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#902050 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Nar123 on 13 February 2016 - 01:14 PM

@ Nar123
If you check Narutoforum, every criticism will attributed to NS.  And infighting between NH and SS already end because people who done simply dismissed community as troll.
Btw do you ever check Evangelion film series, manga and Evangelion rebuilt, reboot in anime / manga world can happen as long as there are strong fans demand.  Kishi realized it, so he overturn all NS foundation and bait you to rage mode for protect his legacy.

You are whitewashing the situation in NF

There is almost no NS there anymore, SS constantly lives in delusion over the situation of their pairing and a big part of the NH fans react aggressively to any insinuation that Hinata isn't a pure perfect girl while insulting any other girl like Sakura for example, which ends up making the delusional SS fans get mad

Now, the Anti Sakura club/ anti- SS is full of NH and the anti Hinata is full of SS

The fandom is just a mess

And please, are you really trying to compare Eva with Naruto? Eva is a series with a popularity that Naruto can't even dream to ever reach, just compare the latest numbers of the Eva movie with Naruto's

And a reboot for Naruto is unlikely because of the fans that liked the ending for pairing bias, simple as that

#901997 New Boruto Manga?

Posted by Nar123 on 12 February 2016 - 10:53 PM

The thing is that in the War arc against the Ten tails Naruto led the charge and rallied the army a few time. That a start but it's the last that should have shown us Naruto growing into the leader role. Instead he was just a thug and a bodyguard bossed around by smart people. Since without the akatsuki there isn't really another threat for Naruto to deal with. So he should have focused on becoming hokage which is again what the Last and these novels should have shown us with the Gaiden and the bolt movie being the final product of the development from the last and the novels. Instead they focus on nH for both the novels and the last because that's all they care about. And in the gaiden, the ending, and bolt kishi turned Naruto into that miserable creature.

Since part 1, Naruto already showed the capability of being "the heart" of the team, the one who strenghtens them with words and encouragement, this trait of his is obviously lampshaded by his trademark jutsu (that ended up being milked to oblivion to the point of becoming annoying...and no it isn't the rasengan), the talk no jutsu

This is what he did on the war, he managed to be "the heart" for the entire ninja alliance. Is this necessarily a bad thing though?
No, not really but the heart is not a leader and Naruto never truly led anything, in fact when Kishimoto had the opportunity to show him as a leader he screwed up completely and we have Hokage Naruto making questionable and stupid decisions such as letting two academy students follow him to a dangerous meeting in the Gaiden and letting Orochimaru remain free

Hell, in the last Naruto even lost his status as "the heart" and became just a dumber retconned version of himself, a mere pairing fodder for Hinata hime sama

Then we have the Kakashi hiden where Naruto wants to get rid of Tsunade "because she is old" and put Kakashi in her place when he knows how lazy Kakashi can be

It's like an entirely different character

#901934 The Naruto Agree/Disagree Discussion Thread

Posted by Nar123 on 12 February 2016 - 11:42 AM

I don't understand the likability of toxic ships.

People with mostly no experience in RL relationships generally like them

I'm not saying a toxic ship is necessarily bad though, if the author is good he can represent the ship as a bad thing but end up developing it in a healthy relationship

It seems Kishi acknowledges the horrible job he did with SS and Sakura in general and refrains from commenting that much about it, even Gaiden (which existed only to fix SS) didn't fixed anything about it

#901931 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Nar123 on 12 February 2016 - 11:29 AM

@ Nar123
Superman reboot (add Super wonder in fray) or FFT and FF VII extended story wont happen without fans request and Kishi realized it. How Naruto fans will buy NS idea in future if you keep toxic odor ? 

Are you seriously comparing a widely popular and renowed super hero like Superman and a popular video game that marked a generation to a (not even the most) popular niche (because anime and manga is a niche) series like Naruto?


There won't have any reboot because some fans are actually happy with the crap they got because of their pairings, so if anything the problem here is from your fanbase to begin with and honestly it's also not like I care to begin with

Kishi is far too dumb to set up an elaborate strategy so "it won't have any reboot", he is a doormat

And at last, you talk about the "odor" of this place but you fail to understand the whole fanbase is ten times worse, to the point where SS and NH are actually going against each other due to the mess Kishi made

#901924 New Boruto Manga?

