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#475551 Naruto 634

Posted by Quinny52 on 12 June 2013 - 11:37 AM

@Atheck - In respose to your post,  do you mean a positive or negative impact? Because I feel it's the former.


While this chapter has demonstrated Sakura's healing prowess now rivals Tsunade's, and past chapters confirming her seal makes her physically more powerful than the latter, she still doesn't have the range of offensive capabilities to put her on par with either Naruto or Sasuke. That doesn't mean she's hit a glass ceiling and won't progress from here.


IMO, Sakura doesn't possess Sage Mode at this point in time (unlike what a few of our members believe), but I'm certain she will go on to train in senjutsu; I'm also sure that she will train to use her latent genjutsu prowess. (because despite not being mentioned since the start of part 2, Kishi wouldn't just leave this unaddressed) The reason is I'm sure there will definately be at least one more arc before the series ends, which is only strengthened by the now apparent countdown to Sasuke's betrayal.


If you think about it, Kishi has given himself an excuse to explain Sakura's lack of training development over part 2. If she's been storing chakra all this time, then perhaps Tsunade called off the training until Sakura formed the seal, in case further training interfered with the chakra storing. Now that the seal is formed, she can now continue her physical development without hindrance.


Also, I'll shed my view on the slug issue: 


Katsuyu has only been shown using one type of attack (acid spit), and all subsequent appearences have had her aiding her summoners with mass healing and a providing a communications link to everyone she's linked with. However, that might simply be because she's the only slug capable of symbiotically bonding with her summoner to perform these feats, and that she has little offensive capabilities overall, making her better suited to a support role. Perhaps there are other slugs out there that are better suited for combat. 

#474913 Naruto 633

Posted by Quinny52 on 10 June 2013 - 10:57 PM

NaruSaku is just that good.


Can we say the day when Hinata joins the NS cheerleading posse isn't far away? :wink: :fu:



Kidding, kidding.

#474440 Naruto 633

Posted by Quinny52 on 08 June 2013 - 10:40 PM

Can't blame them though, because everytime a bone is thrown at them it always looks this big:


I've not read many of the pages in this thread so I don't know if it's already been discussed, but what do you make of Naruto and Sasuke's silently reviewing one another's abilities, followed by that stare-down? It's like the two are already sizing eachother up...

#472885 Spoilers Naruto 633

Posted by Quinny52 on 05 June 2013 - 07:39 AM



#472614 Naruto 632

Posted by Quinny52 on 04 June 2013 - 04:57 PM

Do you think we'll get another love cliffhanger in the future? Like the 539-540?


I dunno how much Kishi wants to keep the tension :ermm: , but if so I think this time it's in our favour.


A wild Quinny52 appeard!!


Well, it's nearly been 100 chapters since those scenes, so perhaps Kishi has something in mind for 639/640?


As much as I want to see Kakashi and Obito again, we're all finally getting our dose of Sakura time and I can't get enough of it ATM (and T7 to a lesser degree). So, I'm more than content to wait.


I've been wondering, however, about where Karin, Suigetsu, and more urgently Orochimaru have got to, since they've yet to appear on the battlefield with Sasuke and Juugo. While we may get an answer to this come tomorrow, I've been theorising that might not appear in this fight at all, and if so what other places counld they be heading to and why.


Location No. 1...


Location No. 2...


These are just throeies however. 633 could come round tomorrow and neither of these scenarios happen. Either way, let me know what you think. :happy:


The wild Quinny52 ran away!!

#470458 Naruto 632

Posted by Quinny52 on 30 May 2013 - 06:40 PM

While no one can doubt Madara's arrogance in refusing to fight Hashi's clone, we have to remember he's also a very cautious individual, as noted during his battle with the 5 Kage in his use of a clone.


As confident as he is in his power, he must be thinking that as it stands, the odds are not as strongly in his favour as before. Obito is being kept busy by Kakashi, and there's nothing Madara can do until Obito returns, as Madara's plan now depends on him. But now - he has to contend with a reinspired Alliance AND the previous Hokage, and a Ten-tails no longer under his control. He's not going to throw himself in the way to protect the beast because he's confident it's too much for his opponents to handle, but I also think he doesn't want to potentially place himself in a position where he could attacked by the Alliance and/or the TT, and end up getting captured and sealed while he's reforming and vulnerable.


By removing himself from the fight, he's taking the attention away from him somewhat, and buying time for Obito to come back.