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Naruto 480 Spoilers

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#1 Nawheetos



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Posted 27 January 2010 - 10:55 AM

NF Spoiler thread

Full script from Ohana, translated --Click here to view--

Front cover is of Sasuke. Back is of Sasuke\'s Susano\'o.

If you close your eyes, hatred will always be there. Like an apparition, it will expand.

480 犠牲
Chapter 480: Sacrifice

Simultaneously striking one another...but is Danzou\'s body another illusion...!?

Madara (Sasuke\'s power...this much huh?)
Karin (...!?)

Sasuke pierced by Danzou: Ugh...
イタチのところへ行って説教でもされてくると…よい… ワシの 勝ちだ』
Danzou, pierced by Sasuke: Too fast...eyes are still open...you will be going to see Itachi, and perhaps it would be good of you to receive some of his preaching...this is my win.

カリン(どうなってる!? …この感じはもう…!)
Karin (What\'s going on!? ...this feeling is...!)

Danzou: !!?
Sasuke looking downward: Haha
ダンゾウ『…どういう…ことだ!?』(ぐはっ! …なぜイザナギが起動しない!!?)
Danzou: ...what\'s...the meaning of this!? (Guh! ...why won\'t Izanagi start up!!?)
Sasuke\'s right eye has Mangekyou activated.

マダラ(ダンゾウ… お前の言うとおり”幻術時間を自在に操ったイタチも月読”とは天地の差だ …)
Madara (Danzou...it\'s as you said -- the time Itachi could freely manipulate his genjutsu and Tsukiyomi -- the difference is like between the heavens and earth...)
Danzou\'s field of vision is blurred. His right arm\'s eyes are closed.

Danzou: You...
Sasuke: The one meeting Itachi will be you...

Danzou falls to his knees.
Karin (As thought, it\'s as I sensed. It was in fact Danzou\'s real body!)

マダラ(…だが少ししかもたない小さく弱い その幻術も要は使いどころだ…)
Madara (...Although it isn\'t as strong, it was pivotal of him to use that genjutsu at that time...)

Danzou looks to be in a lot of pain.

サスケはうちは一族… そして万華鏡写輪眼を持つ忍
観察眼ならダンゾウ…お前より上だ 一瞬お前が気付くよりも早く…
サスケは幻術をお前にかけ 右腕最後の眼が開いているように見せかけていた
お前自身イザナギの不安定な効果時間を右腕の写輪眼を見て 幾度も確認していた
それをサスケは見逃さなかった イザナギの効果時間が まだあるよにほんの少しの間
見せかける程度だが 一瞬の間でも幻術にかけられる事を前もって知っていた
それを利用しない サスケではない)
Madara (Right before his body was pierced, the sharingan in his right arm all closed. Sasuke is of the Uchiha clan...and a shinobi possessing the Mangekyou...but Danzou with his observing eye...he is above you. In an instant he was faster than you in noticing...Sasuke cast a genjutsu on you, making you believe that your last eye on your right arm was still open. You used Izanagi on yourself without fulling knowing its effective time, checking it over and over to see if it was in effect. Sasuke didn\'t miss that. Izanagi\'s time of effectiveness has a small interval in between each use. Although he pretended to know the degree to which that was, he knew beforehand that even in an instant he would be able to cast a genjutsu. Don\'t use that, that\'s not Sasuke.)

Danzou\'s checks his right shoulder: U..gh...
マダラ『写輪眼を手に入れた事により写輪眼との戦いを甘くみた… その奢りが負けに繋がった』
Madara: You were naiive in this battle of Sharingan because of all those Sharingan you\'ve acquired...that\'s the reason for your loss.

サスケ『これが眼で語る戦いだ  うちはを…なめるな』
Sasuke: My eyes will tell you how this fight will go. Don\'t underestimate the Uchiha.

マダラ(シスイの眼が使用出来なかったにしろ ダンゾウをよくここまで追い込んだな
…サスケ   そろそろシスイの眼をいただけそうだ  根は土に隠れているべきだったな)
Madara (Even without being able to use Shisui\'s eye, Danzou did a good job of driving it this far....Sasuke, it seems like you\'ll soon be able to take Shisui\'s eyes for yourself. Root should have stayed hidden in the ground.)

