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#842071 Naruto Gaiden 700.7

Posted by Otaru on 11 June 2015 - 08:02 PM

Ok so...

my thoughts...

To be honest guys, the first time I read the chapter, I looked through it very quickly because I wasn't interested at all.
Then I came to this page were it is said about Sarada's mother to be Karin.

I was so shocked. I don't understand what Kishimoto wants to put. I don't understand at all. Guess I will wait for next chapters to have a proper thought about all that...

So, I re-read the chapter, because I wanted to understand...
The first thing that's utterly shocking me right now is that :


I mean really ? The Naruto we know would make a fuss about all this. OK he became adult, but the real Naruto would make a fuss. He would be indignated, hurted, and crying because living creatures are used like they are things. And yet 'Naruto' is only saying : "Do you think it's OK" ? WHAT THE KITTENING KITTEN Kishimoto ? At least keep Naruto like himself ! No ? And please, making Naruto don't understand what is happening in front of his eyes is kittening treat him like dumb. He's more intelligent than that Kishimoto come on...

I'm unable to get over this.


#839465 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Otaru on 07 June 2015 - 11:09 AM

Sakura: remember when you said you loved me? its because you didnt want to lose to him


naruto: oh like how you loved sasuke because you didn't want to lose to ino? kitten you


I still can't believe that thing. They took the more selfless and beautiful love of all the manga, and they erased it horribly with that crappy explanation. This is the most horrible eradication I have ever seen in my life. And they made it come out of Sakura's mouth... Sakura, of all people... Sakura who was deeply understanding Naruto and knew very well he really loved her.

#839198 Naruto Gaiden-chapter 700.6

Posted by Otaru on 06 June 2015 - 11:49 PM

IMO he's doing that because he has no kittening idea anymore at all.
So he's writing about what he knows. That's all.

#838069 Naruto Gaiden-chapter 700.6

Posted by Otaru on 04 June 2015 - 07:44 PM


This. Just...this. 


Naruto doesn't keep up enough with his supposed "most precious person" to remember that Sasuke left her 12 years ago and their daughter, whom she raised alone, wouldn't recognize his face.


But when Sakura comes to save her family, Naruto immediately is whining for her attention?!? WTF?


I don't know whether to think Naruto is ridiculous or just a dirtbag. On the one hand, is he really still that immature that the moment Team 7 is together, he has to start acting like Chapter 1 Naruto again? On the other hand is he still demanding Sakura's attention even though he apparently only thought of Sakura the way he thought of ramen, and promptly forgot about her once Hinata walked into the room?


Either way, I really can't stand Naruto's behavior. It's just pathetic. 


I can't be sure if he's really starving for her attention. At first glance it looks like to me that he was talking about the fact that he can fight too. I re-read the chapter (was a huge kittening pain in my ass...) but I can't fix my mind about it. It's unclear to me.

#837675 Naruto Gaiden-chapter 700.6

Posted by Otaru on 04 June 2015 - 11:56 AM

What the kitten did I just read ? Nothing makes no kittening sense. Naruto and Sasuke are made weak in order to Sakura to be able to do something. At the end of Naruto's manga, Naruto and Sasuke were a lot stronger than that.
I think Kishimoto never intended to write all this. It feels really forced.
Not even one of them looks like his/her self. Naruto is like someone else. Sasuke is like someone else. Sakura is like someone else. It's like they are all from an AU.
It's also that story that is really weak as kitten. What is that kittening ass story where the enemy has a child too ??? I mean really ? Is that all about parents and child now ? That is so kittening weak I swear.
Kishimoto is writting whatever comes to his mind (or whatever they are telling him to write...)
Someone needs to take over that manga et redo it since that time when Kishimoto were forced to take another route. It's such an ENORMOUS WASTE oh my god... this is tearing me apart. It's impossible to recognize Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke. 


#832662 Naruto Gaiden- Chapter 700.5

Posted by Otaru on 28 May 2015 - 07:47 PM

Really I don't know what to say anymore.

It's just really bad.



#829285 Naruto Gaiden-Chapter 700.4

Posted by Otaru on 24 May 2015 - 12:27 AM

I find it funny that Kishi is making Sarada's personality more like Sakura's now.

To be completely honest, when I read that first chapter of Naruto Gaiden, I saw Sasukes completely. Sure, she's more social, but that's to be expected when she has a different background compared to Sasukes.

No, what made me see Sasuke in her was when she talked to Sakura that first chapter. Not only did that little girl have similar expressions Sasuke had, but the way she snapped at Sakura for not knowing anything about her husband screamed Sasuke to me. I also saw her as very calculative as well, questioning everything (along with what's the point of being a ninja) like Sasuke did during the first part of the chuunin exams when he was figuring out the point of the test.

Idk, maybe it's just me, but I saw a little Sasuke in girl form. So when I look at this chapter and see Naruto say she's just like Sakura, I can't help but shake my head.


Exactly. When she was with Sakura, it was Sasuke all over. The way she snapped was Sasuke all over. And everything you said. It's exactly that.


But in that chapter, he gave her Sakura's behaviour in addition. IMO it's all about that 'red herring' thing about 'who is Sarada's mom'... That's why he's giving her Sakura's behaviour only now.

#829281 Naruto Gaiden-Chapter 700.4

Posted by Otaru on 23 May 2015 - 11:50 PM


In chapter 700, KISHI made her and Boruto intentionally resembling their fathers only in order to create some lame suspense in the last chapter about which the final couples are... I also think he intentionally add the glasses on Sarada to feed the theories about SasuKari. Still lame.

To me, it's utterly obvious he did that. Sarada have nothing from Sakura at first glance. The eyes are black like Sasuke's, the hair are black like Sasuke's, the glasses are the same shape as Karin's. The only thing she has from Sakura are her clothes. This is what you get from her at first glance.

IMO all this was to feed the fans theories, and to create some red herring because it's so hype right now apparently... I like red herring, but this is 'playing with readers feelings'. This is not a red herring. But it's possible he's not the one responsible for this. It's possible he's only doing what he was told to do...

I still think he was forced to end NaruSaku, and that he had no more real ideas left about his story, and that he's doing whatever comes into his mind because it's his duty to draw this manga. I think that he lost his devotion to it because of the pressure, and because he was ripped of all of his original ideas and expectations for his story.

So... Sarada... in this chapter, I thought about Sakura while looking at her. Kishi drew Sakura's expression on her face. I get it that some of you guys don't see it, but I maintain it, Kishi gave her Sakura's face expressions. I think Kishi is trying to show to the readers that Sakura is really her mother right now. I don't know what he really is thinking, but to me, it's either he's mocking us, or either he's trying to tell us something. And I don't think Kishimoto is the type to mock his readers. At all. He's not perfect for sure, but I don't think he's that kind of man. I think he's either trying to rehabilitate his manga, or either he's trying to tell us something, or either he's trying hard to make the story they forced him to write to be interesting... something like that.

Sarada is behaving like Sakura here. To me, it's clear that's Kishimoto's intention. He wants us to see Sarada is behaving like Sakura. He even made Naruto say it. So, Sarada is like Sakura. Even if we find it not well done, it's what Kishi intended to do. It's strongly shown when she interacts with Naruto. As if it was natural because it's Naruto. Naruto always brought Sakura to life right ? Don't you see it guys ? That's the more natural thing Kishimoto was able to draw since that gaiden began. Why is that small interaction between Naruto and Sarada feels so natural ? And Naruto, just look at him, smiling brightly while talking to Sarada about Sakura... LOL
To me, Kishi is showing his real colors here. What is natural to write for him is that. And to me it's NaruSaku all over.

And Sasuke raising his sword at his daughter... SasuSaku fans must be really angry right now. All this is because Kishi has no idea at all. It's just phony and lame events. He just can't draw Sasuke behave differently because that's the way Sasuke is. LOL

But what I see here is that Naruto gave to Sarada the feeling of what could be a father for the first time in her life. I think that's the reason she was able to activate her Sharingan. This was the trigger to her thinking about what could be her bond with Sasuke, her father. Naruto was the trigger. Naruto is behaving with her like he did with Sakura. He's comforting her because he knows how she feels. He waited for her because he knew she was following him with Chouchou (chouchou means butterfly in japanese), and he knew why. He's still that utterly intelligent guy when it comes to feelings, and all he's doing right now is an act to comfort Sarada. I get the feeling he lied about his past in that purpose too. To make her smile.

It's like he's making the PoaL again to Sarada. Him telling her to not worry, and that he will help her meet her dad... It's again about 'bringing back Sasuke'. LOL

Don't you see it guys ?

#827774 Naruto Gaiden-Chapter 700.4

Posted by Otaru on 21 May 2015 - 06:23 PM

What is this crap again ? I mean.... really ?? REALLY KISHIMOTO ??


Well, I think it's pretty obvious that...

A.) Naruto still clearly is in love with Sakura since he's ACTUALLY SMILING like he used to when he talks about her and how Sarada must be like her.


This chapter made me think almost the same.

The feeling I get by watching Naruto and Sarada is the just same Kishimoto gave to us with Naruto and Sakura.
It's like Naruto is still loving Sakura through Sarada. And Sarada is totally behaving like Sakura. She acts like her in that chapter. She also has the same expressions.

I felt like looking at Naruto and Sakura. Weird. Really weird.


But most of all, what is that kitten with Sasuke threatening his daughter ! Really Kishi ? Couldn't you have a better idea ?


Nardo was also regressed to his P1 self again and acting as a Douche in this chap . I mean WTF was with him trying to impress the kids by acting and laying about him being the cool one and Sasuke like him !? That was ridiculous as kitten and another point of character assassination  :facepalm: .  


I was shocked too...

#826467 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Otaru on 19 May 2015 - 09:14 PM


Dunno about the other 4 but here's my #1:




Kishimoto will never draw Naruto and Hinata kissing on the lips. This was the only way to have Naruto and Sakura 'kissing' in the situation he was in.
And that scene between them, and what Sakura do for him, and what she say, and what Naruto did for her all this time since the beginning of the manga will always be far more beautiful than NaruHina empty marriage.


#826459 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Otaru on 19 May 2015 - 09:01 PM


Yes me too. I'm hoping that he will meet up with Sasuke and tell him about how hard it's been for, about her being out of it, and get angry with him for not being there for her. If that happened, it would be the firrst glimpse of the Naruto we once knew. 


And if that happened, it could show the only real outward feelings from Naruto would be him expressing concern for Sakura. Then it would go back to no-chemistry scenes between SS and the walking scenes that NH only seem to have. 


It would be nice to see something discreetly NS in part 3. And as much as Kishimoto pandered to the shipping wars, it's not outside of the realm of possibility that he might do it.


Oh yes. That would be gold. I don't believe one second Kishimoto DECIDED to put Naruto with Hinata. I want to see a glimpse of what he's really thinking right now.



I wish we would have seen Naruto express half as much outward emotion over his own feelings for Sakura as he did for the weird relationship they shared with Sasuke. Everything was set up so nicely for a triumphant moment where Naruto could finally be open and confront Sakura and his feelings for her after handling the POAL. Instead, we see SS steal the forehead moment NS fans had been waiting for since chapter 3.


So true

#826453 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Otaru on 19 May 2015 - 08:43 PM

Do you have any more estimates, reviews, or projections besides "3,8, or 15 people"? 


Well no it's just because i saw a bunch of comments about the movie on my french facebook. It's been since the movie is released here that I'm seeing people saying they hated it, that it was lame, illogical, and that it wasn't a movie about ninjas and more about crappy love. Some people like it because of hinata of course.
So, I saw many comments saying that the theatres was like almost empty when they went to watch the movie.
If I find some official reviews I will show you.

#826449 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Otaru on 19 May 2015 - 08:20 PM

I secretly hope that Kishimoto is not OK at all with what they forced him to do, and that he will put something discreet enough in the gaiden to show it.

#826443 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Otaru on 19 May 2015 - 08:06 PM

Agreed. Any sane woman would've chosen Naruto over Sasuke.

That's what Kishi wanted to do. He said it multiple time through MinaKushi, JiraTsu, YahiKo and ObiRin. Don't forget Jiraiya's novel...

#826299 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Otaru on 19 May 2015 - 06:53 PM

The last is flopping terribly in France.

I have some infos about guys that came to see the movie. They were like 3, 8, or 15 people to watch the movie.