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#933231 What are you listening to?

Posted by Wubbzy on 27 February 2017 - 01:51 AM







And also, the whole My Chemical Romance album haha, Welcome to the Black Parade. xD

#933033 From a writing standpoint, what exactly is the appeal of Naruto and Hinata?

Posted by Wubbzy on 24 February 2017 - 10:43 PM

I would have to say, it is most likely because Hinata liked Naruto first. I heard the argument that since she always liked him, even when he was considered dead last, she should end up with him. And I guess there is some appeal to that, but I wholeheartedly agree with you that just because she liked him first, doesn't mean they will have the best chemistry, or any chemistry at all. 


This was my main gripe with NH, and why I couldn't support it during part 2. I just didn't see them going well together, because their personalities, and the way they act, just didn't go well. 


I don't really understand it either, though. So I'm probably not the best to answer, haha. 

#933030 When exactly did the fights start to suck?

Posted by Wubbzy on 24 February 2017 - 10:25 PM

I found myself questioning this. That's why I can't help but love part 1. It had amazing fights with strategy and made me believe that this was a ninja manga. 


Part 2, I guess, is where it started. Part one had amazing fights filled with strategy and deception etc. Those were my favorite. Part 2 (especially the war arc), was where it got to DBZ moves, which really made me sad. 


I'm glad you brought this up, because everything you said is how I feel about the fights. It's why I got so bored by the end of the manga. Kishi had such a good opportunity to do so much more with it, but instead settled for what we got. 

#931639 Failing the Written Chuunin Exams Challenge

Posted by Wubbzy on 04 February 2017 - 12:40 AM

Hmmm, I know I brought this challenge up, but I think I now have an idea for it too. Gaaah!  Idk if I could write it (maybe a short drabble if anything). But I thought it could actually be kind of funny, with Naruto wondering if she was struggling as much as he was with the exam. I'm still thinking about it, but I could imagine Naruto saying something like them being on the same boat with not getting the questions. I can see him not being angry, but confused as to why she she raised her hand (since he knows her to be the smartest). I can see Sakura getting annoyed at him thinking she was scared for herself, or that she was not smart enough to understand them. 


Currently working on it. Can't wait to get it up.

Yay! I can't wait to read it! ^___^ 

#931400 new kishimoto interview 2017

Posted by Wubbzy on 01 February 2017 - 05:10 AM

Wow, you know, if he is being honest here, about intending NaruHina from the beginning, then wow, he knows how to make chemistry between Naruto and a not so "special character" better, than the intended shipping from the start. 
One of the main reasons I shipped NaruSaku was because of their chemistry. Their personalities just fit so well together. Naruto's progressing feelings for her throughout part one, and Sakura's slow tolerance, to admiration/care for him was something I think we all found endearing, and why we loved them together so much. 
I don't see why he couldn't do the same for the intended pairing. He relied on (I guess he intended them to be) big flashy moments, without showing their chemistry, IMO. 
Well, either way, this isn't anything new. Even if he did intend the pairing as he says, he did a lousy job of showing it. 
It does however, make me sad that Sakura was not considered a heroine in Kishi's eyes, as she wasn't some "special character." *sigh* I don't understand him at all. 

#930662 Review of Sakura as a Character [Kishis most wasted Characterpotential]

Posted by Wubbzy on 20 January 2017 - 03:02 AM

Yeah, I have to agree too. She was my favorite character too. In a way, she still is. The old Sakura, of course, not the one from Gaiden and the Boruto manga. Even then, I feel sad for what she has become. She just feels so foreign to me, so stagnant, in a way. 


But you are definitely right. There was so much potential for Sakura to grow into her own and develop into a strong character, but in the end, she just reverted back to her old ways in the beginning of the manga, which makes me sad. This is because when looking at the first volume she appeared in, and then the very end, the last two chapters, it didn't feel like she changed or grew at all. Idk, that's just how I felt when reading it, and it devastated me, because watching the end of Part One or Shippuden where she was developing into a great heroine, it felt like all of that was taken away.


It's like we saw a glimpse of what she could become, but Kishi never delivered. 


Really great job with this review on Sakura, by the way! I am really enjoy reading these! 

#930445 Do My Eyes Decieve Me ?! Hinata Worried About Sasuke ?! Big Step With...

Posted by Wubbzy on 15 January 2017 - 12:22 PM

Hi, just wanted to kind of put in my opinion. 


I honestly cannot see this happening. The only way I could, is if Naruto dies, and only after the fact do we get a glimpse of Sakura's (and Naruto's) true feelings (like a Tsunade/Jiraiya relationship/type thing). 


