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#669321 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by archangel on 22 November 2014 - 09:57 PM


Saddest part is Naruto probably wouldn't notice because he would be too busy picturing Sakura. Ohhh man I'll stop now.

You'Re on fire lol, sad part is. YOU TOTALLY RIGHT :P. We both know that they share the kind of love that doesn't die lol. Somehow the author forget it


The power of money!!!. LOL I just realise that I said that by replying to Nami (which I believe love money doesn't betray who she is or her friend  for it.) but Kishi, seems like another story .

#669255 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by archangel on 22 November 2014 - 08:58 PM

Yeah, but since none of us are mind readers, we don't have much of a choice but to take it as the truth.




Not really, view the circumstance and the new movie is about to come out, NO we really shouldn't :P . The way the story is build told you otherwise as well. He wouldn't be the 1st to have to lie, especially after the ending and NS fan being outraged by him. You ask the guy to come quite us down with a reason ok, which still sound like bull. I mean Sakura loves Sasuke so much that she had to be with him, while he shows by everyaction that he doesn't care. That would make Sakura's a cruel person.  If I apply the same logic, wouldn't Naruto moving on to Hinata makes him a cruel person, because after all, he loves Sakura so much. The difference was that Sakura seems to care enough for Naruto and did at least saves his life and has he's back during the whole story. It would be cruel to Hinata ??? (check the way she smiles when Sakura hug Naruto during pain attack)


He built his story totally otherwise. Why make Hinata trip whe Naruto is about to die and had Sakura saving his life, while Karin was doing the same for Sasuke at the same time, and we all know ow Karin feel for him. Why she conveniently disappear from the scene.


If what you said his true, why only give 615 to Hinata alone. After she's disappears. If he give up NS during the confession, he could have Kushina parallel a girl like Hinata. He had plenty of opportunity from there to make it happen more credibly.


You see, manga said a story. This interview said otherwise. I'm not claiming that I'm mind reader but I sure knows when something doesn't add up.

They want us to accept NH, buried NS so that we can put more money in their pocket. That's all. Don't take (especially following a contreversial ending for NS fandom, everything he said about it for cash).


It's hard to believe that he'll betray hisstory when you follow it for so long, you wanted to thrust him, but I've been betrayed too much in life already, it hurt, you want to have an explanation, even a kitten and your ready to believe it because you don't want to be betrayed, you feel stupid when it happen, been there, done that. In the end, we did get cheated, betrayed. It happen, and it is sad. But don't for one second think that you were wrong about NS, or that you should have seen NH and SS coming. That's the hardest thing to believe but you were right. Even if the ending and those fans said otherwise, you were right. It's so hard to believe that Kishi give NH and even more SS fans bragging right. But that's all they've got, bragging. No development and no story to support them happening thus, why a whole movie is make for them,

#669202 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by archangel on 22 November 2014 - 08:07 PM

NH/SS were right about that one, it was just comic relief. An extremely inappropriate comic relief moment, but that's Kishimoto for you.


Anyway, what he said in the most recent interview is pretty much what was written in chapter 469, so we can conclude that was when he gave up.


He never said SS was in his plans, just NH. It was just easier to put Sasuke with Sakura in the end so "everyone's happy".

I would believe it as a comical relief, if he didn't show Minato  think of Sakura to be like Kushina.

If he didn't ask her specifically to take care of his son afterward.


Just because he now said that he intend NH a long time ago doesn't mean it's the truth. This interview was to justify this bull. Imagine how the upcoming movie would be affect if he come out and said, the editor made me do it 2 chapter before the end. Plus he said that Sakura was sincere in that confession about Naruto, Databook talk about  Sakura having mixed feeling. 


Guy just doesn't know how to write romance. Don't begin to doubt the NS development just because Now NH /SS is canon people lol .

#668792 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by archangel on 22 November 2014 - 01:38 PM

Really? But this movie has kishi too just like Rtn and nana mizuki fan is otaku and you must know how zealot they are about the thing that they like.
This movie will capitalize on the recent naruto ending and romance of nh.
If this movie is flop, I will put my photo on my avatar.
But I still doubt it will happen.

