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#513667 Naruto 663

Posted by harry4e on 06 February 2014 - 05:24 AM

For Valentines Day I give you my heart please treat it well, because seriously without it I will die!! lol


I just thought of something, what if like the Sharingan the Chakra Chains also has a criteria, only instead of being close to death yourself it's seeing the person you love coming close to death? For Karin it was the trigger of Sasuke coming close to Deaths door, but Naruto has not awoken it because Sakura has never been close to dying with Naruto around, Ofcourse if that theory is correct it would put a major dent in NaruHina fandon as it would prove Naruto is not in love with her, she's been on deaths door twice infront of him and he's not unlocked the chakra chains.


I seriously hope we get an explanaition next chapter, I can't think of what particular trigger awakened Karins bloodline limit but never awakened in Naruto, and if this Manga end without Naruto unlocking atleast one of the Uzumaki bloodline limits i'll be seriously pissed. Ofcourse it's possible that Orichimaru experimented on her using Kushina's DNA like he did with Yamato...which would be freaky because then it would mean Karins is partially Narutos mothers clone and we really don't want to go there.


Edit: One last thing I just realised, once Minato transfers the half of Kurama to Naruto he'll likely also disappear from losing the Bijuu, with the last person he'll likely talk to is Sakura, so I wonder what his last words to her be? I wouldn't be surprised if it sounds similar to a father asking his daughter in law to take care of his son.

#513582 Naruto 663

Posted by harry4e on 05 February 2014 - 10:33 PM

Well I'm not surprised the Gaara was going to Minato, that part was obvious the moment Kurama was extracted.


Wow, Sakura literally holds Naruto's heart in her hands, that alone really makes me happy, even if by some slim chance Naruto and Sakura don't end up together, the fact the Naruto survives will be because Sakura literally was breathing for him and his heart was beating because of her. If you think about it, thousands of lives have been saved by Naruto but who has saved Naruto life? Iruka in the first chapter, Tsunade during the battle with Kabuto, and who else? Sakura? That's something Hinata fans can never have.


Karin has the Chakra chains? No fair!!! Come on Kishi give Naruto some of that Uzumaki bloodlimit goodness. He has high chakra reserves but so do all other Bijuu hosts, he didn't die after Kurama was extracted but Kushina not only survived but was crawling and talking straight after, not only that she managed to use her abilities and hold down a full powered Kurama, and pass on her final words to her son...AND have enough chakra leftover that could be sealed inside her son so she could meet him later on, and she did that straight after giving birth as well. Now Karin can use the chains, something that according to Kushina was rare even within her clan. The Uzumaki Clan is freaking awesome, why does Naruto's power-up have to be related to outside sources like Kurama (though technically that is internal as he is sealed within Naruto) and his Sage powers, come on let us see some awesome Uzumaki abilities...infact go back to Orichimaru and let hm explain what he was thinking when Karin awakened her powers. It's a bit sad to say but as of right now, Karin is on top of the list of most powerful female ninja's, she can sense chakra, heal herself and others and use chakra chains capable of holding down Bijuu, just think if she could actually fight she'd be a monster.


Lets face it if Sasuke and Karin survive, that pairing is a given, Sasuke ideal women is Karin, she's from a strong bloodline, she is devoted to him, and most importantly is useful to him.  His second goal is to revive is clan, and Karin would fit the bill perfectly, not only that she belongs to the same clan as the only person Sasuke has (apart from his family) has ever truelly respected...Naruto.


Maybe i'm reading too much into it, but I think these pass few chapter Kishi has stopped playing his pairing games and is telling us who he plans to pair with who.


Btw: How did Karin make it to Sasuke so quickly? She's the only person on the battlefield who is barefoot so I can't see it being anyone else.

#499158 Naruto 650

Posted by harry4e on 08 October 2013 - 03:30 PM

So are we going to see a Sage Mode Kurama combine with the Sasoono next week? that's what it looked like at the end (actually I wonder if it's possible for Naruto to link up with the Elder Toads now that Kurama is playing nice?). I am a bit worried that the First Hokage is also fighting with the aliance right now, it means Madara is off somewhere plotting something so pretty much gaurentees that no matter what the outcome of the current battle Madara will continue off where Obito left off. I


Can't say I was all that happy with Kakashi's monologue or what Obito was saying to Naruto, screw him, Obito had it easy compared to Naruto, he dealt with one major crisis his entire life, the death of Rin, his parent were still around for him, the girl he liked encouraged him from the start, (sad to say Sakura did not really do that until the Chunin Exams started) and His sensie actually encouraged him, unlike Kakashi who played Naruto and Sasuke against each other to motivate them, he was a crappy teacher until after the timeskip....and I still don't know if he taught Sakura anything other than tree walking, he had it easy compared to everyone else including the other villains. Kishi can't justify Obito's actions no matter how much he tries, they are weak reasons and so far is the only person who doesn't deserve redemption.


It was good to see Sakura get a good important role , ofcourse it will be interesting to see the haters try to blame her for affecting the Ninja's effectiveness. But damn both of them with their seal released only able to summon 10% of the slug, that's one big slug they have there.

#498146 Naruto 649

Posted by harry4e on 03 October 2013 - 04:06 PM


Apparently none.

I hate to say it but she really isn't doing much. It's like Kishi is going out of his way to invalidate her in any way possible.


Ofcourse she helped, Ino thanked both Naruto and Sakura for healing Shikamaru, and Sakura could have healed him on her own, she said it herself, 'leave Shikamaru to her' but Naruto providing the chakra made it easier for her to do the healing, those who want to hate on her can always find reasons to do so, like how it was because of her slugs that so many ninja died, how she's still useless how as soon as she got her power-up she almost got herself killed, (which even I thought was a dumb move from Kishi).


Sakura's actions saved allot of lives when Naruto could not go into Kurama mode and provide Chakra to everyone, but the Juubi took everyone by surprise and those not fast enough to move or those that were still recovering got caught. Shikamaru would have recovered thanks to Sakura or thanks to Naruto but because they both were healing him he could stand up afterwards.


Think this this scene was done because Shika's been shown recently to be struggling to come up with a solution to beat the Juubi, by being reminded of Naruto's feelings it's likely to be a set-up for Shika to come up with a strategy that could put a dent in Obito's plans atleast for a little while. Like Hinata's growth chapters, Sakura's growth, Ino's growth, Chouji's growth, this was Shika's growth chapter, he finally got the resolve of knowing what he wants to do what we've alwas known he was set out to do.

#497680 Naruto 649

Posted by harry4e on 02 October 2013 - 02:11 PM

LOL @ Hinata, she looked like a kid who was being left out and was like 'me too' I half expected her to stomp her feet or something. While not much happened it was a good chapter, finally got confirmation that Shikamaru fully intends to be the right hand man for Naruto, making it likely to be Shikamaru, Sakura and...Sai, Sasuke or Kakashi filling the last role, actually he has more advisors than he needs it seems.


I knew Shika wasn't dead, don't know why so many thought he was, it's been obvious for years Shika is the most important member of the Rookie Nine after the original team seven, he was being set-up to be Naruto's advisor since the sand/sound invasion.

#491382 Naruto 645

Posted by harry4e on 04 September 2013 - 04:22 PM



Naruto has always been compared to Kushina, as far back as when Tsunade and Jiarya first mentioned her name, he's a perfect combination of both his parents, it's never been Naruto = Minato and Sakura = Kushina, it's always been a combination of both, Naruto has his personality that's more like his mother yet when he fights and gets creative when fighting he's more like his father, Sakura has a temper like Kushina, but her intelligence and thought process is more like Minato. One makes up for the area the other is weak in.


I liked the chapter even though it was way to short, and I knew it that Naruto would be able to use both Sage and Kurama's chakra together at one point, and it was pretty darn impressive, a giant Kurama and Sage Chakra powered Rasengan.


Btw: Where is B during all of this? He should in theory stll be the most powerful alive person on the battlefield, he's been partners with Eight Tails for decades now, yet he's hardly been seen recently, he's being outshone by the newbie who became partners with his bijuu.

#470578 Is anime in a state of regression in the U.S.?

Posted by harry4e on 30 May 2013 - 09:58 PM


This is hands down the most incorrect thing I've read in this entire thread. First of all. For those who are unaware. The word moe means fetish in Japanese. It is NOT a genre. Moe means anything that someone would like. K-on is not moe, unless you like shows about young girls. Fairy Tail is moe if you like shounen. People on the internet contort this word. It's stupid. And as for being unable to watch with your family? Yeah, no kitten. Naruto, Bleach, and One Piece are for young males. Things like Madoka, Eden of the East...those things carry with it more adult themes, which is not for the main audience. Just because regular Joes like Call of Duty for its accessibility doesn't mean it's better than Bioshock Infinite, Skyrim, Fallout, Dishonored...so on and so forth.  



Yeah but what is popular is what sets the standard for how regular joes who do not understand the Genre will percieve the the content as whole, it's an unfortunate habit allot of us have. They see people playing games like CoD all the time and will think that Video Games is all about violence....They seem animes filled with young teenage girls who finds themselves in echi schenes then it's going to give the impression all Animes are like that, the examples you gave are actually what I'd consider acceptable to be watched with family, As they are Action or/and story driven, if regular Joes were introduced to Animes like this it would be fine.However if they saw To Love Ru, or the countless Imouto animes that have become popular these days then you will be in trouble.


As for my description of Moe, this is how most of us NON-Japanese understand the overly cute animes out there, it's what people do, everyone does it, even the Japanese, when I think kitten I think female dog, or a female who has a major attitude problem, yet in Japanese animes it's often used to describe a women who a bit loose and sleeps around. Yankee here in Britain is used to when talking about Ameican, but in Japan it's used to refer to a youth who is in a street gang, In he US I've seen it used to describe someone not from the same region as them. So really giving an accurate translation of a word was pointless when it's already been translated in the West to describe the overly cute anime charactors, and served best to make my argument. Also for your information I know what Moe means.

#469277 Naruto 632

Posted by harry4e on 29 May 2013 - 02:01 PM

Chapter felt too short, it was amusing to see the teams carefree interaction, poor Kiba it seems now he's the new dobe that everyone just laughs at his proclamations. Sakura's power-up was the seal on the forehead...well I had a feeling it would be that but I was hoping it might have been somethng else....something new she'd been working on...though I wonder if the reason she managed to complete that Jutsu now was because she got a massive boost of chakra from Naruto just recently.


Also isn't that a Uzumaki Fuin Jutsu? I'm sorry Sakura that is a Uzumaki 'Patent Pending' Seal, you can only use it if you are a related to the Uzumaki Clan if you want to use it you are going to have to marry Karin..hehee


I bet the internet is going crazy bashing Sakura for noticing Sasuke and not Naruto, but to me that was a throwback to the early team 7 where she noticed Sasuke and Naruto felt jealous, but I think she knew Naruto had her back. (Plus her head was facing the right where Sasuke landed.)


Also wonder what the reaction to her proclaiming she'll be Hokage is, to me it ways that the will of fire from Naruto has infected her as well, others might thing different.

#202217 The Great NaruSaku Fic Listing III

Posted by harry4e on 17 November 2008 - 02:38 AM

Chapter Eleven of Medicinal Lullaby is up,.