Even then, I can only see Sasuke being there for Naruto's family after that happens. And even then I don't think I could ever see SasuHina officially getting together. He would probably just help with Boruto since Naruto's not there (like what he's doing now). 


But that's just my opinion. That's the only plausible way I can even see a glimpse of hints for either of them happening now. 

#930303 Review of Sasuke as a Character [Kishis worst Characterwriting]

Posted by Wubbzy on 13 January 2017 - 02:58 AM

This is so accurate with Sasuke's characters. I liked Part One Sasuke, but after that moment in the manga you showed, I just couldn't take him seriously anymore/ didn't care what happened to him because it got to the point of being absolutely absurd. 


I'm curious, are you going to do more character reviews for characters like Sakura and Naruto? It would be cool if you did! 

#930161 Failing the Written Chuunin Exams Challenge

Posted by Wubbzy on 10 January 2017 - 02:22 PM

I had this idea that I would like to propose as a challenge since there are so many amazing and talented writers here. If someone already proposed it, or if there is a fic like this already, I have not seen it. Still, it would be interesting to see different takes on this change in the timeline:


What would happen if Sakura was quicker in raising her hand during the written portion of the chuunin exams? Or, if Naruto was a bit slower in giving his speech? What if they failed the chuunin exams because Sakura ended up raising her hand in the end?


It would be interesting to see the inner turmoil with team seven if this were to happen, or the possible resentment her teammates may have towards Sakura for doing this, along with if there was a rift between them because of it or not. It would also be interesting to see what would happen if/when they figure out why Sakura rose her hand and effectively failed all of them. 


It would be cool to know the aftermath of this, since so much would change if they didn't participate in the chuunin exams, along with how this would change the characters and their views. 


When I was thinking of this challenge, I was of course thinking of a NaruSaku pairing. But honestly, the aftermath of this small decision would be amazing to see no matter what, since so much could and would change.

#923188 Fanfiction.Net Writers Unite! XD

Posted by Wubbzy on 10 October 2016 - 05:43 PM


I just wanted to share a recent NaruSaku oneshot I wrote that I hope you guys might like! ^___^


Any feedback would definitely be helpful, but I'm just hoping to spread the NaruSaku love. I know the manga is over, but I still love writing about these two characters (before the ending of course).

#923187 The Official Pokemon Thread

Posted by Wubbzy on 10 October 2016 - 05:37 PM

Wubby I was wondering what was the meaning where Ash and May were swimming with the luvdisc? I think that have a special meaning 

Yes, when luvdisc are swimming and two people see them, it is a symbol of love.

Although, to be fair, Dawn and Ash saw a school of Luvdisc swimming as well, but in Ash and May's case, they were swimming with them.

#913419 Fanfiction.Net Writers Unite! XD

Posted by Wubbzy on 15 June 2016 - 08:52 PM



I figured I would post mine! I'm still writing a lot for NaruSaku (despite that horrid ending X__X In fact, my most recent oneshot is NaruSaku), and was actually wondering if there were any more out there? I haven't been finding many new NaruSaku fics out there, unfortunately. 


But yeah, I figured I'd share my profile since I'm still writing a lot of it, haha. X) 



#910238 New Boruto Manga?

Posted by Wubbzy on 06 May 2016 - 07:57 AM

Honestly, this new Boruto manga just proves to me that the characters I once knew and loved, are dead. They are unrecognizable now. 

#842226 Naruto Gaiden 700.7

Posted by Wubbzy on 12 June 2015 - 03:23 AM

Even though I know if Karin really is the biological mother and if Kishi uses the excuse that Sakura was there for her while Karin wasn't for whatever reason and it's not just who's genes get passed down, then how could he justify Sasuke not being there for 12 years, not even care to see Sarada at least once? From what I see, Sasuke just passed down his genes to her and is not truly a father figure to her after all this time passed. 

If Karin is guilty for not being there for her daughter, then Sasuke is just as guilty. 

Wonder how Kishi would explain this lol. Probably more bs. 

(I meant to put all this in the chapter thread oops haha).

#842224 Naruto Gaiden 700.7

Posted by Wubbzy on 12 June 2015 - 03:20 AM

Why is Naruto surprised that Sakura isn't the biological mother? Wouldnt he have known if Sakura was pregnant?

From what I see in gaiden, they hardly even talk anymore.

I assume he'd be too busy to know,especially considering he didn't even remember that sasuke wasn't in the village and Sarada never met her dad.