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Member Since 14 Dec 2009
Offline Last Active Aug 31 2024 07:54 PM

#644822 The Future of Heaven & Earth.

Posted by KonaKonaFan on 06 November 2014 - 02:05 PM

*insert vaguely inspirational line here about perseverance and friendship and blah blah blah*


But really, lol, if I haven't given up on this site after the entirety of part 2, why would I give up now?

#644770 Chapters 699 And 700 The End

Posted by KonaKonaFan on 06 November 2014 - 01:56 PM


#644722 Chapters 699 And 700 The End

Posted by KonaKonaFan on 06 November 2014 - 01:43 PM

I think this is a pretty good representation of the last two chapters.


#606888 Show Yourself V3.0!

Posted by KonaKonaFan on 19 October 2014 - 06:39 AM

Nope! It was a random just me photo session. Is The Wolf Among Us good? That was actually the first time I have heard of it.




wowee wow wow you look like her


and yeah! I rather like it a lot!

#602120 Teenager Killed and R**** his Mother

Posted by KonaKonaFan on 12 October 2014 - 04:42 PM

The murderer clearly is a core psycopath. He's demented. There can't be any normal logic behind his actions. Perhaps, a voice in his head told him to kill and rape his mother. He should have been admitted to a psychiatric ward long before he managed to bring so much harm. Unfortunately, there are many cases like that. Madmen not being isolated in proper time.


...No. This is ableist as hell. As someone with mental disabilities who one might call a "psychopath", they don't cause us to kill and rape. The guy was, as I keep saying, a self entitled piece of kitten. And that is what caused him to kill and rape.

#602082 SakuIno Appreciation Thread

Posted by KonaKonaFan on 12 October 2014 - 04:05 PM

I do not like this couple but I think for the love of the queen I have to put this fanfic:




By: Maneyan


Sakura and Ino are in a relationship, but Sakura loves Naruto too, but in the end the three share love for each other.



#601841 SakuIno Appreciation Thread

Posted by KonaKonaFan on 12 October 2014 - 05:58 AM

If Naruto and Sasuke didn't exist, Sakura would of just turned gay for Ino or Hinata. Law of Jordan: Women are hot.


nonononononono. Sakura is def bisexual. Not just saying that just because I'm bisexual. Ok maybe I am. Still.

#601632 SakuIno Appreciation Thread

Posted by KonaKonaFan on 11 October 2014 - 10:15 PM

Honestly? I would love SakuIno to be canon in Naruto, yuri manga or not. 

#601570 SakuIno Appreciation Thread

Posted by KonaKonaFan on 11 October 2014 - 08:34 PM

i wish kishi would have touched on their relationship more. 


Saaaaame. It was kinda the stereotypical, "we're girls who hated each other but now we like each other I guess!" kinda deal. Even if it wasn't a romantic sorta thing, I would have loooooved more chapters revolving around their relationship.

#597059 Crazy Requests Thread

Posted by KonaKonaFan on 07 October 2014 - 03:33 PM


#594787 Heaven and Earth Music Room

Posted by KonaKonaFan on 03 October 2014 - 02:08 AM




of course

#583484 Zac Attack

Posted by KonaKonaFan on 18 September 2014 - 09:35 PM

I'll hook you up


*opens coat* hey kids want some drama cds

#582951 Show Yourself V3.0!

Posted by KonaKonaFan on 17 September 2014 - 11:21 PM

Step down, real royalty coming through.




uh scuze you




i guess you missed the memo about who the REAL LIFE DISNEY PRINCESS HERE IS



#573265 What is wrong with the Gamer World?

Posted by KonaKonaFan on 01 September 2014 - 07:50 PM

Hm. I thought you were gonna say something about the fact that how when female gamers point out sexism within the whole gaming community, they suddenly have to fear for their safety, ie Anita Sarkeesian. But nope, just more rumor-mongering over something that definitely isn't the most depraved thing to happen in the name of journalism. Disappointing.

#562816 Ferguson

Posted by KonaKonaFan on 14 August 2014 - 06:04 AM

I bet you know what this topic is about already, right? Just in case you don't...


Michael Brown was shot unlawfully 8-10 times (reportedly) by St. Louis police Saturday. He was an unarmed 17-18 black male who did nothing to attract suspicion, despite info that was released to the public. His body was left in the street for four hours. The cop who murdered him (whose account of the whole thing is the only one different from the other eyewitness accounts) was on administrative leave and had his name left anonymous for his "safety". The police refuse to interview a key eyewitness, Dorian Johnson, trusting the word of the cop. Basically, the police have stayed silent on the whole thing.


The situation has since escalated. Around 100 or so people, most of them black, held a non-violent protest at the police station. The police retaliated with tanks, K9s, heavy artillery, etc. People exercising their rights are getting injured by the police. The scene is reminiscent of the civil rights protests in the 60s. The media has been banned from Ferguson, including a no-fly zone, to provide a safe environment for law enforcement activities. Cops are preventing people entering and exiting the town.


Michael Brown http://www.washingto...er-in-missouri/


picture of Michael Brown's body [deleted to respect the wishes of the victims mother]


eyewitness accounts of the murder http://www.msnbc.com...ooting-missouri





murderers name not being released http://fox2now.com/2...brown-shooting/


police silence http://time.com/3104...oting-protests/


protests http://www.cnn.com/2...ting/index.html


media ban http://libertyunyiel...or-face-arrest/


no fly zone http://tfr.faa.gov/s...ail_4_2599.html


But we live in post-racial America, right?


EDIT: One thing you can do to help is sign this petition to enact a federal law to end police brutality https://t.co/KpxlLURrvJ