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Member Since 19 Aug 2006
Offline Last Active Apr 18 2019 12:42 AM

#497182 Hero

Posted by Lid on 29 September 2013 - 10:14 PM

Hey man, how's it goin, glad to see positive thoughts! I liked seeing the 10 things you were glad about, good to see.


Song to keep the positive juices flowin, -


I love 80s music haha

#496582 Will Sakura interfere in the future Sasuke vs Naruto battle?

Posted by Lid on 26 September 2013 - 05:02 PM

Earlier in the manga I would have thought that she would, but that was before the MOUNTAIN of parallels that have been shoved down our throats about Naruto and Sasuke and their predecessors.


A shame too, since I think that the finale should incorporate all of Team 7, with Sakura being heavily involved.


That's just me, though.

#496419 What character?

Posted by Lid on 25 September 2013 - 09:15 PM

Katsuyu. She is.....supportive.

Kinky. :lmao:

#495894 The Legend of Korra: Avatar Korra

Posted by Lid on 23 September 2013 - 10:10 PM

Korra is basically a real 16 year old girl, she makes mistakes, lashes out at people and is very naive. I personally like how real she is but yeah she could be a little nicer, she isnt an adult she may have to save the world but she is still only a teenager. 

Well, in response, Zuko in A:TLA was a teenager too, in fact he was 16 through the series. Zuko made a ton of mistakes, however, at the same time, his character was always endearing. I can't necessarily say the same about Korra. I wish like hell I could say that I like Korra, but so far, I'm not a fan of the character.

#495619 The Legend of Korra: Avatar Korra

Posted by Lid on 22 September 2013 - 05:16 PM

I mentioned it in my earlier post, and I think it may be relevant. Is maybe the reason why it's hard to root for Korra because she tries to do everything on her own?


It's three episodes in with an established cast of characters. You would think that the new Team Avatar would be really involved here, but in this episode all we saw was a dinner date (played for laughs at that)?


In A:TLA, Aang had a strong support group with the original Gaang, and usually he relied or sought advice from his friends. It doesn't happen here as much it seems. So far, Korra is just doing everything on her own, without seeking any real advice (whenever she asks Mako it seems to be played a bit humorous with Mako stumbling his words because he's not sure how to answer.).


Maybe her trying to take on the whole load herself makes her decisions seem more cold and even a bit selfish. Some thoughts?

#495497 The Legend of Korra: Avatar Korra

Posted by Lid on 22 September 2013 - 01:19 AM

Well, I finally got to see this episode on Nicktoons tonight, and I have to say the disappointment continues.


Same issues as last time, I still find Mako boring, Bolin is too much comic relief, and Asami is nowhere to be found. What's going on here? Why isn't the "New Team Avatar" more involved? Why aren't they interacting with Korra about these serious situations?


And as for Korra, I realize that she has conflicting emotions and is trying to stop a war between tribes, but it feels like it's being handled poorly. In A:TLA, I was usually with the Gaang's plan of action usually, but here, I can never really get behind Korra.


Also, and here is where a lot of frustrations are coming from, the siblings. It was fun the last two episodes because it felt more like simple teasing, that happens. But what's being dug into here, it really is troubling.


The fact that they hold so much resentment and that they argue like this, to me, almost seems like not only Aang, but also Katara, may have not been stellar parents. It's such a shame because I enjoyed these characters so much in the original series, but the new series is really putting them in a poor light.


Now, one could argue that Katara did the best she could, and that Aang was busy with his duty as being Avatar, but I say, look at the original series. I remember Katara being very much a glue that held people together, being referenced as the "mother" of the group even.


And with Aang, I don't know what happened later, but the events of A:TLA was arguably the most trying times of his career as the Avatar. And yet, during that time, he very much held good relationships with his friends and was trying to get the relationship with Katara going.


The idea of them having a less than loving family life with Aang and company just doesn't seem to fit.


Of course, this season is still early. I get that, and we will see where this all leads to. But for the moment, I'm just calling it how I see it, and what I see, I don't like.

#495300 Happy birthday, H&E!

Posted by Lid on 21 September 2013 - 01:24 PM

In the land where Heaven and Earth stand united
One fandom has come together for an unforgettable run
An emotional, captivating journey that took them from one of the smallest pairings in Naruto to one of the majors
It is here, at NaruSaku.com, where memories of Yamato's comments to Sakura in Chapter 297 will always be a part of the landscape
And the legends and moments that followed continue to echo
From the bench outside the academy, to the hug after Naruto beat Pein
The forum still resonates with mind numbing cheers from the Icha Icha NaruSaku section
During the release of Chapter 631 when it rocked like never before
The moment where our ship moved one step closer
In what will forever be one of the greatest pairing wars ever fought
This is it
These nine years
This has been our story
Your story

#494867 The Legend of Korra: Avatar Korra

Posted by Lid on 19 September 2013 - 01:45 AM

OK, I'll throw this out here.


Am I the only one who is REALLY hoping for a flashback episode about the three siblings on their family life when they were being raised by Aang and Katara?

#494323 The Legend of Korra: Avatar Korra

Posted by Lid on 17 September 2013 - 03:35 PM

Thoughts on first two episodes

#487322 Manga ending you don't want to happen

Posted by Lid on 17 August 2013 - 01:50 PM

Shaman king ending, in which the last battle being skip. It make me angry.
Imagine that after all thing happen in this manga, kishi didn't show narusasu final battle.

Well, Shaman King's author eventually did write a full ending that included a final battle and a time skip, but it was still very disappointing.

#478498 Heaven and Earth Chatroom

Posted by Lid on 25 June 2013 - 12:59 AM

Hanging in the H&E chatroom tonight



#477944 Official NBA thread

Posted by Lid on 21 June 2013 - 04:24 AM

The pots and pans have been banging, cars honking in the streets, and fireworks going off in the sky. WE PARTYING TONIGHT BABY!! 8D



:lol:  Fair enough. Enjoy the victory! Hope the Friday hangovers aren't too bad!

#467447 Is anime in a state of regression in the U.S.?

Posted by Lid on 27 May 2013 - 12:56 PM

Back in the late 1990s and earlier in the 2000s, anime seemed to be exploding in the states.


Obviously a lot of that was thankful to the Toonami block and even the whole Pokemon craze. Eventually in the 2000s Adult swim came along too and started showing newer anime and it would be on every weeknight.


Plus other channels started showing anime too, I remember G4 (back when it was TechTV-G4) having an anime block and I believe the SyFy channel had one too.


Not to mention the shows inspired by anime like Last Airbender and Teen Titans.


But after all of this time, now the only time you can really watch anime is late on Saturday nights or catch a half hour of DBZ Kai.


So I'm wondering, is anime in the United States currently in a state of regression? And will we see an explosion of popularity again like there was a decade or so ago?


I'm also wondering if this is due to more anime being available online? Since Funimation shows a lot on their youtube channel, and Netflix and Hulu have a pretty good variety of shows.


What are some thoughts?