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Broken Figurine

Member Since 14 Dec 2006
Offline Last Active Jul 18 2015 09:25 PM

#507940 The Return of the Thrilling Trio....Powerpuff Girls Return!

Posted by Broken Figurine on 24 December 2013 - 03:08 AM

Pffft, I don't know what's going on with all these reboots. I don't really criticize the people who feel uncomfortable when a beloved thing is rebooted. It's more for the benefit of the new, potential fans than those who loved the original. It's not fair to judge it before you watch it, but to be wary is to be expected. The new Teen Titans Go show is a bad example. Sure, some people love it now, but it doesn't hold a candle to the original. When the producers have it out for a certain character and want to "bring him down a peg" it results in the flanderization of what was a beloved character for me. Robin was one of my favourites in the original, and most episodes with him as a focus are my least favourite in the new show. 


I didn't start off hating the show--I was really excited for it actually. It was disappointing, and sometimes I swear they're giving the middle finger to the fans of the original show with some of their decisions. So I'm not likely to get excited about many a reboot thanks to that experience. 

#504642 Arrow (TV show)

Posted by Broken Figurine on 18 November 2013 - 01:07 AM

I enjoy it--I'm excited to see NIGHTWING make an appearance! Also

A little birdy

#503810 Are we being fair to Naruto?

Posted by Broken Figurine on 10 November 2013 - 09:44 PM

I think what you're getting at is the whole "who deserves who" argument. Has Sakura lived up to being Naruto's romantic love interest? Is Sakura good enough for Naruto? Considering the arguments we've made about rival ships, I think it's fair to turn that critical eye inward. By analyzing Sakura we've sort of been doing that, albeit with a favourable bias. That bias, however, is present with all ships vying for 'canon' status. NaruHina fans will view Hinata's presence with Naruto favourably rather than unfavourably, while downplaying Sakura's. They may likewise over exaggerate Naruto's feelings.


I'm with you--I do wish we had more scenes where Sakura was supporting Naruto. I wish we had more scenes where Naruto was clear about his feelings for Sakura. It would make being 'fair' easier. Though, as we've argued, there are scenes. We know Naruto is attracted to Sakura, we know he admires her progress as a ninja, we know he wants to see her happy. We know Sakura cares about Naruto's well being, we know she as come to admire the kind of person he is, we know she knows him to a degree (his strengths, his bonds, his burdens).


We also know Sakura is self-aware. This I give to her over any other character, including Naruto. Sakura is under no illusion that she's perfect or 'deserves' to be with Naruto; quite the opposite, she criticizes herself in saying, "I can only do the dumbest things." She has been told by Sai about the pain she's capable of causing Naruto. She is aware, more than anyone else, of the reliance everyone places on Naruto. When she tried to take Sasuke on, she was trying to do something on her own actions and she failed. What she learned, without anyone needing to make speeches to her, is that dealing with things on your own--not supporting and believing in your comrades--can lead to consequences and is pure hubris. Sakura doesn't have the luxury of being one of those all-powerful characters; she knows that her influence by herself doesn't compare to Naruto's, or Sasuke's, or anyones. Still, she tries--gets no freebies as she does--and she's earned a right to stand with them. Kishimoto intends us to see her as worthy of being on-par "Tsunade trains her disciples just as harshly as the other sannin" or something to that effect. Yet, her role has been to worry on behalf of Naruto's sake, to push the theme of co-operation, and nowhere has she thought about herself in the latest arc. She thinks of Naruto, she chastises people for him, she wants everyone to stand by him. 


The others, in contrast, don't think the big picture. They see their relationship to Naruto in their own position--how their own efforts can help him. This is understandable and completely acceptable; all of us take an egocentric view on our relationships and their willingness to put themselves in his benefit is no less noble. Yet, that's what makes Sakura special for me. She's transcended this point. Her concern is no longer on what she can do for him (though I'm sure it's there) but what he needs. 


