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#905736 Manga-wise, why NaruSaku not happening makes sense.

Posted by MangaReader on 23 March 2016 - 06:09 AM

The whole trophy, aka Second Place, is a paradox invented by the NaruHina fans to discredit NaruSaku as a possibly because of Sakura's so called deep seated love for Sasuke that if she couldn't end up with him, Naruto would be the back up guy. It's a paradox because we already know Naruto loved Sakura no matter what happened to him both physically and emotionally. The irony in all this is we know Naruto wouldn't settle for being just a silver medal, unlike Hinata who didn't give a damn about being the second girl in Naruto's life. Oh wait, the movie decided to screw the manga and made Naruto a complete and utter moron who has no clue what love is...

#905735 MangaReader's Life of Drawing

Posted by MangaReader on 23 March 2016 - 06:02 AM

I swear to God I will finish this even if it kills me... I haven't done fan art in quite some time, er rather, I haven't posted/colored/moved past sketching period fan art in quite some time. 


Why Image Size...WHY

#905657 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by MangaReader on 21 March 2016 - 10:33 PM

Sakura was hated because she was in Hinata's way. Simple as that.

That became the thing after Hinata was introduced to the manga... Before that it was she bullied Naruto, she was rude to him, she didn't like his presence, she thought he was a troublemaker bent solely on ruining her life. They felt she was worthless in battle because she had no techniques. Unfortunately reading comprehension was lacking in the fandom, because it was meant to showcase Naruto's ability to change the people around him.

#905618 Hinata

Posted by MangaReader on 21 March 2016 - 06:15 AM


When posting, please keep these rules in mind:

  • Be nice and treat others with respect.
  • NO BASHING of any characters, pairings, fans, or fandoms.

Please refer to the pinned debate rules topic for more detail and an explanation of why we have taken this action.


Rule above good isn't it, not personal feeling but attacking character just bring harm to NS fandom who still work in fan-art and fan-fic.  They still fight while you only whining.


Btw why you revive dead thread, last post is 3 years ago

First off I didn't revive anything, I just happen to see this was the top tread the minute I logged on. Secondly, I don't know how loosely you think bashing is, but in no way did I say anything about Hinata. Her learning nothing is not bashing, it's literally what we read in the manga. Third, why do you care, you're not a mod and you've been here for all of one year. 


Besides, the bashing rule has been pretty damn lenient since the manga ended. 

#905535 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by MangaReader on 20 March 2016 - 02:09 PM

I've got two more guys :D




It's not bad, but I don't want clutter

#905507 Hinata

Posted by MangaReader on 20 March 2016 - 05:45 AM

Because I'm much too into this lately and typing is a hassle... I have the perfect that describes Hinata perfectly



#905504 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by MangaReader on 20 March 2016 - 05:30 AM

We all know it's true



#905271 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by MangaReader on 17 March 2016 - 02:25 AM

I can believe I've let this slip past my mind for the longest time, yet it finally dawned on me that the most irrefutable proof that Naruto's feelings were truly genuine for Sakura was given to us in Chapter 3. Yeah we always go on about the Bench Scene because it's Naruto masquerading as Sasuke, thus giving Sakura a false impression of Sasuke, but I think what drives it home, other then Naruto confirming why he loves her, is the fact he literally was able to read her mind and said exactly word for word what she thought could only ever happen in fantasy. There is no way in hell Naruto just so happened to guess right what she was thinking unless he truly felt the same way as how she described herself. There's no way in hell that's not true love

#904922 New Boruto Manga?

Posted by MangaReader on 12 March 2016 - 04:40 PM

Why I brought that up is because of my lack of respect for story telling over art. This is the reason why I regretted dropping OP ten years ago because the art quality was not of my liking. Now a decade later I here very good things about Oda. And now OP is way to much deep for me to get back into. Its like what almost 800 chapters. That's too much for me lol. Thankfully, I never made the same mistake with OMP as I did with OP. And its all thanks to Maruta-sensei.

Well all new manga start off with shody art (One Piece, Naruto, Bleach) bar maybe a few series... But what storytelling can possibly be told with this "new" series when Naruto's one purpose was bringing world peace. If they're somehow still doing mission's, clearly the word peace got lost in translation. 

#904834 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by MangaReader on 11 March 2016 - 07:12 AM

Amazing how the "fans" look past that little detail, especially since it concerns their angel. I guess it's just more wood in the fire considering they assume everything that was wrong but never answered was fixed off panel and don't worry about it since all that matters was Hinata got Naruto in the end. 

#904719 The Naruto Agree/Disagree Discussion Thread

Posted by MangaReader on 10 March 2016 - 02:34 AM

Damn it 4Life... Hmm, this one requires a little thought for different reasons. Before I give my answer, I guess I put a little discussion that could lead me to my final judgement. 


