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Member Since 20 Nov 2014
Offline Last Active Sep 16 2016 06:43 PM

#805481 Konoha Hiden

Posted by Nami on 21 April 2015 - 06:10 PM

Ok, let's look at it:

So Naruto got married at age 19? The man moves quick.


Ah I remember when we used to imagine Naruto and Sakura would get married pretty fast...  :confused: But, unlike anything NaruHina, that would've made sense since they were really close to begin with. Damn, now I made myself sad again.

#804148 Konoha Hiden

Posted by Nami on 19 April 2015 - 10:38 AM

Oh dear, what is it now? We get another book? I'm seriously confused already. Ever since Naruto ended, we have been getting tons of new novels, info, a movie, a spin-off maybe? When will it ever end? The manga itself was getting progressively worse for some time so why does Kishi think it's a good idea to end it but keep milking the story that stopped making sense. I remember reading actually good mangas that ended and wishing that the author would make a spin-off or a continuation... and now I know why they didn't.

#793983 Will you give up Shipping after Naruto ending?

Posted by Nami on 03 April 2015 - 01:05 PM

Well as for me, I got burned in a short amount of time, both with Naruto and Korra so that was a big blow. I think I'll maybe start actively shipping in those fandoms again, but I'm still waiting for the dust to settle. There are still so many shippers who just live to rub "defeat" in other people's faces that I get disgusted with it pretty soon even if I do try to pick it up again.


As for other fandoms, I'm also still playing it safe. I don't want to get to invested in shipping a couple from a series what's still not completed because now I know that for some writers logic means nothing and anything can happen. So for now I'm going back to all my old pairings that I used to love and I'm wrapping myself in nostalgia.

#739621 Why was Sasuke so cruel to Sakura in the end?

Posted by Nami on 24 January 2015 - 09:41 AM

To make Twilight watchable.


LOL oh you're brilliant, you know that?


Anyway, tricksie, I would love to answer your question, but I'm still trying to figure out why Sasuke was evil in general up to chapter 699 and then did a face-heel turn. Did Naruto just beat the stupid out of him like he said he would? Although it may run in the family.

But that's not even the main problem for me. Like I said, maybe it's just generally an Uchiha thing. What bothers me the most is that Sakura just put up with all of his crap without complaint and still groveled at his feet in the end as if we were a deity that was to be worshiped. 

#715287 Why was Anko fat in the epilogue?

Posted by Nami on 25 December 2014 - 08:33 AM


Why not show a panel of Yamato pulling himself out of the wreckage, squinting and smiling up into a ray of sunlight? He was infinitely more beloved and important to the plot.


And who frickin' cares about Anko? If she weren't shown in the epilogue, NO ONE would be missing her. Unlike poor Yamato.


It is stupid, but it does follow the more or less same patters. All the characters that supported NS wind up dead or missing, while the rest are made fun of or degraded in some way.

#714719 Official The Legend of Korra thread

Posted by Nami on 24 December 2014 - 09:18 AM

You guys let's just quit this fighting. We're getting no better than the NS/NH ship wars. And what's the pint after all... Korrasami is canon and as I mentioned, it doesn't matter even if we do find out it's just a huge conspiracy or whatnot. If that's what the authors wanted at the end, whatever. It really just comes down to what they wanted to do with the story, whether they let the fans influence it is their thing. If they really wanted, they could have just as easily made Korra/Zaheer, Korra/Azula or something like that canon with no big explanations needed. Everyone can discuss this until their fingers fall off, but it's not like it's changing anything. But I will say this though. Just the fact that there are many fans that are disagreeing with the ending (maybe as many as those who like the ending) shows that it wasn't straight-forward and clear what was going to happen.

#711091 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Nami on 20 December 2014 - 10:27 AM

Ok, I'm awake, I wanna have a prayer circle for the Last (Asspull) not to come to Europe. Europeans (and non for that matter) let's pray. :grouphug:



#711065 What went wrong....

Posted by Nami on 20 December 2014 - 09:31 AM


The big question is, what actually went right? I mean, we had just an ending... not a happy one, not a fitting one, just a damn ending where we had too many people involved, and that just screwed over the characters as well as the fans, which is a pitiful shame.


LOL, agreed. The longer the manga want on, the less Kishimoto cared and the more everything went straight to hell.

