. He held her and laughed as she messed his hair up, and only after he opened his eyes to look into his daughter's blue eyes did he realize that his daughter was not only away from Moegi, but she was not wearing any pants or diaper.

“"Nikkou-chan...what are you doing out here?"

“"Hehehehe! Hiding from Moegi!"

Naruto gave her a sigh with a grin, "Nikkou-chan, that's not very nice of you. Moegi worries about you when you-"

“"Ah! Nikkou! There you are!" The blond turned to see none other but the Chunin kunoichi running to the three,“"Ah, I'm sorry Naruto-sama! I lost her for only a second, and she-"

“"Easy, Moegi-chan. I know you didn't leave her unattended on purpose. She can be a real handful.” Naruto turned to Nikkou, “Now, what do you say to Moegi?"”

Nikkou gave an adorable, sheepish frown, "Sorry, Moegi..."

Moegi sighed, and took the girl from her father, "You're lucky I brought a diaper young lady...now come on, let's go get you ready for your nap."

“"Awwww, but I don't wanna go take a nap!"

Moegi decided to fall on her back-up plan, "Well, if you do, I'll take you to get some ramen afterwards..."

“"Yaaaay!" Nikkou glomped the kunoichi as much as she could, earning a chuckle from the orange haired teen.

Naruto watched his only daughter walk down the road with a girl he had watch grow from an Academy student to a young adult shinobi of the village he was running now, "They grow up so fast, Gaara..."”

“"...and Sachi's turning two in a month..." Gaara added with a smile, "I always wondered what kind of father you'd be. Temari tells me that you spoil them already..."

Naruto snorted as he folded his arms, "They're just toddlers! Of course I'm spoiling them!" Naruto paused for a moment, and spoke, "Besides...what kid doesn't like attention from their parents at that age?"

Gaara nodded, knowing what Naruto meant, being a man with a relatively lonely childhood himself.

After fifteen minutes, the two eventually reached a fork near Naruto's house, "I think Shikamaru and Temari-neesan wanted me to stay with them for the night. I'll stop over tomorrow so that we can have that meeting on the plans for the Suna-Konoha council meeting two weeks from today."

“"Sounds good, Gaara." Naruto waved goodbye to his friend as he headed to the Nara clan household (which was just down the road from the still relatively new Uzumaki clan estate).

Naruto got to his house to see Moegi in a chair with a sleeping Nikkou in her lap. Moegi looked up and smiled, "She was out within ten minutes..." the orange haired girl whispered, "Sakura just got home with Sachi. I think he's sleeping right now in his room."”

Naruto was thankful for Moegi and her willingness to babysit the kids this evening. He had been worried that he would have to celebrate Sakura's birthday with the kids tonight. Not that he didn't love them...but he wanted to have time with just the two of them.

Sakura came down the stairs and smiled to Naruto, "Sachi's out like a light. He'll be sleeping for at least three hours." She turned to Moegi, "Moegi, thanks again for doing this for us, especially on such short notice."”

Moegi just grinned, "Not a problem. They're a handful, but I love the two to death." Nikkou stirred a bit, and Moegi smiled, "I think I'll put her to bed too for her nap."”

“"We'll be out till midnight at latest. Help yourself to anything in the fridge and pantry. If there's an emergency, the Naras are only a block away from us. Shikamaru will be home all night and he knows where almost everything is here. If Nikkou starts getting cranky when you put her down for bed tonight, she sometimes likes it when you give her a glass of fruit juice and having a story read to her. Her favorite book is 'The Gutsy Ninja' and it's-"

“"Naruto, enough...Moegi's babysat for us plenty of times before." Sakura rolled her eyes at her husband, "Now let's go before we wake up the kids."

Naruto chanced a glance at his daughter and then waved bye to Moegi as Sakura practically pushed him out the door.

Moegi laughed quietly as she watched the two walk out the door. She then carried Nikkou up to her room and tucked her into her bed. Afterwards, she walked downstairs and made herself a late lunch. She had a few hours to herself until the kids would wake up anyway.


“"...and then Konohamaru caught Tora, but got scratched up really badly!" Moegi said, finishing her story. Nikkou began laughing while Sachi giggled as well, seeing his sister do so.

“"Moegi, can we go to the park?" Nikkou said with pleading eyes.

“"Park!" Sachi repeated, clapping his hands and smiling. Moegi sighed with a grin, seeing that she was defeated..

Fifteen minutes later found the trio at a park, playing with kids while Moegi watched. She was sitting at a park bench while the two siblings played no more than twenty feet from her. She was relieved to see other kids for the two to play with.

“"Moegi? What are you doing here?"

The orange-haired girl turned to see her old Academy teacher, "Iruka-sensei! Hey!" She got up,“"I'm watching Naruto and Sakura's kids tonight. It's Sakura's birthday and whatnot."

Iruka nodded, "Yeah, I decided to take Kiun to the park, he seems to be having a good time with the two. They haven't played together in a while."

The sound of a shout and groan of protest was heard, and Kiun ran to his father, his messy brown hair almost covering his eyes, "Dad! Nikkou kissed me on the cheek! Now I got to go to the hospital so I don't get germs!"

Iruka blinked for a second before bursting out in laughter, "Hahahaha! Oh, I wouldn't worry about that, Kiun. You're fine. Girls don't carry germs. Trust me, years from now, you'll want girls to be kissing you!"”

“"Nu-uh! That's gross!" Kiun protested,“"I'm never gonna have a girlfriend!"

Iruka chuckled,“"I'll remember this conversation for when you're older, Kiun..." He turned to Moegi, "Well, Moegi, we should get going. Anko no doubt is getting hungry, and I said I'd pick up some dango on the way home. Later!"”

Moegi waved bye to her former instructor, and turned to see Nikkou grinning from ear to ear, "I'm going to marry Kiun someday!"”

Moegi raised an eyebrow, and just laughed, "Really now?"”

“"Uh-huh! I kissed him!"”

Moegi laughed, and went to go get Sachi before he decided to put anymore sand in his mouth. The three headed back to the Uzumaki estate afterwards, and played for a few hours. Moegi then made dinner, and after they were done eating, she read them a few stories and by eight o' clock she had the two in bed.

Midnight was soon upon Moegi, and she had found herself awakened by a light shaking of the shoulders. She opened one eye to see Sakura, "Moegi-chan, we're back."”

Moegi stretched a bit, and yawned before speaking, "Sachi was in bed by half past seven, and Nikkou fell asleep by eight. Nikkou had fun at the park today; she said she was going to marry Kiun after she kissed him on the cheek."”

Sakura shook her head as she chuckled, "She's been giving poor Kiun-kun nothing but trouble for the past month with that kind of stuff. Poor kid doesn't get a break from his parents either; Iruka-sensei practically favors it, and Anko's already talking about what having grandchildren will be like."

