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#929179 Tracer Has A Girlfriend

Posted by Khaleesi on 24 December 2016 - 07:50 PM

Tracer is gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay, I know, I love her :love:  But really, for the people saying "it was not necessary showing her making out with her girlfriend" I'll say this: About 99% of all the movies, comics, series and animes I've watched and read there was an heterosexual relationship not related to the plot AT ALL and I had to watch/read their drama anyway but you start getting annoyed when it is a gay couple? F uck off.

#901035 The Random Thread

Posted by Khaleesi on 05 February 2016 - 04:46 AM

#892559 Code Geass Official thread

Posted by Khaleesi on 12 December 2015 - 02:31 AM

Umm no...

- Lelouch probably had feelings for Shirley that never understood. He said "I will never know" when asked if he liked Shirley.

- Lelocuh kissed Karen because it would work with his plans, but he did care for her.

- C.C is the most close to him and the one he can be himself with. Without lies. He promised her he would make her smile and didn't want her to die. It has been implied he had an special connection with C.C.

#883897 Hunter x Hunter

Posted by Khaleesi on 25 October 2015 - 06:15 PM

Who are you again?

The Unburnt, Mhysa, MOTHER O DRAGONS, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea.

#883416 Name Change Request Thread

Posted by Khaleesi on 23 October 2015 - 02:15 AM


Thank you!

#825133 The Random Thread

Posted by Khaleesi on 18 May 2015 - 03:52 PM

Yeah, I know...it just surprised me that's all...

BPD is the most common personality disorder and when you are teen you can get high results on tests about it because hormones, but I don't know about you. The thing is that you shouldn't worry too much about that.

#819894 The Random Thread

Posted by Khaleesi on 09 May 2015 - 02:38 PM

No, I don't. Wait, what do you mean? Explain more?

Edited it.

#819577 The Random Thread

Posted by Khaleesi on 09 May 2015 - 12:41 AM

Exactly what I wrote in my message, D:

I don't understand you. щ(ಠ益ಠщ)

I was facepalming myself you donkey  :twitch:  :facepalm: *now I'm facepalming you *  :chuckle: .



Huh !? I do what !?  :err: How so !?  :headscratch: .

Hehehehe :hehehe:

I mean, posting lyrics, hehehehehe.

#817410 The Random Thread

Posted by Khaleesi on 06 May 2015 - 06:33 AM

Can you think of any character who is possessive? :headscratch:

Gasai Yuno :lmao:




#817154 MOD Q&A

Posted by Khaleesi on 05 May 2015 - 11:07 PM

And then I end up laughing hysterically. I'm lame, I know XD

Truth has been spoken.

#814313 The Random Thread

Posted by Khaleesi on 01 May 2015 - 12:55 PM










#814024 The Random Thread

Posted by Khaleesi on 30 April 2015 - 10:30 PM


#813143 Fairy Tail

Posted by Khaleesi on 29 April 2015 - 01:45 PM

While true, we can hope more to her, including with Gray. Like I like the step up with Juvia knowing his father and if you count the omake, knowing his past. So yes, that's more than I can say for any Naruto pairings since they seem to block themselves from caring their struggles, feelings, etc.

Still, more to her like her dealing with other characters, which we got in the island arc.

Yeah, exactly! I expect her to have more development. I read that Hashima like Gruvia as how it is because he finds it funny, so it will be like that a bit longer  :sweat: I hope he gives her the development soon. I was bothered when I saw her taking a shower and saying Gray sama :zaru: That...I felt like they were exaggerating her character too much...

It still doesn't change the fact that she believes that gray is her possession. It doesn't change the fact that all she ever talks about is gray. She gets really annoying because of it. She's not Hinata, nor is she sakura, but she's approaching those levels.

The first, I agree, but as how I said, Mashima find it funny, so it doesn't have a bad intention, on the contrary. She has talked about other things that aren't Gray but they aren't that much, it's true. I still like her a lot. Her love for Gray doesn't make her selfish like Hinata and she won't betray Fairy Tail. Maybe Gray rejected her long ago, but he has never really treat her bad as how Sasuke did with Sakura. On the contrary, Gray has recognised her and told her she's warm, live with her, train with her. Their relationship is not superficial, their bond is real unlike NH or SS.

#808991 The Random Thread

Posted by Khaleesi on 24 April 2015 - 05:10 PM


:love: !!!!!!!!

#808989 Kakashi Unmasked!

Posted by Khaleesi on 24 April 2015 - 05:09 PM

Kakashi's Face



He's hot indeed. I can die in peace now.





Sadly, Naruto has disappointed me to much to actually care...