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#978823 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Konoha'sCrimsonFox on 19 May 2020 - 08:17 AM

I stopped reading Black Clover when the Magic Emperor died. Although someone spoiled it for me, so I have to catch up with the manga. I'm not planning to watch anything from SP in the future. I don't really care about pairings. I know viz will force their end game pairings with completed popular manga, because you will know have to expect that these forced pairings will be a common occurrence in Shonen Jumps manga. best not to get attached to pairings with this magazine. 

#978822 Korean Webtoons (Manhwa)

Posted by Konoha'sCrimsonFox on 19 May 2020 - 07:58 AM

oops, I thought chinese and korean comics fell under manhwa. :D Though yes I think it should overall be called webtoons since its more modern and digital.
Thank you for the recommendation :) since I have time now indefinitely, I started to pick back up in TDG as well as fish around for more webtoons to look at. i dont have any specific genre preference, it just needs to be enjoyable  :wub:

Another one I enjoy is one that called Peerless Dad. That's a good read. I like to see an opposite version of this webtoon one day (Peerless Mom) in the future. An OP and good main character mother and a male lead son. That would be awesome read.

1. The Breaker
2. Trace

I wish part 3 of TB would start.
I haven't read Trace yet.

#978810 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Konoha'sCrimsonFox on 17 May 2020 - 03:16 PM

For real. I'd ALMOST say I nearly got PTSD from the Naruto ending. Though, in reality, I was in a very bad place in my life when that trash ending came out. So it affected me way more than I'd like. I wish I could move on like many of the NaruSaku fans did. But my gosh...if I stay on the subject of Naruto *too* long, it's like the snap of a twig; I become extremely angry.

It's not healthy and I hate that the ending did this to me.

I hear yah.  I gave up on shipping  in stories. Writing NS in my original helped me move on and healed the pain in my heart. The pain is gone, but my heart will forever be scarred for life.

#978809 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Konoha'sCrimsonFox on 17 May 2020 - 03:09 PM



The sad part is, this person is partially true. Naruto is privileged, but not because he is white, but because he was destined to be great.

Naruto ... a ... rich ... Kid?
The very first couple of seconds into video tells me everything I needed to know  :facepalm:
This is the reason why we had this catastrophe ending is the fact people don't even read the story. The very first chapter contraindicates everything from Naruto: TL retcon kitten thrown into our faces.
I feel like if I lost anymore brain cells, I won't be able to finish up my series  -_-

#978711 Stay safe, watch anime

Posted by Konoha'sCrimsonFox on 09 May 2020 - 07:08 PM

Good news that my state has yet to report a Covid-19 case in the past 48 hours since mid March when the outbreak started.

#978510 Rurouni Kenshin: Hokkaido Arc Discussion Thread

Posted by Konoha'sCrimsonFox on 26 April 2020 - 11:45 AM

Oh I don't disagree at all. I'm not necessarily supporting him anymore I just read the scans for free. Were not supporting any manga author if we read manga online unofficially. But anyone truly disgusted by him can stop any time. I don't blame you.


I was trying to say if this news bothers me that much that much than I should avoid Japanese materials.  It does not bother me a bit. I was just too surprise how easy this author got off the hook.

#978423 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Konoha'sCrimsonFox on 21 April 2020 - 09:10 AM

You know what funny? This site is one the most active manga/anime forum after Naruto and Bleach ended. How Ironic that this site was dedicated to NS. I go to my old forum sites such as OneManga it it like ghost town. The only site I cannot gauge how much members are active is the original Narutoforums. I wonder if its debatable? 


Kudos to all of us still being still clustered here with the years gone by.

#978422 Samurai 8 has been axed!