Why rescue Sasuke, a guy who didn't want to be saved and was still capable of making his own decisions? Well other then Naruto trying to get laid, lol, the real answer was he couldn't sit back and watch his friend and blood brother descend into madness and evil. While I don't agree with Kishimoto stating Sasuke was pure, I highly doubt he was evil either. He's your typical jerk who happens to also have an incredible talent and thinks highly of himself. It took my the longest time, but I think Sasuke grew on me for the purpose that he was Naruto's opposite. That ultimately makes for an interesting albeit cliche rival we read about in shonen manga. Initially he was a semi likeable character because he was capable of admitting Naruto's growing success and I actually didn't mind when he convert to his rage about Naruto getting stronger while he remained relatively unchanged after awhile. Shippuden turned him in a fully fledged a**hole which pretty much put a dent in my ideal rival, but, he did become more menacing. I might be alone in this, but Sasuke becoming a "villain" wasn't the way I wanted for characters to change their opinions of him, aka Sakura's love for him. Rather, I just wanted Naruto unselfish nature to open people's eyes that he's not the type of troublemaker/monster people labelled him as and the personality he took on growing up because of it. I think Naruto put it best, or rather Kishimoto wrote it best, that had things gone differently, Naruto very easily could have been in Sasuke's shoes and Sasuke in his, representing the opposite sides of the same coin. The Pain arc into the Summit arc was working perfectly until the 4th Ninja War kittened everything up by literally changing everything set up in that arc. 


The Sharingan being the most haxious technique/blood trait ever introduced in fiction is probably Sasuke's biggest calling card to coolness and biggest reason to be hated. I don't mind a genius, but when your eyes are the biggest reason for that, then things get complicated. Lets also not forget the BS excuse Kishimoto concocted with these so called eyes causing Uchiha to go insane when they lose their loved ones. I don't need a realistic answer, but even for fiction, that seems highly illogical. But I'm getting well off topic.


I'm gonna say I disagree considering Sasuke was still a huge reason Naruto became who he did throughout the story (at least the story we liked). That being said, I wish their stories intertwined for different purposes. Their goals were quite literally nothing a like... maybe Kishimoto should have saved Itachi for towards the end of the story instead of the freak'in middle of it 

#904635 The Naruto Agree/Disagree Discussion Thread

Posted by MangaReader on 09 March 2016 - 05:20 AM

I'm gonna disagree, because it showcased just how far Sakura was willing to go to end both Naruto's and Sasuke's pain, even if it wasn't the most thought out, nor best executed. Sakura was more of a ninja then either of the guys because of this, but I gotta agree with Nazimaki Clan on this one, the Summit Arc is one of the most pointless arcs to date, nothing it set up really got accomplished, bar that world war, but Sasuke's "ambition" sure changed pretty damn quickly after that arc. "I'm gonna destroy the Leaf and everyone in it" to "I'm gonna become Hokage of the Leaf and thrust the world into a revolution."

#904634 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by MangaReader on 09 March 2016 - 05:12 AM

The moment you realize that when it came to popularity polls....Hinata fans cheat for her to win.


It looks like gibberish to me though... I knew I should have taken Japanese as a language/elective 

#904550 One Last Ending Rant

Posted by MangaReader on 08 March 2016 - 06:16 AM

Just by giving into the Sakura hate your giving them satisfaction. How is any of this her fault? Out of character, big whoop, so was everyone else on Team 7. That's on Kishimoto and anyone who got into his head to create this abomination. I didn't hate Sakura then, I don't hate her now. How could I anyway, she's still getting treated like dirt. I don't get how one person could destroy the one character who truly had any real growth in this manga and I can't comprehend how people can hate a fictional character, especially one of the main heroin kind. All Sakura ever did was try and get better, not just for one singular person, but for everyone she cared for. She selflessly put her life to the brink more times then most of these characters despite knowing she's not the most powerful. That sounds like an amazing person to me. But we have Hinata getting treated like an angel despite never changing as a character, despite never having a real personality, despite never having any real spotlight, and never doing anything of importance. Somehow this girl is the goddess among us, yet I don't see anything special about her. She loved the main character, so what? We learned about this well after the Team 7 love triangle had been established and well after knowing Sasuke really didn't care about anyone not named Naruto. But no, lets hate on Sakura because she's an easy target and the world would most likely agree, despite the fact it's her own creator's fault for destroying her. Worst part is, despite the fact her falling for Naruto would have made perfect sense, we'd likely have a whole ton of people constantly sh**ing on her character because she's not Hinata. It's sad that she couldn't have won the crowd over regardless of how it ended... that's just... that's just saddening,  

#904548 My Final Realization Of What bothered Me About The Naruto Manga

Posted by MangaReader on 08 March 2016 - 05:52 AM

So why don't we?

Let's assume that this is all a Infinite Tsukuyomi. Let's assume that the Road to Ninja universe is actually the REAL canon and what we are looking at is fake universe. Why not? I mean, hey if Naruto is going to be about cliche romance and idiotic tv tropes, then Road to Ninja has it all plus more that actually make it enjoyable. A main character who is misunderstood and has a deeper mind to it all? Check. Female love interest that has the hots for him? Check. A best friend who also happens to be the biggest humanizer? Check. A grouchy kitteny character who also wants the main character, but at the same time is too much garbage to be truly worth anything? Check.

Seriously, Road to Ninja universe is far better than the Narutoverse we got now AND it is written by Kishimoto too. So why not?

That moment when you realize that Menma, the supposed evil twin of Naruto, is actually the good guy.


Menma wasn't even truly evil if I recall, but even if he was, Naruto cured him at the very end. If guess if anything, he was just more like Sasuke in this universe, socially awkward and somewhat depressing.


That being said... it's clearly the writers fault, because he did something the characters would absolutely never do.