Moegi laughed, "I can imagine..."”


Naruto and Sakura waved goodbye to Moegi as she walked home. Naruto decided not to tell Sakura or the younger kunoichi about the two ANBU he had assigned to make sure she got home safely...Moegi would no doubt get annoyed by his worrisome ways. Then again, she might not complain, seeing as Naruto gave her fifty extra ryo for babysitting when Sakura wasn't looking.

“"So...Nikkou's already staked claim on Kiun, huh?" Naruto asked.

Sakura nodded, "She's already taking after her father with love interests..."

Naruto laughed,“"Well, if she's anything like me, she'll be snagging Kiun up when the time's right. The Uzumaki family charm works like that..."

Sakura laughed, "Oh, so that's why I married you!" She was then wrapped up in a pair of strong arms.

“"Nah, you just love me, that's all." Naruto replied, "Happy birthday, Sakura."

Sakura raised an eyebrow, "...you mean that's it for my birthday? Nothing else?"”

Naruto rubbed his head...he gave her a necklace...chocolates...a pair of new training gloves...new earrings...

Sakura laughed at his befuddled look, and kissed him lightly, "Baka, I'll be in our room waiting..." She walked into the house, leaving Naruto with a small grin on his face.

“"Heh, be right there, Sakura..." Naruto replied, following her into the house.

He'd have to make sure to activate the soundproof seals on the bedroom walls tonight...

Gimme a break, 'kay?

Denim88's fanfiction page!!!

#64 krisk


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Posted 02 December 2008 - 08:33 AM



now that was some adorable next-generation fluff man. bravado. 8Db


iz okay.

islu. xD

#65 Denim88


    I have my moments, believe it or not.

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  • Interests:Hm, interests...well, I was one of those crazy nuts that knew all the pokemon back when that was the big thing...still do know them all (cough). I happen to be a very strong supporter of NarutoxSakura pairing. I really enjoy wildlife and the outdoors. I'm a gamer I guess...yeah, okay, I am. Let's see, what else could I put down...um, I love reading, writing, and biking too. Comedy movies are the best...um yeah. Kind of a weak interests section, but whatever.<br /><br />Ah, yes, I guess I should mention that my stories are also able to be viewed on fanfiction.net. You can find me under the name Denim88 on there too.

Posted 07 December 2008 - 05:19 AM

Just in time for the Holidays!!! 8D

Naruto, the Gift Giving Shinobi --Click here to view--

Naruto shivered as more of the frozen water managed to get into his boots. Dang...he wasn't used to this snow...

...then again, Konoha didn't receive much of an annual snowfall during the winter. This weather was do to a rare weather pattern that happened about once every ten years. Needless to say, the blond wasn't going to let some snow stop him from his quest.

Naruto had taken the money he earned from all the missions he had taken in the past years and decided to put it towards a good cause. He bought himself a red suit with a hat, and almost 10,000 ryo worth of toys, food, candy, and clothing. He was now at his first stop; the Konoha Orphanage.

Naruto managed to open a window (seeing as the place had no chimney) and using the stealth he had gained from years of being a shinobi. He tiptoed across the children's rooms, and set presents at the foot of each and every bed. He was happy to see some gifts were left over too. He set the remaining toys in the play room, and quietly slipped out of the building as he tracked off through the cool winter night.


The blond's breath could be seen as he made a final stop at the home of a girl he had saved his final present for.

Aside from the orphanage, he had gotten presents for everyone else he knew. Lee got a pair of weights that were just right for the tough training he went through. Ino got a new gardening apron and some rare flower bulbs that grew in Water Country. He got Tsunade a gambling kit with chips (that way she could just use them instead of money during her little gambling sprees). Shikamaru got a new pillow with goose down (since he liked sleeping so much), and Sai got a new painting kit. Tenten got a seven hundred and fifty ryo gift card at the fine weapons store...that one had hurt his wallet a bit more than the others...the only thing that cost Naruto was buying the ENTIRE Icha Icha series special limited edition with a forward by Naruto himself, and an 'about the author' section on Jiraiya (also done by Naruto).

There were of course tons of other presents he got for all his other friends..but this last stop was the most important one in his opinion.

“Okay...well...she doesn't have a chimney...” Naruto tapped his chin in thought, “Looks like the window will have to do...”

Naruto hopped up to the second story window of apartment 212 C, and made a few seals he had learned for this day in particular (three hours to learn how to open a lock with chakra..seriously...) and was relieved when a soft click was heard. He grinned as he opened the window, and hopped into the living room.

“Sakura should be asleep by now...” the blond whispered to himself, and using his amazing stealth he showed on rare occasions, sneaked over to Sakura's bedroom door. He peeked in for a moment, and smiled when he saw her sleeping form in the bed. She must have had a long day, seeing as she was still in her shinobi-attire.

He dug into his burlap sac, and pulled out the last item. He smiled as he picked out a small box, no bigger than his fist. He opened the door a little more...


Naruto froze in place, and watched as Sakura stirred. She opened her eyes, and immediately stiffened when she saw the form of a person at her bedroom door. She reached under her mattress for a kunai, but was stopped by a familiar voice!

“Hey, wait, Sakura-chan! It's just me, Naruto!”

Sakura stopped, and stared at the person, letting her eyes adjust to the dark, “...Naruto? What are you doing here? It's...” she looked at her alarm clock, “...Naruto, it's Christmas Day...three o' clock in the morning. You should be in-”

“I know, but I was busy dropping gifts off at everyone's houses...” Narut pointed to the burlap sac, “It took me almost all night to cover Konoha. Good thing the ANBU recognized me. They nearly attacked me when I was entering the Hokage Tower...”

Sakura sighed, but her gaze went from annoyed and tired to curious, “Naruto...what's in your hands?”

“Nothing...” Naruto replied, hiding his left hand in a pocket of the red suit, “I was justs stopping by to see if you were home or not yet. I was going to walk you home if you were still at the-”

“Naruto, just show me already. I could beat you up right now for breaking and entering.”

Naruto decided to go with his instincts and dug out the box. He handed it to Sakura, and spoke with a chuckle, sweating almost, and not from the stuffy suit, “M-merry Christmas, Sakura-chan...”

Sakura took the cover off the small box, and her eyes widened significantly as she let out a small gasp. She pulled out the contents of the box, and held in her hand a small necklace.

“Naruto...where did you-?”

“I had to order it from Suna...they have a small gold making company there, believe it or not. I had to get it seven weeks in advance, and got a custom engraving on the back of the pendant.” Naruto replied.

Sakura smiled as she admired the centerpiece of the necklace. It was a simple heart-shaped pendant made of gold. She turned it over, and read the words 'Always With You' on it.

“Naruto...” she smiled, “...you didn't have to do this...”

Naruto laughed, “Sakura-chan, I wanted to! It's Christmas, and I wanted to get everyone precious to me gifts! Besides...I think it's only right of a guy to get his girlfriend a gift on Christmas, don't you?”

