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#717041 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Konoha'sCrimsonFox on 27 December 2014 - 09:54 PM

It is really weird, he says it was his idea then he says it was Studio Pierrot's, then he says the movie was in making for two years. Nothing makes sense anymore. He also said he didn't care for Naruto and Hinata's love story, I don't know if he's lying or telling the truth anymore to be honest.

His is suffering from depression. Not only his father passed away but I heard on Twitter that his marriage is also failing. If that was the case, the editors should have told Kishi to go with the open ending and seperate NH and SS from the logics of the manga.

#716608 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Konoha'sCrimsonFox on 27 December 2014 - 03:43 AM

I'm starting to miss Kishi's comical interviews. When is the next?

#716243 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Konoha'sCrimsonFox on 26 December 2014 - 07:41 PM

You know what would be funny?

Two page prediction: Sakura washes dishes and briefly has a conversation with Sasuke (husband or not). There's no Sarada anywhere. The last two panels shows a boy with spiky blonde hair (not Bolt) running in the house saying, "Mom I'm home! Ohh hi, Uncle Sasuke." *choas in the otaku world begins*

#715986 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Konoha'sCrimsonFox on 26 December 2014 - 06:52 AM


This is the western polls. The Japan polls has Sakura ranked 3-2.

#715809 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Konoha'sCrimsonFox on 26 December 2014 - 01:45 AM

You know what, let Kishi keep digging. Because when time comes for him to publish his next manga. Guess what, he's completely cut off from the west and his main market will have to be in Japan. And most Japs will not buy his kitten. Kishi does not think.

#715309 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Konoha'sCrimsonFox on 25 December 2014 - 12:42 PM

I think I have missed that thing about that pamphlet ? Can someone explains me what is that pamphlet ?

I asked for the same thing yesterday :/

The pamphlet is what people received on the opening premier of The Last. The pamphlet briefly explains the scene of the movie and characters background and on the NS final parting moment, kishi wrote that both Naruto and Sakura see each other as a romantic interest even past chapter 699. Here it is from Ramen (that suddenly went AWOL:argh:  :wallbash:)

Since I can't find the screenshot I'll just post what Kishi said. Hopefully the screenshot will come out later. This is the translation of what Kishi said according to the movie pamphlet according to 2ch.
Wow. He's non-stop party :lmao:
I thought he said Sakura only loves Sasuke :lmao:
662 :見ろ!名無しがゴミのようだ!:2014/12/07(日) 13:09:45.03 ID:QnIcVQuE
Sakura looked at Naruto as a romantic interest even after chapter 699...
Is this real? Which interview?
740 :見ろ!名無しがゴミのようだ!:2014/12/07(日) 14:22:13.07 ID:0w6ML2cg
It seems to be true.
It seems to be written in the movie pamphlet.
"The scene of separation, where Sakura and Naruto both realize that they are not romantically interested in each other"

The pamphlet was confirmed by Rikudou from a tweet from the Jump Festa.

Now this may explain why Sasuke is so distant from his family (with that family portrait at the Jump Festa). The SS marriage may just be loveless and Sasuke knows the truth that Sakura's in love with Naruto and probably marry her due to her request to fulfill her rejection of Naruto due to her cannot get over Sasuke (although its more likely a lie to sacrifice her happiness for Hinata's sake and her possibly feeling undeserving of Naruto's affection). How do we still know Naruto's in love with Sakura? His drinking depression problem and how he neglects his family. I bet he had to be the best man for the SS wedding and it tore his heart apart again after Hinata had healed it with their marriage.

Sad thing is Naruto does not even know that Sakura loves him despite being married to his best friend. I would not put it past him to divorce Hinata if one ounce of this knowledge has been presented to him. Only Sasuke can do this.

#710225 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Konoha'sCrimsonFox on 19 December 2014 - 08:44 PM

I just laugh at that interview vid. It's clearly Kishi and that guy is making fun of Hinata's character. Lol it's clearly he's a anti pro Hinata fan. I'm so looking forward tonight's jump Festa interview. What's next on Kishi's plate to downplay NH and Hinata?

Oh yeah, happy NaruSaku week peeps. It's the 20th.

