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#696108 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Konoha'sCrimsonFox on 08 December 2014 - 09:55 PM

It's official. I'm starting my new NS donjin that is a 3-5 year project.

#695012 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Konoha'sCrimsonFox on 08 December 2014 - 11:12 AM

Sakura's VA is a kitten. i personally hope all Japanese SS shippers do not fall into Kishi's trap in the next movie (where there so post to be a SS wedding). I want the to keep raging.

#686025 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Konoha'sCrimsonFox on 04 December 2014 - 09:49 PM

For the mother of kami, please stop bashing my beautiful Black Hime Hyuuga/Uchiha-Dino. Sasuke is going to give her a big reality check in bed and she will live up to the co-heroine. Just be patient and she'll bare Sasuke mini Sasuke's.

#685033 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Konoha'sCrimsonFox on 04 December 2014 - 11:40 AM

And you know what amuses me the most is that there is no one in Japan that has the balls to get into his face and asked him the tough questions.

#685000 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Konoha'sCrimsonFox on 04 December 2014 - 10:12 AM

The only way they are going to salvage some money the movie is NS becomes canon at the end. this will entice fans to reorder tickets.

#681783 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Konoha'sCrimsonFox on 02 December 2014 - 09:13 AM

With all the data we gathered so far from interviews and reports on this thread.


With the two major interviews (Kishi) and contract under oat (the early screening), its obvious that NH and SS are not canon in chapter 700. The sexist comment that was followed by a smile or a laugh ( I forgot) is very controversial because no one besides the interviewers knew how Kishi felt when he said that line. And the other interview, which I think it was live. The interviewers asked him who's his favorite character. He never hesitated to say Naruto, but when came the favorite female character, according to reports, he either hesitated or was very unconformable when he said Hinata which also followed before an awkward laugh. 


At this point, why hesitate to say Hinata's name and feel uncomfortable? That my friends is where he slipped up, and confirmed that SS and NH are not canon in chapter 700. To add more credibility, SP's Anime Director on Tweeter made a statement that they was not aware of the events and next generation in chapter 700, which many of us are calling BS. However, for the first time, I think SP are telling the truth. Just looked how Kishi appeared on stage. He looks like a fricken half hardhearted smiling ghost and a bum. Is this the impression to show not just the fans but the company that is giving him his paycheck?


His appearance is absurd, but not for bad intentions. Look beneath the underneath. Don't you think its possible that Kishi is not on good terms with SP behind close doors that not even the world knows about? The 4th Data Books stated that he had to change parts of the manuscript, written by SP. Won't you guys pissed of if that was your manuscript? And there was another report, I think Chatte brought back pages ago that the last two or just chapter 700 was planned only 3 months ago from Nov 10. So yeah, him screwing with his work was intentional not only because he was dissatisfied, but not to spoiler the main three pairings in the upcoming movie and his new mini manga.


I'm going to draw the line, NS, SK and LH are canon until the movie and new mini manga proves otherwise.

#681767 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Konoha'sCrimsonFox on 02 December 2014 - 07:58 AM

How much you guys want to bet that Chapter 700 is no where related to the movie. Just a smokescreen. NS,SK and LH are already canon.

#680859 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Konoha'sCrimsonFox on 01 December 2014 - 07:51 PM

Novelas about characters - first about Kakashi. And series part 3.


Yes and it does not make any sense at all for Kishi to release more chapters about the romance first and focus on the next gen when you already have the last movie to cover all the romance. And then go into the next gen. There is already Part 3 anime for that. I don't see why Kishi needs to waste his time with these new chapters if it's not going to be a true ending.


Ugh....the "Nest Gen" spin off is STILL going to focus on romance? The pairing wars will rage on.
This doesn't even feel like Naruto anymore. It's like the real characters were cut off at ch 698 and all the rest is marketing money-making bullsh*t.

Judging by the interview, the romance is going to focus on the characters first then switch to focus on the next gen. Now you see my point that it does not make sense for him to do the manga when he already has The Last and Part 3 anime to cover all the NH and SS BS. Unless the mini manga serious is an alternate ending with different children and pairings.

#680017 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Konoha'sCrimsonFox on 30 November 2014 - 09:14 PM

I don't know, I don't like this idea of a huge trollage. If he had ended his manga open ended than maybe but now... I guess probably not.


The only way he can troll NH and SS is to make NS canon in the end of the movie. Think about it. Does the It theory kills off NH and SS? Nope. Even though its all an illusion and a dream world, they already have their part 3 Naruto GT that focuses on next generation. And Kishi stated Nov 10th that he will be also releasing extra episodes similar to the Naruto Gt that also focus on the next generation, but more or a romantic story. Technically, it does not make sense at all. And what makes it far too suspicious that he has yet give it a name, which I think he already knows it and does not want to reveal it just yet.