Posted by Nar123 on 12 February 2016 - 10:54 AM

Naruto could've established peace in his time, more or less and thus call it a victory...one that leads to a greater corporation and fewer wars in the future...as total peace with no conflict would turn Naruto into The Federation from Star Trek TNG, and THOSE guys have no idea how to throw a good party. Hell the android threw a better party than any humanoid Federation officer on that ship....and it was a funeral.
Everlasting Peace is a nice goal and one worth working towards but it's not realistic by any stretch and becomes more of a journey than a destination. To quote Simon Pheonix
"You can't stop people from being kitten."
So Naruto having the strength to change what he can, the serenity to accept what he can not and the wisdom to know the difference would be a way to show the maturity he gained through his various life experiences. This would also Allow the new generation to make their mark on the world, learning from the past and leaving things perhaps just a little bit better for those to come after them.
How did Cleveland put it...ah yes 'You don't really win, you just do better the next time around.'
The story of humanity in all honesty.

Problem is that we never get this kind of rationalization from the story itself, we don't why, how or if he actually changed the world around him

The Shikamaru hiden novel shows Naruto fooling around and Kakashi not caring until there is a problem while Shikamaru did the hard work of setting up the peace terms of the alliance,so with this example here it gets even harder to believe Naruto helped in any shape or form in the government besides being a figure head

A Hokage needs to be a leader, it was never shown in the manga how Naruto behaves as a leader of his own team so we don't really know if he is a good leader at all, the Last would be a good movie to show this side of him but it was transformed and ruined by NH's nonsensical and retconned love story that ended up retconning the MC himself

Since we don't know how Naruto is as a leader and considering the information in the Shikamaru hiden, it seems very unlikely he helped that much besides the war even if he was the so called child of prophecy

#901797 The Naruto Agree/Disagree Discussion Thread

Posted by Nar123 on 11 February 2016 - 01:02 PM

Statement: Itachi should have just leave Sasuke alone after the massacre.

Agree or disagree?

The fact that he tortured Sasuke in the Tsunade arc created quite the big contradiction within the story, if Itachi really was this awesome guy Kishi wanted us to believe he was

I mean there was no need to put his brother in such a strong genjutsu when Sasuke was pretty much already wanting to kill him, it was just pure sadism at that point

So yeah, kind of agree... if Kishi really was trying to make Itachi into a good guy he shouldn't have done that

#901794 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Nar123 on 11 February 2016 - 12:49 PM

@ Bail O'Lies
Naruto is creation from Kishimoto and it always like that. And yeah The Last is flop, really funny  :lulz: .
Thanks Bail for made Kishi plan work more smoothly. 

Pls, you treat Kishi as if he is some kind if mastermind when actually he is just a rather dumb, naive, quite sexist guy

#893590 New Boruto Manga?

Posted by Nar123 on 19 December 2015 - 03:24 PM

the art doesn't look promising for a professional mangaka


look at boruto's/mitsuki's eyes


look at Boruto's body, it's completely out of proportion, the only one this guy put some effort in it was Salad



Compare with DBS, it's the level of Gin and Kagura hyped about season 3 for their own series: ok......


Yeah, DBS was quite the hype everywhere before Toei kittened it up, this boruto kitten is getting lukewarm reaction from most of the remaining fans and excited reactions for a few of the NH/SS groupies

#893587 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Nar123 on 19 December 2015 - 03:19 PM

Nah, it's clearly NS is Luke and liea parallel :fu:



#893582 New Boruto Manga?

Posted by Nar123 on 19 December 2015 - 03:14 PM

list of people surprised with this news:

#890661 The Next Generation

Posted by Nar123 on 01 December 2015 - 01:19 PM

What if, it's just to announce that Gaiden will be animated?


Who would want to see that crappy soap opera animated?


that kitten is disliked even by alienated pairing fans

#890256 Onepunch-Man

Posted by Nar123 on 30 November 2015 - 12:31 AM

I like Superman, but Supes story was never about his power, it's about how he handles his power and the consequences of his decisions, it's serious and with a fair dose of drama



OPM is a bit different, it's a major parody of most shounens, the protagonist  is OP from the beginning and the thing he desires the most is a typical shounen fight



About today's episode



damn I never thought this guy would turn out to be such a huge badass




the feels dude, I didn't expect those feels to hit me that hard


OPM keeps surprising me with each new episode

#888770 Tokyo Ghoul

Posted by Nar123 on 21 November 2015 - 05:37 PM

Just a taste


"Shabby" is better translated as pathetic btw







this is going to be epic

#887722 Genjutsu believers

Posted by Nar123 on 17 November 2015 - 01:33 AM

What I mean is everything after the last chapter of the manga. We all know that the manga is canon


Tbh good luck on your theory, I don't really believe it but your dedication to it is truly surprising


Honestly your ideas would probably be more accepted here at the time Chatte's theory thread was active... now that brings back some memories XD

#887721 Tokyo Ghoul

Posted by Nar123 on 17 November 2015 - 12:45 AM

I don't know what is happening in the chapter...but I am hype