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#471397 Naruto 632

Posted by Akashi on 01 June 2013 - 07:19 PM

"If you love two people at the same time, choose the second one, because if you really loved the first one you wouldn't have fallen for the second."
Johnny Depp


I just had to post this. :smug:

#471157 Naruto 632

Posted by Akashi on 01 June 2013 - 09:38 AM


You know, I agree some people are becoming really analytical about it. If you just put the negativity aside and read the past chapters in this volume sakura was just joking i think its pretty clear for now that shes happy to catch up with her team mates.


its really really tiring.  :ermm:


kishi will resolve issue possibly in this volume he even said it in his interview sakura crush is bad and she needs to mature. just wait for it...

The sad thing is that about 80% (or even more) of the fandom are constantly viewing manga with the pairing goggles on. Yet they say that they're NARUTO fans first of all.. I often see arguments like "Kishi's damaging her character", "why is he making her do this, what about all the development she went though?" etc. I bet that those are just mere excuses of people who are pissed off about why he's not making NS canon already.

Guys, I sincerely respect and adore any one of you, but don't you think that you're sometimes overreacting a bit too much? I guess that Kishi would have done Sakura's character way more damage if he made her forget all the feeling she had for Sasuke and jump into Naruto's hands.. he needs to give his characters (even pairing-wise) a proper resolution. Sakura still has lingering feelings for Sasuke.. we can't deny it as well as the fact that she has growing feelings for Naruto. No reason to jump out of our pants every time Sakura and Sasuke appear on the same panel, or somehow interact. Same goes for Naruto and Hinata.


It's not like our complaints will affect the story, anyway... I know that Kishi is now the best author out there, but he's not as bad as we take him to be sometimes. It's just a good thing to take off pairing goggles more often and just enjoy the story. To cheer you guys up let me mention that right now NS has the best chance of happening than SS or NH.



#471002 Naruto 632

Posted by Akashi on 31 May 2013 - 08:30 PM

Raw's out.


Shizune talking about Sakura's Hakugou seal is on page 21. I can't see what the furigana is. It's too small. *squint*

It says Byakugou.

#470998 Naruto 632

Posted by Akashi on 31 May 2013 - 08:12 PM

This whole fangirl!Sakura thing is getting old...  :smug:

#469401 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Akashi on 29 May 2013 - 04:03 PM

Hard to predict what Kishi will pull, I say we just wait and see.
Enjoy the series and road to NaruSaku. And don't let anything to shake your faith.  :grouphug:

#468912 Naruto 632

Posted by Akashi on 29 May 2013 - 09:37 AM

Now what's the panic?.. about 15 hours ago everyone in the 631 thread said that SS is inevitable and we shouldn't worry, because Sakura needs her resolve with Sasuke. She wanted his acknowledgement since chapter 3, now it's the time for her to receive it. Man, the whole chapter is about Sakura getting acknowledged!

I see people complaining about return to part I, but that's the whole point! Team 7 together again, Naruto still loves Sakura (don't forget about me, Sakura-chan!) the only things that changed is that Sakura has finally caught up with her teammates, received acknowledgement from Sasuke (she wanted this from ch 3) and now she has to choose between 2 guys. That's when the build-up kicks in... it's all about Sakura growing (in regard to power as well as emotionally).

#468056 Naruto 631

Posted by Akashi on 28 May 2013 - 05:09 PM

I do wonder how the mythology goes based on the three Sannins. I know Jiraiya and Tsunade are lovers, but exactly what were they in terms in battlefield. Well, for the record, Jiraiya and Tsunade already stated that their students are junior version of themselves, so that's like a parallel in the making. If she gets SSM, oh yeah, more similarities that they can work together well. I doubt it will happen but I guess it depends, but if Naruto is not ready to use RKM, I want him to go to Sage mode first. Unlike Super Saiyan, it does have some relevant in battlefield.

Exactly. Plus we still don't know what awaits Kurama and other tailed beasts. If it happens that Kurama is somehow removed from Naruto he'll still have a Sage mode. That would be (for the time being at least) his most powerful technique.

#467954 Naruto 631

Posted by Akashi on 28 May 2013 - 11:58 AM

God, I've been thinking too hard about the next chapter and I had another NaruSaku dream last night, lol. Sakura going Sage mode and Naruto kissing her forehead (Sasuke was cool as always and Hinata nearly dead), lol.


It's either I'm going insane or turning into prophet, lol.


​Gotta go visit my psychiatrist... just in case.  :argh:

#467574 Naruto 631

Posted by Akashi on 27 May 2013 - 04:28 PM

Oh, it's the endgame. The only one that's somewhat an enemy is no pairing option, but even then, I think that's losing too.

Well Kishi said he plans on doing at least one pairing, plus Chatte mentioned yesterday that Kishi already came up with a name for Naruto's kid.