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#839815 Boruto - the movie

Posted by Frankie on 07 June 2015 - 08:32 PM

he's a dead beat dad though. =o
but lets face it, even superman wouldn't be able to be a good father and a world protector at the same time.
naruto has clones though so he has no excuse =p

Goku isn't really a deadbeat dad though. For the first five years of Gohan's life, he was there for him. He died to save him from Raditz and then he needed to stay dead to train against the Saiyans. He arrives and the first thing he does is save his son. He's the only one who can fight Nappa and Vegeta, so he sends Gohan and Krillin away to stop them from dying. Nappa and Vegeta are defeated. Gohan decided on his own to go to Namek, which Goku couldn't go at first because of his injuries from Vegeta.

He gets to Namek when the others are fighting the Ginyu Force. He needs to stay behind to hold off Ginyu and Jeice while Gohan and Krillin get the Dragonballs. Ginyu steals his body and he's forced to stay in the healing chamber until he recovers to fight Frieza. Krillin dies, he becomes a Super Saiyan, and he tells Gohan to leave so he could finish Frieza. He stayed behind to ensure Frieza died when everyone on Namek was wished away.

Yes he stayed on Yaradrat when he didn't have to. I will say that he wasn't planning to stay forever and was gonna come back.

He comes back a year later to yet another threat. He and Gohan and everyone else has to train for three years to prepare against the Androids. He spent those three years with his son, regardless of what they were doing. He spends a year of our time in the Time Chamber with Gohan. Again, he was there regardless of what they were doing.

He had faith Gohan could beat Cell and was gonna jump in when Piccolo told him that Gohan didn't want to fight. He realized it wasn't fair of him to do that to Gohan. He sacrifices himself to save the planet from Cell since he was the only one who could. He stays dead so the Earth wouldn't be in danger anymore and since the Earth was in peace for the seven years he was dead, it seemed to be the right choice. He didn't survive long enough to learn he was gonna be a dad again, so Chi-Chi's pregnancy isn't a point on his bad parenting.

He spends the peaceful part of his one day with Goten and getting to know him and was sad that he couldn't spend more time with his family. He thought Gohan was dead and the first thing he did when he went back to the Other World was to ask where Gohan was. He reunites with Gohan on the Kai planet and helps train and spend time with him. He's sad when Gohan leaves as he thought that was the last time he would see his son until he eventually died. He's angry and distraught when his sons are absorbed by Buu. After the battle with Kid Buu he spends ten peaceful years with his family.

He left to train Ubb. He probably felt obligated to train him somehow and he probably was gonna check in on his family now and then. He wasn't leaving forever. He was going to a different part of the planet. These guys can fly faster than the speed of sound. If they really wanted to see Goku, they could track him down in seconds and get there in less than an hour.

So no, Goku isn't a deadbeat dad.

#824016 All of Naruto Season 1 is now on Netflix

Posted by Frankie on 17 May 2015 - 01:59 AM

I can't be bothered to watch it knowing 99% of it leads nowhere in terms of plot development.

I still enjoy Part 1. I just make my own headcanon after Pain and just say what we got in canon was just a fanfiction that Kishimoto decided to draw and replicate.

#820956 Chapter 700.1

Posted by Frankie on 11 May 2015 - 08:14 PM

And some people still think this is an amazing manga? I wonder what do those people eat? What are they made of?

and yea..lookie here... Hinata-hime-sama is Hyuuga heiress.. they'll probably shove that title into our throats to justify NH's superiority..i wont even be surprise if she'll be portrayed to be the strongest female of their generation just because they need to equip her well to live up to the real queen. Ya know that side character named Sakura who came from a normal family but was able to rise above others..

She and Rock Lee are both wasted potential. They actually live out the true theme of this pathetic excuse of a ninja manga.. now they are into Hinata's shoujo way of living.

I've said that too! Rock Lee is very wasted potential. He showcases the theme of hard work surpassing natural talent, but he faded into the background after the Sasuke Retrieval Mission and his fight with Kimimaro. Now with this bastardized ending, he's one of the only two characters I even care about that didn't die before the retcons became too much; the other being Gaara.

#817449 How Kishimoto could have made Sakura popular

Posted by Frankie on 06 May 2015 - 07:47 AM

A lot of NH fans also hate Tsunade. I notice this but don't really know why they do.

Because Tsunade reminds them of Sakura.

#815379 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Frankie on 03 May 2015 - 01:54 AM

It was ironic that the bookstore I was in has Naruto volume 72 and art book in shelf, but then, it all fell down. I have no idea how it happened, but yeah, that was weird.

That was an omen. The Naruto series is about to fall down even more than it already has.

#806589 Naruto Gaiden: The Seventh Hokage - Chapter 1

Posted by Frankie on 23 April 2015 - 07:23 AM

Worth the read! I needed a laugh.

Gotta admit, I love Sarada. She's calling out all the kitten that came with this ending.

#788953 Thoughts on the New Technology

Posted by Frankie on 28 March 2015 - 03:26 AM

Who knows? I mean if we go by the Last (which is canon) Bolt and Himawari where already alive and there was no city full of buildings
Then cue 700, a few years later and they already have these massive skysccrappers, so maybe it was magic, and then through magic these buildings can disappear again :zaru:
See , I''m learning how to understand  Kishi's logic 

You didn't hear? There's another novel coming out about the discovery of The Land of the Genies. They found it and wished for advancement of technology. It's gonna be an interesting read...

#748419 What Naruto power-up annoyed you the most?

Posted by Frankie on 30 January 2015 - 10:14 PM

Anything past Sage Mode is annoying aside from the first Nine Tails Chakra Mode as Naruto had to fight Kurama for that and train it somewhat. Everything else, ie Hagaromo Gift Giving Charity, can go die in a hole.

#580395 Chapter 692

Posted by Frankie on 12 September 2014 - 01:51 AM

Am I the only one who thinks it'll be great character development for Naruto to finally accept that if he wants to obtain the peace that Jiraiya wanted and to finally end the Curse of Hatred that Sasuke has to die. He can't put Sasuke above the lives of everyone else. I always had this image that Naruto would end with Sasuke's death and Naruto being the one to do it.

Knowing Kishimoto though, we'll have TNJ and a happy ending for everyone with a short fight so he can wrap up everything before the movie. Oh well, let's just get this over with.