Sasuke is about to collapse while Karin rushes over: Sasuke...!
Sasuke: Ku..ku...
Karin brings out her left arm: Here! Bite quickly!!
マダラ『あの女…連れてきて正解だった …役に立つ わざわざサスケが選んだお気に入りだけは ある…』
Madara: That girl...it was good to bring her here...she\'s useful, and Sasuke specifically chose her as his favorite...

Sasuke biting.
Karin: Ahh...!

ダンゾウ(このワシが…!こんな…小僧に…!! ワシはまだこんなと所では死ねん!!!)
Danzou (I...! To this little...!! I will not die in a place like this!!!)

Suddenly Danzou\'s right arm starts to become a tree.
Danzou: Guahhh!!!
サスケ カリン『!!?』
Sasuke and Karin: !!?
Danzou (I won\'t allow it!! At this rate I\'ll be taken over by the Shodai\'s cells.)
Danzou takes his right shoulder with his right arm.
マダラ(死にかけてチャクラの制御ができなくなったな… 柱間の力をそう簡単にはコントロール できはしない …)
Madara (Facing death, he\'s losing control over his chakra...he won\'t be able to easily control the strength of the pillars...)

Danzou, in front of Karin and Sasuke.
カリン『しつこい… なんて奴だ…!』
Karin: How persistent...this is some guy...!
Danzou takes the bandages off his right eye.
ダンゾウ『まだだ… ここからが… 眼で… 語る戦いだ…』
Danzou: Not yet...from here on out...with this eye...I will tell you how this fight will end.

マダラ(右眼の瞳力が戻ったか… シスイの眼が復活するまでの間をイザナギでカバーする…
Madara (The pupil in his right eye has returned huh...he covered with Izanagi while allowing Shisui\'s eye to recover in the mean time...so that was your play huh...)

Sasuke uses Chidori in his left hand, and thrusts at Danzou.
Danzou dodges, and takes Karin hostage.

マダラ(シスイの瞳力… 幻術として使用するかイザナギとして使い捨てにするのか決めかねてい るようだな… )
Madara (Shisui\'s pupil...it seems he plans to use it up as he did with Izanagi.)

Sasuke glares at Danzou.
Danzou: You\'ve used your eye too much huh.
Karin: Sasuke...
ダンゾウ(サスケはもう使えん… シスイの幻術をかけて操るならマダラのほうだ
Danzou (Sasuke can\'t use it anymore...if I can use Shisui\'s genjutsu to control him and get him to go after Madara, it would be more effecient considering the depth of these wounds.)
マダラ(さて… サスケ… どうする?)
Madara (So then...Sasuke...what will you do?)

サスケ『自己犠牲を語ったお前が… 人質とはな』
Sasuke: You who talked of self-sacrifice....to take a hostage.
ダンゾウ『自分の… 命が… 惜しいわけではない 木の葉の為 忍の世の為
ワシはこんな所で…死ぬ訳にはいかん…  どんな手を…… 使っても…生きる…
ワシは…  この忍の… 世を変える唯一の改革者となる者…
Danzou: My..my life...I\'m not sorry...it was for Konoha...for the ninja world...I won\'t allow myself to die in a place like this...no matter whose hands...whatever I have to do...to live...I will...this shinobi\'s...to become the reformer to change the world...this girl will be a sacrifice for that purpose.
カリン『サスケ…  助けて』
Karin: Sasuke...help me!

Sasuke: Don\'t move...Karin.
Danzou: ...!

Sasuke activates Mangekyou in his left eye...with a scary face.

Sasuke uses a Chidori spear and stabs Karin along with Danzou.
Danzou\'s back is pierced through.

Karin (Huh...)
Danzou: Guh...! (...the vitals of the hostage...)
Madara, smiling with his eyes: So its come to this...

サスケ『兄さん… まずは一人目だ…』
Sasuke: Brother...this is the first...

Karin and achieving revenge!!
Sasuke, towards the darkness of reality...!!
The End.

Pic link

Wow. Some of it\'s a bit ambiguous, but if he really did just brutally stab Karin... he just cemented his descent into darkness. I\'m no Karin fan but she does not deserve that. I don\'t think anyone can argue he\'s not evil, or maybe insane, now... just look at that pic :s

No Naruto/Sakura again, but it does look like the fight is ending. Thank goodness for that.

