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#494559 Naruto 647

Posted by Otaru on 17 September 2013 - 09:41 PM

I loved this chapter...

It was so touching...


The way Naruto's heart has been linked to everyone thank's to Ino's jutsu... it's just.... kishi is a genius to have imagined this. This is just great. May be a hint of the future peace like someone here said. It's really surprising, touching and interesting at the same time. I would have never thought of it. This is beautiful. Sakura was one of the firsts to realise that it was Naruto's heart, i liked it. Ino and Sakura was so moved by Naruto's feelings, it brought me to tears.It's just so beautiful... everyone got connected to Naruto's heart, even this bastard Sasuke... maybe he will understand now... I will give a little break to Sasuke because he reacted well this chapter.


The kages are approaching, i was guessing right last week, but i thought they would arrive before Orochimaru.

I'm terribly disappointed by what Kishi's done with Karin... i don't understand really... oh god... meh


Well about Shika... i'm SURE Sakura will save him.

Everyone else that was touched by the tree died quickly. Kishi is making it last for Shika for a reason.


This panel is of great importance to me.




It's drawn in a way that we feel it's like the more important thing in Sakura's ninja's life right know. This view, over Sakura... Sakura rushing... it's like a medic rushing over a dying person in real life. To me it's obvious that Kishi is making this really important for her. So i'm sure she will save him, and i strongly hope NOBODY help.


About the genjutsu... well... i was sure it was gonna happen, and know i think it will not happen. Everyone feeling it's like dying... so if this genjutsu become a success, then it would be like failing for everyone... i think maybe they did RtN because the Tsukuyomi will never happen in the manga...

#493628 Why I'm sure Naruto WILL confess to Sakura some day

Posted by Otaru on 15 September 2013 - 02:53 AM

I was thinking... Naruto will confess to her. It's obvious.
I had never thought of this until Sai got involved, because Naruto was so selfless I had always thought that he would never told her.
But Sai got involved.
The way Sakura is shown here, going away... to me, it's made like this to make the readers ache for Naruto to tell her. While reading this, we can't help but feel that she's away from Naruto, and that he looks at her from afar. And we can't help but want him to confess to her.
I think Naruto's response to Sai is even more going in this way.
His response shows without any doubt that he WANTS to tell her, but he thinks he can't. He still thinks he's not worth it. He still thinks he's not good enough.
That again is, in my opinion, all made to make the readers want him to confess.
This is a shōnen.
In a shōnen, the hero is supposed to grow, and to gain power and recognition. And he is also supposed to get the girl. This is part of the challenge. This is part of the struggle.
In this panel, Naruto is shown, watching Sakura fading away. I think this is made, again, for us to feel ache and badly want Naruto to confess to her. In this panel, we're set to feel what Naruto feels. This is such a sad panel... and yet, this is a forshadowing panel. What would be the need to show this if it wasn't to show Naruto confess to her later ?
Some will tell me it was only to make Sai to tell her.
Partly yes, maybe.
Sai was deeply touched by Naruto's feelings, just as we are. And Sai went directly to Sakura, and told her the truth. Back then, I was so excited... I will be honest here, that was something I really wanted without even have thought of it.
I remember some fans said that Sai was angry at her. I have to disagree. I think he was overwhelmed by the empathy feelings he had about Naruto's suffering, and I think he let it out when he told her about Naruto. It's true he told her she was part of Naruto's suffering,but i don't think Sai was really angry at Sakura. He was just angry about the situation.
Some fans are saying that the fact Sai told her the truth about Naruto's feelings is the end of NaruSaku, and they are thinking because of that Naruto would never told her about his feelings, but I think this isn't true. I think it was necessary for her to know at that time, for the plot. I think Kishimoto wanted to ease a little Naruto and Sakura of this old promise, because it was a too heavy weight on their relation and it was blocking everything. Maybe i'm wrong, maybe it was only to trigger Sakura to go kill Sasuke... or maybe both things. But i'm sure it was necessary at that precise time, and that's why Kishimoto involved Sai in it.
But to me, even if Sai already told her, Naruto will tell her some day. Because it as been made really important with those panels. The emphasis of all this is great. Kishimoto can't go without a resolve of all this.
I'm sure Naruto will tell her how he feels.
What do you think ?

#493586 Naruto 646

Posted by Otaru on 14 September 2013 - 11:32 PM

I don't want fanfiction anymore lol

i just want Kishi to shake his manga once and for all lol.

#483150 640

Posted by Otaru on 24 July 2013 - 05:21 PM



I thought it was fast too... but i think Kishi wants to end this quickly...



Chapter was pretty meh for the most part. It always feels like Kishi is wasting panels when he's showing off Rin. I was literally just scrolling through the pages. Another thing I'm wondering is where is the alliance? Is it just gonna be Naruto, Sasuke and Minato fighting at that moment? They obviously need more help...


And yeah Zatheko, I see the parallels coming also. He's regained consciousness so the moment is near. Thing I'm wondering more about is the execution. How is Sakura gonna enter this battle?


I agree with you. We already know very well about Rin, Everything is repeating itself. I would like to see the alliance too. At least some panels just to know what they are doing...I also agree that the moment that will resolve everything about Rin is near.

#481760 Naruto 639

Posted by Otaru on 17 July 2013 - 02:42 PM

I would like sakura to go and save the day with Naruto and Sasuke.

Even if it's for a short time and the kage arrive soon after. Please Kishi, put her back to fight.

#481685 Naruto 639

Posted by Otaru on 17 July 2013 - 09:01 AM

As someone said on Tumblr, the end of this chapter seems to be the perfect opening for Orochimaru and the Kages to arrive and save the day.




