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#541244 Why I'm done with the manga.

Posted by Rozette on 25 June 2014 - 10:46 PM

Naruto's the most unpredictable ninja. Of course he'd pull something like this -- the sexy jutsu. Just like during the Kiba fight and he farted. Big deal. Build a bridge and get over it.


Plus, comic relief was needed.


I agree. It kind of feels like people can't even take a joke anymore with this manga.  :confused: The thing is, while Kaguya may be like a God, she isn't. And part of the point of using the Sexy Jutsu, aside from the comedy and unpredictability of it, was to show that the claim that Kaguya herself formed the history of shinobi and can absorb all jutsu is false. She isn't the sole progenitor of everything nor is she all knowing like a God- she didn't see or predict that jutsu coming, did she? 


Also, about the sexist thing.. I think it's understandable that people have strengths and weaknesses when it comes to writing certain things. And just because Kishimoto doesn't meet your standard of what a woman is, it doesn't make him sexist. In fact, he bears the right to do whatever he wants with his story, and if he chose to write a manga with an all male cast, it still wouldn't make him sexist. Perhaps that is just what he wanted to write.

#537673 What are you listening to?

Posted by Rozette on 14 June 2014 - 02:39 AM

"Evolution" by Skyharbor



Wow.. what a beautiful breakdown. Thank you so much for posting this, it's been a while since I've heard so much raw passion in a song.

#536513 Naruto 679

Posted by Rozette on 10 June 2014 - 05:39 PM

I want to say Let It Go. If you follow him, you will know it's that. But it's not a main theme though. Though you never know. Sure got me thought of it once.


Well, I'll be busy with E3, so I won't be around much. But the chapter will drag me back.


The things I'd do to watch Kishi-sensei sing karaoke..  :fan:


Go, 4Life! Run free and get that Wii U!  :lol:

#535088 Naruto 679

Posted by Rozette on 05 June 2014 - 05:27 AM

At least Orochimaru is consistent in his conviction: wanting that Uchiha booty.

:rofl: I guess it's a good thing his dream wasn't shown.. 

#533686 MangaReader's Blog

Posted by Rozette on 01 June 2014 - 02:01 AM

Yahoo! I came to wish you the best in your job interviews.  :lol: I'm considering getting my first job as well, but to be honest, I'm a little scared. This may sound dumb, but.. what are job interviews actually like? Is there any way to prepare for them?  :sweatdrop:

#528023 Naruto 675

Posted by Rozette on 12 May 2014 - 06:47 PM

Darn it! I just spent some time writing a reply to the 675 VIZ Translation thread, only to find out it got deleted when I went to click "post." :wallbash: Thankfully, the topic here seems to be on the 675 VIZ translation, so my efforts won't be in vain. 


It means the same thing from my perspective. I don't know what is so hard about this. "Blossomed into love"... I don't understand.


In the past, she liked, or "loved" him. Regardless of what degree of love she felt for him back then, it was in a romantic sense. Those feelings, which were romantic, have changed. She still loves him, though not romantically, hence it being on a totally different level. Loving someone as a friend and comrade is on a totally different level from loving someone as a romantic interest, right?


Even though he tried to kill her, she still cares about him, wants to save him from the darkness, and will not sever ties with him. 


I have no idea how people interpret this as her feelings "blossoming into true love" when she has already loved him in such a way. Remember at the end of Part 1, when she confronted him and confessed her feelings, begging him to stay at all costs? Her feelings weren't "blossoming into true love" then?


Kakashi's thoughts are clear and simple. To make it easier to comprehend, we have been shown time and time again from the beginning of this series that they were never meant to be. However, from the beginning of the series we have also been shown that Naruto and Sakura have things between them that make them meant to be. Her feelings have changed, and people need to accept that.

#526903 Naruto 675

Posted by Rozette on 08 May 2014 - 10:31 PM

I really loved this chapter. It was really touching when Kakashi started thinking back on Team 7.. when he asked Sasuke if the fact that they were all once Team 7 will never change, it really hit me. A lot of people say Kakashi failed as a teacher, but.. he really loves his students, almost as his children. He truly cherishes their time together in the past, and he never wants that to change- they filled the hole that was left in his heart by Obito and Rin. Seeing them all together again must have been an amazing thing for him, and even though they have grown, he still sees them as his little genin. 


That is what really struck me about this chapter. It was an interesting insight into Kakashi and his love and understanding for his students.