Pretty sad if this is the end of Danzou too, he was starting to interest me... especially with all his wind jutsu. I\'m hoping now that Sakura will arrive in time to heal them both.


Translation clarification --Click here to view--
my interpretation of a few parts:
Madara: (What this means is that just a little bit before your body got stabbed
All of the Sharingan on your right arm had shut themselves
サスケはうちは一族… そして万華鏡写輪眼を持つ忍
Sasuke is a shinobi of the Uchiha clan...and also a wielder of the Mangekyou Sharingan
観察眼ならダンゾウ…お前より上だ 一瞬お前が気付くよりも早く…
When it comes to the observant eye, he\'s above you, Danzou. He noticed the moment quicker than you...
サスケは幻術をお前にかけ 右腕最後の眼が開いているように見せかけていた
Sasuke caught you in his genjutsu, and was showing you the last eye in your right arm still open

マダラ(シスイの眼が使用出来なかったにしろ ダンゾウをよくここまで追い込んだな
Madara: (Even factoring in that he wasn\'t able to utilize Shisui\'s eye, Danzou\'s been run ragged here

…サスケ   そろそろシスイの眼をいただけそうだ  根は土に隠れているべきだったな)
...Sasuke--- looks like it\'s about time for Shisui\'s eye to pay a visit. The \'roots\' were meant to have been buried in the tree)


Danzou: (Regrettable! At this rate, I\'ll be taken in by Shodai\'s DNA!)

マダラ(死にかけてチャクラの制御ができなくなったな… 柱間の力をそう簡単にはコントロール できはしない …)
Madara: (Being close to death, he\'s no longer able to suppress the chakra...Hashirama\'s power cannot be controlled so easily...)


マダラ(シスイの瞳力… 幻術として使用するかイザナギとして使い捨てにするのか決めかねてい るようだな… )
Madara: (Shisui\'s ocular power...it seems he\'s deciding whether to use it as a genjutsu, or to use it for Izanagi as a throwaway...\"


ダンゾウ(サスケはもう使えん… シスイの幻術をかけて操るならマダラのほうだ
Danzou: (Sasuke can\'t use it anymore...if I catch him with the genjutsu and am able to control him, then that\'ll be it for Madara. I can\'t afford to waste time since my wounds are deepening too much)

It\'s pretty vague:

I would personally say: \"[He aimed for the]...vitals...even with/through the hostage...\"

Leave it appropriately vague.

Edited by DownsEndRoad, 27 January 2010 - 12:37 PM.

#2 pinkheartsyellowstars



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Posted 27 January 2010 - 10:59 AM

NOW i can tell SASUKE IS NOT ABUSIVE.... kruemelmonsteryn0.gif
Poor Karin... arg.gif
Sasuke's Face iss like a darkness maniac...(orochimaru)

Edited by pinkheartsyellowstars, 27 January 2010 - 11:00 AM.

#3 Nawheetos



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Posted 27 January 2010 - 12:40 PM

Updated with a clarification on some of the trans happy.gif

#4 Rix the Very Affectionate Lego!

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Posted 27 January 2010 - 12:48 PM

He probably hit her with a non-lethal attack

#5 Froot


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Posted 27 January 2010 - 01:12 PM

^ I agree. He told her not to move, and until we get the full chapter, I won't be able to read his expression, but judging by his words, I don't think it was a serious attackon her, and if it was, it wasn't fatal.

I'm not too sure on the Izanagi/Izanami/Iza-whatever thing since I've been spacing out in these Sasuke chapters but doesn't he have the ability to... Distort something or whatever?

Anyways, judging by the spoiler pic... Sasuke is officially on his road to insanity. *Shudders*

#6 Gravenimage


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Posted 27 January 2010 - 01:19 PM

I agree I think Sasuke already plan something to prevent himself from killing Karin. However doing this no doubt that Kishi wants to make Sasuke the ultimate villain of the manga. I think Taka will break up because Kishi said that something will happen to Taka all I know is that the Sasu/Saku fans will be cheering and declaring their pairing canon when this chapter comes out. rolleyes.gif

Edited by Gravenimage, 27 January 2010 - 01:20 PM.