It's also possible it will be Kakashi.

He's the nearest because he's still INSIDE of Obito.

#480494 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Otaru on 09 July 2013 - 12:44 PM

Yeah. Here:


and here:



So clearly she's not exactly ecstatic about Hinata having feelings for Naruto.

In the first panel, she's obviously saddened by the revelation that Hinata loves Naruto. In the second, you can see that's quite shocked at seeing Hinata with her hand on Naruto's cheek and sharing a (seemingly) intimate moment. Only makes it worse that she knows how Hinata feels about him.



I don't really agree with you on this.


In the first pic, the translation isn't very well done also.

What Sakura is saying is " Hinata, Naruto no koto..." wich means " Hinata, about Naruto..." if we translate literally.

It's obvious Sakura has just realized that Hinata loves Naruto, but i really don't think the look on her face is sadness because of that fact.

I think, back then, Sakura empathised a lot with Hinata, because she very well could have done the same. That's why she has that face. She understand Hinata so much so she has a touched face. It's like " poor Hinata she risked her life... she must loves Naruto so much... " something like that. You see. It's empathy. Sakura would never think about herself in a situation like that, she's too selfless for that.


On the second pic, i think it's just surprise because Hinata isn't like that usually. That time Hinata woke Naruto up in 615, she was strong enough to do it. The old Hinata could have never done that.

#480440 Naruto 638

Posted by Otaru on 09 July 2013 - 08:15 AM

I noticed something:


here --> http://www.mangaread...et/naruto/638/5


Obito is removing something from his face. To me it seems he has removed the Zetsu that was composing part of his body.

it seems that this is the juubi now that completing his body.

#475786 Naruto 634

Posted by Otaru on 12 June 2013 - 07:33 PM


yeah... Sai said "What Sasuke said.... I think that you heard him too... What's his real aim...?"


But anyway, that doesn't change anything. the Sasuke "Burn out!" made Sai suspicious of him.


Yes this doesn't change anything. Sasuke is suspect.

But it was nice to have the real translation. Thank you.




Ummm I don't know if someone pointed this out already (I only read a few pages xD), but doesn't it make more sense to say that Sakura's crying because of Tsunade rather than seeing team 7 like that? Because: http://www.mangapanda.com/naruto/634/4


She looks kind of...sad here. And she just so happens to interrupt Katsuya when she mentions Tsunade (as if Katsuya herself doesn't know about her state...but perhaps Sakura does somehow?).  :ermm:.


To me, Sakura is crying out of joy. It's pretty obvious. If you look closely at the page where Sakura shed a tear, all the rookies were supporting Naru/Sasu combined attack that was right about to form before their eyes. Every rookie said something. It's all pointing at Naru/Sasu 's attack. And then, on the bottom of the page, there is Sakura, who is crying out of joy while watching them combine their both attacks into one.

This page is really full of strong feelings to me.


I think Sakura is not sad when she interrupted Katsuyu from saying her that Tsunade will be so proud of her (because we all know what this was about even if the sentence wasn't complete). I think Sakura is concerned about everyone in the alliance, and focused. So she doesn't want to be praised here, she just wants to take action. To me it's *again* Sakura being selfless.

#475757 Naruto 634

Posted by Otaru on 12 June 2013 - 06:31 PM

that chapter was okay-ish, Im actually really pissed off that sakura just went back to healing fodder... :/ don't get me wrong, i know shes a medic and that her job but it's so boring. It's kishi just trying to place her in the background again and let all the men do all the work. i truly believe slug sage mode is completely off the table because: from what shizune said it seems she's only just started to work with the slugs :( 


sakura capabilities right now are dull and repetitive (copy and paste from tsunade)  and i was hoping for kishi to add something more to give her an edge. when you compare what she dose to sasuke and naruto -it's kinda lack luster imo 


anyways some good point is that sasuke still may have bad intentions which is great from a story wise perspective if he still retains his dark side. 

one thing that did intrigue me was sakura in the last panel, she looks concerned - could be about  about tsunade or sasuke 


In this chapter, Sakura basically took Tsunade's role. It was necessary. It's HUGE guys. It's HOKAGE level.

Ok she's healing, but she's healing the entire shinobi alliance. She's aknowledged as a really skilled girl.

I really don't know if Tsunade would have been capable of that. It's so many people it's almost freaking.

It's pretty logicall she split Katsuyu to heal everyone. That will give every shinobi an extra time for battle.

#473012 Naruto 633

Posted by Otaru on 05 June 2013 - 09:15 AM

Indeed, this chapter is pure gold

i love it

i'm really happy to see the other teams also, moving forward

the only thing that bugs me is hinata's fixation on naruto.

i would like to see her thinking about something else for a change... (her family, her sister, her father, neji... )

#468926 Naruto 632

Posted by Otaru on 29 May 2013 - 09:47 AM

I didn't mean to discourage anyone. :( I was just pointing it out...

Personally, I believe that moment was just to seemingly, and subtly, reestablish the Team 7 love triangle. But we all know how much Sakura has changed, so she (hopefully) won't become a fangirl again. Her priority is Naruto, like it has been for a long time now, and she's still got unresolved romantic feelings for him. That will have to be addressed sooner or later (probably when the bench scene comes up!)

I like this variant of Byakugou Sakura has! It seems more offensive based, enhancing her stats and whatnot. And since it's not a healing jutsu, her lifespan won't be shortened. I hope we get some flashbacks of her learning it, and telling us how it works and its purposes and all that...

Exactly this brings back the very same love triangle.

It's bad writing for me... i'm disappointed with it.