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Member Since 27 Oct 2014
Offline Last Active May 27 2018 02:16 PM


Posted by trang95 on 30 September 2016 - 03:32 PM

And I've been enjoying the latest manga chapters. How has everyone been finding this series lately?
I dropped off it for a while but a month or so ago, went through the chapters and caught up. Gave the anime a shot but waiting for more eps before I commit to it.

Oh hey, you're back!
You can start watching the anime. Both season 1 and 2 are now completed, and there's no confirmation yet that we will get season 3.

#921807 Re: Life in a Different World from Zero (Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu)

Posted by trang95 on 28 September 2016 - 06:49 PM

Now, that this anime is finished, I can watch it nonstop. The hype about this is no joke, imao.


Posted by trang95 on 25 September 2016 - 03:14 AM

I love Nouvelle! It's a shame that there arent many Sorina fic she out there...agree with the bold. I'm not necessarily hyped for the manga (don't get me wrong, I like it), but I am excited for Erina and Soma. They had some cute moments on the train recently :smug:

I like SnS, too. It's prob one of favorite ongoing ones right now. But this arc is such an utter disappointment when it comes to Azami (and the whole damn central system), but also beautiful when it comes to Erina's development. Azami could have been a good villain, but he just comes over as one of those cliche 90s villains, lol. I'm also disappointed with the actions of the Elite 10. The only thing I'm hoping for is the needed flashback of the Golden days which explain why Jouichirou has left Tootasuki. But we have those beautiful chapters of Erina and the Polar Star dormmates celebrating and hanging out together. Chapter 175 with the starry sky was so far the cheery on the top for me. For some reason, I enjoy SnS as a slice of life series more right now...
Noeuvelle is really good. The author finally came back after a year lol. I like how Soma is the more "aggressive" one in the story.
Also, Soma is gonna get pneumonia for sure lol. It's winter, he's wet, and has no shirt. He's gonna get expelled cause he became sick XD


Posted by trang95 on 25 September 2016 - 02:32 AM

Need Souma and Erina development!! Might also need some fanfictions...

Omg, me, too. It's bad enough that I can't see Erina eifht now T-T
Cause I was bored, I started to read some Sorina fanfics again. That's why I'm recently so hyped again about this manga XD
My favorite fanfic about Sorina is prob "Nouvelle" right now.

#919247 Tokyo Ghoul

Posted by trang95 on 27 August 2016 - 07:07 PM

The cover image for chapter 90 makes me a bit sad :(

#919044 Magi: The Labrinth of Magic

Posted by trang95 on 25 August 2016 - 02:29 AM

I'm just start watching the anime and i got in wrong order, i watch the second season Magic Kingdom T_T and i realize it after episode 6. Been looking for BD Batch for the first season ... no luck.


There is this guy i notice starting to grow up like Sasuke even resemble him physically and about revenge and all that dark power stuff name Hakuryu that looks gonna grow up and develop into dark path and maybe become a villain ... i haven't read the manga. And then he confess his love to the red haired girl Margy. The FEELINGS and SITUATION is REALLY reminds me when Sasuke about to leave Konoha to Orochimaru's hideout and then Sakura came to stop him, but of course the conversation is different. But then the blonde guy give her an golden amulet, i know it's not a romantic way but, in my opinion you only give amulet to the person you really hold dear. I don't know about the blonde guy Alibaba, is he the MC or the kid Aladdin is the MC, but well i decide to ask about it here.


I think it's a good anime, i got bit interested at the Pirate Arc, story is good, well i don't know about you guys but i'm an average person i don't have high standard, good to me doesn't mean good others. I just hope there is no love triangle and no one ended up sacrifice and heartbroken.

I'll just say this: Don't worry about the romance. It gets solved surprisingly quickly. All the readers are honestly still baffled by what had happened, but it's not what you'd think, imao.

Rather read this manga for the story itself. You have to at least get to the Magnostadt Arc which is the latter of the second season I think.

#918884 Akatsuki no Yona

Posted by trang95 on 23 August 2016 - 05:34 PM

One Piece/Gintama to Shounen, this to Shoujo.

yeah, this series is amazing. And the humor in this manga is really good.

#918815 Tokyo Ghoul

Posted by trang95 on 22 August 2016 - 11:46 PM

Jo, I'm back. Somebody really begged me to return to this thread :th_yeah:

#918619 *The* Bleach Discussion Thread

Posted by trang95 on 21 August 2016 - 04:11 PM

If you want to see a war, just mention how he uses NH/SS logic when supporting IH :chuckle:

Nah, no more shipping wars for me. I'd like to keep my sanity- or whatever is left of it after having debated with NH and SS shippers.

#918540 *The* Bleach Discussion Thread

Posted by trang95 on 20 August 2016 - 10:50 PM

still celebrating IH!

IR is best platonic ship in shounen  :hehehe:

Way to fuel the shipping war.

#918456 Neon Genesis Evangelion

Posted by trang95 on 19 August 2016 - 11:38 PM

re watching this right now and I must say it's an entirely different experience now than when I was 14. I used to hate Shinji but I don't hate him as much now. He's a child and has psychological trauma. Asuka is my girl though!

I really love this anime. I'm kind of glad that I waited watching this anime though b/c I might have ended up hating Shinji, too.

#918308 *The* Bleach Discussion Thread

Posted by trang95 on 18 August 2016 - 11:10 PM

When I'll get some time, I'm gonna go and read all the comments on here to Bleach's ending. This is gonna be a blast, imao.

I read the last chapter, and was like, wtf is this kitten?! :twitch: :twitch: :twitch: :twitch: :twitch: :twitch: :twitch:

#917177 JPop and KPop

Posted by trang95 on 08 August 2016 - 11:13 PM

Debuted today. Im shook :argh:  :argh:  :argh:  :argh:  :argh:  :argh:  :love:  :love:  :love:  :love:  :love: 

I love their debut songs! Especially "Whistle".

#916437 Cardcaptor sakura

Posted by trang95 on 02 August 2016 - 11:16 PM

Shaoran and Eliot are working together... To think how much he used to hate him XD So this time, Sakura is creating completely new cards? Like not just converting them into her own?

#916120 *The* Bleach Discussion Thread

Posted by trang95 on 28 July 2016 - 04:14 AM

I feel bad for all the Bleach fans.