The kunoichi just sighed as she cupped the blond's cheek, “Well, I guess I have a gift for you...but it's stil wrapped up and that won't be until tomorrow until you open it...how about this gift for now.”

She then leaned up to kiss the blond tenderly on the lips. Naruto wrapped his arms around her waist, and picked her up as she let out a squeak.

The blond smiled at her as he held her to eye level with him, “I better get going...the snow storm is going to hit any-” He suddenly heard the windows of the apartment rattle a bit, and the two turned to see a flurry of pure white outside, “...minute...”

“Looks like you'll be staying here tonight, Naruto.” She grinned to him, “I'm not letting you go out in that blizzard...”

Naruto laughed, “Your couch is always nice too, I guess.”

Sakura planted another kiss on his lips before giving him a devilish grin, “The couch? Oh no...I was going to suggest my room. It's always a little chilly in here, and you're the best blanket I could have...”

Naruto laughed, and pressed his forehead against hers, “Does Santa get to have cookies, too?”

Sakura blushed a bit at the subtle undertone in his voice, and whispered, “You pervert...”

“Ah, but you like me like that...”

Sakura just grinned, “Are you saying I'm perverted?”


Sakura just laughed, “You're lucky I love you...” She massaged his shoulders, “Come on, I'm getting cold here. I turned off the heat for tonight...”

“Yes ma'am.” Naruto carried her to the room, and the two were soon in bed. Sakura had her arm draped over Naruto as the two slept in each other's arms.

“Merry Christmas, Naruto...”

“Merry Christmas to you too, Sakura-chan.”

To all of H&E, happy Holidays!

Gimme a break, 'kay?

Denim88's fanfiction page!!!

#66 Gnosismaster


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Posted 07 December 2008 - 05:32 AM

Nice story. I love it.

Are you still doing requests? Can you do a slave story with Naruto as the slave master and Sakura and Ino as his pets? Make it funny?

Please??? th_glomp.gif wub.gif wub.gif wub.gif

#67 Derock


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Posted 07 December 2008 - 05:50 AM

QUOTE (Denim88 @ Dec 7 2008, 12:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just in time for the Holidays!!! 8D

Naruto, the Gift Giving Shinobi --Click here to view--

Naruto shivered as more of the frozen water managed to get into his boots. Dang...he wasn't used to this snow...

...then again, Konoha didn't receive much of an annual snowfall during the winter. This weather was do to a rare weather pattern that happened about once every ten years. Needless to say, the blond wasn't going to let some snow stop him from his quest.

Naruto had taken the money he earned from all the missions he had taken in the past years and decided to put it towards a good cause. He bought himself a red suit with a hat, and almost 10,000 ryo worth of toys, food, candy, and clothing. He was now at his first stop; the Konoha Orphanage.

Naruto managed to open a window (seeing as the place had no chimney) and using the stealth he had gained from years of being a shinobi. He tiptoed across the children's rooms, and set presents at the foot of each and every bed. He was happy to see some gifts were left over too. He set the remaining toys in the play room, and quietly slipped out of the building as he tracked off through the cool winter night.


The blond's breath could be seen as he made a final stop at the home of a girl he had saved his final present for.

Aside from the orphanage, he had gotten presents for everyone else he knew. Lee got a pair of weights that were just right for the tough training he went through. Ino got a new gardening apron and some rare flower bulbs that grew in Water Country. He got Tsunade a gambling kit with chips (that way she could just use them instead of money during her little gambling sprees). Shikamaru got a new pillow with goose down (since he liked sleeping so much), and Sai got a new painting kit. Tenten got a seven hundred and fifty ryo gift card at the fine weapons store...that one had hurt his wallet a bit more than the others...the only thing that cost Naruto was buying the ENTIRE Icha Icha series special limited edition with a forward by Naruto himself, and an 'about the author' section on Jiraiya (also done by Naruto).

There were of course tons of other presents he got for all his other friends..but this last stop was the most important one in his opinion.

“Okay...well...she doesn't have a chimney...” Naruto tapped his chin in thought, “Looks like the window will have to do...”

Naruto hopped up to the second story window of apartment 212 C, and made a few seals he had learned for this day in particular (three hours to learn how to open a lock with chakra..seriously...) and was relieved when a soft click was heard. He grinned as he opened the window, and hopped into the living room.

“Sakura should be asleep by now...” the blond whispered to himself, and using his amazing stealth he showed on rare occasions, sneaked over to Sakura's bedroom door. He peeked in for a moment, and smiled when he saw her sleeping form in the bed. She must have had a long day, seeing as she was still in her shinobi-attire.

He dug into his burlap sac, and pulled out the last item. He smiled as he picked out a small box, no bigger than his fist. He opened the door a little more...


Naruto froze in place, and watched as Sakura stirred. She opened her eyes, and immediately stiffened when she saw the form of a person at her bedroom door. She reached under her mattress for a kunai, but was stopped by a familiar voice!

“Hey, wait, Sakura-chan! It's just me, Naruto!”

Sakura stopped, and stared at the person, letting her eyes adjust to the dark, “...Naruto? What are you doing here? It's...” she looked at her alarm clock, “...Naruto, it's Christmas Day...three o' clock in the morning. You should be in-”

“I know, but I was busy dropping gifts off at everyone's houses...” Narut pointed to the burlap sac, “It took me almost all night to cover Konoha. Good thing the ANBU recognized me. They nearly attacked me when I was entering the Hokage Tower...”

Sakura sighed, but her gaze went from annoyed and tired to curious, “Naruto...what's in your hands?”

“Nothing...” Naruto replied, hiding his left hand in a pocket of the red suit, “I was justs stopping by to see if you were home or not yet. I was going to walk you home if you were still at the-”

“Naruto, just show me already. I could beat you up right now for breaking and entering.”

Naruto decided to go with his instincts and dug out the box. He handed it to Sakura, and spoke with a chuckle, sweating almost, and not from the stuffy suit, “M-merry Christmas, Sakura-chan...”

Sakura took the cover off the small box, and her eyes widened significantly as she let out a small gasp. She pulled out the contents of the box, and held in her hand a small necklace.

“Naruto...where did you-?”

“I had to order it from Suna...they have a small gold making company there, believe it or not. I had to get it seven weeks in advance, and got a custom engraving on the back of the pendant.” Naruto replied.

Sakura smiled as she admired the centerpiece of the necklace. It was a simple heart-shaped pendant made of gold. She turned it over, and read the words 'Always With You' on it.

“Naruto...” she smiled, “...you didn't have to do this...”

Naruto laughed, “Sakura-chan, I wanted to! It's Christmas, and I wanted to get everyone precious to me gifts! Besides...I think it's only right of a guy to get his girlfriend a gift on Christmas, don't you?”

The kunoichi just sighed as she cupped the blond's cheek, “Well, I guess I have a gift for you...but it's still wrapped up and that won't be until tomorrow until you open it...how about this gift for now.”

She then leaned up to kiss the blond tenderly on the lips. Naruto wrapped his arms around her waist, and picked her up as she let out a squeak.

The blond smiled at her as he held her to eye level with him, “I better get going...the snow storm is going to hit any-” He suddenly heard the windows of the apartment rattle a bit, and the two turned to see a flurry of pure white outside, “...minute...”

“Looks like you'll be staying here tonight, Naruto.” She grinned to him, “I'm not letting you go out in that blizzard...”

Naruto laughed, “Your couch is always nice too, I guess.”

Sakura planted another kiss on his lips before giving him a devilish grin, “The couch? Oh no...I was going to suggest my room. It's always a little chilly in here, and you're the best blanket I could have...”

Naruto laughed, and pressed his forehead against hers, “Does Santa get to have cookies, too?”

Sakura blushed a bit at the subtle undertone in his voice, and whispered, “You pervert...”

“Ah, but you like me like that...”

Sakura just grinned, “Are you saying I'm perverted?”


Sakura just laughed, “You're lucky I love you...” She massaged his shoulders, “Come on, I'm getting cold here. I turned off the heat for tonight...”

“Yes ma'am.” Naruto carried her to the room, and the two were soon in bed. Sakura had her arm draped over Naruto as the two slept in each other's arms.

“Merry Christmas, Naruto...”

“Merry Christmas to you too, Sakura-chan.”

To all of H&E, happy Holidays!


I knew I can count on you, Denim! Great work!!! :thumbs:


What's Happening with the Naruto series as of now!

#68 Denim88


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Posted 10 December 2008 - 05:24 AM

QUOTE (Derock @ Dec 6 2008, 11:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

I knew I can count on you, Denim! Great work!!! :thumbs:

LOL, glad you enjoyed it, De! It was a bit hard to start, but I think I did okay. smile.gif

This one's dedicated to my most recent addiction: Rosario+Vampire biggrin.gif

Know Your Place --Click here to view--
“Um...Tsukune...I...I wanted to talk to you about something. It's really important to me...”

Tsukune, the lone human of the academy for monsters was standing in a rather quiet place surrounded by trees. The only other person with him was Moka, the vampire girl that he had fallen for.

“What's up, Moka-san? Something bothering you?” Tsukune asked with a concerned smile, “You can tell me.”

Moka opened her mouth to speak, and for a moment, she was standing before him, her voice seemed to be caught in her throat. For a moment, it looked like she was about to faint, but she sighed deeply, “Tsukune...take off my rosary...”

“Wh-what? Why?”

“Just...please do it for me?”

Tsukune didn't hesitate, and gently took off the rosary from Moka's collar. A moment passed, and Tsukune could almost feel the weight from Moka's power hit him. He looked at the silver haired vampire girl and noticed something he had not seen on the more distant half of Moka's face all that often.

A smile...a small one...but it was there.

“Tsukune...you and Moka...have been friends for a while now...” She took a step closer to the boy, and he felt his heart beat quicken, “...she really cares for you, you know...”

“Well, yeah, she's my friend, right? I care about her too.” Tsukune replied as he let out a chuckle. As much as he loved Moka, he never was too sure how to act around the stronger half of her, “...is there something bothering Moka-san?”

Moka nodded, “In a way, yes...” Moka then did something that sent a slight shiver down his spine. She brushed her hand across his lips, “Tsukune...I love you...”

It was at about that time that Tsukune's brain crashed, “Wha-?”

“Both of us do...”

“...I don't consider you and Moka to be seperate from each other though...Moka is Moka...she's a part of you, and you're a part of her...” He grinned a bit as he saw the crimson irises widen ever so slightly.

“That's what I'm talking about...” Moka spoke, her fangs poking out in a grin, “...you're much too kind for this world, but I'm glad you're here...”

Moka then wrapped her arms around the boys shoulders, “Don't let this go to your head, Tsukune...” She spoke as her lips neared his, a slight tinge of red on her cheeks, “...know your place, Tsukune...you belong to me now. Understood?”

“Y-yes...” Tsukune said, not breaking eye contact. The vampire girls eyes softened as she heard that, “...I understand...Moka-san”

“Good.” She said quietly, and pressed her lips against his, and the two moaned in a kiss. He was surprised when she used her strength to push him against a tree. He could feel her body pressing against him, and it was driving his senses mad, “...and in the same token, Tsukune...I belong to you...”

The two were soon trying to battle for dominance in the lip-lock, Tsukune losing by a bit...

“Moka-san...” he breathed, “...you're probably the single greatest thing to happen in my life...please understand that I truly mean it when I say that I love you...”

Moka chuckled a bit, her scarlet eyes glinting in joy and mischief, “Stupid...I already know...” She pressed her lips against his one last time before breathing heatedly, “...put the rosary back on...I want Moka to experience this...she deserves it too...”

Tsukune nodded dumbly as he raised the rosary to her chain. She winked at him just before her hair went to a bright pink again, and her features softened a bit.

Moka blinked open her eyes, the smile she all-too-often wore on her face, “Tsukune...” she touched her kiss-bruised lips, and felt her face heat up, “...so...”

Tsukune smiled, “...I love you too, Moka-san...” He then boldly wrapped his arms around her waist, pleased when she let out a sigh into his throat as they kissed deeply. She felt her head grow dizzy as the world began spinning...

'Tsukune...he's so...' her eyes rolled back into her head as she closed them, '...so...good...'

The two did this for awhile longer before Moka spoke, “...um, Tsukune...?”

Tsukune, who was still trying to steady his beating heart, looked up, “Yeah?”

Moka fiddled with the fringe of her skirt, and spoke, “Can you let me suck on your blood?”

Tsukune almost sighed, but noticed a difference in her tone...it was...softer...

“Sure, Moka. You know I don't mind all that much.”

Moka smiled cheerfully, and slowly tilted her head to bit him in the neck. He noticed that it...hurt less...and...oh good heavens...was she using her tongue???

“M-Moka...” he sighed contentedly, and Moka let out the cutest hum of contentment in reply.

After she finished, she lapped at the blood leaking out of his neck for a little bit, and spoke in an unusually sultry voice, “She said I should suck on your blood that way from now on...” She pointed to the rosary to indicate her...darker half...

Tsukune let a somewhat startled grin spread across his face, “D-did she now?”

“Yes...” she said with a slight hiss, “...and she's saying a few other things that would get us both in big trouble if we would do any of them in public...” She pecked him lightly on the cheek, “I don't think we should listen to those ideas...for now...”

Tsukune followed Moka as she got up, and the two headed back to the academy to get some of their homework done. Tsukune couldn't help but wonder though...

