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#469582 Naruto 632

Posted by redragon88 on 29 May 2013 - 06:59 PM

People still think Sakura blushed? Really? Look:




It was a dark line. Just a simple dark line of dirt. Each side of Sakura's face has different types of lines. When you draw a blush you need to be symmetrical. Let it go.


Just the fact that Sakura herself said to Naruto to not whine about the little details should already be an indicator that we shouldn't either.


Sakura will probably have a closure moment with Sasuke, but it will be a serious moment. She's not going to fangirl like some people believed she did here. She acted completely normal. She was just happy, not enamored.

#469282 Naruto 632

Posted by redragon88 on 29 May 2013 - 02:06 PM

it seems that you really enjoyed this chapter :fu:  How badass was Sakura? And she's only at the beginning....


Ehi, dou you expect some kiss forehead from a certain blonde guy? :hehehe: Sometimes Kishi seems too predicable to me... Well, let's see...


With all the elements in place it feels like that scene is inevitable. We have:


- Naruto complimenting her forehead way back in chapter 3

- The association with Kushina's hair = Sakura's forehead, and it being liked the their love inetest

- Further push of that association with Minato himself saying that Kushina = Sakura

- An actual forehead scene already showing with DanTsu which are also parallels of NS

- The fact that it could also serve as a way to replenish her chakra in an emergency


It kinda seems sort of in your face that it will happen. It has a bigger foreshadowing than Sakura breaking the medic-nin rules.

#469212 Naruto 632

Posted by redragon88 on 29 May 2013 - 12:55 PM

For me that wasn't even a SS moment... She just said "Sasuke-kun..." because he was the first who reached her. If Naruto was arrived at her side before Sasuke, Sakura could have just said his name instead of that's Sasuke.

And she looks happy because Sasuke is near to those two, by procedting each other, just like at their old times. This chapter has no parings interaction, it was just the team 7.


No need to be a little bothered about that...


The bragging rights, man, the bragging rights. People are just craving for them.


After what happened in 631 I don't know why Kishi would make Sakura end with Sasuke. It wasn't just a comedy moment considering that this was foreshadowed by Kushina in the flashback.


Kishi makes Kushina want Naruto to have someone like Sakura, it's further reinforced with Minato and he even gives his blessing. But then it's all, nope just kidding she's actually ending with another guy lololololol, Sounds pretty stupid.

#469083 Naruto 632

Posted by redragon88 on 29 May 2013 - 11:21 AM

and don't worry about the "turn on...", I have seen ohana's script. Naruto said "歯向う" "defy/strike back/rise against" or just "oppose"... Here, the right word there is "opposing".


So calm down, it's the same as at the beginning of shippuden when Sakura showed him the great strength of her by destroying the ground agains Kakashi's test :P


Thank you for clearing it up. I already knew that was the case but it's nice to have confirmation. I'm glad you're part of this forum.

#469044 Naruto 632

Posted by redragon88 on 29 May 2013 - 10:47 AM

I had a feeling that Sakura's "Sasuke-kun" was going to be thoroughly discussed the minute I read that panel. You guys are so predictable. :P


I supposed I understand where you're coming from. The reason some get upset is a combination of Kishi milking the romance for all of it's worth, and getting influenced by the opposite fandoms into believing that what they say has more value than what you think.


Just try to sit back and enjoy the chapter for what it is. The reason Sakura said the "Sasuke-kun" was to trigger Naruto's jealousy which does two things:

- I reconfirms for the second chapter in a row that he still likes Sakura since he also wants her attention

- I makes you remember the good old Team 7 dynamic


I think it's understandable that Sakura is happy. You have to remember that whether it ends in love or not Sakura holds Sasuke in the same esteem as Naruto does. Sasuke is also Team 7 and she's glad that he can be there after all this time.


I'd be pretty funny if eventually we get the forehead complement and then we remember how we all looked silly complaining about this chapter. And I think, as others, that the forehead complement is coming since we already have established the NaruSaku/MinaKushi parallel, as well as Minato basically giving his blessing to the soon-to-be couple. That can never be taken away from us no matter what.


It would feel silly at this point that Kishi just made that parallel as a way to be funny. It was meant to reflect how things are meant to be. And now that Sasuke is seemingly on their side there's nothing preventing Naruto from confessing to Sakura and going all out to win her affection. In all honesty even back in Part 1 I think it was going smoothly, and it reached a high point when Sakura found out that Naruto was the one who rescued her from Gaara. But the Sasuke left and it left everything in a standstill.


So I'm interested to see how it shall be resumed. The reason Sakura's confession failed is because even if she wants to be with Naruto she still can't deny what she feels for Sasuke, and now that he's there that can be worked out somehow.


The most essential thing to have in mind is that Naruto still like Sakura very much, and considering his personality he's gonna keep loving her for the rest of his life no matter what happens. So it's either Naruto with Sakura or alone, anything else he chooses is a consolation prize. And considering the build up their relationship has had I really don't think there's any possible scenario in which Naruto doesn't end with Sakura.


Many thing that Minato making the Sakura/Kushina reference sounded like the stuff of fanfiction since NS would become to obvious if it happened, but I guess what Kishi did it anyway. Kishi might want to keep Sakura confused but he want his readers to understand that she's meant to be with Naruto, just like Sasuke is meant to be their trusted teammate again. I mean, we all knew that Sasuke would eventually return to the good side even if Kishi made it seem sometimes like it was a lost cause, so it's the same with Sakura, we are supposed to know that she'll end up with Naruto even if Kishi makes it seems like she still doesn't. If this wasn't Kishi's intent then the parallel towards Kushina would be unnecessary.


What I'm curious about is Juugo's "Sasuke, what are you thinking?", that's a clear indicator that there's more to Sasuke than he's letting on. There are still more surprises to come, there's more to his claim of wanting to be Hokage, all of his intentions are yet to be revealed. And there's the fact that Karin, Suigetsu, and Oro are missing. We'll see.


Anyway, what I recommend is to not read any of the opposing fandoms opinions. It's a little sad that it's come to the point that characters being happy around each other is now twisted to be some sort of declaration of love. But then again, I won't blame them if they do so. They got a huge reality check in the previous chapter regarding Kishi's intentions with NS, so they'll not only deny what happened with all the fiber of their been but will also take the opportunity to use any minimal interaction as proof to their favor.


And in the end, as some pointed out, she immediately focuses her attention on Naruto when he reminds her he's also there. Sakura isn't going to neglect one boy for the other, just like Naruto won't neglect Sasuke in favor of Sakura.

#468616 Naruto 631

Posted by redragon88 on 29 May 2013 - 06:57 AM



I'm guessing she'll summon this guy:

