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#824512 How Kishimoto could have made Sakura popular

Posted by HalfDemonInuyasha on 17 May 2015 - 08:10 PM

Naruto activate Kyubi power when he is in emotional distress like anger.
But Naruto is also the type that goes Kyubi mode if someone dying infront of his face.
For example :
1. When sasuke tank haku attack and "die" naruto goes rampage.
2. When he found garra dead, he goes to third tail.
3. When orochimaru taunt naruto about sasuke.
4. When Hinata get stab.

The reason why he doesn't go Kyubi when jiraiya and kakashi dead is he doesn't see their dead.
Then why he goes fourth tail when sasuke get mention by orochimaru? That because sasuke is his love friend who will die when orochimaru take over his body. Like when sakura almost dead situation in naruto vs garra.

Oh and naruto beat garra with the power of love... Oh I mean power of rival.


Yeah, I'm sure there is a huge difference between simply hearing about someone being dead/killed and actually seeing someone get killed in front of you with your own eyes. The emotional response is more than likely far stronger for the latter than the former.

#824511 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by HalfDemonInuyasha on 17 May 2015 - 08:07 PM

My favorite character from Naruto is Itachi.  That guys cool dawg.  Too bad Sasuke killed him. 

I mostly liked Itachi because, despite what people said about his genius and all, he was still a hard worker and had a much more open view of things, seeing beyond just the Clan. He was one of those number of truly strong shinobi that worked his whole (short) life to get to where he was, but, also like a bunch of those shinobi that was fought, was nearly jobbed simply to force the plot forward and/or making the MCs look better.

And Sasuke didn't do jack to Itachi. Itachi really just killed himself. (I laugh whenever I see people in the story say "Sasuke killed Itachi" in some way.) "Madara"/Obito even said himself that if Itachi was serious about killing Sasuke during their fight, then Itachi could have done instantly whenever he wanted, and that was with Itachi already extremely handicapped with being 99% blind and near-death due to his magic illness, yet he always had Sasuke on the ropes, easily keeping pace as Sasuke pulled out bigger and stronger moves.



The win makes you high. Morals fly out the window when you're handed the trophy, at least to some of these NH/SS shippers who think it's ok to mock NS fans and call them "salty"

Why do you think a sports fans riot whenever their big team loses OR wins a big game? lol

#824063 How Kishimoto could have made Sakura popular

Posted by HalfDemonInuyasha on 17 May 2015 - 03:35 AM

And as I mentioned before, there's also the fact that Naruto is (or rather "was") the type of guy who would have reacted the way he did no matter who it was that could've been in Hinata's place, from Sakura all the way down to a random nameless villager, so even when extremist fans try to use Naruto's rage-induced reaction as "proof" that he loves Hinata back, they're, as usual, just conveniently trying pick and choose inconvenient facts to ignore in order to keep their own fantasy alive within their bubble.

#823492 Team 7 Seiyuu interview?

Posted by HalfDemonInuyasha on 16 May 2015 - 07:06 AM

*reads the interview*


[Sugiyama] : ( About Sasuke’s sentence : You are so damn annoying) This sentence every time being said showed a change in Sasusaku’s relationship ,so the meaning of it is very deep.At first, because of his older brother’s betrayal, Sasuke disbelieved in human, but he started considering Sakura as his comrade gradually, the meaning of the word “annoying” also has been changed from there.But really till the end, his strong will to take revenge on his older brother always remained no.1 so there was no place to love someone.

...........................................what..............................................did......did you even listen to yourself or think about what the script said....? Seriously? The meaning of "annoying" "changed"? Are you serious?




[Nakamura] : A Sakura used to devote herself to love only, then she didn’t ask for a requitted love, eventually she has knowned  what is true love ( This part is about showing the change in Sakura’s love, reading chapter 693 for reference)

.................................wow, I didn't know Sasuke putting her in a Genjutsu where HE IMPALES HER THROUGH THE CHEST WITH HIS OWN HAND is such a sign of TRUE LOVE...........And to add to it, HE DID NOT EVEN USE THE CHIDORI WHEN DOING IT. It was PURELY his OWN. BARE. HAND.

[Sugiyama] : I think that…Sasuke himself showed his change obviously right after his last fight against Naruto ( After all the time, Sakura has always helped and forgiven Sasuke)..This was when Sasuke realized  that he not only had loved her romantically but also he felt a love more deeply than their bonds.His feelings is so consistant.And in my opinion, it linked to the sentence “I’ll see you soon” of Sasuke afterwards.

.............right......it's ONLY then that he realized.....despite ALL the other kittening times Sakura tried, LIKE WHEN SHE TRIED TO KEEP HIM FROM LEAVING KONOHA AND EVEN OFFERED TO LEAVE WITH HIM.......it's ONLY then that he MAGICALLY realizes he not ONLY "loved her romantically", but "felt a love more deeply than their bonds"?!


[Takeuchi]: Now considering all of the girls that have loved Sasuke includes : Sakura, Ino and Karin, right ?

[Sugiyama] Apparently it’s correct.

[Takeuchi] Why Sasuke didn’t choose Karin ? laughs

[Sugiyama] I don’t know laughs

[Takeuchi] : Really ? I have never had that thought in my mind.

[Nakamura] : No, it’s not love, I mean that if Sasuke still cooperates with Karin as a comrade ( The meaning is remaining Taka team, because Sasuke didn’t love Karin romatically so there is no chance they can stay besides each other as lovers)


[Takeuchi] : But even though Sasuke is taciturn, he still conveys his feelings precisely.His words to Sakura in chapter 699 , “I’ll see you soon, Thank you” . It’s definitely an offer of marriage.

[Nakamura] And Sakura also completely accepts that.

[Takeuchi] : Because of that then afterwards during the timeskip (more 10 years),no matter what how many girls he has met, his love for Sakura will still remain the same.

[Sugiyama] : In Sasuke, there is a sincerity and consistency like that



[Nakamura] : This digresses from subject but among Naruto’s love stories, I like Minato&Kushina the most.

[Takeuchi] : So do I.

[Nakamura] : Kushina told Naruto to find a girl whom resembles her, but the girl that has closet personality to Kushina is definitely Sakura.

[Sugiyama]:Sakura and Kushina are always the ones who wear a pant in a relationship

[Nakamura] : So if Naruto and Hinata fight against each other, then Naruto would absolutely go to Sakura’s place for advice, ahaha


[Nakamura] Honestly the bond between Sakura and Naruto is more stronger than lovers’s/husband & wife’s bonds[of Naruhina] plus, Hinata is Sakura’s good friend as well.

[Takeuchi]:That’s right, so if Naruhina have a fight then Hinata will also go to Sakura’s place


[Takeuchi] So where is the position of Sasuke ?

[Sugiyama]: Frankly Sasuke usually goes travelling around the world, even his daughter also says “Shannaro” to him, so I think that he has no power in his family, hahaha ( Sugiyama means that Sasuke’s not only  afraid of his wife but also his daughter)

[Reporter] : Had Naruto gone through romantic love ?

[Takeuchi] :Nope. The only time he has gone through romantic love is in The Last

.......more like guilt-tripped.

So it's clear now...the VAs have sold out/wussed out too. Now "Naruto" has been tainted both outside AND further inside.

#823489 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by HalfDemonInuyasha on 16 May 2015 - 06:42 AM

I don't hate people who ship it usually but stupidness upsets me lol

Yeah, as I mentioned before, I don't hate the NH/SS pairings in general, but rather the delusional, extremist fan base of them. (Thankfully, there are a minority amount of more logical NH/SS fans who are also disappointed in, or even hate the ending as well since they can actually see the writing on the wall.)

I'm of the belief that almost any pairing can happen so long as the plot and development is done well enough to make it believable in the end if it does happen, but unfortunately, in the canon manga, NH, IMO, doesn't even have enough development to call the two of them much more than distant friends, and that only happens after Neji dies. Before that, the best one could call them was acquaintances since they hardly spoke to each other ever both in and out of battle, much less really hang out together or anything where they actually got to know one another.

And yet those extremist fans will say anything, take any moment involving Hinata/Sasuke, or Naruto and Hinata/Sasuke and Sakura together at any point, and try to twist it into "proof" that NH/SS is "developed", that they "belong together", that Hinata "deserves" Naruto, that Sasuke "actually loves" Sakura, and so on, and no matter how logical the explanation as to why it's far more likely not proof and why they don't work the way it's been done, they deny it.