Posted by Konoha'sCrimsonFox on 21 April 2020 - 08:26 AM

Assuming that any magazine in Japan would not reject his submissions, I agree that he should start from the bottom. Starting from scratch is one of the only two ways that Kishi can return to his former glory. What he needs is luck and a good jump start. However, still it will be difficult to sale any of his volumes in large no matter which magazine or manga house his works are submitted. He still has a fallout fanbase that will deter his success. He needs to hit a jackpot with upcoming story. Jackpots are one in a million and there just  not many times to get it right and void cancellations. This why starting from the bottom has another way.
What I mean from very bottom as being like an amateur. Think it as an athlete or coach retired professionally just to coach little kids. They are very passionate about their profession for many years that they don't care about the big bucks. Kishi is not a fresh meat noob. In fact he could retire from all the money he earned from Naruto all these year. He's rich. He doesn't need to worry about little to no sales and just finish the story as a comic  author/story teller than a business man. We all know the the Japanese publish marketing does not work that way. He cannot afford to publish his work were it would be axed from low sales.
He really needs to downgrade and do webcomics that will generate him little to no profit and the advice I suggested to him in my previous post. How webcomic works is that it basically just him, his staff and the fans or just him and the fans. Although it sounds very harsh, the advantage Kishi has over starters is by miles with his name alone. To set the tone, he could with claim back all the rights from SJ and continued Samurai 8 digitally and confessed his apologies to the fans in the interview with Naruto ending and that he failed to live up to the expectations of S8, let the fans that he will not give up on and try make up for the Naruto disappointment through S8.
It comes with a great cost. He will be losing money to pay out his staff each week, biweekly, or monthly salary. SJ has a very tight grip on any story they have rights, so he will have to battle it out in court just like any published author that have done it in the past (other companies). A cost of reputation and partnership he has with SJ. This means the Borruto series will be in the redzone of being cancelled. He can never changed the past, but this will help negate people calling him a money grabber. This is the exact opposite effect that was seen with Naruto ending. It does not come down to money, but how much he's willing to sacrifice himself to start over and turn over a new leaf. Who knows, the webcomic bushiness may work out for him that he might even have his own webcomic digital publishing business for future mangaka that wants to go digital. 
To sum all this up, luck or sacrifice will bring his fans back.
Pretty much said all I can say about Kishi's future in a positive light. Looking forward to his post S8 interview.




@NS Fan In Kentucky:


None of us care less. If they want an explanation. Tell them from now on purchase every single volume from every manga of his that is available in Japan even if they don't know the language  :facepalm:

#978391 Samurai 8 has been axed!

Posted by Konoha'sCrimsonFox on 19 April 2020 - 03:24 PM

Let's be honest. Even if Shuisha/Shonen Jumps gives Kishi the go ahead to redo the ending. It will not benefit him in any way. Only serves as a detriment to his fan base. The only way to fix this is that the creators followed Sunrises Gundam series as an "alternate" setting. It's the only shot to gain back some of the fans he lost. It's 50% because those that had a fallout had already moved on. This setting is not a retcon as the restart point would be from the chapter labelled "The True Ending". This was the start of the Infinite Tsukiyomi. Everyone has an their dream. The events that lead to the conclusion and Boruto Era all happens from Hinata's dream. Basically just like milking the cow with multiple ending to choose from. Other factors come into play that the current creators are NH biased on the surface. The Infinite Tsukiyomi project will take too long. A reboot would only be a merit towards the pro enders. If any possibility, this Borrito franchise must come to a complete end and no part  third generation lol. 


And as above, I agree with some of your guys post. Spot on indeed. Even if Kishi is a top 10 most successfully mangaka in the past 50 years is nothing in the eyes of Jump executives. Based from what Iv'e read, from the fan response, slow start and what many as Phantom posted too much exposition in the story; very fast pace start that dug its self far too deep, but started to show signs of development despite the rushed ending. A lot of this reviews are in agreement even from people from those who had a fallout with Kishi I noticed. From my POV, I've read far too many story like these (not referring to the current genre) that I takes up to 150 chapters just to get an Idea and feel about what the story is about and clear up the confusion and boredom only to become pure gem.


This is where fan support comes into play for veteran authors, especially, as a high caliber mangaka of this generation. SJ monitor's the audience traffic, especially, oversees. That includes the sales in volumes are lows. Those that pirate the comic does increased the series getting more recognized and it will be beneficial in the the long run because people would buy them to support the author (if author becomes favorite). It doesn't seem like Samurai 8 did succeed in this era due to it being cancelled.