This movie won't flop. Because it's a money grabbing machine, and sadly, people never realize that.

-NH fans will go (obvious reason)

-SS fans will go (obvious reason)

- Naruto fans and I even dare say some NS fans (definitly not me ) will go ( 699 - movie - 700, the fact that they left the movie to explain the in between, some people will go, though they know it's gonna be a kitten explanation, would want to hear it, thus having a certain closure )

The spin-off project however, nope that will flop if you ask me, those kind of project never made as much as the original and with an kitten ending like that. NOPE that I'm almost sure it will flop.

#667351 Kishimoto on why Sakura is with Sasuke, and other horrible ideas.

Posted by archangel on 21 November 2014 - 01:16 AM



Do you think I'm stupid. A LONG TIME AGO WITH NARUTO AND HINATA. kitten, kitten AND kitten.


Sakura would be a horrible woman to fall for a guy who basically make her smile blush,happy, loyal and save her life like a million time. No that not what a woman want. Her moving on made her an horrible woman, stay with the guy that state, 7 chapters before the end, that he doesn't care.


But that doesn't make Naruto an horrible man, to just give up and move on the girl, when his ninja way is to never give up, when he cleary been in love with Sakura until 700. That both his parents come and approve her. That he was this close to get her. That the bench scene were not resolve and having Sakura saves his life instead of Hinata while Sasuke got save by Karin. No it's not horrible. kittening ASTROCIOUS SHOULD BE THE TERM.


A Great woman is like Hinata, and Sakura now. Love a guy that show no interest,(Sakura is worst on this). He will magically fall in love with you and even married you because he knows you're the one. Than, you ended up having kid and become housewives since you're husband are to busy and think about their work life more than they family( though family define their whole story the entire time)


He's lying. 99% sure. 1% is that he honest, which makes him the biggest idiot that didn't know how to write. (no disrespect intended since I'm sure it's not the one %, that the scientist in me that said nothing can be 100%, especially in estimation)

#666113 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by archangel on 20 November 2014 - 10:22 AM


Sigh. No, Kishimoto didn't say Sakura's love was changing. I know that's how we took it, but Viz's translation was more correct. It wasn't a crush anymore, it was 'selfless love'. That's why Kakashi says she wasn't confessing to make him hers, she wanted to save him. Also, again, Sasuke specifically said he was making people hate him to push them away. Him saying he didn't care about Sakura was an act. The second he turns good, what does he do? Apologizes to her. What happens the second Sasuke turns good and comes back? Sakura jumps on him and asks to go with him, even though that would mean leaving Naruto behind. She never loved Naruto. And Sasuke was always going to turn around and end up with Sakura. It's a manga about people being redeemed with words, and he was a main character. He wasn't going to up and die/disappear. Karin was also so unimportant to his story that she also vanishes along with Taka.


I'm sorry, but yes, a lot of the people in our fandom read way too much into Naruto. It was never complex, it was never a story about romance with ninjas on the side, it was never intricately plotted as such either. This is in his own words, he didn't put much romance in at all. He couldn't have been more blunt about this. And the proof is right there-SS/NH are canon. Kishimoto chose the most canon movie to be about Naruto falling in love with Hinata. Narusaku was a happy accident, but it's never going to end up canon;. That ship sailed a long, long time ago. From the moment they started working on that movie, NS was dead canon wise.


...You do realize Romeo and Juliet was a play mocking young love, right? And to compare a mangaka to Shakespeare...Did you guys think Naruto was high literature? They're ninjas who throw fire balls  and magic lightning at each other. I get being disappointed, but I'm starting to think you thought Naruto was something it never was...I mean jeeze, that "romantic" scene on the bench ends with Naruto having the runs....You can't fathom why a 'good writer' would go against the 'literary rules' and not write Narusaku. There is your answer. Under your terms, Kishimoto isn't a good writer. He recently said he was like Naruto, because no one thought he'd ever be a mangaka. He didn't start writing Naruto until he took a college course in script writing. That's his background.