Not to turn this political or anything, but to compare, it's much like how so many Republicans here in the US deny the existence of climate change even though 97% of the world's climate scientists say it does, and those guys are, obviously, scientists who are truly experts in the field whereas the Republicans who deny it are average citizens or politicians who most likely know jack squat about the subject or anything involving weather, climate, etc. yet try to speak as if they are so well-versed in it all, and they'll grasp onto anything to deny it exists, even right down to made-up conspiracy theories or even just saying things like, "But it snowed and was cold this winter, so it must not be true!", even though the overall temperatures were warmer than they have ever been before. It doesn't matter what scientific evidence and data is shown to them, they'll deny it, and they will probably continue to deny it even after Florida is submerged in the ocean and/or the North Pole and Antarctica become no bigger than individual ice cubes.

#821936 Blaming Sakura

Posted by HalfDemonInuyasha on 14 May 2015 - 03:36 AM

For me, fan-service comes down to the situation and the execution really.

For example, I tend to look at the anime version of High School of the Dead as how NOT to use fan-service.

The manga version was fine as it usually manages to keep much of the fan-service in its own time, usually when the characters are taking a breather from fighting zombies and have some quieter downtime while rarely present at all when they're actually fighting zombies, allowing the reader to still feel the tenseness of their situations, wondering if anyone will get bitten or get killed or something. The anime version, however, sought to shove fan-service down the viewers' throats for virtually every situation, both adding more during situtations that happened in the manga to adding fan-service that didn't happen in the manga at all, to where most of the battles against zombies went from tense to laughable. I mean seriously, how can viewers be expected to take a zombie fight seriously or feel tense when you have freaking Matrix/Max Payne-style bullet time slow-motion with a sniper rifle round flying inches underneath a girl and showing a clear pantyhose and inches from the girl's crotch as she's jumping in the air, or literally flying between her pair of large, flopping breasts from momentum as she's bending over backwards, and then hitting a zombie, killing it?

#821697 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by HalfDemonInuyasha on 13 May 2015 - 06:06 PM

I agree with some of this, but not all of it. First of all it seems like people want to punish Sasuke, this time by civilianizing him and giving him multiple disabilities? Sasuke and Naruto would've changed the system, I don't understand why you'd retire and disable Sasuke. That is no ending for him, that is no closure as Sasuke should have a hand in the changing of the system.

Why should Sasuke have the privilage of having a hand in doing anything involving the system after all he's done? He's had privilages all his life, but chose to throw it all away for power, power, and more power. He only ended up wanting to "change the system" because Kishi wanted him to look good after not being able to decide just what to do with him, even having Sasuke be pardoned of everything he did, thus not even having to take responsibility for any of those actions either. Even with Sasuke learning about things later on, he talks like he was completely controlled and manipulated by the system when the fact is that it was still his own anger, ego, and lust for power that drove him and caused him to make the decisions he did, but now, as usual, he's just trying to pass the blame onto someone/something else.

Naruto should've simply had a reality check and be able to change the system himself.

#821532 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by HalfDemonInuyasha on 13 May 2015 - 06:38 AM

Considering we're already getting pseudo-rehashes from the original manga, I wouldn't be surprised if Gaiden ends up being just more Naruto and Sasuke angst while the kids only play a minor role in the grand scheme of things, only used to further Naruto/Sasuke angst drama until the end, when they'll try to rope you into seeing the Boruto movie to "get answers" and such.

#821528 Blaming Sakura

Posted by HalfDemonInuyasha on 13 May 2015 - 06:29 AM

In terms of male body types, one can just look at Naruto himself as an example. Even when he was freaking twelve, he had quite a muscular build with his shirt off, and that does not help when you also consider...(exaggeration or otherwise)

1.) Naruto has been shown not to exercise nor train on a regular basis (even normally, not having to be extreme at all).

2.) Naruto stuffs himself with ramen 24/7.

...if anything, he should have one of the unhealthiest bodies of the rookies by that age, if not most shinobi. The only other in-universe explanation would be is that it's simply because of being Kurama's Jinchuriki, but if that is indeed the reason, than Naruto's character was already hypocritical since, whether he knew it or not, Naruto was getting a free crutch through Kurama's chakra keeping him fit and healthy rather than it being himself like it is with others like Gai and Lee and such.

Out of universe explanation is, as it's mentioned in general, that it was simply to keep Naruto looking physically good for (primarily) the female fan base.

#821523 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by HalfDemonInuyasha on 13 May 2015 - 06:15 AM

All the pictures of Naruto and Hinata look so forced.

Naruto looks far more like he's gritting his teeth in order to force a "smile", but looks more constipated, as opposed to his natural grinning while Hinata is either just....there....or in terms of holding a baby Boruto, looks even disappointed/bored rather than "tired" from giving birth or anything.

#821507 Blaming Sakura

Posted by HalfDemonInuyasha on 13 May 2015 - 05:12 AM

FMA is one of the best though. One Piece and Bleach have some pretty badass women but the lasivious big-boobed fanservice kinda kills it. Naruto and Death Note are both sexist as hell and DBZ is mostly just a bunch of guys. Nothing wrong with that but it does limit the amount of strong females in the genre.
It's not just about how "strong" the girls are but also their prominence and role in the story.

And it's not like what few females there are are made weaker, but just that each new antagonist is exponentially stronger.

Like Android 18 may have been extremely powerful when she first appeared, able to effortlessly beat SSj Vegeta (who is arguably slightly stronger than even Goku was at the time, heart virus or not which, considering all the training Vegeta did in his obsessive quest to become a SSj, wouldn't surprise me), but as soon as Piccolo merged with Kami, Cell's arrival, and Android 16's sudden reveal of power, it was quickly overshadowed, and then we have the likes of Buu, SSj3 Goku, SSj3 Gotenks, Mystic Gohan, and (Super) Vegito, but she still remained, and still remains to the present, as powerful as she was when she first appeared and not dumbed down solely for the sake of making others look better.

#821125 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by HalfDemonInuyasha on 12 May 2015 - 06:54 AM

Naruto will always be a animreal that will be close to me since I grew up with it and most of it was awesome even though ever thing else ruined it. That is why it hurts so much to be around it and want to hate it. Naruto is like an old friend that you were buddies since middle school. You eventually like a girl. You decided to ask her out but then he turned on ya and stole the girl. Naruto became your ex best friend that you despise.

And you feel bad for a while. Wondering if it was something you did, thinking as hard as you can, but never able to come up with anything nor could anyone else. As far as you knew, you and he were best pals and you always treated him right. Sure you had disagreements here and there, but what friendship or relationship doesn't? So you decide to stop focusing on it and try to move on...until you hear that the two are getting married and you see photos of them together looking so happy and everything...you're polite enough to go to the wedding, even if you don't want to because of the feelings it would make you feel...and afterwards, you're once again reminded about what happened and lingering on....but eventually you start to move on again.

Then barely a few months later, you start hearing about how the relationship between the two quickly broke down - the two constantly at each other's throats, neither having a job and finding out the girl is pregnant, the ex-best friend caught cheating with another girl, becoming a drinker, gambler, and abuser all around, and the girl started doing drugs, getting arrested, and wishing it was you that she was with.

And despite hearing about all that hardship, all the troubles they are currently having...you just can't help but smile a bit at their misery too...knowing that the two deserved it on some level...and that could'e just as easily have been you in that situation instead.

(And despite how detailed this is, no, this is not something that happened to me or anyone I know in real life. XD )

#821124 Should Sasuke Have Died?

Posted by HalfDemonInuyasha on 12 May 2015 - 06:35 AM

Since Sasuke was opposite of Naruto I kind of felt it was fitting for him to receive his power ups quite easily

Things went to crap when Naruto also began to power up easily

That's why I feel Naruto started going downhill after Kakuzu/Hidan, at the start of the Pein Arc.

Naruto proclaimed, due to the bridge incident with Kurama's chakra, that he would stop using it and get stronger using his own power and, as a result, he half-completed the Rasenshuriken, a technique he developed to overcome Sasuke. I was looking forward to him eventually overcoming the flaws it had and eventually being able to create it and other Rasengan stuff with one hand and no Kage Bunshin to demonstrate such progress. Instead, he just starts using more powers from other sources, not "his own", and even "mastering" those powers extremely quickly even with few or no Kage Bunshin assistance and even while skipping training early to play hero.

It felt like Kishi suddenly realized just how OP he was making Sasuke (at least compared to Naruto and co., especially if the first Team Seven reunion was any indication, having Naruto seem virtually unchanged from Part 1 aside from being stronger in basics and a slightly bigger Rasengan while Sasuke grew by leaps and bounds) by giving him not just a Mangekyo, but Itachi's Mangekyo abilities as well, and felt he had to quickly make it up by having Naruto be given some new source of power and had him copy Jiraiya in learning Sage Mode (even copying Jiraiya's ideals essentially).

