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#507298 R.I.P Brian Griffin

Posted by Derock on 17 December 2013 - 12:29 AM

I don't watch this show, but as far as I know it's not supernatural. How did they bring him back?

Brian s alive?

#504313 Naruto 655

Posted by Derock on 14 November 2013 - 07:32 PM


Just as Naruto was bullied for being the child of the Nine Tailed Fox, Obito was probably bullied within his clan as being weak, an orphan, and not having awakened his Sharingan. I think this would explain best why he held a "grudge" against the Uchiha clan and played some sort of role in their annihilation.  


I just thought of something:


Couldn't be considered that if Obito wasn't a "pure bred" Uchiha to begin with? The words from Naruto a couple of chapters back surprised me because I find that very strange that here is an Uchiha yet the whole clan (meaning his own family) looked down upon him just because he's "weak".


I think there's something beyond that (if you want to go into detail), more like another insert of incest that Kishimoto doesn't want to go in full detail like the Hyuugas. More like Obito is like the darkhorse/"bastard" child of the family, that most Asian media likes to portray.

#500458 Naruto Chess Set - The King and Queen

Posted by Derock on 17 October 2013 - 09:15 PM

Haha... Naruto has his father's kunai on his right hand!

#499448 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Derock on 10 October 2013 - 04:08 PM

Do any of you think Kishi really cares for pairing wars? I think that's a believe that has come from the imagination of fans who care too much about the pairings instead of the story itself.


From what I recall in Japan they don't really care about pairing wars. In Japan SS is popular because the girls like the fan arts, practically nobody cares about NH, and pretty much everyone saw that NS is the obvious conclusion that would go along with the story.


I think we should look towards the japanese audience in how to really view pairings.


I still remember how the excuse used for 631 was that Kishi likes to play around with the pairing so that's why that chapter didn't matter much. I couldn't believe that people really deluded themselves to such a point. As if Kishi would modify the structure of his story because he likes to stir some supposed pairing war that was invented by the fans. That thinking is beyond pathetic.


People have even said that Kishi keeps up the pairing wars because of the sales... what freaking sales? The only ones who become obsessed with pairing wars are probably the ones who don't even care to buy the volumes and just read the scans, and they have the nerve to claim Kishimoto is taking their stupid opinion in mind. Get real.


That's all I have to say. From what I see pairing wars are the result of the fans imagination, and don't have anything to do with the intentions of Kishimoto. What do you guys think?


I have to agree. You are definitely right that the Japanese doesn't view pairings hardcore like we do. I think that all of this mentality thinking and so-called facts are from the West, especially here in the USA, where we have the most vocal fans. And we put bias and favoritism to the max (love for a certain minor female character who hasn't contribute much to the plot and add in fandom ideas to canon which doesn't even apply, all-time hate for the main female despite the character development throughout the entire series, not even paying attention to the main source, and the most important, "its DBZ with Ninjas" mentality).


Pairing wars = Sales? Pfft! Hell no! Wrong answer. Sales come in when the action and the battles come from Kishimoto. Look at the sales for manga volumes, they get the money for the action (which it is primary genre target), not the romance (not even part of the main section of its targets because it is secondary).

#499389 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Derock on 09 October 2013 - 06:22 PM

On a different note, I wanted to touch on the issue of Naruto being a Gary-Stu.  I don’t think he is one, though admittedly he has some elements of one.  Yes, he’s definitely overpowered (though at least he’s not the most powerful), and practically everyone loves him/is amazed by him. 


However, he has flaws that are pointed out as such in the story (stupid, childish, idealistic, impulsive, always trying to do everything on his own/thinking only he can do certain things - which Itachi most recently called him out on, as did Sakura to an extent-, short tempered, almost giving up in the fight with Obito, etc.), and while he’s been indirectly stated as being somewhat handsome in the manga, its never been portrayed to Gary-stu levels where everyone is lusting over his amazing looks (this is more Sasuke’s area).  Nor does he have a harem after him – just Hinata, and most likely Sakura (and she’s not fan-girling over him – she is very much cognizant of his flaws and will call him out on them).  So while he has Gary-Stu aspects to him for sure, I think it could be a lot worse/blatant.


