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#477579 Naruto 635

Posted by 六道仙人 on 19 June 2013 - 09:01 PM

I think that we've alread seen a Slug Sage mode... It's that's Hashirama.

#477514 Naruto 635

Posted by 六道仙人 on 19 June 2013 - 06:05 PM

Oh, by the way, can I ask something? What words did Orochimaru used exactly when told Katsuyu to trust him and that he's no enemy? Liquify me or Kill me?


He said that katsuyu can kill him with the acid if he will do something suspect...

#477424 Naruto 635

Posted by 六道仙人 on 19 June 2013 - 01:10 PM

This chapter was ok!  I'm glad that Tsunade and the other kages are well and now they are going to the battlefield, I can't wait to see the reunion between Hashirama and Tsunade.

All that discussion about how people change and right after Sakura and her fake smile about Sasuke can mean something ... But I still expect a possible SS moment ... things are so quick and easy,  but I hope I'm wrong about it, a SS moment will only affect  Sakura's character that is beginning to be recognized by the fandom.





Can you please provide the accurate translation of  Karin's speech?? :umm:   MS and MP translated it so much different from each other.


カリン (はっ!!)ちっ… 違がア…!!あんなクソヤローサスケ好き…くねーだろが!!ウチをころしかけたのが… たまらない…違うかアー!!


The fact that the word that i translated as unbearable is "たまらない" (taramanai) can be twisted and assuming a double meaning... It can mean as "untolerable/unbearable/tremendous/out of this world/something really bad/ but also "irresistible/cannot help/etc..." I guess that Kishimoto has put a double meaning here intentionally... You can interpret it as you want. I guess that Karin is a little masochist (well to me it was clear from the beginning, the biting marks on her skin is a clear proof of it, she's in fact a masochist. She even had an orgasm each time that Sasuke bited her. I guess that this speech can be distorced purposely by the reader. The attempted murder by Sasuke can be someway appreciated by her but, at the same time, she didn't appreciate it. Karin's a masochist, she has always been so.


Maybbe ramenamitsu can be more clear about this

#477361 Naruto 635

Posted by 六道仙人 on 19 June 2013 - 10:29 AM



Does anybody know why Shikamaru looked over at Sakura in the page? What was he seeing that made him tell Ino it was nothing?


Shikamaru felt something from heaing the speech between Sai and Sakura. Probably he said "nothing" to Ino in order not do worry her.

#477003 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by 六道仙人 on 18 June 2013 - 03:04 PM




#476917 Naruto 634

Posted by 六道仙人 on 17 June 2013 - 11:40 PM

preview is:


Naruto preview at page 330 'wsj #30 info'
"what are the faculties/abilities of madaras mangekyo sharingan?!!"


from takl (NF)

#475776 Naruto 634

Posted by 六道仙人 on 12 June 2013 - 07:19 PM

I read the raw. The Sai part was translated wrong.

サイ  「キミもサスケを知っているんだよね…彼の本当の目的はなんだい?」
Sai "You also know Sasuke...What is his real plan?"
重悟  「…さあな…」

Juugo "...no idea"


So Sai actually didn't hear Sasuke, like some people are saying. 

mmh... Actually the real words are these, just as stated in Ohana's script


サイ サスケの言ったこと… 君も見て聞いてきただろう… 彼の本当の狙いは何なんだ…?

#474432 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by 六道仙人 on 08 June 2013 - 10:18 PM

I don't see any wrong in this sentence by Viz


Sakura said:




But... I already have an another person that I like....


never mimd, ninj'ed xD

#474008 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by 六道仙人 on 07 June 2013 - 03:08 PM

viz manga and their biased translation will never cease to amaze me..


Kushina said him simply "May you be never caught in a weird woman.... Please look up....a woman like your mother...."


The sentence in orignal is abosolutely clear. Screw VIZ and their biased translation.

#473698 Naruto 633

Posted by 六道仙人 on 06 June 2013 - 11:37 AM

Damn, popular image.

It was Sakura's panel upon summoning.


Oh that... well It should be so: "If it's the current me... I can even to recover constantly all those who are seriously injured nearby..."

#473539 Naruto 633

Posted by 六道仙人 on 05 June 2013 - 11:00 PM

Next week we'll have: Hinata (Gamakichi-kun, you're always at naruto's side so I will chase after you too, moving toward to you, holding your paw and smoke your cigarette... Wait for me... Gamakichi-kun. If I will reach to you I will reach to Naruto-kun too...)

#473190 Naruto 633

Posted by 六道仙人 on 05 June 2013 - 11:03 AM

I think zutto mean absolute, is it right?



mmh, not so... pretty much "all the time/far away/continuously in some state/all the way/etc..."


I don't see any problem...

#473172 Naruto 633

Posted by 六道仙人 on 05 June 2013 - 10:51 AM

"What I want is being throughout at naruto's side"


I don't see any problem here honestly....

#473126 Naruto 633

Posted by 六道仙人 on 05 June 2013 - 10:19 AM

And in this week it's the turn of NH about screaming "Canon!!" :lmao:


I enjoyed the chapter... I still don't like how Sasuke have magically took out snakes summoning... Wasn't Manda dead? Who's the kittening is that snake?


Sasuke summoned Katsuyu, it seems... But she wasn't with Tsunade the last time that we have seen her?


This chapter is the chater promised by Kishimoto in the interview where he said that each rookie will shine during the war. And he did it.


Ehi, that panel where Naruto and Hinata are holding hands and Naruto smiles to her (without Chakra mode) was just some mental image from Hinata, right?

#472701 Sakura's new power-ups

Posted by 六道仙人 on 04 June 2013 - 09:02 PM

Great theories, Chatte! I surely enjoyed them!

I went to investigate a little about the Shinto if there was some correlation between the Byakugou and the Buddhism/Shintoism.

And I found this: http://en.wikipedia....Tara_(Buddhism) and also a little interesting from http://en.wikipedia....orai_(Enjō-ji)

On the first link, I read with pleasure some info. I paid particularly attention to one sentece:

The most Widely known forms of Tara are:
White Tārā, Also known for compassion, long life, healing and serenity; Also known as The Wish-fulfilling Wheel, or Cintachakra

Interesting, isn't?

Besides, the meaning of "Tara" in tibetan is "She who saves", in fact she in considered a goddess of mercy.

Read also here: http://www.sacredwind.com/tara.php

Hope that's interesting for you^^ Unless you already knew it