....Then Kishi realized that Naruto now outclassed Sasuke overall by him beating Pein (even if it involved hax, convenient stupidity, and Talk no Jutsu), who was supposedly more powerful than Itachi due to the Rinnegan, so throws more stuff to Sasuke by him suddenly and magically having chakra reserves far, far higher than he ever had even when even previously using the Curse Seal and spamming the Mangekyo and its abilities at the Kage Summit and against Danzo without really tiring (until the very end with the Kages), before turning hypocrite and deciding to take Itachi's eyes for the Eternal Mangekyo because he was a moron who seemed to completely forget everything he learned about going blind from awakening and using it.

....Then Kishi realized again how hax Sasuke was going to become and decides to also make Naruto a hypocrite by having him once again rely on Kurama's chakra, first by stealing it thanks to more seal hax (Naruto was going to lose that tug of war with Kurama were it not for the convenient Kushina appearance and assistance, much like how Minato conveniently appeared to keep Naruto from releasing Kurama from the seal) and then Kurama magically having a 180 in attitude from, again, Talk no Jutsu, despite decades of hatred and distrust of humanity and empowering Naruto even more.

....And Kishi just had NO sense of balance between their powers until the very end, in which he just said, "Screw it", and gave them the same amount of powers by doing the whole "chakra reincarnation" crap with Indra and Ashura and Hagaromo literally just handing both Naruto and Sasuke more power.

And yet, even with that new power, they could barely hold their own just against Madara, and then Kaguya suddenly shows up, someone who is the source of all the power everyone there had, and yet suddenly Naruto and Sasuke don't seem to be having nearly as much trouble against her compared to Madara since all Kaguya really did was just pull Obito-style Kamui teleportations, but not much else. You'd think she'd be able to do essentially anything considering who she was, with all the eyes and everything.

........AND EVEN AFTER ALL THAT, fighting the war, then Obito, then Madara, then Kaguya, one by one, in a row, all in pretty much the same day, Naruto and Sasuke STILL have enough juice to then go at each other? (Sasuke even effortlessly trapping the Biju with NINE Chibaku Tensei). Seriously, WTF, Kishi?

#821055 Should Sasuke Have Died?

Posted by HalfDemonInuyasha on 12 May 2015 - 01:48 AM

Sasuke is the worst part of this manga. Kishi's obsession with him was transferred to the other characters and became those characters' greatest weakness. An obstacle that they could never get over. That's why he should've died. All the TNJ was seemingly developed for the sole purpose of redeeming Sasuke at the end of the manga, and that's what bugs me so much.


That I wanted to read a story about a title character who came from nothing and worked hard to achieve all the things that he was told he would never have.


Instead, I got a half-a**ed redemption story about some no personality, piece of crap named Sasuke and his stupid overhyped family.

And when you look at how the story ended up, the only thing Naruto actually got in the end was the Hokage title, and even then, he only initially wanted it because he saw it as the ultimate form of acknowledgment, but he already achieved that when he defeated Pein, and then it became all about "peace" and "change", which while one may have happened, the other clearly didn't.

If he's "too busy" to spend training time with his own son, then surely he is also "too busy" to spend any time with his (former) friends, so the whole "friends" thing is stretched thin now. As brought up here and other places, Sasuke still left and is gone from Konoha so Team Seven is not back together again or anything, and obviously, he didn't get the girl he was actually in love with.

So in the end, he only really gained half a thing, but seemed to have lost/never achieved most of his other things.

#821043 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by HalfDemonInuyasha on 12 May 2015 - 01:18 AM


Not only is it biased and unfair how SP makes their favorite characters more attractive-looking but it is also sexist and shallow how they think a female character's worth is based on how pretty they are.  Basically they're trying to uglify Sakura and beautify Hinata so it's more "obvious" that the latter is Naruto's love interest.

Not only that, but it also shows their insulting mindset towards the fan base in doing so; probably thinking that most "Naruto" fans, if not most anime/manga fans in general, must be the stereotypical fat, unattractive, desperate, creepy, NEET, "2D-only", and/or sexually-deprived otaku who will be happy just to have a pretty (animated) face and/or nice (animated) body to fap to and not give a care at all about the plot, characters, or anything else important to any story. If anything, otakus as Miyazaki spoke about that were "ruining" the anime industry, are most likely exactly those who are in charge at SP and whatnot given so much Hinata love and such, The backlash to how "Naruto" went with 699-700 and The Last, and far more at Kishi and SP's screwing with the plot and the destruction of the characters' development and personalities as opposed to the differences in looks or pairings in general, proves that thinking is completely wrong and that Kishi and SP didn't care nor bother to learn what the actual majority of the fans wanted; only what they themselves wanted.