....what were those 'things' that Moka's other half was suggesting...and he didn't miss the part of her saying that she wouldn't do them...for now....for now...

“Ah, Tsukune! Your nose is bleeding! You okay??!!”

Gimme a break, 'kay?

Denim88's fanfiction page!!!

#69 True


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Posted 10 December 2008 - 05:37 AM

*Changes title of thread appropriately*

HOLY SH!T DENIM I LOVE YOU! *No kitten* manhug.gif

God damn dude I seriously loved the drabble! Even if it was short it was freaking epic! Really really enjoyed it.!

Moka smiled cheerfully, and slowly tilted her head to bit him in the neck. He noticed that it...hurt less...and...oh good heavens...was she using her tongue???

This line had me 'lol' for a good five minutes. Really great Denim and I look forward to future works from you in this growing fandom!

#70 Rix the Very Affectionate Lego!

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Posted 10 December 2008 - 11:00 PM

I am pretty sure I will try to write some drabble after reading yours =[

#71 Denim88


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Posted 12 December 2008 - 06:10 AM

Hmm, this one was another one True inspired me to do...

Might be awhile before I do another drabble, lol, then again, I can never be too sure. tongue.gif

Tomato Juice --Click here to view--
Tsukune and Moka had been living in a small apartment since they graduated high school. They now commuted to the college in Tsukune's hometown, and were happy together. The land lord charged them fairly for the utilities, and were each working in the college newspaper printing area for income.

Moka had gone after her passion for painting and drawing and became an art major, and was unsurprisingly one of the more talented students in the college. Tsukune was thinking of going after a major in Health Promotions, but was still undecided as of the moment.

Unsurprisingly, the crush that Kurumu, Mizore, and Yukari had on Tsukune had faded. They still were good friends, and had each gone for their own ways. Kurumu was taking classes at a school for cooking, and was well on here way. Mizore had taken a rather ironic job as an ice sculptor for large events. Her designs had become an immediate success, and people were still curious on how she was able to carve ice so well. Yukari was on her way to teaching, currently working as a student teacher for the local high school, and, needless to say, doing well.

That aside, Moka and Tsukune were happy together. Today was Saturday, and the two were off from work.

“Moka? I'm back. I got some groceries for us...” Tsukune called into the apartment. He was greeted by silence for a moment. He listened, and spoke again, “Moka?”

The sound of the bedroom door opened, and Moka walked out of the room. Her pink hair was a bit frazzled, and she looked like she had just gotten out of bed. The fact that she was wearing a pair of pajama pants and a loose tanktop (the right strap sliding off her shoulder a bit as she stretched) only further supported his guess.

“Huh? Oh, hey Tsukune!” she greeted cheerfully. She walked over to Tsukune and wrapped her arms around him, giving him a kiss, “I was tired, so I took a nap...you were gone for quite a while...almost three hours...”

“Heheh, yeah, I went and visited my folks. They want us to stop over for dinner next Wednesday...” he sighed, “That okay with you?”

Moka laughed, “Of course it is! I love your parents, and your mother makes the best food.” She looked at the table, and her eyes lit up as she eyed a twelve pack of tomato juice cans, “Tsukune, you're such a sweetheart! I didn't ask you for any-”

“It's fine, Moka, I know how much you love the stuff.” He gave her a sly grin, “...and I also got some new painting supplies in the brown bag for you...”

Moka's eyes widened even further, then she too gave a grin, “Someone's trying to get on my good side today...” She pressed against him a bit and spoke softly, “...we don't want to wake the people downstairs again, do we?”

Tsukune blushed a bit, but laughed, “Um...heheh...well...in my defense, you were the one who was screaming like a banshee last time...”

Moka's own cheeks heated up while she gave a smack to the side of Tsukune's head. She walked over to the table and cracked open a can of tomato juice. She took a sip and sighed in contentment before guzzling it all down in a single gulp.

“...geesh, Moka, slow down...”

“Sorry...sorry...it's one of those days again...” she commented, earning a nod of understanding from her roommate and lover, “...Tsukune...would-?”

Tsukune just laughed, “Moka, it's been...what now...five years since we've meet? Of course it's okay.”

Moka smiled at him and gave him a hug, “Thanks, Tsukune...”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Ten minutes later, Tsukune was sitting on the couch with Moka, who was gently sucking on his neck, drawing blood. She gave a content sigh as she finished, and Tsukune laughed as she began licking the bitemark, “Man that's hot, Moka...”

Moka was red in the cheeks in seconds, and this did nothing to make her appear less adorable to Tsukune. She just pouted and made Tsukune laugh, “...you're mean, Tsukune...”

Of course she was only kidding, but she knew that this drove Tsukune nuts. She slowly grinded her hips over his leg, and made small circles with her fingers on his chest. Tsukune let out a groan, “...no fair...Moka...”

Moka was now nibbling (not biting) his neck, and letting out steamy hot breaths. Tsukune was surprisingly sensitive around the area where the jawline met his ears. She was proud in the fact that after five years she still could make him react like this...she was also happy he found her to be attractive.

Moka giggled a bit as she began to peel his shirt off, “Oh, stop pretending that you don't like it, Tsukune...”

Tsukune gave her a mischievous smirk before giving her rear a nice pinch. She let out a squeak, and glared at him. He just laughed, “Oh, stop pretending that you don't like it, Moka...”

Moka just gave him a half lidded smile, and within several seconds a pair of men's jeans went flying across the living room along with other various articles of clothing.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

A half hour later found the two wrapped in each others arms, nude for the world to see. Aside from the blanket to keep them warm from the slight chill in the room due to the approaching winter weather.

“...Moka...you do know that biting me on the shoulder blade hurt, right?”

“Hehehe.” was the only response he got. Moka and Tsukune just lay there, nothing between them at all, “Sorry, but I was getting a bit carried away I guess...just be glad you didn't take off my rosary...”

Tsukune supposed he really didn't mind...besides, she almost always made up for her weird tendencies later. He gave her a deep, heated kiss, and she returned it with as much ferocity. They were soon at it again...

This was just one of the many reasons why Tsukune had come to love tomato juice as much as his vampiric-lover did...

Gimme a break, 'kay?

Denim88's fanfiction page!!!

#72 Rix the Very Affectionate Lego!

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Posted 12 December 2008 - 06:32 AM

Alright, I want to know more about Moka and Tsukune now....bastard

#73 Denim88


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Posted 17 December 2008 - 07:40 AM

And now...for something I NEVER thought I'd do...

Avatar drabbles. I'll say this; I hardly knew anything about the series until I wikipedia'd the heck out of it. This drabble was spawned after a challenge from krisk in response to my request for a NarutoxTayuya art.

Zutara pairing...ZukoxKatara...whatever you want to call it, krisk likes it, so there. rawr.gif

I was shocked to find myself enjoying the time I put into it. I've drabbled a fandom I never really liked...scary.