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#7 RedDelicious



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Posted 27 January 2010 - 02:27 PM

QUOTE (Froot @ Jan 27 2010, 07:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Anyways, judging by the spoiler pic... Sasuke is officially on his road to insanity. *Shudders*

I think he has been paying a lot of tolls on that road already.
Now he is buying one of those radio-devices so he doesn't have to slow down at the toll booths anymore! wink.gif

#8 Freakazoid


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Posted 27 January 2010 - 02:35 PM

Well, boring and I have to see Danzou get beat. I'm so tired of all this garbage hype Kishimoto is making for Sasuke's 'dark side', when he's not even going to do anything with it in the end.

#9 Derock


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Posted 27 January 2010 - 02:59 PM

QUOTE (RedDelicious @ Jan 27 2010, 09:27 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think he has been paying a lot of tolls on that road already.
Now he is buying one of those radio-devices so he doesn't have to slow down at the toll booths anymore! wink.gif

Hmmm... good analogy. E-Z Pass much? tongue.gif

But anyway, the pic is telling me Sasuke is going to become an evil psycho soon.


What's Happening with the Naruto series as of now!

#10 Nawheetos



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Posted 27 January 2010 - 03:26 PM

^ Yeahh..he looks like a psychopath and a sadist in that pic. Not just like someone who is 'upset' dry.gif

#11 Strangelove


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Posted 27 January 2010 - 03:34 PM

I think...Sasuke killed Danzo and sacrificed Karin.

That is why this chapter is called sacrifice...now if Karin is dead...idk...

Edited by Strangelove, 27 January 2010 - 03:36 PM.


#12 Gravenimage


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Posted 27 January 2010 - 03:39 PM

QUOTE (Strangelove @ Jan 27 2010, 08:34 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think...Sasuke killed Danzo and sacrificed Karin.

That is why this chapter is called sacrifice...now if Karin is dead...idk...

I am so hoping she doesn't die maybe Sakura will get there by the time Sasuke Madara leave and will eventually heal her. I really don't want to see S/S fans going crazy because with Karin out of the way they will claim their pairing canon. dry.gif

Edited by Gravenimage, 27 January 2010 - 03:41 PM.


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#13 Strangelove


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Posted 27 January 2010 - 03:46 PM

QUOTE (Gravenimage @ Jan 27 2010, 03:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am so hoping she doesn't die maybe Sakura will get there by the time Sasuke Madara leave and will eventually heal her. I really don't want to see S/S fans going crazy because with Karin out of the way they will claim their pairing canon. dry.gif

idk if this is a victory for SS...and heck he literally sucked blood from Karin...that must have the S/S fans going angrily nuts. But this basically points to the fact Sasuke doesn't really care about others...and i highly doubt S/K will even happen...he was basically using Karin the same way he used Juugo and Suigetsu.


#14 ciardha


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Posted 27 January 2010 - 03:50 PM

QUOTE (Froot @ Jan 27 2010, 08:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
^ I agree. He told her not to move, and until we get the full chapter, I won't be able to read his expression, but judging by his words, I don't think it was a serious attackon her, and if it was, it wasn't fatal.

Yeah, sounds like Danzo had Karin in a hold that as long as she didn't move Sasuke could stab through her non lethally and kill Danzo. Her reaction- huh? versus Danzo's- guh! makes it sound pretty much that way. And Madara now sees Karin's healing ability as useful, so I'm doubting she's dead.

sasukarin shippers are likely jumping for joy over the Madara line that gives a boost to their ship too "Sasuke has chosen her as his favorite" (For a person to "choose" someone "as their favorite" is a way of saying that's the person they are in love with)
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#15 Gravenimage


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Posted 27 January 2010 - 03:51 PM

QUOTE (Strangelove @ Jan 27 2010, 08:46 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
idk if this is a victory for SS...and heck he literally sucked blood from Karin...that must have the S/S fans going angrily nuts. But this basically points to the fact Sasuke doesn't really care about others...and i highly doubt S/K will even happen...he was basically using Karin the same way he used Juugo and Suigetsu.

You know that is true there was a time Sasuke actually care for Taka because they reminded him of team seven (example the fight with Killer Bee the team seven flashback in his head). But not anymore now that he has lost himself in the darkness I believe he was now using them he no longer sees them as his team or reminds him of his old team. Kishi said that something will happen to Taka either they will broke up like I mentioned earlier or the shocking thing they might join Konoha.


You're right Madara did said that. That is one big boost to Sasu/Karin I can see the S/S fans completely ignoring that part the same way the N/H fans have been ignoring the slow development for N/S throughout the entire manga. happy.gif

Edited by Gravenimage, 27 January 2010 - 03:55 PM.


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#16 elmonoloco


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Posted 27 January 2010 - 03:53 PM

I'm disappointed, I felt that there was going to be more to Danzo's character than just making Sasuke look more like an unstoppable force. He was the the Hokage for crying out loud! The whole introduction to root's side story, Danzo, and even Sai seem pointless to me now.

#17 Strangelove


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Posted 27 January 2010 - 04:00 PM

QUOTE (ciardha @ Jan 27 2010, 03:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yeah, sounds like Danzo had Karin in a hold that as long as she didn't move Sasuke could stab through her non lethally and kill Danzo. Her reaction- huh? versus Danzo's- guh! makes it sound pretty much that way. And Madara now sees Karin's healing ability as useful, so I'm doubting she's dead.

sasukarin shippers are likely jumping for joy over the Madara line that gives a boost to their ship too "Sasuke has chosen her as his favorite" (For a person to "choose" someone "as their favorite" is a way of saying that's the person they are in love with)

She might have thought that Sasuke wouldn't have tried to hurt her...he might have stabbed her non lethaly...but he still stabbed her...unless Karin sucked some of Danzo ability making it impossible for her to get stab...

Sasuke: Don\'t move...Karin.
Danzou: ...!

Sasuke activates Mangekyou in his left eye...with a scary face.

Sasuke uses a Chidori spear and stabs Karin along with Danzou.
Danzou\'s back is pierced through.

Karin (Huh...)
Danzou: Guh...! (...the vitals of the hostage...)
Madara, smiling with his eyes: So its come to this...

He stabbed her, maybe not in a vital organ, but he still pierced through her...such things can caused large amounts of bleeding, and i doubt Sasuke or Madara know how to heal...now there is a problem and i doubt Danzou is dead...after all, he send some of his root to search for Kabuto to work on his arm...i think Kabuto is gonna arrive to heal Danzou.

Edited by Strangelove, 27 January 2010 - 04:04 PM.


#18 firegirl


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Posted 27 January 2010 - 04:31 PM

heard from a sasusaku fan if karin is wounded sasuke will go to sakura to heal her(but the funny thing is sasuke doesnt even know sakura has medical abilitys) but it will fail and sakura will become sasuke medic nin because she ows him, another is if karin is dead sakura will find sasuke injuryed and heal him.

personly i feel it would give her an advantage to kill him, but we have to see where sakurta is, im guessing shes not even near where sasuke is

Edited by firegirl, 27 January 2010 - 04:33 PM.

#19 ciardha


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Posted 27 January 2010 - 04:41 PM

QUOTE (Strangelove @ Jan 27 2010, 11:00 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
She might have thought that Sasuke wouldn't have tried to hurt her...he might have stabbed her non lethaly...but he still stabbed her...unless Karin sucked some of Danzo ability making it impossible for her to get stab...

He stabbed her, maybe not in a vital organ, but he still pierced through her...such things can caused large amounts of bleeding, and i doubt Sasuke or Madara know how to heal...now there is a problem and i doubt Danzou is dead...after all, he send some of his root to search for Kabuto to work on his arm...i think Kabuto is gonna arrive to heal Danzou.

Madara seems to know some, he treated Sasuke and Sasuke was near death. Madara now finds Karin's ability useful so... It's likely her injuries are within Madara's ability or with her ability she has some ability to heal herself- at least to the point of sealing up her wounds, so she'd be okay but have heal for a while.
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#20 Guest_SS3 Goku_*

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Posted 27 January 2010 - 06:04 PM

QUOTE (Gravenimage @ Jan 27 2010, 02:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I agree I think Sasuke already plan something to prevent himself from killing Karin. However doing this no doubt that Kishi wants to make Sasuke the ultimate villain of the manga. I think Taka will break up because Kishi said that something will happen to Taka all I know is that the Sasu/Saku fans will be cheering and declaring their pairing canon when this chapter comes out. rolleyes.gif

yep hear we go i wonder what they'll make up this time lol when if sasuke did that to karin im pritty shure he will die in the end

firegirl* i very much dought sasuke will even care sakura means nothing to him ss shippers are jest sad

Edited by SS3 Goku, 27 January 2010 - 06:06 PM.

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