#525603 Naruto 674

Posted by Rozette on 03 May 2014 - 04:01 AM

That remind me, he apparently can't sing as his family can with let it go song from Frozen. That was last week.


Aww.. I can just imagine two little Kishi's running around singing that. He tries to keep up, but fails. Ahaha  :lol:


You know.. I really can picture his relationship with his wife being like Naruto and Sakura, or Minato and Kushina. His wife probably always tells him how reckless he is for never giving himself a break from drawing, constantly pushing himself too hard. He's too stubborn to listen, but in the end, she thanks him for all of his hard work.


For how busy he is, he seems to be a really good father.. there's this quote from an interview that he did that made me really happy to read. I respect him a lot for it.. it seems to add more meaning to his work.


During my career as a mangaka, I got married, had kids and became a father. This directly influenced the story in Naruto. Through these experiences, I realized the things that are important in this world. Being a parent gave me a different perspective, which I didn’t have when I was single.


The character Naruto represents a little bit of myself and a little bit of my child. It was after my children were born that I wanted to write about Naruto’s parents. The way Naruto’s parents feel about him is very close to how I feel towards my kids.


But I don’t want to get too preachy because manga must always be entertaining. It has to be told from the kid’s point of view. Even if I died someday, I want to leave a work in the world that would let my kids understand what I always wanted to tell them.

#525601 Naruto 674

Posted by Rozette on 03 May 2014 - 03:32 AM

Kishi quote of the week:


"I watched The Amazing Spiderman 2. You have to see it in 3D!"

#522636 Filler, but is this fake or from an episode?

Posted by Rozette on 13 April 2014 - 03:59 PM

I think we should make a general 'where is this from?' thread, that way when anyone finds something but isn't sure where it's from, they can just post it there instead of making new threads for it all of the time. 

#522126 Naruto 672

Posted by Rozette on 09 April 2014 - 07:33 PM

Of course it's a moment, but the CPR has no romantic substance, because even if their lips touched it didn't mean anything romantic. To give importance to it is the same as giving importance to the SasuNaru kiss.

What development? There was no development in the CPR moment.


I have to disagree that the CPR had no romantic substance- it was a very passionate, intimate moment. There's a reason why Kishimoto chose not to show Tsunade, Shizune or anyone else performing the CPR. This was THE reason why Kishimoto made Sakura a medical ninja, for that very moment, so that SHE could be his heart and lungs when he had nothing else. 


While everyone else could just stand there or trip over rocks, Sakura reached him and had his precious life in her hands. It was in that moment that she realized his dream was the most important thing to her and that she was going to help him get there no matter the cost. That was the development that occurred, it was the peak of her actions as a medical ninja.


It's the relationship between them that created a special atmosphere when their lips touched. It wasn't too long ago that Sakura felt she could only do the smallest of things for Naruto.. well, just then she was giving him life. And on top of that, it was her feelings and thoughts about Naruto in that moment that truly mattered, as Yamato said.

#522103 Naruto 672

Posted by Rozette on 09 April 2014 - 05:41 PM

I guess as soon as Kakashi came out of the womb they put a mask on his face.  :chuckle:


I enjoyed this chapter. As far as Naruto's new 'ability' is concerned, I have to disagree with the majority here and say that I actually like it from what we've seen so far. From my point of view, it symbolizes the 'Naruto filled the hole inside my heart' that Kakashi was telling Obito awhile back. From the shape of the image on his hand and how he touched Guy's heart just gave me that impression. Naruto has a way of filling the emptiness within people, and so.. I found that interesting.

#519889 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Rozette on 25 March 2014 - 02:03 AM

I have to agree with KnS on this one, everything mentioned in his/her post was beautifully said. I ship Shikamaru x Temari as well.. she really ties into Shikamaru's "troublesome woman" trope perfectly. As much as he complains about it, we all know that's what he's really into.  :wink:

#519750 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Rozette on 23 March 2014 - 06:20 PM

Current Sakura drawing.



This looks really beautiful! I love the way that you drew her eyes  :happy:

#518543 Naruto 668

Posted by Rozette on 12 March 2014 - 04:23 PM

It kind of hurts to hear people calling Gai's death/sacrifice useless. As it was said in the chapter, true victory is achieved when you are able to protect the ones you love. That is enough for a sacrifice to be gallant and meaningful.