#679967 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Konoha'sCrimsonFox on 30 November 2014 - 08:43 PM


Holly crap. Just as I thought. Naruto's hair is longer like in Part 2. This movie and the last two chapters got to be the IT. NS will likelly not become canon in the movie. Only at the end of this mini series :th_yeah:  :th_yeah:  :th_yeah:


Now that would explain why he had to release more episodes (chapters) because SP screwed up the script. I even wager that NH could not be omitted without redoing the entire movie. SP screwed up big time.

#678655 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Konoha'sCrimsonFox on 29 November 2014 - 02:12 PM



Is that latest trailer true? How could you guys missed it? You literally missed it. How could you :lmao:  :lmao:  :lmao:  :lmao:  :lmao:  :lmao:  :lmao:  :lmao:


SP was dumb enough to reveal the biggest feint design and hints yet.



Common Luffy, you with me on this?

#677263 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Konoha'sCrimsonFox on 28 November 2014 - 12:56 PM

Naruto: Why son? Why are you doing this? Why be evil?

Naruto's son: Because you abandoned me. Instead of being my father you spend your time at work doing nothing. You should've come home to us, to your family. You're a sh*tty dad and a horrible husband, even mother is unsatisfied with you. Now you're going to pay the price for what you did. IT is the answer in it I shall finally have my true father. The one that I deserved, not the one that I got.

Also don't worry father in my IT I'll also put you with the one you truly love, oh that's right I thought it was supposed to be a secret but I know it, everyone knows it even mother. You don't love her, you have always been in love with Sakura. With IT you can have your dream and I shall have mine. I'll have a loving family you and Sakura will be my parents.

Naruto: Ok I like that do it.


The reason I said Naruto's son is because I refuse to use their names because all of them are stupid. They have stupid names.




Bolt: Sakura is a better mom.  Hinata is too coy.


Naruto: Son. There's nothing i can do about it. Your mother loves your stepfather. 


Bolt: That duck-butt can kiss my butt! He does not love Mom. 


Naruto. Hey! Watch your mouth--


Bolt: You are such a prick of a dad! You have now idea the sadness and pain Mom has endure because you were not the man she married. It's not Sasuke that makes her happy and sad. It's you! You! YOU!


Narrator: Naruto is speechless, looking away from Bolt.


Bolt:  Mom used to told me stories about your nindo is to "never give up"! What has happened to the father I idolized? Have you given up your ways? Have you given up on Mom! Mom loves you! She always have. I hear it in her sleep almost every time. Why do you think Sasuke travels the world most of the time and spends little much time with her? Mom does not deserve this treatment. If you're not going to do anything about it. i will personally burn this village to the ground!


Narrator: Naruto shed tears, sighs and pat Bolt on the cranium.


Naruto: To make this happen, are you willing to erase your sister's existence? If you go on this path, you'll will never return to the previous life.


Bolt: I have no regrets. Believe it!


Naruto: Now that's my boy. 


Narrator: He looks up at the 7 Hokage statues where he an Sakura made love many years before they went their separate ways. And shouts out Kurama's name. Kurama awakes from hibernation and the IT ceases to exist.

#677022 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Konoha'sCrimsonFox on 28 November 2014 - 01:43 AM

oh not i was talking about the eagles winning.


yeah they are all red too. damn kishi isn't subtle at all. it'd be a crime if ns doesn't happen now.


I'm with you all the way :fu:


Even witha few drinks that's the dumbest kitten ever heard...


Or the most clever troll ever. If he had the balls to say those kitten. Why not announce them public and live? Any newspaper and magazine company can easily twist Kishi's word. And not to mention there's Karin and Team Taka that needs some answer is to why they were excluded.

#676986 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Konoha'sCrimsonFox on 28 November 2014 - 12:49 AM

Nah. Kishi loves Sakura and didn't he said that he made Naruto based of of him. Kishi stated he loves ramen, and Sakura is more like his wife. I see this coming spring will work in NS's favor. And there's another thing that seems too suspicious. He's yet to give the manga mini series a name. I would not be surprise after Dec 6 he names the mini series Naruto: Heaven & Earth or just Heaven And Earth :umm:

#676930 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Konoha'sCrimsonFox on 27 November 2014 - 11:54 PM

I know none of you yet explain what item or object would represent NS red thread of fate. We know the red scarf represents NH. If NS does become canon at the end or in the new manga series. I wager this would be their...


NS Red Thread Of Fate