Other factors do come into play like it was mention above, luck still does come into play even for veterans. Another to take note is that Kishi's style is not up to date with this current era. Kishi is simply old school 80's and mid 90's type of anime/manga fan/dude. So ecchi and romcom/romance is not his forte could also play a factor to bring in new fans of this generation. As for my speculation that I've been saying way back 2016 that Kishi is having publication issues, meaning that no other company like Kadosha would take up his submission all relates back to Naruto ending. Although it remains a theory, I think  Kishi cannot leave SJ and that why he will likely cling to SJ for the remainder of his career. Only time will tell.


Any advice as a amateur  author as myself I can give to Kishi (although it would sound like an infant trying to give a full grown adult a lecture  :sweat:) is that he should just give up publishing in his country and move his future works overseas and get away from the Japanese. Not saying that he needs to move to another country. South Korea is an ideal spot for him to take his art skill to the next level. There's Naver well known and the creation of "Webtoons". Top series known as The Noblesse and Tower of God came from there. Also there's Valkyrie Comics that is famous for The Breaker and Freezing manwa manga if he chooses to keep to the manga black and white style.


If looking towards the west, I can only think of Dark Horse Comics that is only manga house on the continent. I heard he wants to do a seinen manga in the future from one of those Naruto interviews. DH is the place to do and he will have a better shot engaging his old western Naruto fans. I know that a lot of Asian people including a Japanese male such as Kishi has their pride a biased towards their homeland/country and its culture. However, it would be the perfect opportunity to educate the western world of historical Japan and its culture in his own way by doing another Samurai Edo Period thriller on par with his idol Hiroaki Samura (Blade of The Immortal). Maybe it could rival Vagabond.


Reasons for my recommendations is that all these publications brands are digital and do not have Japans infamous deadline criteria  and manga cancellations. Manwa authors could choose to go on haitus and start a new series whenever they like. They can take plenty of breaks something that you cannot do in Jump Comics. Western comic author similar too. Although, publishing comics in the states might differ a bit. I think American/English comics go by issues means book or volume. Not by chapter. 


If that does not work out. Kishi can only degrade himself from being an author to a standout artist/illustrator for other writers' works before calling it a career. 


I expect he keeps the same trend and keeps on publishing at SJ only to get axed over and over lol  :sweat:





#978343 Samurai 8 has been axed!

Posted by Konoha'sCrimsonFox on 15 April 2020 - 11:04 PM

Not surprising that this series last things might be due Japan's fanbase support. I'm not referring to volume sales. Kishi already reached the apex of his mangaka career through Naruto. The way the original Naruto manga concluded and the response to the fans is something to look into. If Japanese people go to a manga store and see his name branded on any manga (ones that had a falling out) would not pick it up.

#978323 Stay safe, watch anime

Posted by Konoha'sCrimsonFox on 14 April 2020 - 09:27 AM

How's everyone doing? Staying safe? Super stressed or bored witless? Or both? Watching any interesting new shows or catching up on old ones? 


Just wanted to drop in a thread in case anyone needs to de-stress about how weird/scary life is these days. 


I just finished watching the Tiger King. That is some f'd up stuff. Made me forget about the real world for a while!  :lol:


Doing the exact same now that my hours and work days have been cut in half because of this pandemic. I started reading and catching up with old manga. And exploring new ones. That goes with anime too. Perhaps I will do the same thing with TV shows. Need to catch up playing video games.


This would be the perfect time for me to do my online micro jobs, but the only thing work related is my stories. Although, I'm very concern about this pandemic, I treat it as a paid vacation. This pandemic has made me planned out a new sci-fi story Covid-19 related.


Stay safe and healthy everyone. 

#978322 Naruto: Alternative The Last (Doujinshi)

Posted by Konoha'sCrimsonFox on 14 April 2020 - 08:46 AM

Tokai seems to be safe and sound, guys. Also... we got a double whammy today!!
Even if we didn't see Naruto go berserk with Kurama's chakra, which I suspect is because of his knowing what Sakura's capable of, having known it even before she did, he did at least try to get Toneri back for hurting his girl, and even going Six Paths Kurama Cloak to go after Sakura as she's flung into the air.

Nice double.
Now I just remember that Naruto purged his dark side during his training before Killer Bee. So it would make sense that Naruto does not become blood lustful or go into berserk mode.
At the very least we get to see the Byakugou Release on her forehead activated.
I have a question. Does this event leads to the infamous cave scene that had Sakura healing Naruto that lead to the NaruSaku closure in the film version? Or are we still far from it?

I actually don't like Naruto being blood-lusted. Mostly because it makes him come off as a spoiled brat rather than someone who genuinely lost something. He got blood-lusted because Orochimaru teased him about Sasuke for Christ's sake. The Pein Arc one was meaningful, but I think overplayed. People act like he did it over Hinata, but forget that in this same time frame Konoha was leveled, Kakashi was killed, and Naruto was beaten to near exhaustion. He was exposed to a lot of pressure and Hinata being killed in front of him was just the final straw.
Kishimoto really should have known better than to make that scene because now they all the fans see Hinata as the sole purpose of what drives Naruto and not the overall message of Naruto cares too much and then he wonders why the fans hate every other character besides Hinata. The Pein Arc, while mostly good, just pushed Hinata to great heights while everyone else suffered. Not even Iruka getting stabbed made Naruto that angry. It is just a weird beat scene that cemented Hinata as the favorite even though she does nothing for the rest of the manga.
I think Naruto needs to grow up. Getting angry as a kid makes sense, but after dealing what he felt with, Naruto should not just lose it and get blood-lusted every time someone gets hurt.
Also, did you guys notice Hinata pushed Toneri out of the way of Naruto's attack?

Yup.I think Hinata could not afford Toneri to be killed or else she would not get her sister back. That's just the on the surface of all things. She almost got Rassengan in the process lol. I think if this scene was canon, 65% chance we see her get hit because its an over used trope in fiction.

#978265 Naruto: Alternative The Last (Doujinshi)

Posted by Konoha'sCrimsonFox on 11 April 2020 - 04:59 AM

I think Tokai is from Spain. Hopefully he/she makes through to this pandemic. That goes for all of us including Kishi.

#978127 Naruto: Alternative The Last (Doujinshi)

Posted by Konoha'sCrimsonFox on 29 March 2020 - 10:43 AM



Guys, we have a new page... and all I can say is HOLY ****!!! O_O


I can imagine this is NOT what Hinata wanted when she went with Toneri... and I can imagine how pissed Naruto has to be at seeing Sakura being wounded like she is. She probably isn't gonna die that easily given her Yin Seal, but that's gonna hurt a LOT with what Toneri did to her.


Something you rarely see in a Naruto doujin that mimics the canon style. Only concern is that Tokai might be impatient and skim through the pages without a berserk Kyuubify/Sage of Six Paths berserk mode and that we would miss out of the Byakugou Release (Tsunade and Sakura's Super Saiyan mode) too  :sweat:

#977789 Naruto: Alternative The Last (Doujinshi)

Posted by Konoha'sCrimsonFox on 06 March 2020 - 02:13 PM



new page. 


Oh goodie . . . new page  :w00t:

Now that makes sense. A kick that has the strength of 100 Seal would have nuked the terrain regardless if Toneri dodged or blocked that kick as seen in that upper panel. 



Now imagine this was Kishi. The suspense behind this scene and the upcoming sequences (that has a potential to lead to a Sakura VS Hinata showdown)  would trigger the darkside of both anti fandoms of Sakura and Hinata. Onside would claim that Sakura is a useless,  flat-chest  blah blah blah. The other party debate that Hinata was in the way and that she betrayed the team. It goes on and on. If Shuiesha/Studious Pierrot had not been too biased with NH and actually allows Kishi to do the love triangle (I still called BS on that 2017 Kishi interview), they would have accumulated  way more money because of the pairing wars and majority of anti fans want reasons to see these two kunoichi go at it for many years.  


My final thoughts on this page that we should expect Sasuke's debut any time. And that Naruto and Sakura might be split apart with their fights possibly of the Byakugan Princess OPness  :roll: If this is the case, expect the Bromance with the rest of Team Taka taking on Toneri while Sakura has the assistance of Shikamaru and Sai, fighting OP Hinata Byakugan Princess.


Hopefully Sasuke's debut does not lead to a SasuSaku damsel in distress scene *yikes*