Third Time is a Charm --Click here to view--
A cool breeze blew past the face of a rather pensive Zuko. Had someone been watching from afar, they would have guessed him to be a painted statue. The boy would not move, aside from blinking, breathing, and letting his hair blow in the wind, as well as his red armor.

In fact, the said exiled-prince of the Fire Nation was so indulged in his thoughts that he didn't notice the quiet pattering of feet of a brunette wearing the traditional Water tribe attire. Had it not been for the pale moonlight, which caused her shadow to cast over Zuko, the boy would not have noticed her at all.

He turned to her, and then grunted before turning back to the nighttime sky, “Katara.”

She took a seat, a reasonable distance from him, “Zuko, what are you doing out here? Aren't you cold?”

Zuko just sighed before turning to her briefly, “I'm fine, though I appreciate your concern, Katara.” He spoke, “After all, I could make a fire if I really wanted...”

“Ah, that's true.” She was quiet again as the two watched the clouds pass by the glowing orb in the night sky.

“...it's odd, really. I never really got along with my father...and sometimes...I wonder what it would have been like had I succeeded in killing Aang back then...”

Katara turned to face Zuko, a somewhat surprised look on her face. She didn't speak, seeing as it looked like he was still going to continue.

“Katara...tell me...your parents...what about them. Are they still alive?”

Katara was quiet for a moment as she let a sad smile cross her face, “My father is still fighting...but...my mother...” She trailed off, and Zuko nodded.

“I see...I'm sorry to hear that.” He stood up, and didn't say another word as he headed inside. Katara was a bit confused, but said nothing.

~ ~ ~

The second night in the Western Temple found Zuko again at a similar place overlooking the sky. He wasn't surprised to see Katara again by his side after an hour, “You again?”

Katara said nothing, but as Zuko looked at her, he noted a smile on her face. He raised an eyebrow, but said nothing, instead deciding to be interested in the low lying clouds that passed under them.

“It a wonderful view from here...” Katara spoke, her voice just over a whisper, “I never remember the moon being this beautiful back home...”

Zuko nodded, “The moon was not this visible and bright back home for me either...”

A strong wind blew past them, causing Katara to shiver, “I wish that it was a bit warmer though.”

She found herself wrapped in a blanket the next moment, Zuko draping the simple brown article over her. He didn't even turn to face her, but she could see a faint red in his cheeks, “It was supposed to be colder tonight, so I brought that with me...not surprised to see you without one though...”

“What's that supposed to mean?” Katara snapped, feeling insulted.

“You don't seem like the kind of person that thinks of simple things like that...that's all.” He shrugged, “Then again, I can't blame you with babysitting Aang and your brother all the time.”

“Zuko, Sokka and Aang are busy with their training as much as everyone else. It's not fair to say things like that about them. I mean-” She stopped when she heard a light chuckle from the firebender, “...and what, may I ask, is so funny?”

“Toph was right...you are a mother-hen.”

Katara's mouth hung open, though she eventually shut it, and smacked the boy on the shoulder, “Stupid...”

Zuko stopped after a moment, and shook his head, “Well, needless to say, Katara, you're a big help for them. Thankfully one of us around her can cook...”

Katara narrowed her eyes at the boy, “...what are you on to, Zuko?”

“Nothing...just saying.”

Katara decided to drop it, and wrapped her blanket around herself tighter. The wind was soon blowing constantly, and was surprised to feel an arm wrap around her, “Zuko...?”

Zuko said nothing, but spoke, “You're shivering like a leaf on a tree...”

Her teeth chattered, but she was even more amazed by how the firebender was able to stay warm like this. She hesitantly leaned closer, and was for some odd reason feeling warmer, “...how do you stay so warm?”

“I've always been rather immune to cool weather, I guess.” He shrugged, “...unlike you, I'm not afraid of some windy weather...”

She elbowed him lightly, and sat up, “I suppose I should be going to bed. Good night, Zuko.”

As the waterbender headed inside, Zuko rubbed his side a bit. He was a bit confused by her sudden mood change. He'd just been giving her a hard time...was she that short tempered?

...then again, he never had the patience of a saint as far as he could remember, either.

~ ~ ~

The third night proved to be a calm one. Zuko was surprised to see Katara sitting in the spot he usually was at.

“You're late...” She spoke as he neared her, “It's a lot less windy tonight...”

Zuko took his spot by her side, “...I could say that you're early...” He looked up to see it was a clear night, “You're right though, it's nice out.”

Katara chanced to scoot closer to the boy, and was mildly amused when he slowly inched away while not facing her, “...what's wrong?”

“...that's my line.” Zuko replied, “Why are you scooting closer?”

Katara shrugged, “You're warm, that's comforting.” She then slowly wrapped her arms around him, “I forgot to give your blanket back, by the way...sorry about that.”

Zuko was a bit tongue-tied at the moment, but managed to get out a “Don't worry about it...”

The two sat there for awhile, and Zuko found himself enjoying this feeling of having a girl holding him like this.



“...do you think we can win this war?” Katara had a bit of uneasiness in her voice, from the way she was speaking quieter than usual.

Zuko noticed this, and tried not to let it bother him. Katara was a pillar for the group...if she was weak or unsure...they all felt it. He didn't want her worrying, “I believe we can. I know we can. Aang's gotten better at controlling his powers...and I think we can definitely change this land for the better.”

Katara was a bit astonished; Zuko never showed this kind of trust in others so openly. She let a small smile grace her face, “Yeah. I think so too.”

Zuko gave her a small, ever so slight, smile of his own. He felt a pleasant feeling swell in him...comfort. He hadn't truly felt this in ages...not since his mother...

Katara noticed this smile of his growing, and decided he was better off with a smile on his face than an indifferent look. She held his hand gently, and spoke, “I'm glad you joined us, Zuko...”

The firebender felt the touch of lips on his cheek, and blinked as Katara got up, “...wha-?”

Katara stretched a bit, a yawn escaping her as she did so, “Well, I'm tired. I guess I'll see you in the morning, Zuko!” She gave him a smile that he had never seen directed his way by her before. It made him feel...well, he wasn't sure, but it was a nice feeling.

The waterbender walked into the temple, but not before turning back and smiling again. Zuko shook his head, but a grin couldn't help but grow on his features...

“Hn...women...” He chuckled, and got up as well to go to bed.

~ ~ ~

Katara watched from the shadows as Zuko headed off to his room to sleep. Part of her wondered why she did that...she and Zuko hadn't been on the friendliest of terms until just a while ago...and even then as allies they were on each other's nerves...

Now though...she supposed that she could understand him better. She admired his calm demeanor...and how he just let off an aura of wisdom and experience unfit for someone his age. She wondered...after all this was over if...

She would wait. Now was not the time to let these things dominate her thoughts. They had a war to win...afterwards...she could worry about where they stood together...

...for now, she could try and just be better friends with him...maybe more.

Gimme a break, 'kay?

Denim88's fanfiction page!!!

#74 krisk


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Posted 19 December 2008 - 09:09 AM


that was REALLY good for someone that hasn't seen the series. XD

but yeah it was still ZOMFG. even without your knowledge wow.png

i loved how they had a "meeting spot" -- i loved how Katara confided in Zuko -- I loved how KATARA TOOK THE INITIATIVE rawr.gif AND HOW ZUKO'S WARM. KATARA'S COLD. IT WARKS. D8





th_glomp.gif !

*took Denim's Zutara virginity* >33333

#75 Denim88


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Posted 12 March 2009 - 05:46 AM

Okay folks, I've been kind of going through a mild streak of wanting to do one-shots (without actually doing any, if that makes any sense). So, as always, I'm curious; what do you want me to do? I'm open to almost anything from Naruto, Bleach, Soul Eater, even Spice and Wolf or Rosario + Vampire! Come on people, help a guy out!

Give me your crack pairings, your One True pairings, or any other themes, character death, you name, I WILL DO IT (except for lemons, I don't think I could do that category any justice).

Thanks! wow.png

Gimme a break, 'kay?

Denim88's fanfiction page!!!

#76 True


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Posted 12 March 2009 - 05:54 AM

Spice and Wolf!!!!!!!!

Horo <3333333 do it for her Denim!


#77 Denim88


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Posted 12 March 2009 - 06:02 AM

QUOTE (True @ Mar 12 2009, 12:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Spice and Wolf!!!!!!!!

Horo <3333333 do it for her Denim!


For Horo-chan? Anything!

Hmmm...way to speak themes, True. It shall be done! While I'm at it keep on giving me themes, people. I'm going to be free for the following week, so I won't be doing much (hopefully). Your ideas are like mana to me! GIVE ME YOUR THEMES!!!

Now then...HORO-CHAN AND APPLES one-shot; COMMENCE!! rawr.gif

Gimme a break, 'kay?

Denim88's fanfiction page!!!

#78 Denim88


    I have my moments, believe it or not.

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  • Interests:Hm, interests...well, I was one of those crazy nuts that knew all the pokemon back when that was the big thing...still do know them all (cough). I happen to be a very strong supporter of NarutoxSakura pairing. I really enjoy wildlife and the outdoors. I'm a gamer I guess...yeah, okay, I am. Let's see, what else could I put down...um, I love reading, writing, and biking too. Comedy movies are the best...um yeah. Kind of a weak interests section, but whatever.<br /><br />Ah, yes, I guess I should mention that my stories are also able to be viewed on fanfiction.net. You can find me under the name Denim88 on there too.

Posted 12 March 2009 - 07:53 AM

Okay, here it is. Spice and Wolf one-shot with apples and more! ENJOY!!! wow.png

Of Honeyed Apples and Traveling Songs --Click here to view--

Lawrence gave a yawn as he looked towards the west, the sun casting its last few rays before setting. The next town wouldn't be another day's journey, if weather permitted. He was fine with that though, since he had company with him this time, unlike just his horse.

“...the world that I dreamed of, exists somewhere, then shall we go search for it?”

The young merchant smiled as he looked to his partner in business, and laughed, “Horo, that's such an old song. I remember listening to it when I was just a kid.”

Horo stopped in the midst of her song, and gave Lawrence a knowing smirk, “Well of course, I was one of the first to hear it.”

“Really?” Lawrence said with some degree of skepticism, “Pray tell how the Wise Wolf Horo first heard this song?”

Horo grinned, “I created the song, that's how.”

“Uh huh...”

Horo pouted, “You don't believe me? I'll have you know that I-”

“Relax, Horo, I believe you.”

Horo remained pouting, but eventually turned her nose up before she began singing again, “

“To the other side of the wind, let’s go see the end of the freezing daybreaks. Parched middays, and shivering dark nights...”

Lawrence let his eyes close as he listened to Horo's song. It...it really was beautiful. She sang it as though it was second nature to her.

She eventually reached the ending, her voice becoming a lovely crescendo, causing shivers to run down Lawrence's spine.

As she ended her song, she slowly let her voice fade as she hummed the ending notes. Lawrence let out a long whistle, “Okay, I believe you.”

“Hehehehe, of course you do. No one but someone like me could sing such a song so beautifully unless I wrote it.” She turned to the back of their wagon, and dug around, her tail wagging left and right as she eventually was waist deep in various goods, “Lawrence, where are the canned apples??”

“In the back by the pepper and salt.”

“Ah! Found them!” she replied in a sing-song voice while picking up the jar with the sweetened apples, covered in honey. It had become like a drug for the wolf-girl.

“Hey now, I know I said those were yours to eat, but don't eat all of them in one night. We probably won't be able to buy another couple of jars of them with the current demand for them, Horo.” His words fell on deaf ears as she happily unscrewed the cover, humming a happy, nameless tune while plucking out a rather succulent apple slice and placing it in her mouth.

“Mmmmmm! Where have you been all of my life?” Horo asked the jar of apples as she cradled them like the most precious object in the world, “I feel like I could eat these all the time, Lawrence.”

“Knowing you, I wouldn't be that sur-gah, Horo, you got honey all over your dress! You know how much that cost me, right?” the merchant groaned as he dug into his pocket for a cloth, and handed it to Horo, “Go over to the creek near the road and clean it off before it becomes too bad.”

Horo just smiled at the man while hopping off the wagon, skipping lightly over to the creek and getting the cloth wet. The creek was lined with stones, and rather slick. Unfortunately, she wouldn't be able to reach the water unless she walked over the stony surface.



Lawrence bolted up not a second later, running to the creek, “Horo? What's wrong?!”

There was a whimper as Horo stood up in the middle of the creek, “I fell in, what's it look like?”

“Oh...that's not good...” He sighed, “Okay, give me a moment, I'll get you some dry clothes. I think I have another dress that will fit in the back.”

“Ah, but I don't want to-”

“Relax, Horo. It cost less than a quarter of what I spent when I purchased that dress.”

Lawrence hurried over to the wagon, and picked out the plain brown dress, and ran back to the creek. He noted that Horo was already undressing, “Gah, Horo, at least wait for me to get you your new clothes first! You'll catch a cold out here otherwise!”

Horo smirked as she noticed him blushing, “Oh? Lawrence, you alright? I think you have a fever.”

Lawrence gave a rather bothered look while setting down the dress, “Just get dressed already. We'll camp out here for the night.”

Horo smiled brightly, “Thank you, Lawrence!”

- - - - -

“So, you say that the apples are also put in caramel?”

“Yeah, they're a bit less than honey, but I figured you'd like honey more.” Lawrence replied, “Seeing as you ate three jars already, I assume you like them...”