#710109 Official The Legend of Korra thread

Posted by Nami on 19 December 2014 - 05:16 PM

I don't really agree with you guys, I absolutely hated the ending. Just like with Naruto, the end pairing left a bad taste in my mouth. It's like that all over again, the practically least developed pairing won when the one that was heavily hinted since Book 1 ep 2 sunk and was left completely unresolved? Cannot believe it. Bryke seemed to have done it just to cater to the Korrasami shippers because even one of the people involved said that they changed the ending and he was very surprised to see that. I mean, they must have changed their minds because why else did they hint at Makorra even in interviews and defended it from angry fans. I just refuse to believe they are the biggest trolls on the face of the planet. And I thought they were better than Kishi,,,

While I agree that it is a huge thing for the LGBT community to have a cartoon end like this because it's almost unheard of, it should have been done very differently and developed more. My gay friends are actually pretty mad at the ending, they call it a wishy washy representation with absolutely no depth. Funny thing is, my have headcanon ever was that Korra really was bisexual and I actually would've liked if we were shown her being attracted to girls or anyone else besides Mako for that matter, but we never even saw that except for those last few seconds. Sorry if I sound mad or if I offended any of the shippers, but I just feel betrayed yet again.


As for the rest of the finale, it was meh. The whole Book is just not as good as the other ones were, and even though the finale had good aspects, it just didn't make up for the slow-paced Book. They thing I dislike the most is what Korra actually became. I loooved that headstrong and bashful girl and they mellowed her out so much that she's almost unrecognizable. I get you have to have some development, but they changed her too much in my opinion. Even Aang didn't have to sacrifice so much of his personality.

#709128 Everytime I look at NaruSaku

Posted by Nami on 18 December 2014 - 12:58 PM

Agreed you guys. The last chapters and movie only made me hate Kishi, never the pairing. Both are really beautiful characters and they fit perfectly together, it's not their fault Kishi decided to kidnap them right before the last chapter and replace them with brainwashed lookalikes.

#703492 The Great NaruSaku Fic Listing III

Posted by Nami on 13 December 2014 - 02:07 PM

Posted "Thank You, Sakura-chan" on ff.net. It's the same chapter I posted here, so I apologize in advance that it's not new. But I decided to post the first segment in its own chapter, since it's completely in Naruto's pov. Next chapter will be up Sunday or Monday, and will switch to Sakura's pov. Just made more sense to keep them separate. Anyway, more to come!! 


edit: Just curious, what has been the response so far to the ending fics on ff.net? General support or lots of flames?


The fic is great so far, can't wait to read more.


You mean the NS-version ending fics? No different than any other NS fic comments as far as I can tell. A few people flame just for the hell of it even if they probably didn't read the fic, but the great majority likes it and are finally happy to read something that makes sense.

#698923 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Nami on 10 December 2014 - 08:18 AM


WTH is this? A novel? I haven't been on much in the last few days...but now this? I swear everytime I think it's over and it can't get any worse...it does.


At the risk of repeating the post, WTF, a novel?! Why oh why do we have to suffer so much crap? No, come on! How much is Kishi going to milk this? Did no one tell him the movie is failing and that every fan with half a brain is very disappointed?

#692858 Junko done voicing Naruto?

Posted by Nami on 07 December 2014 - 09:14 AM


#690379 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Nami on 06 December 2014 - 12:14 PM

LOL Kishi you're seriously so cute. You're like a kid who is trying to justify himself after everyone knows it screwed up. Kinda reminds me of this: 


#687641 Kishimoto's Newest Interview

Posted by Nami on 05 December 2014 - 07:05 PM

Oh I see, it makes total sense. He exposed NS and developed it through the whole manga just so he could mislead fans. It's wouldn't be cool to develop Nh because hey, what are movies that he didn't even write or had minimal involvement in for? Brilliant!

It's like for example making it seem like during the entire manga Naruto's dream was to become Hokage, but then it the final chapter go, lol, no, Naruto's dream was to become the best ramen chef, lol  fooled you!! The ninja thing was just his hobby, but it doesn't matter if I wasted 15 years on it, I'll just make a movie that will explain his road to becoming an chef in a totally ooc way and that will make everyking all right.  :hm: