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#913617 The Naruto Agree/Disagree Discussion Thread

Posted by BlackBird19 on 18 June 2016 - 02:50 PM

Statement: The last chapter of part 1 and before Kakashi Gaiden with Hinata seeing Naruto send off may have been a sign that Kishi was planning on NaruHina if only Sakura doesn't rise to popularity. In other words, he have placed it on standby until the call was right. Once Sakura's push was deemed as a failure, Hinata will start her shine as well as NaruHina being the now love interest focus.

Agree or disagree?

I disagree, mainly because I don't think they thought that far ahead in terms of the pairings. I've always seen Hinata as a character to spotlight Naruto as the MC a little more by the use of her feelings. She's someone to show that Naruto is also appreciated by the opposite sex, not just Sasuke.


That chapter was to show how all the rookies decide to become stronger. With Hinata being shown last due to the entirety of her character revolving around Naruto as her inspiration. Once again using her to spotlight Naruto's importance as an MC. The only actual relationship tease in that chapter was a ShikaTema moment with Temari literally teasing Shikamaru. However, we're also shown panels of Ino appreciating Choji, Tenten admiring Lee and Kiba teasing Hinata but we know none of that led anywhere. 


So no, I don't think they were worrying about the pairings all that much back then at all. If they were then NH would've had more moments in the entirety of the manga so as to be able to shift to that relationship with less backlash had NS not worked out.

#913536 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by BlackBird19 on 17 June 2016 - 04:19 PM

General naruto fan(aka casual) is not otaku.
Just like majority of starwars fan is not made up by nerd.

People hate sakura therefore they hate anything regarding her while nh & ss join force because NS threaten their pairing. The same could be said with narusasu.

No, it's general or In this case the pairing fan that need to reconcile with us and not the other way around. We are the one who get kitten on in the naruto fandom.

It's more kishi fault.
His inability to write something as easy as nh is telling his writing skill.

Because NS was so strongly hinted to in the manga and it will forever remain that way in it's pages. It will also forever be seen as a threat to the canon pairings and their fans. So I don't ever see them trying to reconcile with NS fans.

#913086 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by BlackBird19 on 12 June 2016 - 04:07 AM

So naruto anime is still popular and profitable.
The argument that it doesn't popular after the ending to the viewer is not true.
No wonder the anime goes filler Fest.

The anime is continuing to keep the Naruto related products relevant. It's not that the anime is really popular. Most of that profit had to come from the games. Because they didn't come close to making that kind of money the previous financial year when the anime was still running. The only anime that TV Tokyo has consistently in the animated ratings top ten are Yo Kai Watch and Pokémon. Fuji TV is basically the ratings king with no less than four titles in the top ten, weekly.

#912713 Kishimoto's big moments when writing NaruHina

Posted by BlackBird19 on 07 June 2016 - 04:25 AM

Even if the international sales flop, it would mean nothing if the local sales is high.
There's still bnha and sports manga.
While I doubt they'll replicate the success of big three few years in the future, I don't think they're that desperate.

Well said.
Kishi doesn't resolve NS is my big criticism from the romance aspect in this manga, since sakura isn't your side character. NS is the heroxheroine pairing and both of them are main character.

What Bail and I were pointing out is that the numbers for the sales of manga and manga magazines have been on a steady decline since the nineties. Even OP's volume sales dropped last year. But the most telling is that the two biggest weekly magazines published have a circulation that hovers just over a million for WSJ and under a million for WSM. It's a major drop off from their peaks during the 90's and early 2000's by 2 to 3 million. The manga industry isn't gonna die but it actually is hurting right now.   

#912510 Muhammed Ali died

Posted by BlackBird19 on 04 June 2016 - 06:11 AM

He was the Greatest fighter I ever saw. Though I was never able to watch his fights live since he retired when I was about 4, I've had the privilege of watching just about every single recorded fight he ever had. I've never seen anybody capable of giving and taking the punishment he could in the ring. He was phenomenal. And that's coming from a die-hard Marvelous Marvin Hagler fan.  

#912484 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by BlackBird19 on 03 June 2016 - 11:52 PM

You know here is something I think would've benefitted the next generation alot when it came stories.. For a while Pain was the Main Antagonist, and then it was revealed to be Tobi (who went under Madara) which I was okay even when you find out the real Madara died I was like well kitten we've been duped this whole time. I suggest this because Madara was always mentioned throughout the series prior to the war, and really he should've been the final villain that Naruto and Sasuke take out before their final battle. Honestly Kaguya honestly shouldn't have even happened like they should've defeated Madara in Volume 70, and somehow tie Obito's death there making it more impactful (which I still got sad when he died) dying by Madara's hand. This way we've got Volume 71 dedicated to Naruto vs Sasuke, and Volume 72 being the conclusion to the fight and to the ending to the series which honestly could've been like 3-4 chapters kinda like what Assassination Classroom did when that series ended. most it should've went towards are like when the Tailed Beast tell the story of how they were created about the Sage of Six Paths, and what Madara told Hashirama when he talked about Chakra fruit and how it connected with the Ten Tails. That's how far it honestly should've gone. 


I think what really could've helped if the Ootsutski clan wasn't involved in original story, but that's what you do for the next generation. Those are the kinds of threats you bring in for them. Naruto was always about surpassing the next generation. So how do you surpass the Naruto's generation who defeated one of the most powerful shinobi's on the planet then by bringing Kaguya the one that started everything when it came to the existence of Chakra and that's how you can expand upon Kaguya's reasoning behind her creating a Zetsu army and also bring in Momoshiki and Kinshiki that way. This is precisely how you can raise the stakes for Boruto and his generation if it was done that way.   Think of Avatar for example,  Aang was able to save the world from the fire nation and win the war, and Korra did so many things far beyond what Aang ever could. It could've been the same scenarion here where Naruto and his generation took on the most legendary shinobi Madara in the war and they succeeded, and Boruto and his generation could've surpassed Naruto by what involving Kaguya and the Ootsootski with their generation. 

I do agree holding off the Ootsutsuki clan for the sequel would have been better as far as bringing in a whole new threat and level of antagonists. However, I've always felt that the Naruto story was one that was meant to be a finished product. At least the first 3/4 of the manga made me feel that way. I think that is why the sequel feels so irrelevant and forced. It was just never meant to be.


Maybe if they had taken their time and come up with an idea similar to LoK which was set a full generation apart from ATLA then they might have something that would hold more interest for the readers, and wouldn't make it seem like it's completely disregarding the accomplishments of the original characters from the original manga. 

#912061 Kishimoto's big moments when writing NaruHina

Posted by BlackBird19 on 29 May 2016 - 08:44 AM

Currently they still number one but due lag flagship manga, it not as big as when DB came.  Good mangaka usually avoid shounen because they afraid if their mangaka success than it will converted into next DB.

WSJ does have a flagship, it's called One Piece. They just don't have anything new to rival OP yet. Only AoT does that and they're published by Kodansha.


Also, all manga magazine circulations are down now. Thanks to the internet and a smaller population of kids, teens and young adults than ever. Japan is a country whose population is much older now, so worrying about the workforce, along with many other things, is much more important over there than the latest manga chapters.

#912060 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by BlackBird19 on 29 May 2016 - 08:27 AM

@ LuckyChi7


It was SP staff who keep NS alive while WSJ and Kishi want to dump it.  Without people like Yuka Miyata than NS already dead long time ago.

The majority of SP's staff favored Hinata and not NS. It was the female staff that supposedly liked NS. Plus, it was Kishi who supposedly wanted to do RtN because he couldn't put that story in the manga for various reasons. Of course this according to some of his interviews. We'll never really know.


You might believe Kishi wanted to dump NS but like the rest of us you don't really know that. It's just your opinion.

#911981 New Boruto Manga?

Posted by BlackBird19 on 28 May 2016 - 03:31 AM

I guess you talk about burito artist?
No, he's not an editor and never become one.
He's always an assistant.

He was talking about Yahagi.

#911916 Kishimoto's big moments when writing NaruHina

Posted by BlackBird19 on 26 May 2016 - 11:55 PM

It's Not really only that two, there's fist of North Star, that wrestling manga, saint seiya, and many more.

ToC is like rating system in tv, but unlike tv in wsj ToC only matter for new comer or not long running manga. There's other aspect that wsj take beside it especially for long runing manga and that's volume sales.

I know that they had other popular manga, but WSJ didn't start to outsell WSM again until DB came along.

#911896 Kishimoto's big moments when writing NaruHina

Posted by BlackBird19 on 26 May 2016 - 09:08 PM

@ Blackbird19 & Bail o' Lies

WSJ currently became best manga magazine because ToC system, the system is success so another manga magazine strat applied it too.  Thats why we saw a lot of trendy manga in shounen, most good manga is from seinen.


@ Legend054

As long as it cool shounen audience will eat it while Kishi already out of gass, he want to go honeymoon with his wife.

WSJ became the more successful of the magazines for one reason, they published Dragon Ball and One Piece. The ToC is purely secondary. 

#911375 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by BlackBird19 on 21 May 2016 - 06:34 AM


Just a hunch. I mean, many NH fans kittened at the art style to the Boruto manga, so that made me think they'd get this intense about it. XP

It's a good assumption since I'm pretty sure the petitioners are pro-enders. And the majority of those fans ship NH/SS. SNS fans kind of live in their own world, so might not care enough to be a part of something like this.

#911085 Boruto The Next Generation: Chapter 1

Posted by BlackBird19 on 17 May 2016 - 07:29 PM

I know there is a huge amount of improvement when it comes to the art, but I was reading AOT: Before The Fall, the prequel manga to Attack Titan.. Interesting not is that this manga is kinda similar to Boruto were Isayama supervise how the story is while Satoshi Shiki does the art and Ryo Suzukaze does the story, and I wanna say pacing wise Before the Fall is slow paced, but its more centered on characters than fighting the titans.. The best thing about the prequel is that it has nothing to do with the original characters since its like 70+ years before the original series, and honestly I think the writer of Before the Fall does a fantastic job telling the story... If anyone is curious about the artwork comparisions between the two artists here you go: 



Here is Isayama's art on Attack on Titan: 









And here is Satoshi Shiki's art for Before The Fall: 









It should've been something like this when it comes to the Boruto manga... although we'll just see how much the art improves over time for Boruto. 

That is the biggest problem the Boruto manga has. It's set directly after the original Naruto manga ended and it's core characters were created and originally drawn by Kishimoto. Therefore, having someone else try to use a different style with the same characters just sets them up for criticism. Not to mention the fact the Boruto artwork comes off inconsistent and at times minimal and incomplete.


What SnK did right was utilize a whole different set of characters and timeframe for it's prequel, allowing a different artist to utilize his own style on characters we haven't seen before. Making it less shocking to see a change in artwork. Plus, just in that one panel it seems while Shiki's art may be different from Isayama's, it doesn't seem less professional.

#910406 Kishimoto's big moments when writing NaruHina

Posted by BlackBird19 on 08 May 2016 - 04:51 AM

@ BlackBird19


ToC is WSJ business method for years whatever you like it or not, submit your complain to Shuheisha since ranting here about ToC system won't change anything but made NS community looks silly. I think all of us knew that Oda still have motivation for go on while Kishi already want to go honeymoon with his wife, their manga show mangaka intention anyway.


@ harry4e & Skarrow


I just felt sad saw NS when came to Naruto fandom always act like oldies and always use assumption manga = cartoon, in fact Naruto fandom now consist of kid and preteen who hate lectured by oldies and manga =/= cartoon.  What your act in Naruto fandom just made they felt iritated and made them hate on NS idea.

Now you're just being repetitive and a bit naïve. I don't want to go so far as to call you ignorant, but you seem to not pay attention to what others actually post. I said the ToC was partially something they used to determine success but not the only thing they used. ToC, whether you believe it or not, is not the sole method they use to measure success. No business relies on one sole method to measure success. Especially a business like Shueisha, which is more than just WSJ. I didn't complain about it. I just pointed out your argument is flawed and easily disproved by giving you a specific example.


You however just keep posting wiki pages that make little to no sense in your arguments. No one knows what Oda's or Kishi's intentions are or were, not me not you. All I know is the Naruto manga took a nose dive in storytelling as it went on and made very little sense at the end, in my opinion. If you don't agree with me that's fine. But to be arrogant enough to think you know what Kishi was thinking or intended for some time only shows you think far too highly of yourself and your opinions. You're no better or smarter than any other member here. You're just a fan interpreting this manga in your own way to justify the end product, while casting aspersions and accusations at the NS community that are unwarranted and unjustified just to make you feel superior even though you are not.

#910335 Kishimoto's big moments when writing NaruHina

Posted by BlackBird19 on 07 May 2016 - 09:47 AM

@ BlackBird19 & TheFirstEvil100


Based on data 62,9 % WSJ reader is under fourteen, even there are adult reader they are not as influential as their child and preteen counterpart.  Don't generalize Naruto fans like you follow it from kid, most of adult fans dropped Naruto simply because they too old for follow kid and preteen manga.

First off, that info is out of date and Wikipedia is not the end all be all of information. It has proven to be quite unreliable on many instances.


Second, you have made just as many generalizations about the Naruto fandom as anyone else here. You're last sentence was proof of that.


Third, WSJ numbers don't automatically mean Naruto's numbers. Longer running manga don't get picked by younger generations in large numbers. Instead it maintains a loyal following of readers as both grow older. One Piece is the exception to that rule which is why it blows everyone else out the water in terms of sales, because it can keep bringing in new young readers. Naruto wasn't good enough to do that.