Horo just shrugged, “The nectar of the gods is fit for me, I suppose.” She winked to Lawrence, “How further until we reach that town you were saying you wanted to sell that pepper and salt in?”

“About a day's travel from here. We should be fine for travel as long as the weather is permitting.”

Horo gave a nod before scooting closer to the fire, “Lawrence...you said you know that song I was singing, correct?”

“Yeah, it's one that I remember singing all the time with other kids when I was younger. Never knew that it'd come back to haunt me like this though, heh.”

“...did...did the villagers ever say where it came from?”

The merchant shook his head, “No, they always told me it was an old song that dealt with a traveler and romance. I just thought it was fun to sing, and usually the girls would sing one part and the boys would sing along to support the girls' vocals.”

“Yes. It...it was a song that I wrote for merchants to sing when they traveled. I always hoped that people would learn to appreciate what they have when they sang it, and to live life the way they want.” She gave a weary sigh, “Everyone these days is always worried about money, trade, and their jobs. I remember when it was simply when the wheat grew, and how to take care of the village's needs. Nothing more complicated than that, as far as I remember...”

Lawrence noted the melancholy tone she was taking, “I understand. It's a wonderful song, Horo.”

Horo looked up, a soft smile playing on her lips as her tail waved a little, “You like it?”

“Yes, it's a sweet song to sing when one is alone, or with friends. Kind of sad, yet also has a bittersweet touch to it.”

Horo was quiet for a minute. She eventually started humming a bit, and looked to Lawrence, “Do...do you think you can remember the words?”

“I can try.”

Horo started singing.

“Within the journey where I grew lost all alone, only my heart wandered and stood still. But now I can walk very far. That’s right, after I met you on this road...”

Lawrence waited for her to reach the point where he always remembered joining, then cleared his throat, praying he'd be able to sing after years of using his voice for little more than negotiating prices for trade, “If the world that I dreamed of exists somewhere then shall we go search for it...?”

The two continued for another two minutes or so before Horo began to take lead over Lawrence while he continued to provide support vocals, “If it’s okay for me to hold your outstretched hand, then where shall we go?” Lawrence was a bit surprised when he felt her entwine her fingers with his while still singing.

”Together with you we can go anywhere. Let’s go embrace the commotion and aroma of the world still unseen!” As Horo and Lawrence ended the song, he noted the shimmer of tears in the wolf-girls eyes.

“Horo, are you okay?”

Horo laughed, “You big softie...of course I am.” She sniffled a bit, tears now running down her cheeks, “I...I just got caught up in the song, that's all.”

Lawrence gave her a nod, “Yeah, although seeing who the songwriter is, I'm not surprised that it's that emotional, right?”

Horo gave a chuckle as she wiped away some tears, “Of course. I'm the Wise Wolf Horo; I know how powerful emotions can be better than most.” She looked to Lawrence and gave him one of the most beautiful smiles he had ever seen on her, “Thank you, Lawrence.”

“For what?”

“For singing with me. It...it helped remind me that I'm not so alone in this world.”

Lawrence felt a pair of arms wrap around him, and he looked to see her resting her head on his shoulder, “Horo?”

“You know, I'm only teasing you most of the time when I call you a softy. It's okay to care about others sometimes. It's a wonderful thing to have in a male, even though I'd like it if you were more aggressive at times, like a proud wolf should be.”

The young merchant felt himself blushing as Horo's tail brushed against him, “Heheh, I always thought you said that you had no interest in human relationships.”

Horo blinked, “Did I say that?” She tapped her chin in thought, “I suppose I did. I changed my mind.”

“What do you mean?”

Horo was quiet for awhile, and looked to her friend and traveling companion, “Lawrence...um, I know that we're...different...”


“Still, I...I'd like it if I could maybe...be like this with you more often. If that's alright with you.”

The merchant looked to the wolf-girl, who was curled up against him, embraced in a warm hold of sorts with a blanket wrapped around them, “I don't think I would mind too much.”


Lawrence felt her peck him on the cheek, and he looked to see the wolf-girl looking at him with possibly one of the most adorable looks ever, “H-Horo? Did you just-?”

“I am the Wise Wolf, Horo.” she stated, “You are Lawrence, a dear friend and companion to me. As such, I will treasure our time together, and continually remind you how much you mean to me.” She gave him a mischievous smirk, “Get used to it, Lawrence.”

The wolf-girl's tail wagged happily, and Lawrence dared to stroke it a bit, causing Horo to raise an eyebrow while he spoke, “You have a very marvelous tail, what can I say?”

“I never said you could touch it, though.”

Lawrence rolled his eyes, “May I touch your tail, Horo-sama?”

“Of course, you may as often as you wish.”

Lawrence pet her wolf ears as the wolf-girl's tail wagged a bit. She gave a content hum, and leaned against him further, “Lawrence, is there any chance of me convincing you to stay with me in the north?”

Lawrence became tense for a moment, but eventually spoke when he sensed her eyes upon him, “I...” He thought for a moment, then spoke carefully, “I can never be too sure about my future, Horo. Perhaps I'll find a nice place to set up business in one of the northern towns...maybe you can even visit me.”

Horo smiled cheerfully at him. A moment later, Lawrence felt something that tasted sweet get shoved into his mouth. He blinked to see Horo sticking a honeyed apple into his mouth, “I don't think it'd be good for me to have all of these to myself.”

Lawrence chuckled while chewing and swallowing the delectable fruit. He noticed her finger go up to his face, and swipe away a small glob of honey, “You're much messier than me at eating.”

The merchant felt his cheeks heat up again as she licked the glob of honey off her fingers in a rather innocent manner. She noticed him watching, rather entranced, and smirked with her somewhat pointed canines showing. He blinked several times before turning away a bit, “Well, at least I don't get my shirts messy.”

Horo laughed, and Lawrence couldn't help but join in. Horo and Lawrence fell asleep under the stars that night, sharing the same blanket they were wrapped up in.

They were the only people within several miles, yet to them, they had never felt such a strong sense of belonging in their entire lives.

Hope I did Horo-chan some justice with this one. I still feel like I could have done more...eh, I may do another one on a later date. Thanks for the inspiration True. Hope you liked it!

Okay, anyone else want a one-shot? Eh? Well, I'll post something up if it comes to me.

Gimme a break, 'kay?

Denim88's fanfiction page!!!

#79 Gnosismaster


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Posted 12 March 2009 - 03:31 PM

Can I have a NaruSakuIno oneshot? Maybe the theme would be to have Naruto the dominant one in the relationship?

#80 Vyse


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Posted 12 March 2009 - 04:14 PM

Hmmm, Denim... Could you try writing a Resident Evil drabble for moi?

I request Leon/Claire for great justice! ^^

It helps if you've played the games, but residentevil.wikia.com has pretty decent character description, and you'll learn alot from Wikipedia as well. Bah, just write me zombie-fluff and use their names, and I'll be happy! XD

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