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Member Since 04 Mar 2014
Offline Last Active Dec 19 2014 08:43 AM

#519288 Naruto 669

Posted by Heartsbattle on 19 March 2014 - 06:56 AM

Spoiler tags on front page

Like Jiraiya?! That would be awesome! And Naruto would get a little more closure! 


I think it would be a sweet and touching moment between student and teacher.

#518794 Why DO we like Narusaku?

Posted by Heartsbattle on 14 March 2014 - 02:48 AM

But in all seriousness... I support NS because of a multitude of reasons. One is that they make the most sense! I mean we can all agree on their awesome development. We have seen how Sakura has warmed up to Naruto over the years. 


And i think they are the only ones that can handle each other. I mean no one but Naruto could take Sakura's truck-like punches! And Sakura has a way of centering Naruto. He's off the wall and needs some direction. But he also needs someone that can keep up with him. And that's Sakura and only Sakura. 


And then there's everything you guys said too!


Too many reasons. @_@ But all lead to ---->  :nslove: 

#518792 Moments that got you?!

Posted by Heartsbattle on 14 March 2014 - 02:37 AM

These moments at the Heaven and Earth bridge still stand out for me, because they were what really made me take notice of NaruSaku as a pairing. Before, pairings were kind of an no-big-deal to me; I didn't really care one way or another, but it was this that made me believe Naruto and Sakura's relationship was important, story wise.






It's the exact same for me. This is where I first noticed her feelings changing...  We'll, maybe not changing. But its the first time I noticed how much she cares about Naruto! 


Such a sweet moment that we get to see. Its were we notice how she feels before even she does. 

#518467 Naruto 668

Posted by Heartsbattle on 12 March 2014 - 08:52 AM


He didnt say he developed it but was passing it on to Guy.

667 was the end.

Ah, after rereading I see you're right. I guess I just assumed.  :sweatdrop:


I get too excited about the new chapters and read too quickly. 

#518463 Naruto 668

Posted by Heartsbattle on 12 March 2014 - 08:44 AM

This chapter was obviously not what many people were expecting. The cliffhanger of last chapter left us with the impression that the final gate would receive its moment of glory. Well that may not have happened exactly, but it was an appropriate escalation of the tension that's pervading the backdrop of a desperate struggle for survival against a foe with inestimable power. It's practically second-nature for Kishi to pull expository remembrances like this one right before a character's death.


The flashback was surprisingly good. There are some gripes to be had with it, of course. I didn't find the concept of Guy's childhood personality and character issues being almost an exact replica of Lee's too appealing. I do think his younger look better accommodates the mellowed out, self-conscious persona though. We at least have a better understanding of Guy's character now - how it was moulded from the precepts and image of his father who, of course, resembles the current Guy that we know.


Apparently Guy's father was never promoted from Genin status. It couldn't be that his leadership skills were inadequate, his training routines and treatment of allies seems to be exactly like Guy's and he achieved the rank of Jonin. If it was because he was a one trick pony with just his martial arts then how did Lee become a Chunin? That's an odd discrepancy to have, although there isn't enough information to make a full judgement on the father's military career. 


This chapter has me engrossed now. I want to see how Guy's 8th gate barrage plays out against Madara and how the fatal drawbacks of the technique will impact his allies. If this is how he intends to go out in a blaze of glory then props to him. 

I think it has to do with the fact that Dai was working the technique and never actually used it, until it was too late. I mean he did say he has been working on it for 20 years. But Gai and Lee are already using it. And Lee at 13 no less. So as far as skill, I think Lee and Gai have progressed. But Dai paved the way for them. :)

#518452 Naruto 668

Posted by Heartsbattle on 12 March 2014 - 08:33 AM

NOoooOOOooo! Gai sensei! Don't leave us! 


I have a special place in my heart for Gai because my Uncle's name is Guy (It's close enough). 


DON'T DIE!!!  :cry: 


 And I didn't mind the chapter. I know there's other things we want to see (Where the hell is NARUSAKU???!!!???!!! :wallbash:) But I also love to see character development and back story. It gives so much insight on things that have happened or why people are the way they are. Now I can look back and go, "Ooooooh, now I get it."

#518346 Heartsbattle Artwork

Posted by Heartsbattle on 11 March 2014 - 10:57 PM

Here is the final product! Hope you guys like it!


#518246 Heartsbattle Artwork

Posted by Heartsbattle on 11 March 2014 - 08:35 AM

And as an extra bonus (not really, I just wanted to post this because I've been working on it all afternoon), I have a teaser for what will come next!


A new piece!

#518245 Heartsbattle Artwork

Posted by Heartsbattle on 11 March 2014 - 08:33 AM

So this is my first ever photoshop piece of art. It was so much fun and i spent way to much time on it... I need sleep! :sleepy: 


I already put it in my gallery but why not here too? Share the love, you know?


Just a funny thought popped into my head. Have your parents ever said, "When you have a child I hope its just like you so you can see what I am going through?"  :sweatdrop:


Well thats kind of the premise behind this piece. Naruto was a little bugger when he was a kid and now he's got his own. Bahahahaha!



#518219 Naruto 667

Posted by Heartsbattle on 11 March 2014 - 12:25 AM

Plans to become hokage


>Get election t be hokage


>kill current Hokage




>Become Hokage!


Its basically like the underpants gnomes plans from South Park

This plan is perfect!!!

#518157 Konohakitten's artwork

Posted by Heartsbattle on 10 March 2014 - 10:45 AM

It all looks so good! Do you know photoshop well? Is there a good tutorial that you might know of?

#518155 What Anime/Manga pair will NaruSaku be like at the end? (Warning: Spoilers)

Posted by Heartsbattle on 10 March 2014 - 10:36 AM

I kind of just voted for what I want to happen, lol.

#517845 Naruto 667

Posted by Heartsbattle on 06 March 2014 - 10:33 PM

I was glad to see this chapter. i was disappointed however because i wanted to see Naruto awaken....

I got this from @narusakuforlife1667's blog


I think it is an accurate description of how everyone must be feeling...



#517835 NaruSaku AMVs

Posted by Heartsbattle on 06 March 2014 - 07:55 PM

Also this one... I hate to admit that I teared up a bit. Naruto with his parents just kills me!


#517824 Hello! I'm here!

Posted by Heartsbattle on 06 March 2014 - 05:57 PM

Thank you!


To be honest, I use to be a complete sasusaku fan. Back in part 1. Sakura was always my favorite character and I wanted her to win over Sasuke. And I shared her opinion of Naruto being a total annoyance.

BUT! As time went on I saw how well they were as a team, how much they care for each others well being, and my opinion slowly started to change.

AND! That's why I think this ship will work. Because my opinion changed with Sakura's. I use to wish that we saw more of Sasuke. I mean how could such a lame, loud mouth, Naruto be the lead, right? But now I care about Naruto more than all the other characters! I'm on the edge of my seat waiting for the chapter when he gets better and we actually see him wake up!

So it was a slow transition but I'm finally here.