That's the point, it ain't high litterature. It's storytelling 101 lol. Main character got a love interest. Love interest love rival and hate main character. Main character has to win over the love interest while beating the rival. Rival giving the win in the fight to the main character, still get the girl while the the said love interest just regress to her 12 yeas old self. Main character never confess in the story his feeling. Plus the 1 million foreshadow and the never gives up attitude of the main character.
We never see him get any of his dream. Rival get a pardon that easily ( when he tried litteraly to take over the world, kill the 5 kage (1 like a mother to both the other main character)

He hook up with a girl who he barely interact in the manga. 


In other word and to put it simply, it is bad writting. Action should have shown Sasuke hesitate toward Sakura. Naruto should have been shown moving from Sakura to Hinata. Sakura should have been shown clearly loving Sasuke as a lover, not like family (693, it's team 7 bonds as family. Kakashi could have said that this girl pour her heart out for you, when he said not romantically, it's misleading) Never shown the random guy love letter or Sakura doesn't trust Sasuke. Don't parallel Sakura to Karin during life their saving attempt while Hinata trip. Don't make Naruto dad said : You take care of my son ( after the parallel with Kushina and the girlfriend question).


You don't have to look too deep to see that something went wrong. Either it's bad writting or selling out. Well anyway, we will know like 10 years later, when we won't care anymore.

#665920 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by archangel on 20 November 2014 - 03:34 AM

To be fair, Sakura always loved Sasuke, so the movie won't be OOC for her. Hinata always loved Naruto, so she'll also be in character. Sasuke, I assume, will be like pre-Shippu Sasuke, personality wise lol


Also, on the 'this is just one huge masterfully planned out prank to make NS canon"...again, the guy said he couldn't write romance because it embarrassed him. He's not the kind of writer to go through this intricate and convoluted plan just for romance. Something he admittedly left out of his story.


Let's take MLP and its fandom for an example. MLP is a cute show for little girls and is straight forward with its messages. The fandom thinks it's really deep and complex, and continue to get upset when the show does things for its real audience, little girls. They read way too deeply into a show that is, well, shallow with its story telling. It's the same with Naruto. Naruto was a regular Shonen manga for children about a magical ninja who talked to his enemies instead of just defeating/killing them. The romance was an afterthought/subplot that Kishi wasn't really comfortable doing. It's not any deeper than this.


The movie is Naruhina centric because Naruto is the main character, and who he falls in love with is going to be the main focus. If Kishimoto says Naruto loves Hinata, not Sakura, then he loves Hinata. It's his story, he's the writer. Naruto isn't a real person, and thinks/feels/does whatever the writer decides. We may want/wish otherwise, but that's the canon. You can move on, you can love and enjoy your ship in fanon, or you can only disappoint yourself clinging onto false hope. The choice is yours to make.

Problem is that he come out and say is not comfortable with romance after he screw up the romance plot, which is quite convenient if you ask me. You not comfortable with romance, don't tease any pairing at all in your story. Look at one piece, does luffy as a love interest. No. If he hang up with Nami or robin at the end, would I care. No. Even if he hook up with Hancock or any girl, I don't care, they werent any romance plot in it (though if I hae to chose, I prefer him with Nami) . But it won't appear as screw up at this


Sakura being a fangirl wasn't part of most her character in Shippuden. We saw her evolve from that. I won't repeat myself for like the 4th time. But she seem to have mixted feeling for Sasuke and Naruto. She had perspective and Kakashi said twice that she doesn't have romantic feeling for him. She wanted to save him. Don't say it's part of her character, it's wasn't until 699. Where everything goes backward.


NH and SS are canon due to asspull, somebody sold out. I agree that Kishi may not even at 100% in this decision, but in the end, he give in. NH is canon due to cash. SS out of conveniency, like Karin disappear out of convenience. 


Don't ask people to accept it. We have to live with it though.  Those who wants to pursue with theories and hope, GO AHEAD. WE NEED DREAMER LIKE YOU IN THIS WORLD. I use my rage to create a fan ending, not only to make NS happen, but to answer IDK, most of the plothole this ending have. WE DIDN'T EVEN HAVE NARUTO HOKAGE CELEBRATION. We can move on too, but understand that after 15 years of reading a story(in my case more like 8 years) , even if he had it's good moment, it's harder to get over the disappointing ending (especially after an horrible war arc) . I was too lazy to start any fanfic, thought I read it for like 3 years and I was afraid to disappoint. But after seeing this, I said screw this, I can do better.


Do what you want people. Even in the mangaverse failed us, the dream still stand for me. Maybe one day, after Naruto popularity dry out, we'll have the truth and maybe even the ending we deserve.


Kishimoto created Naruto and Sakura, his ending made them OOC as hell. I still love both those character and believe in them, The Naruto I've read for 8 years never give up, he help me get through my microbiology program, so I won't give up on them either. I make their happy ending happen and I'll still hope one day, they will have it for real. For now I'm done with Naruto.

#665840 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by archangel on 19 November 2014 - 11:53 PM

It's sad how Naruto has never once blushed at Hinata or called her pretty or even told her about the problems in his life (not even about Sasuke or Kyuubi etc) but Naruhina fans are completely satisfied with this and are accepting a filler movie as compensation.
I'd rather be a NaruSaku fan. <3

Right there with you lol.


Remember when they promote other movie about villain, story or power up. Now, it's plain selling want to know how NH happen. .


Check our asspull movie in a theater near you that kill all you're favorite character for the sake of a shy one that do nothing important in 700 chapters, never look into Naruto feeling, didn't react to her cousin dead or any in the war anyway, she was thick headed in love instead and force people to think of a better ending and theorise on how to prevent this mess. How did we bow down to Hinata, as our new main character.


Naruto the last movie : ONE BIG CASH MAKING MACHIN FOR THE LAST TIME, after we tried a new series that surely never be as popular as the original storywise and because we rape the fan of our story for CASH.


That would be the honest trailer for it :P.

#664023 Cultural differences in reading the manga

Posted by archangel on 18 November 2014 - 12:15 AM

So, I've been thinking lately cultural differences in reading the manga, and how that colors our interpretation. And there was some off-topic discussion about it in a few threads, so I thought I'd start a new home to share thoughts on cultural differences in reading the manga or viewing the anime, and in traditional storytelling in general.


I'll be the first to admit that Hinata becoming the love interest rubs me the wrong way. But I've been wondering lately if there wasn't more to it than just the dislike of secondary character paired with the main hero over the the main heroine.


Hinata is the long-suffering, passive and empathetic character who's love for Naruto just grows while her personal development remains small. Sakura however has tremendous character growth and comes to see the relationships around her in a different way.


The world changes around Hinata, but she doesn't, and keeps her goal fixed on a single point. Sakura changes her world, which then changes her goals and her relationships.


Hinata's a passive character, while Sakura's an active one.


(And unfortunately, Hinata is such a minor character she's not even a proper foil for Sakura. Her comparison has only been brought about in the end by making her a more important character than she's been shown to be throughout the whole story. So it's not like Naruto/Sasuke, hero/anti-hero or love interest vs. love interest. Hinata has only become some sort of foil to Sakura in the end, when they've diminished Sakura's role in favor of more time spent on Hinata. But even then, Hinata is still passively supporting only Naruto while Sakura is actively fighting to save Naruto and everyone else.)


So I've been wondering, is my discomfort with this turn of events simply because of the way the story is written...or are there deeper cultural differences at work here that allow Japanese readers to accept an NH and SS relationship, even appreciate it, where I want to rail against it? 


My theory is that Sakura, and NS, represents a modern-day girl and a modern-day romance. And Hinata, NH and consequently SS, represent a more traditional Japanese romance, with a passive, empathetic, long-loving, always forgiving female, and an active, dark and brooding (Sasuke) or even neglectful (Naruto) male counterpart.


This may explain why Japanese readers primarily thanked Kishimoto instead of wanting to burn books and feeling cheated. Because maybe this pairing happens much more often than I, a non-japanese reader, realize.