#709163 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Konoha'sCrimsonFox on 18 December 2014 - 02:02 PM

Holy crap. One day away from the Jump Festa and NaruSaku week. It's going to be the most darkest and chaotic NS week ever besides the last one. Whatever Kishi says at the Festa will just add more fire to the sh*tstorm rather if its in our favor or not. 
Does anyone know how the NS Japanese fans are feeling at this moment?

No one gives a kitten about SS because it has Sakura in it. It's not important explaining how the heroine had babies with a guy who tried to kill her 3 times.

Or the fact that the SS is just a loveless marriage, which can make the NH pairing look more ridiculous.

But also, SS can't be shown because it takes away from the Naruto worship that is going on now. It's ok for Naruto to move on, but it's not ok for Sakura. It's ok for Naruto to have a whirlwind romance, but it's not ok to show Sakura happy and secure and fulfilled. 
Part of the fantasy of NH is that Sakura has to suffer somehow, in some small, slight way. Her relationship with Sasuke always has to be just slightly less true, less romantic, less perfect than the true love that is NaruHIna's relationship.
She can't be shown as happy and self-fulfilled. It would take away from the aura of Naruto being the ultimate hero, the ultimate prize. Sasuke can't be shown as redeemed and living a fairytale romance with the girl Naruto pined for for so long. 
Naruto's storyline wasn't resolved, the themes didn't come full circle, his goals weren't fulfilled. But in love, by making SS seem like a token pairing, they can elevate Naruto's relationship with Hinata seem like it's the OTP that's been built on the whole manga.

That can easily be explained. The ideal of the movie pamphlet, which Kishi stated that Sakura loved Naruto even after chapter 699, ensured  (in my opinion) that her character does not look like a selfish b*tch when she said those words to Naruto in the cave. We all know how long Sakura's feelings for Sasuke can last. The same can be said about Naruto too. She pushed Naruto away, so she can sacrifice her happiness to not break Hinata's heart (because she's like her big sister)  and she's undeserving of Naruto's love despite her saying that Naruto does not deserve Hinata.
Her marrying Sasuke was to ensure that she sealed the deal with her words about her never getting over her first love, which this pamphlet proves her words to be false, taking Naruto's words, "I hate when people are lying to themselves ." That is where she had thrown her romantic life out the window. It goes back to the War Arc when Kakashi said to himself that her feelings for Sasuke has changed and all she wanted was to bring him back and rescue him from darkness, which means she no longer sees Sasuke in a romantic light.
Lets say if she went for Lee, it would make her look stupid in the eyes of Naruto. Her marrying Sasuke has nothing to do with love. The marriage is to ensure that Naruto completely moves on from her. And how to explain the fangirling in chapter 699? Kishi specifically  told us NS fans do not believe what we read in the manga. But he was never precise about it that we all only assume that it was the entire manga because of the red herring comment. I believe in my soul that this is one of this is one of them he was referring to.
The NH wedding. I've only seen glimpse of it and the ending where the vows were exchanged through a NH black silhouetted  kissing scene. And there was Sakura smiling that looks almost identical of the war arc when Sai made a comment he knew that smile very much. And I have several ppl telling me that she was the only person who never came up to Naruto and congratulate him and Hinata. I'm not surprise by this  because this may proved that Sakura went somewhere off screen and cried her heart out in pure agony, making sure no one sees her.
This leads to the SS moment.
Sasuke: Marriage you say? I told you before, I do not love and see you that way.
Sakura: *sighs* It's not about me. We must do this for Naruto.
Sasuke: *smirks* No. Find another man. I'm not interested.
Sakura: *cracks knuckles* IDIOT! I could care less. I'm not that girl anymore. My feelings are the same as much as yours. I'm not saying you are obligated to be my lover. You are free to do whatever you please and love whoever you want by taking them as your concubine. I have no interest in a romantic relationship. You own him that much for everything that he's went through to get you back.
Sasuke: *cracks up laughing* Sakura. You've change. I'll think about. But let me be very clear. For Whatever reason Naruto and the Hyuuga are separated, the very moment that happens. I will annul the marriage, regardless you bare me children or not. Do we understand?
Sakura. *bows* Thank you, Sasuke-kun.
Ofcourse SP won't be stupid to show visual confirmation how SS came to be. Only the wedding because this image will make their favorite princess look like a sham while this would finally chase away SS. The world and its audience is only going to at Sakura's suffering because Sasuke is not there. However, if the pamphlet proves to be very credible. It's a broken heart that she's suffering that was not caused by Sasuke. She's a maid to the NH family and more likely she may clean up after Naruto in the Hokage's office, cleaning up his instant cup ramen. My opinion is that I think she's punishing herself for putting Naruto through misery for many years, especially, when she's married to Sasuke.
Little does Naruto know that Sakura loves him, which is the most tragic thing all because of one character that put the Team 7 members (Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke) in misery and forced two members that only sees eachother a siblings in a marriage to suit Hinata's needs is very disgusting. I do not know which is better. Her having to still love Sasuke in marriage or this. Sakura is truly the most tragic female character in the history of Shounen manga. Hinata ruined everything :wallbash:

Both, equally. SP shouldn't have done it and Kishi should have fought for his work, that's it.

Well. It's not really SP, but its SJ, Viz and the manga house he submitted his manga to has forced his hand. They have the right to decline his manga, because under contract.  The only way he could have stood up to them is if he threatened them he's going to purge the manga (which he should have done it and set an example) and go through with it if they don't back down, and finished the story through novel serialization. You know how much I wanted to send this PM to Kishi for two weeks straight? I cannot because of his stupid Hinata perverted of an assistant will delete it before it could reach Kishi's eyes. That guy needs to learn how to use and operate a PC and surf the iinternet I hoping some fan will bring this up at the Jump Festa. The PC is Kishi's friend, not his assistants when comes to polls and NS feedback. 

#708187 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Konoha'sCrimsonFox on 17 December 2014 - 11:25 AM

Why include a side-character in the promo? Where's their heroine?? :zaru:


Apparently SP has nothing to do with the Festa, so Sakura remained as heroine when the manga completed :lmao:  :lmao:  :lmao:  :lmao:

#708109 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Konoha'sCrimsonFox on 17 December 2014 - 08:46 AM

What would you guys do if sp had Sakura killed for nh?

Burn that studio to the ground.

#706431 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Konoha'sCrimsonFox on 15 December 2014 - 08:23 PM

Part 3 flops then they may cancel the movie.

#706077 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Konoha'sCrimsonFox on 15 December 2014 - 10:24 AM

People let their anger blind them from Kishi's true adjective. He's trying to burn the Naruto franchise from the inside because he may have lost most rights to his work and is only force to write what SP and SJ tells him to do. It's clearly that he's now try to make himself like a martyr. Hopefully it does not come down to that over a piece of fiction, which he may not have control over it completely.

#702001 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Konoha'sCrimsonFox on 12 December 2014 - 10:03 AM

If SP and Kishi are smart. They would utilize NS, SK, NH and SS in two different worlds like RTN. And ad a little more action with Sasuke, Sai and Yamato. 

#700524 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Konoha'sCrimsonFox on 11 December 2014 - 12:29 PM

One serious question - this "no refund" Thing was only for Cinema tickets, right? Or for DVD box also???

Because apperantly in DVD sale Naruto the last is on place 1 at the Moment ....


I'm very surprised that no one is filing lawsuit against SP. What I heard, SP never gave any warning that the tickets are not refundable.

#699032 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Konoha'sCrimsonFox on 10 December 2014 - 10:19 AM

Huh, what do you mean?


He's letting SP retconing and rebooting the anime series next year. he wants to continue on the NS and SK spirit in NH and SS. I think he's well aware of the shipping wars that has been going on for many years. For some reason he might have been forced to make the pairing NH with all of NS's designs. You noticed when Naruto kissed her, he had his eye open and the Rest, he never paid for her ramen a total scumbag. I just wonder Kishi's emotions and feelings towards his work was displayed through adult Naruto because he had no control of the pairings. He knows how much NH and SS fans hate NS and SK, so what does he do to them? He converts them into the thing they hate the most. NH (NS), SS (SK).


And the display of sexist and the interviews were just him trying to show the world how terrible his work really is because he has no control over it completely. You guys remember the red herring interview that he was deceiving us from the beginning? I'm starting to think its a lie. Think about it, if he really wanted to troll us, he would have said this right after the movie. That way he could have milked off the NS fanbase there in Japan, but his message was very subtle and a warning to all NS fans, "Do not watch the movie, NS shippers. It's a NH fest. You have been warned!"