@ NS4L3G:  In regards to what Obito's TnJ will consist of, if it doesn't have anything to do with Naruto's love for Sakura, then I think he'll answer the issues Obito brought up in this past chapter - yes, the village treated him horribly when he was younger, but they love and acknowledge him now because he never gave up.  Yes Sasuke betrayed him, but he's helping them now and Naruto is almost certain to get through to Sasuke eventually.  Yes, loosing Jiraiya caused him to feel hatred, but he was stronger than it and spared Nagato's life, which not only brought him more inner peace than just killing him outright, it also resulted in many lives being restored.  Where there's hatred and despair, there's also eventual joy and happiness if you allow yourself to be open to it.  Or something along those lines, lol.   :P


Whomever said Naruto is a Gary-Stu needs to close their mouths immediately, because he isn't even one. Sasuke, on the other hand is in that territory.

#496682 Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D

Posted by Derock on 27 September 2013 - 01:00 AM

Saw the repeat today... Oh. My. GOD!!!!


Liking this series! Now I got this and Sleepy Hollow to watch!!!

#496665 Will Sakura interfere in the future Sasuke vs Naruto battle?

Posted by Derock on 26 September 2013 - 11:01 PM

I rather have Sakura fight Sasuke FIRST and then Naruto shows up and he fights Sasuke while Sakura backs away and become observer.


(Reason I say this is because Sasuke needs stop being god-tier when he fights. Naruto needs the advantage to show him who's boss in their fight. Plus it will be reminiscent to the Sannin fight).

#495058 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Derock on 19 September 2013 - 08:13 PM


We'll need Jerry Springer to determine who the baby daddy is. :hehehe:


You mean Maury.

#494605 Naruto 647

Posted by Derock on 18 September 2013 - 12:46 AM

And no one mentions poor Yamato is still missing... :sad:


I'm starting to think Kishi was planning to kill Yamato off anyways with that Zetsu tree. Anko, on the other hand...

#492851 Naruto 646

Posted by Derock on 11 September 2013 - 03:07 PM

Can you elaborate why it doesnt fit in?
For me the tree was okay but it's not horrible only if you think that a guy that came from nowhere and sealed the juubi on himself is acceptable?

We have next to nothing of info about what happened on the past, the only thing that annoyed me on the entire manga were the uchihas the rest was okay but for me what is getting at is that since the begining of part 2 Naruto was hinted that he would save the world and it's kinda obvious that he will do this because he's the sucessor of the sage of six path or perhaps his reincarnation, due to Kurama's words.

The whole story was leading to Naruto being the next sage of the six paths and even parallels and marking that he has, i fail to see why the "tree god life" is bad writing.


I think that many people here don't like this reveal is because of the following: 1) they expected the Juubi as an actual monster based on animals like the 9 Bijus, although, it wouldn't work since the previous chapters revealed it as plant-based.


2) The mythological history that was referenced from other religions/mythology. Uh... all other media had their share. I don't see the reason why Naruto doesn't need it, despite the fact mostly all of it were used for the Uchihas since day one. 


I don't know why many of you hate this reveal. Would you rather prefer this: if the background was the Sage of Six Path suddenly came to their world via descending from the heavens and preaching ala Jesus on shinobi/chakra/etc.? <---- That idea will be a HELL NO comment from me, because that will be very silly and out of place.

#492761 Naruto 646

Posted by Derock on 11 September 2013 - 03:25 AM

So the Six Path is from another clan altogether. It begs the question what did the beasts see in Naruto. How can he be the new six path? I think we will get more on this soon. The Juubi and all.


Well, basically Six Paths and Mama Kaguya are another clan/bloodline. When he had kids, well, you get the idea. I wasn't even kin of the Six Paths having last name Senju/Uzumaki/Uchiha/w.e. because it felt unoriginal to begin with. I mean seriously, everyone who is descendents isn't going to have the same clan/bloodline forever as time went forward.

#489846 Volume 66 Cover

Posted by Derock on 28 August 2013 - 09:33 PM

Welcome back to the main covers, Sakura! Seriously long overdue!

#477663 Future Kingdom Hearts Games

Posted by Derock on 20 June 2013 - 12:39 AM

I'm going to say this KH will be the best of the best! If other Disney and FF characters all join in together during the battles, it will be EPIC!

#476732 Sonic Boom: The gang is here for some "Booming" Comedy!

Posted by Derock on 17 June 2013 - 12:47 AM

Here's an idea, what if this show does the honor of bringing back obscure video game characters from the 90's such as Fang, Bean, Bark, Ray and Mighty?  :smug:


Before they come back on air, they need to come back in the games first.

#472157 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Derock on 03 June 2013 - 02:44 PM

That made me think: I guess I heard/read somewhere that H&E has an 18+ subforum, is that true? :smug:



It doenst exist is just a legend like fingerbox or A.L.I.C.I.A


Or is it?  :hehehe:  :chuckle: