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#966783 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by ultranx on 11 July 2018 - 01:54 AM

Goku vs Supes is dumb because there's many different versions of Supes and I don't think Goku would lose to all of them.


Well, versus debates are dumb in general, but yeah.

agreed 100% with you there. like I said, was just using sonic vs flash as an example of why versus debates don't make sense to me xD

#966777 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by ultranx on 11 July 2018 - 12:56 AM


it's way better and shows that he is way faster. In Sonic's feat, he crossed the Cosmic Interstate to the other end, which between each zone was described to be over 100,000 lightyears apart(to a short exit), which spans over millions of different universes,  and ended up on the other end, raced and fought Anti-Sonic around Anti-Sonic's world multiple times, and still made it back to save his world in less than an hour, Flash's feat does NOT compare to that at all. Besides, Flash didn't even rescue everyone, with the type of speed Sonic displayed above, he would have rescued everyone on that island with ease.



who said anything about him accessing it? I am talking about what he did on the Cosmic Interstate, which actually spans over 100,000 lightyears between each universe, and has over millions of universes linked between it. What he did has every bit to do with speed. Not to mention, he did something similar when he actually ran through 1,000 of those universes and found each Sonic from each alternate universe and made it back to his world in less than a few hours, casually.



believe me, The Flash is NOT faster than Sonic, at all.

and game sonic is technically faster than the speed of light too, he stated that going at the speed of light was too easy for him when in sonic colors ds. so there's that, so maybe game sonic is really that fast too? 'shrug'




and this is ultra sonic:


#966709 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by ultranx on 09 July 2018 - 05:19 PM

Even without the gauntlet Thanos still owns everyone. But let's say the gauntlet works in the naruto world.

yeah I know he owns everyone in naruto, I'm just not too sure about lets say ultra instinct goku xD unless its that future thanos I guess that beats celestials.


same with darkseid beating beerus, I don't think that makes sense since beerus is twice as strong as current super saiyan blue goku, possibly stronger, and super saiyan god goku was strong enough to create shockwaves that almost destroyed the universe when colliding with beerus' fists, plus beerus nullifying their combined energy attacks before it could wipe out the universe, plus there's the fact super saiyan blue vegeta destroyed the time chamber through training, and beerus is stronger? then there's his power of  destruction which is superior to darkseid's because he can do it from a distance and it affects living and dead and erases you from existence from all timelines. 


that's why I never get all these versus debates especially when it comes to marvel or dc comic characters, seems the fans think no non comic character can beat them ignoring the others' feats at times. at least that tends to happen with for example, sonic vs flash. since both characters have speed feats of infinite power and whatnot, and somehow flash can beat a super durable hedgehog that cuts through robots like butter with sonic spins and can breathe in space? wouldn't flash just have a gaping hole in his chest from a sonic spin if this was realistic? I mean last I checked flash isn't super durable, he's human, he just has super speed and fast healing right? and sonic doesn't only use high speed punches and kicks like flash, he does fight in other ways. then there's super forms of course, and the chaos emeralds and all the chaos control abilities. archie sonic comics sonic being WAY too powerful going from what I learned from tidbits of animation rewind. ultra sonic is too crazy.

#966174 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by ultranx on 21 June 2018 - 11:16 PM

Wait, there was a petition to commit NS fans!?

Now they really have no right complain about that false boycott. At least we leave them alone to speak their peace on their territory; they try to shut us up at every opportunity. 


This reminds me of a time I argued with a pro-ender over the ending in the comment section of one of Revanant Wings' videos. He wanted me to STFU. I told him to try to repeal the First Amendment first, wishing him good luck with that. He told me to GTFO, I reminded him he was on an anti-ending video and if anything HE should leave. Then he said he didn't appreciate me posting a video and spreading lies, and at that point I lost it. I said "I didn't make the video, dumbass! Look a the username below! It says REVANANT WINGS!" 

I know that wasn't a cool thing for me to do, but there comes a point where when someone refuses to be civil that all bets are off. If anything else, he stopped commenting after that.


Seriously, this reminds me of a clip of Skeletor from the original He-man ( I can't find the clip by itself, but you can look it up in "30 times Skeletor was the Master of the Insult):


My feelings on the Naruto fandom in a nutshell.

yup, here it is too https://www.ipetitio...ental-institute what happened is there was an nh troll posing as an ns fan on this site, he got exposed and banned then made a fake petition of us supposedly wanting naruto banned from the US because of the ending, then after that they and all the pro enders made the mental hospital petition and made us out to be the worst part of the fanbase.