Naruto seems to accept this--he didn't correct her or even say anything when she was giving the speech while healing him. He probably doesn't even realize how much she's been concerned for him, given that they were a lot of Sakura's private thoughts. For Naruto's sake, I would rather have a character like Sakura who is aware of her failings, and puts him first. She's defended Naruto's position against Sasuke, against the united shinobi forces, and while genuinely believing in him--also considers his burdens. Some see him as Naruto the idol (Hinata), some see him as Naruto the Rival (Kiba, Sasuke), some see him as Naruto the Future Hokage (Shikamaru), but what does Sakura see him as? She sees him as a hero, certainly, and she supports his dream (despite teasing she'll steal the seat herself if he has time to be jealous~), but I think she mostly sees him as a person. 


I would enjoy more insight into Naruto's feelings, and more scenes where they communicate with one another. It's not a perfect pairing, but lately Sakura imo has been making up for the times she hasn't been there to be supportive. I think she's good for him, just as he is good for her. 

#502284 Naruto 653

Posted by Broken Figurine on 29 October 2013 - 08:41 AM

My thoughts

#496626 Naruto 648

Posted by Broken Figurine on 26 September 2013 - 08:01 PM

It's not "nowhere." It came out of Juugo's rear end. Team Not Seven only had a conister of beans to eat on the way...and you can fill in the rest of how this power up works from there.

Besides, being near Juugo and getting the effects of the cursed seal is not what really makes this junk. It's that the seal is "senjutsu." The concept of Senjutsu has been around for sometime, the cursed seal even longer, but only now gets around to saying that the seal is this and does so at a time where it is the only method to damage Obito.

It's awfully convenient.

The more apt comparison is to Tsunade being saved in that's it's rather contrivied. Yeah, it's kinda of an ass pull, but I don't think that's the real literary crime committed with this. Kishimoto has the villain become invulernable to all attacks but Senjutsu. The result is that no one, but a select few can cause damage (Hashirama and Naruto) him, meaning everyone else becomes support if they are lucky and plot devices or cannon fodder if they aren't. Either way, they take a back seat in the fight. Hashirama is conveniently indisposed at the moment. So, it's Naruto. But! Low and behold Sasuke can access Juugo's seal by being downwind of him and it's Senjustu (what luck!)...so Naruto and Sasuke take the lead.

They must work together in order to save everything from the pile of debris that calls himself Obito. And them specifically, rather than them as components of a larger group.

They shall fight together and briefly recreate the good old days (and Sasuke will have saving the universe under his belt when it comes to redemption time) just before they have a fundamental disagreement on how to finish saving the universe when this is over. So...pretty much it tracks the path of Madara and Hashirama point for point. And just in case we didn't get the subtle hint witht he four chapter flash back and Sasuke's current involvement, he makes sure to sprinkle in some Hashirama to turn his subtle nudging into a kick to the face.

It's terribly contrivied.


Well, yes, given that no character drive the plot as much as him, I'd imagine so. Significant changes in his behavior alter the story and points Kishimoto make.

I'm somewhat at a loss as to why this is a huge problem. I can't think of to many main characters who can be completely decoupled from the plot, especially when an author wants to make specific points using said plot.

Who here wants to see a Sasuke training arc? I'm expect the count to be somewhere near zero. It was off screen and just stated he worked really hard, who would be satsified? Doesn't expect this number to much higher.

Naruto is not immune from this either. He got his most recenet boost from a fist bump.

As if he's the only one...Sakura is a corpse if Naruto is not in the right place at the right time.

And the following is directed at the thread in general:

When did complaining about a chapter suddenly become in vogue again?

I see more than one person who lectured people last week now suddenly complaining themselves.

I don't disagree all that much with the criticisms of this chapter, but it's seems rather hypocritical.


I'm trying to put my finger on what it is about Sasuke getting these ah, contrived powers that personally irks me so much. Is it my personal bias, or is there something that sets him apart from other characters when something like this happens? I'll admit I'm far more forgiving of Naruto; I don't always think it's good writing, and I know I've been annoyed before with his training arcs, but now whenever Sasuke shows up I'm so critical XD 


I want to say it's a consistency issue. I just can't understand this character anymore. Since leaving Orochimaru, fighting Itachi, and striking up with Obito, he's been all over the place. Truth this, truth that, and it's a barrage of one thing after the other when it's most convenient or as you put, contrived. It makes me sad because I really, really liked Sasuke part one and early part two (before he got a team) and now, even though he's so major to the plot, he feels lost--sort of like what James said that he's become a 'as the plot demands it' character rather than one who drives or changes the plot. It used to be about rescuing him and his revenge. He was so much more straight forward and his training was just ambiguous enough that we could imagine all sorts of things he was trained for, the power and potential he could have, and we waited for the day he showed it off. He did, with the fight against Itachi, and it was at that point he lost his original, big purpose. There was no saving him from Orochimaru, there was no pulling him out of the darkness (he showed with Team Not Seven he isn't this lone wanderer), and he's been constantly seeking the truth, only to come to the conclusion this world sucks.


Everyone else for me has been more tolerable. I know that in this manga things happen seemingly out of nowhere, but Sasuke... does anyone else feel this way about him? I'm having a hard time trying to articulate how this scene's contrivance is worse than all the others we met with. Is it because he's unsympathetic at this point? Because I'm not rooting for him so I don't care to see him grow and win? 


Also, totally agree that reducing everyone else to support or fodder by making it Senjutsu only seems like a really bad move during a big war arc. Kishimoto is really bad with making a lot of people useful; he's always focusing on a few people even in big scale fights; or when teams actually mattered (with the exception of Ino-Shika-Cho, but Shikamaru was always a big focus even with them). 

#496369 Naruto 648

Posted by Broken Figurine on 25 September 2013 - 04:57 PM

Sorry, I'm going to have to comment again on Team Taka or as I like to call them, Team Not-Seven; accept they've even lost this association. Suigetsu just admitted he knows that Sasuke tried to kill Karin. It's one thing to make light of Karin's feelings for Sasuke, but for someone to make light of the fact the teammate tried to kill her? Naruto would never be like "Ohohoho Sakura remember those two times Sasuke tried to kill you and almost succeeded? Preeeetty weeak huh?"


If we're to believe that Team Taka has any semblance of care for each other beyond plot contrivance, how can they just casually accept a moment like that? These constant jokes around Karin are not funny; they undermine everything about the team--all of their moments. Even if Karin redeems herself and has a moment in the upcoming chapters, even if Team Taka is shown standing side by side and supporting Sasuke, the fact that he joked about Karin almost dying still remains. 


That punch this time was well deserved. I don't know why she bothers, but apparently her lust for Sasuke overshadows any development and common sense. At least Sakura smiles in a fake sort of way, and shows her conflict about his presence. Karin went from 'being done with him' and sometime between then and now forgets that she was ever done with him. Really; she has not had one serious moment since Sasuke tried to kill her.


Speaking of Sasuke, I haven't been convinced he's even on par with Madara. Orochimaru, you're forgetting that Madara doesn't need Juugo or a cursed seal in order to do what he does. It's true, a lot of power comes from the bijuu when it comes to Naruto's achievements, but unlike Sasuke we see Naruto unfolding. There was once a time Sasuke was a believable adversary, but as a reader I'm no longer convinced that he has a place here, too. 


On another note, I really do like the 2nd. At least he's consistent, realistic and feels like he has hokage potential rather than Naruto's infamous 'talk-no-jutsu' qualities which are essentially to be as cheesy and heartwarming as possible. Crying during a meeting, really? What is with Kishimoto and trying to inject humour in tense situations lately? I think there was a 'joke' for the last four chapters. Is he worried the audience is getting tired of the drama? This is the climax of the story! XD

#494637 Naruto 647

Posted by Broken Figurine on 18 September 2013 - 02:48 AM

Count me in for those who were disturbed by Karin's behaviour. I'd like to think it was an act, really, but these are her private thoughts and feelings. I can understand comedic relief, but it does nothing for her character and is rife with unfortunate implications that have already been discussed. Team Not-Seven needs to slip away already and stop being reduced to just satellite, comedy characters. I had really liked Suigetsu once, but he hasn't shown his appealing side and he feels forced into a dynamic that really has no place in the manga at this point. 