A few other things that factor into my thoughts:


- The recent yelling-down of a female politician in Japan, in public office and on camera, telling her to go home and raise her children. This wasn't by one other politician, but by many.


- The very prominent images of passive, empathetic, kind and gentle (or sweet and child-like) girls and women in current Japanese marketing, bands, talk shows, etc.


So it's a culture that's got a lot of modern women being active and breaking rules and roles and barriers, but it's also glorifies passive girls/women.


Anyway, I think since we are a wonderfully multicultural site, all reading a manga that is thoroughly Japanese and written by an author who has more than a few times said he's surprised how popular Naruto is internationally, I thought it would be interesting to get other opinions on this.


How much does Japanese culture, both modern and traditional, play a part in the manga?

The thing is just that I don't see the cultural difference being the point. Sometime in those abusive relationship, the "dominant male" shows at least that he care I mean he tried 1 too many time to kill her, which in my opinion you're have to be derange or voluntary blind to agree with this kind of behaviour.


Plus for me, it just about story 101, main character, love interest and rival dynamic. He created Sakura and Sasuke because once he draw Naruto, he didn't know how to start his story.  I don't think japan was the issue. Naruto become is the number 1 manga worldwide, but not in japan. I think it's one piece there. I think the editor therefore made Kishi sold out to NH and SS (making 2 of the most wanted pairing canon in 1 move.). In my opinion, culture has nothing to do with it. You can have cultural reference in a story, but t the way a story is written is universal. Coherency in a story must be universal.


When you have a bad guy character like Sasuke, you have to make him show some interest for the girl. Check Dragonball Vegeta. He never said it but his action shows that he cares for Bulma. Even in the last dragon ball movie, he shows it.

Sasuke on the other end is plain abuse and murder. Where I see Japanese culture is on the reaction of the fan. Japanese aren't like us in the west. They won't see the ending with it's flaw but the long 15 years Kishi put on the story, thus thanking him for that. Even some of us in the west thank him for that.I mean the story and the manga become part of our life and that is a part that just end. It's a good-bye. But it leave us with a bitter taste.  


You have to decern the character dream, ambition and goal right from the start. If they changes, it must be toward story progression, no matter where you from. That's why a book can sell and translate in different language, the story is good enough to pass cultural distinction.


Sasuke never show in shippuden that he cared one bit for Sakura. and the story shows Sakura develop somewhat of a feeling for Naruto, plus questioning her feeling for Sasuke. (Again in storytelling 101, Sasuke is the rival who got the love interest attention at the start and it shows that the main character has to win her over. Story progress like that little by little until 699, where it go completely backward).  If they show us at least Sasuke saves Sakura once during the war, Naruto always told Sasuke to save her on multiple occasion and he never move, seem to care or anything.


That why I don't believe that cultural reference has anything to do with it. Sold out to money or give in to pressure seems more like it. I know we wanted a better and more moral motivation from him, but I sadly believe that he just sold out or give in. 

#661582 Chapters 699 And 700 The End

Posted by archangel on 15 November 2014 - 12:01 PM

As far as I know the latest databook prefered to depict all this as Sakura being grateful to Naruto for loving and supporting her, including all instances of trying to save his life (CPR, hugging, etc). So it can be interpreted as Sakura being moved by Naruto's feelings, but not loving him back (and crying because of pity and understanding when Sai tells her about Naruto's feelings). All the scenes we saw could be interpreted as deep comradeship and Sakura being grateful. In the confession scene - her trying to show feelings of being grateful as feelings of love.
Though I think it is a bullsh** move - introducing and developing such a bond between a woman and a man while stating the presence of love interest from one side (unlike Rukia and Ichigo, for example) only to call it comradeship in the end. Way too misleading, way too much trolling and WAY too much bad writing and genre mismatch as shounen is not meant to have one hundred layers and real life drama.

Agreed, plus every freaking parallel shows that they should have end up together.

That feeling of being grateful could have evolve too. Just imagine if Sakura would just let go of Sasuke (due to every logical reason that she had) and Naruto confess. Just the Naruto revealing that he was the one saying her "dream guy" word, the fact that he knows her at her best and worst. That could have been play out. And we even see during part 1 thanks to inner Sakura that she was more like Naruto that she wants to admit it to the world. No need for inner in Shippuden since she's act like herself. I believe she love Naruto since Shippuden minimum. You're grateful to a guy but he made you blush, you're protective to him when people talk thrash about him. Hmm, yeah wasted potential

#661562 Chapters 699 And 700 The End

Posted by archangel on 15 November 2014 - 11:37 AM

When Sakura confessed to Naruto. He got mad at what she said about sasuke not about the actual confession.

I see a-lot of people saying that Sakura was lying in her confession to Naruto and that's why Naruto gets pissed. And yes she was lying about Sasuke and her reason for why she made the choice to confess to Naruto at that exact point and time. However the point of this thread is that Sakura is not a total b*tch and the reason she did confess to Naruto was to protect him and she did mean a-lot of the things she said to Naruto about why she loves him in the confession. 

First lets take a look at why she confessed to Naruto. Was it just so Naruto would break his promise to her so she could go take matters into her own hands and kill Sasuke? or was it because she desperately does not want to see some one she loves hurt. The Main Reason she went to confess to Naruto is because what Sai said about Naruto really loving her: And because Sasuke and her promise are making Naruto suffer:
   Now people seem to think that Sakura changed her mind about Sasuke because he is a criminal now that hato be put down, but this is a lie. She wants to kill Sasuke now because he is hurting Naruto and she wanting Sasuke back is also hurting naruto. So the whole reason she confessed was so that her feelings about wanting Sasuke back would be erased from naruto's mind that way he would not think he needs to keep his promise, so she no longer hurts naruto. The reason she wants to kill Sasuke is so that Sasuke no longer hurts Naruto

So she wants to kill Sasuke out of her love for him and Naruto

You might say isn't Sakura going to extreme lengths to want to prevent harm to naruto. Well yeah, but remember before Sai's speech she was perfectly content in having Sasuke stay a criminal and chasing after Sasuke with Naruto  in order to save him. So obviously what's changed is that her feelings for not wanting to see Naruto hurt are compelling her to act this way. This isn't the first time she has acted irrationally in responce to something that hurts naruto. For example in chapter 261, Jinchuriki she lashes out at Chiyo about the pain Jinchuriki are made to go through:

Another more important instance might be when she asks to learn Yamato's Bijuu controlling abilities and Yamato hints that she loves narutoAnd in the better Yamato actually says this: "You know Sakura, I can tell just by looking at you.
You really l-"
Notice the "l-" that indicates Yamato is about to Sakura loves Naruto

So in reality its pretty un-fair to say that Sakura's confessions is because she doesn't love Naruto when in reality she does love Naruto. The reason she confessed is because she doesn't want to see him hurt. She is constantly moved to tears every time to she see's him hurt and she can do nothing. She feels like this is the first time she can actually do something by releasing him from her promise and killing Sasuke even if it cost her her life that way Naruto will no longer be hurt by her or Sasuke. I would go so far as to say even if Sakura herself doesn't realize it most of her actions currently are not out of her love for Sasuke, but out of her love for naruto

Sure she also has feelings for Sasuke and she lied about not caring for him anymore and thats why she wants to be the person who kills him and her alone, but at the same time her main drive to accomplish her current missions is not her feelings for Sasuke, but her feelings for Naruto

I also don't believe that Sakura was lying about the reasons why she loves naruto because she is shown blushing and all of the things she says make sense:

Lets break this down Sakura Says that She feels safe when Naruto is around like she can be at peace. Well who was it she called out for during the Pain fight was it Sasuke nope it was naruto:

She says she admired him as the man who protect the village as its hero and of course this is support by this scene:

So as i have been saying though Sakura lied about sasuke she did not lie about loving Naruto. She is a b*tch in the sense that she lied about not loving Sasuke and she made the choice to confess to naruto then, but i think that her confession and her character is not really as big of a b*tch as some people make her out to be. 