#965231 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by ultranx on 20 May 2018 - 07:44 PM

The greatest testament to this horrendous ending is the movie, naruto the last. I think it decided the ending that we have today. I'm not saying that NS was always a red herring, NS has 10+ years of development and in my opinion this pairing doesn't even need a kushina parallel or some life/death situation, it can stand on its own. Naruto and sakura could've come together if they just took that one last step of accepting each other as they are. They don't need some dramatic moment or an entire friggin movie!


With that said, I don't believe a word of what Kishimoto says in his interviews. Its been proven time and again that he changes his story in every new interview. I advise all of you not to believe anything he says but instead look at the manga. Because the manga shows every single creative decision he has made regarding the characters and story.


Now as to why I think NS became a red herring in the last years of the series. I came across this article last night.




Its a 2012 article about a new naruto movie being announced for 2014. Now this movie is the last, meaning by this point in 2012, people at studio pierrot had already started working on the production of this thing. It is safe to say that the ending was decided in 2012 because it was Kishimoto who provided the early designs for all the characters. the chapters containing the CPR scene and the kushina parallel came out in 2013 so yeah, I do think Kishimoto is despicable enough to lead his readers on by manipulating the wishes of the main characters dead mother.


I have worked on a few movies where I'm from and let me tell you that it takes at least two years to produce an animated movie.  Writing the script, coming up with designs, drawing the storyboard, doing the actual animation and then compositing the entire thing takes a lot of time. So my guess is that this ending was decided in the last 2-3 years of narutos run.

except 2012 was close to the late stages of the war arc right before kaguya took over madara, and we had just had road to ninja which was a family movie and a ns movie. plus all the ns moments leading up to that point before 2012. so no, I highly doubt nh was planed since the pain arc, 2012 was long after the pain arc during the war mangawise, and road to ninja had just aired in theaters. for the ending and nh and the last  to have been planned since the pain arc the movie would have had to be planned in 2009 or earlier, and it wasn't. I know because 2009 was when the naruto nagato talk no jutsu happened in the manga, I still have the shonen jump magazine of it.

#965105 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by ultranx on 16 May 2018 - 07:34 PM

going off topic but remember when we talked about there being hinata figures but no sakura figures? well good smile made a sakura figure now

http://www.goodsmile...ura Haruno.html

you know, the nendoroid chibi figures by goodsmile.59c82c90321d0a9f5c65373791c47b80.jpg

has different faceplates too like her angry face from the anime and the blush she had when naruto came back, and has her slug summon

#963483 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by ultranx on 27 March 2018 - 06:09 PM

going off topic, but speaking of multiverses, power rangers is having a 2 series comic crossover event, called shattered grid, where an evil tommy in an alternate reality never joined the rangers and conquered his earth and is now going after the rangers in other realities.



#962981 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by ultranx on 13 March 2018 - 06:26 AM

Yeah, Goku might be a fight maniac, but at least he shows he actually gives a crap about his wife and kids. Sasuke does not. At all.

that's an understatement, he went into a fit of rage when he found out goku black killed goten and chichi and proceeded to beat the crap  out of zamasu and goku black, well until goku black used his divine lasso move.  sasuke didn't even bat an eye when sakura was kidnapped in gaiden.


in case someone asks, for those who have not played xenoverse 2, divine lasso is the name of goku black's move in dragon ball super  where he impaled goku with all those ki blades then had them explode while he posed.

#962572 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by ultranx on 03 March 2018 - 02:17 AM

Well, Goku could destroy the universe with the help of Beerus, if they keep punching each other's fists. I am pretty sure that was established. And they never talked about that happening again in later fights. I guess because they weren't specifically clashing their fists together. It has to specifically be that kind of contact to be a threat to the universe.

yet people seem to pretend that never happened and call whoever brings it up a fanboy for whatever reason sigh. and that was before he got the stronger super saiyan blue, or dealt with goku black and zamasu, or broke through  hit's time skip dimension, or gained super saiyan blue kaioken x20, or the upcoming mastered ultra instinct spoiled in xenoverse 2.

#961984 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by ultranx on 19 February 2018 - 03:35 PM

1st Bold: Isn't that how Hinata happened? "Impractical. Can't be done. Story arc." Words Studio Pierrot don't live by. Wasn't it impractical every time Hinata got a "scene" in the story at all? Kishimoto gave Hinata very little respect and attention, but all of a sudden became the center of attention. Gee, how did that happen? Hinata suddenly got a spine and became amazing. (At least they think so.) And you're right, if Hinata was so amazing...how did The Last and Boruto the movie even happen to begin with? For someone as powerful as Hinata, Toneri should be one-shotted by her. I mean, if Himawari can take out Naruto, who is pratically god, in one hit imagine what an experienced and more powerful Hyuga princess do to Toneri. Naruto stolen by other Ootsusuki clan? Pfff...child's play to Hinata, right?

2nd Bold: Why should Naruto give a kitten at that point though? He doesn't care now when Boruto tells him he is not home. He doesn't care about missing his daughter's birthday or treating Boruto like crap because Boruto somehow became smarter than him. What you really need to ask is "why would Naruto care now when he never cared before?"

3rd bold: Where have I heard these words from? Oh yeah "NaruHina can't happen because the story doesn't support it." Talk about final words before we got put in front of a firing squad by Kishimoto, Studio Pierrot, and all the pro-ender fandoms. NaruSaku gets shot to death in what appears to be a brutal execution. The pro-enders laughed and said serves us right while the rest of the fandom called it injustice for charging us with crimes that they deemed wrong.

I have learned to accept two things in my life after the ending of Naruto.
1. Nothing is ever impossible. No matter how unlikely it may be people will always manage to acheive it. Whether good or bad.
2. People only believe what they want to believe and not what is actually true. This goes for politics, fandoms, and more.

You are right though. It won't happen. Not because it can't happen, but because they don't want it to happen. They rather have Naruto murder Hinata and take his own life than have a divorce. Look at Analyzer and what she said about it. She is okay with Kakuzu ripping people's hearts out, Hidan sacrificing people in a religious satanic ritual, and even dismemberment, torture, child porn, and child experimentation,.....but apparently, Naruto getting a divorce is just "too dark" for children to read.


kinda hypocritical of analyzer too since digimon had divorced parents, and isn't any darker than naruto.

#961243 Digimon is coming back!!

Posted by ultranx on 07 February 2018 - 12:14 AM

I believe you are the first to beat  the game from all us I think. Always been like that since CS AlforceVeedramon and it has to be like that because he is the fastest Digimon,



Without spoilers.


Does HM has the best story line from all the games of Digimon?


Does it looks like would have another Cyber Sleuth game?

it takes place same time as cyber sleuth and looks to have been all planned out with it, ties up loose ends cyber sleuth had, and where characters disappeared to when they were offscreen in cyber sleuth, etc. I don't know if there will be a continuation, though I definitely want one after the way it ended, but no spoilers. and Idk, I like cyber sleuth but I have grown to like keisuke as a character way more than takumi/ami.


also along with new digimon, there are 16 new music tracks in this game, my favorite being the heroic theme of keisuke. its called "hacker's dignity".

#960352 Digimon is coming back!!

Posted by ultranx on 19 January 2018 - 11:29 PM

I got it for both vita and ps4, but waiting on psn to update so I can download my preorder bonus to my ps4 before I play.

#960228 Boruto: Naruto Next Generation Anime Discusion

Posted by ultranx on 16 January 2018 - 02:43 AM

the reason people like goku better and find superman boring has nothing to do with how op superman is, its the fact goku actually accepts himself for who and what he is and isn't constantly trying to be normal, whereas superman does worry about being normal and never accepting not being human continuously and its getting old to some people. maybe give him some unique story instead of rehashing the whole not being mortal thing again and again? because you guys may think that's entertaining, but some people are tired of him feeling bad for not being human and want him to grow out of it and have a different unique story, instead of a rehash with another writer. 


also I'd rather see goku okay with being an alien and training and breaking his limits and fighting new challenging opponents and new world building lore and character development of vegeta, than just see superman beat everyone no problem and never accept himself for who and what he is.

saitama does the whole being supposedly unbeatable thing better as a comedic parody.

#959749 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by ultranx on 07 January 2018 - 11:16 PM

I now know 2 other strong female characters that would destroy hinata in a fight, I've been watching a playthrough of xenoblade chronicles 2, and pyra/mythra and nia would crush her completely. especially pyra/mythra being she and rex are able to go faster than the speed of light.



also what have I missed? has boruto gotten any worse?

#957180 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by ultranx on 03 December 2017 - 11:20 PM

offtopic but even gohan and videl's wedding pictures look like a better wedding than the one in naruto/boruto.



db super picture


original dbz picture



also, what happened to proenders' excuse "oh japanese weddings usually are all in black like the nh wedding"

doesn't look it to me, from a series from the 80s and 90s compared to naruto's ending, and yet naruto's the one catering to western fans when dragon ball's looks like an actual western wedding. I'd take this one any day over the naruto wedding.