When I was reading I thought that Katsuuya's slugs had simply died with the absorption, but now it seems they might have had a part in the deaths simply by being there? I think that's interesting, and gives further explanation for Sakura's "..." and sorrow/regret which seems to be the central theme. However, I'm not completely sold on the idea this is true so I won't speculate; rather, I'll wait and see if it gets mentioned again. Even if it was, I wouldn't blame her, it would just be really unfortunate and she'd obviously feel guilty/responsible, despite the Tree of Life being a big shocker even for the readers. No one planned or strategized for that properly; otherwise the shinobi would have been more dispersed. It would be a shame that was supposed to heal them (a good intention on Sakura's part) would turn around and have 'helped' the tree for its destruction. 


Ino <3 I really like how she's been portrayed during this war. Even though I've had my qualms with Shikamaru's focus at times, team 10 had better scenes during this war than Old/New Team 7. 


Hey Tsunade you look kind of different >.>

#374195 pairing

Posted by Broken Figurine on 16 March 2012 - 03:16 AM

Hahahaha, I may have to keep adding to this list, buuuut...

Anime - Manga
Naruto: NaruSakuSasu as the alternative to NaruSaku, MinaKushi, Konan x Yahiko, Tsunade x Jiraiya
Inuyasha: InuKag, MirokuxSango
Sailor Moon: Sailor Venus x Sailor Mars, Sailor Neptune x Sailor Uranus
Samurai Champloo: Fuu x Mugen
Gundam Seed: Lacus x Kira
FullMetal Alchemist: EdWin, Hohemheim x Trista
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya: HaruhixKyon (OTP), but I like the onesided KoizumixHaruhi too
Escaflowne: Van x Hitomi
Record of a Fallen Vampire (amazing series, btw, please go read it): Strauss x Adelheid (omg you must read--you might think it's not the obvious one but my goooodneeeeess I love these characters, and what they did have was just sad)
Fairy Tail Natsu x Lucy
Dengeki Daisy: Daisy x Teru
Kimi ni Todoke: Chizuru x Ryuu (my favourite pairing by far in the series), Ayane and Pin (I seem to like the beta pairings more than the main one)
Soul Eater: Tsubaki x Black Star, Medusa x Stein, Excalibur x Forever Alone (but he's fine with it Fools!)

Witch Hunter Robin: Amon x Robin



Teen Titans: RobStar OTP

Avatar; TLA: Zutara (Zuko x Katara), Kataang ( Katara x Aang )

Legend of Korra: Asami x Korra (not that it will happen), Lin Bei Fong x Tenzin (past relationship)

Adventure Time: Marceline x Bubblegum OTP
Cybersix: Cybersix x Lucas
Martin Mystery: Martin x Diana (canon in the original comics; stepsiblings in the adaption...?)
6Teen!: Jen x Jude


Pride and Prejudice: Darcy x Elizabeth, Jane x Bingley
Harry Potter: RonHermione, SeverusxLily (for his love for her)
Howl's Moving Castle: HowlxSophie
Archie's Digest Magazine: Betty x Jughead
DC: Damian Wayne x Mar'i Grayson (OTP), kitten Grayson x Kory Anders (aka Nightwing x Starfire)


Sherlock Holmes; A Game of Shadows: Sherlock x Watson, Sherlock x Watson x Mary

Video Games
Legend of Zelda: LinkxZelda forever (esp SS)
Tales of Symphonia: Colette x Lloyd as the canon, but Colette x Zelos is probably my favourite pairing. Kratos x Anna, Mythos x Genis (crack pair), Richter x Emil (hated Dawn, but this is also the crack pair)
Tales of Abyss: Natalia x Guy
Resident Evil: Rebecca x Billy (from Zero), Leon x Ada (Four) BUUUT the bits of Leon x Ashley are cute.

Rin x Len (favourite), Luka x Miku or Luka x Gakupo

I know there are more--I have to search through what I know and remember, and then be sorry that I forgot it and promptly put it here.