She did all this to prevent Naruto from being hurt so she truly does love Naruto and it has been suggested several times that she loves him romantically especially by Yamato so that part of her confession is real. The reasons she states that she loves naruto in her confession are also very real as well(In-fact more real then the reason she loves Sasuke). So i don't see Sakura as a total b*tch, in-fact i respect some of the motivation for her current actions(though not all of her motivation as i will never understand why she loves Sasuke that much). But in the end the thing about Sakura is right now she does not know who she loves more Sasuke or Naruto though i think her actions clearly suggest its Naruto yet she has not come to terms with her feelings for him yet.

Because as i said she is doing all of this for the most part for Naruto. She is killing Sasuke the other guy she loves primarly for Naruto. Though i'm sure she is also doing it because she loves sasuke so she feels its his loved ones responsibility to put him down, but the reason she made the choice that this was the correct course of action was to protect Naruto.

So Yeah i don't think Sakura is as detestable as people are making her out to be. The Timing of her confession and her lying about Sasuke was in some ways detestable, but her motivation to protect Naruto i find pretty honorable and i think that this will be exposed more as time goes on during 2010 and thats what Kishi means by he will now show Sakura as a heroin.



Up till that confession, Sakura was just getting closer and closer from Naruto. Then when she said it, she had it play in her mind(she even blush in it. If it were purely platonic, she wouldn't) When Naruto reject, she's pissed and she goes to plan B. Kill Sasuke which she still can do, she loved him too. What that chapter show is that she had mixted feeling. She loved them both


What you expected as story progress, is that she had to choose 1 of them (Naruto by showing her she doesn't have a futur with Sasuke). And the manga show that with the random guy love letter, that put her feeling for Sasuke in perspective ( what was the point if not). Then you have when Sasuke arrive, she felt like she can't trust him (no trust for a guy you love, bad start in my book). While we show Naruto appear to save her, Minato showing that she look like Kushina and basically ask her to take care of Naruto. You got the CPR scene (which seem to make her express some of her feeling without calling it love) She just said hat she want to protect his life and his dream no matter what basically. Promisme him that everything will be fine, That doesn't look like love. Kakashi said twice she doesn't havwe romantic feeling toward Sasuke. When I say I love you toward a family member, it's not romantic ( 693 ) . We talk about the good old days as team 7 and we even got Sasuke think about his own family.Plus he state that he doesn't want to play romance and never understand why she like him, befor Kakashi put him in perspective. Naruto before going after Sasuke refer to the promise he made to Sakura.


I mean if NH was the only asspull, I'll still be mad. Because toward the course of the story we just need a bench scene to make NS canon. My problem was 699 where everything was throw out of the window and it's all about Sasuke's redemption. Naruto doesn't even talk to anyone else. He never brought the promise to Sakura nor Sakura to him. Everyone regress. It's like a big reset. Forget everything you think you know, it's not gonna happen. SS happening make NH 10 times worst, because it shows that Sakura must be taken so NH could happen. It kill every character we follow, and though I made a post like this maybe 5 times, I'm still pissed. It still doesn't make any sense. 


I didn't even mention the whole Sasuke's a**hole attitude and the genjutsu and the stab through her to get an attack. We even see her thinking that Sasuke doesn't care. And Kishi dare say that she's his most realistic character. I believe that until 699. WTF. I still love NAruto and Sakura as character. Kishi raped them, but they're not at fault, their the victim.


The real main villain in Naruto was Hinata (how does she fit in a ninja world seriously)  and Kishi's love for Sasuke.


Sry guys if I'm still on this.

#660197 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by archangel on 13 November 2014 - 11:16 PM

I wouldn't call trying to use Naruto's feelings against him nice development. Nor putting herself and her team in jeopardy for Sasuke's sake. Yes, she really was TOO obsessed with Sasuke, a lot of her decisions concerned him above anyone else (add to that the sad fact that she offered to leave the village with him yet again... like she doesn't even have a family).


Overall, she is one of the more badly developed heroines I've seen so far.

Key word he said to you was before 698. Unless you count the land of Iron. But we all know that she wasn't serious. It's ok for her to feel something about Sasuke. CHeck how Naruto feel about him. Problem is that during the war, Sasuke threat her like kitten all the time, then they ended up together.


Sakura never intended to use NAruto. It's clearly demonstrate in part 1, when NAruto comeback and failed the 1st time. In shippuden, watch her reaction when Sai told her that Naruto loved her. And whatever promise she made with him back them hurt him. The whole confession at the land of Iron was an attempt to tried to liff the burden from Naruto shoulder. So much for using him, if you ask me. And NAruto clearly state that he do it for her but also for him since Sasuke was his first bond.


She did put herself in jeopardy but it was for the cuz, even Kakashi and Naruto has done it time to time. She got some great development during the war. Fighthing side by side with Naruto and Sasuke. Mastering the byakou seal at 16 ( Tsunade must have develop it when she was like 40-50 since Orochimaru never see it) She saved Naruto life (CPR is medical, but it's the only time that we see something from the real world as a medical procedure. That's why I took it as symbolism, by that I mean lips contact, make his heart work and desperate promise of not letting him die and defend his dream. She shows the feeling she's not aware of)


She had development, plus you see that she see Sasuke in a different light too. The whole point of the guy with that love letter, she doesn't trust him when he arrived, he threat her like jerk and she realise it. 693 was her trying to appeal to his humanity, since she know that she can take him, she now has an idea of his skills, compare to the land of Iron, especially since poison won't work on him, showing that she learned from past mistake. ALL AND ALL, she had development and a good one. The ending just kill her for no reason, so his Sasuke(less but still) and Naruto

#659293 Chapters 699 And 700 The End

Posted by archangel on 13 November 2014 - 01:24 AM

Mr. Money in the bank Seth Rollins, euhh I mean Kishimoto Masashi lol . (For non wrestling fan out there, Seth Rollins is an heel wrestler because he backstab his teammate to join up the corporate team, making him sell out. Every arena he goes, the chant YOU SOLD OUT START :P )

#659284 Chapters 699 And 700 The End

Posted by archangel on 13 November 2014 - 01:17 AM

It feels so weird to dislike the series.

I humbly disagree. If we didn't like the series, we wouldn't be mad, angry, sad and all. But in the end it's because we care about. We like the serie the character and seeing them being rape and killed in a way is what make us mad. though the war arc was a let down, I can't say that I plain hate it. Disappointing would be more accurate. But I was so confident that the ending made it worth it. Instead I've got kitten in the face.


See the pain arc ending. I would have the ending like this, but bigger, a final dialog between Naruto and Sakura alone on that bench, a celebration like that and a kiss to seal the deal with NAruto in the Hokage coat.


About the petition, it doesn't change anything. It bad writing and we've sadly have to deal with it. Naruto is over. Life go on and NS is still canon anyway in my world. You can't stop 2 soulmate to get each other just because of money, power or pure preference of the editor maybe. In my world, they've got the happy ending that they deserve.

#659278 Don't Blame Kishi

Posted by archangel on 13 November 2014 - 01:07 AM

Well as most of you know I'm totally blame him about solding out all week long. But then , win-chan post make me think. Afterall, he did said that the ending he has in mind was about Naruto vs Sasuke. Then, this whole we've got nothing concret but I can help to think that what if the assistant did draw the ending. They might have sell out to the editor pressure and anyway, Kishi won't be in part 3 project right?


You just might be right Win-chan. But he must come clean with the truth? because even if he didn't have a hand in this, he could have still stood in what he believe. Assitant take the next project and make the ending but whatever you wrote, Naruto must get Sakura. And you should draw his hokage celebration, not just see him appear out of no where in a meeting. Right now I'm stuck in my fanfiction because I have another Kage summit in it to adress the aftermath of the war. I feel like it must be done, but it's a boring part in the story and long to write, especially since it's somehow, look like a trial for now. Anyway, my point is you don't end a story on that note lol.


I want kishi on bar, WE WANT THE TRUTH


The bastard doesn't want to give it.