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#514839 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Transformers03 on 12 February 2014 - 07:16 AM

Hahahahaha Sorry Sorry lol I Was Too Excited There For Moment When Thinking about This XD.

Ok......After Reading This Chapter We Have Learned Three Things....
1: Transfering the Other Kyuubi Chakra Idea Has Been Thrown Out The Window And Won't Work (For Now)
2: Madara Spitting Out The SO6P Ninja Tools On Guy And Lee No Less
3: A Half Dead Obito (controlled by black zetsu) Now Possess The Other Kyuubi Within Him Now Instead Of Minato!

Now After Reviewing All That My First Question To You Guys Is.........What Do Y'all Think On How Naruto Is Gonna Recover Now??


He will recover through a deux ex machina.

#514764 A Little Thankyou

Posted by Transformers03 on 12 February 2014 - 05:22 AM

Something I first learned when I was looking at the whole pairing stuff, is that (and I hope I don't offend anyone) people get mean and stupid when they argue this stuff. The arguments are so ridiculous on all sides, and no one concedes at all. Not only that, but Naruto has also one of the worst fanbases, with many calling it the best thing ever. I eventually found better logic and reason if I looked at forums that focused purely on one pairing, like NH threads at the NF forums and this site. Like this site more because 1) it supports a pairing I ship, and 2) they are filled with some of the most reasonable fans in all of Naruto fanbases.  Sure we had some problems, yet no one here tries to be overly mean to the other fandoms and they use a lot of evidence from the actual manga to support NS that make sense. Welcome to this site!

#514723 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Transformers03 on 12 February 2014 - 12:09 AM

I was trying to find any significance to CPR in Japanese fiction, but I found almost nothing new. I reconfirm the fact that kissing of any kind is sort of taboo in Japanese culture, yet I couldn't find any good examples of CPR being used in any romantic context in Japanese fiction. The reason why I looked up on it is because I want to know if the CPR in 663 can be consider romantic, since I did not interpretate it as such. However, when I googled "CPR in manga", I kid you not, but several of early articles where discussion forums on the recent Naruto forums. It wasn't like the top article, yet I was quite surprise how many articles I found in the early pages of my google search.


About the forums themselves, there wasn't really much being said that hasn't been said already. The primary argument I saw was the fact if the CPR would be consider romantic, and most posters argued it wasn't. However I did come across some interesting perspectives on the whole situation. One of which came from a fan who argued that Naruto and Hinata's hand holding was far more romantic and important to the manga because physical contact (particularly hand holding) is very romantic in Japanese culture, and the hand holding itself was consider important enough to justify it being on the cover of the manga volume. I don't necessary disagree with that statement, since we have all discussed before how intimidate contact is a lot more romantic in Japan than it is to the western world. It also brought up the interesting point that Kishi did thought the hand holding important enough to have it on the cover of the manga volume.


Another post that I thought was interesting was from a different forum, who argued that he/she does not believe NS will happen because they will find it weird for Sakura to suddenly fall in love with Naruto after just a few short chapters. This poster did not seem to be a shipper per say (it could still be argue that he is bias either way), and that one post made me come to epiphany; fans honestly don't see Sakura changing her feelings. It is just because they are against the pairing itself, they just don't see any kind of development for NS to come off of. While I personally find that ridiculous, especially since NH and SS shippers expect Naruto and Sasuke to unexpectedly fall in love with Hinata and Sakura, it does give me better understanding towards other shippers and anti. Most of us have painstakingly analyze the whole manga, and not only do we see the growing development between Naruto and Sakura's relationship (romantic or not), we are also able to logically understand why not only NS is the most likely pairing but also how it relates to the themes and pattern that that Kishi has been laying out.


Other fans don't do that, and I guess they just see Naruto and Sakura's relationship as purely platonic. That is actually something I find silly, especially because of the fact that they went on a freaking date in the Road in Ninja AND the fact Minato made a clear-cut connection between Naruto and Sakura with himself and Kushina when thought to himself that Sakura reminded him about Kushina, meaning he directly compared Naruto and Sakura's relationship to the only DEVELOPED romantic couple in the whole series.

#513902 Naruto 663

Posted by Transformers03 on 07 February 2014 - 03:38 AM

Lately I have been thinking to myself about this chapter, and why a lot of us are so happy with this chapter, despite the fact most of us accept the fact that Sakura's actions aren't necessary romantic. After thinking about it for a day, I came up with two theories of why many of us are celebrating about what happen in this chapter.


The first theory is that I think people were just caught off guard by the CPR. I know some of us were hoping it will happen, and others even predicted it will happen, but I don't think majority actually believe it will happen because kissing is such a rarity in Shonen Manga. Even CPRs are not even common, so the fact that the series will show something pretty risque for manga for teens and pre-teens. Kishi didn't need to have Sakura perform CPR on Naruto, in fact he didn't need to have her cut into Naruto and message his heart. He could just had her do her normal thing of having her hands over Naruto's body, and do her normal medical ninja stuff and we would have all bought it. He didn't need to go the extra mile to have her do that. While I believe he did that to show Sakura in very capable and awesome situation, it is still find it kind of remarkable for the Naruto series to actually show an opposite gender lip-to-lip action and not be comedy focus. 


My second theory is that I feel like having Karin in the same chapter trying to save Sasuke, kind presents an interesting comparison to Sakura's attempts in saving Naruto. I brought this up in the previous chapter's thread, we all know that Karin, without a doubt or argument, loves Sasuke. So when see her doing everything in her power to save Sasuke, we know it is out of romantic love. Coincidently enough, Sakura is also trying to save the life of Naruto in the same chapter. Since readers are already under the impression that Karin's actions are for her love for Sasuke, it isn't hard for most readers to make a similar assumption for Sakura and Naruto in the same chapter. Though obviously Sakura will try to save Naruto out of love, we don't essentially know it isn't the same kind of love for Karin. As mention beforehand, Karin is literally doing everything in her power to help Sasuke, and we know she loves him romantically. We also know that Sakura is also literally doing everything in her to help Naruto.


If both of those scenes didn't take place in the same chapter, then I wouldn't come up with this theory of why us NS fans like this chapter so much. However they did happen in the same chapter, and we got Kishi finally putting in an opposite gender lip-to-lip action (unless I am forgetting something). I think it is the combination of the two theories that explains why so many of us are soo satisfied with this chapter.

#511231 Naruto 662

Posted by Transformers03 on 23 January 2014 - 05:39 AM

The one thing that may me always believe NS was the endgame, was because I always believe Sakura would always end up with either Naruto and Sasuke. I neither thought about that for the supporting characters, and I always believe she would end up with one of the two. I also NEVER believe Sakura and Sasuke will ever get together, for obvious reasons, so always had some faith that NS will happen. What I am going with this is that the last page presents an interesting parallel between Sakura and Karin. Karin, without a doubt, loves Sasuke, that can not be debated at the moment. Her character may change before the series ends, or Kishi doesn't allow her and Sasuke get together in the end, but at the moment we all know she loves Sasuke. So I find it interesting in the final page, where both Sakura and Karin start worrying that Naruto and Sasuke will die, Kishi had the two panels of the women's faces be parallel ( :glare: ) with each other. They are also drawn in similar positions, both looking down the respective man they are helping. See that as it may, yet if Kishi really wanted Sakura and Sasuke to get together, then why didn't he write in a situation where she will be worry about Sasuke. Why instead did he written a situation where Sakura attempts to heal Naruto, only for it to start being futile the more she tries, which could arguably parallel with Karin's discovery that Sasuke is dying. Reminder, we know Karin loves Sasuke at this moment, so why did Kishi drew out the scene between the two groups the way he did in the end.


This is just a theory, and I could very well be wrong. It is just a thought...

#506142 Naruto 657

Posted by Transformers03 on 04 December 2013 - 06:18 AM

I was doing some work and I suddenly thought, "hmm, I should check if the new Naruto's chapter up yet" and I went on mangapanda and it was.  :pimp: aww yiss



Also Madara looks so much like Raditz...


Coincidence? I think not!!! 

#490522 Obito Uchiha: general opinion

Posted by Transformers03 on 31 August 2013 - 07:02 AM

Obito is a controversial character, at least kishi successfully deliver it.

Oh. Btw it all about executions.


And that's the key word, it is all up to the execution. I have voiced my positive opinion on Obito being Tobi, so I wont say about that now. Instead I will bring up why people have issue with Obito being Tobi, which comes down to the execution. Even though I LOVED ch. 599 in how they showed Obito's life before essentially "dying", I would be honest and admit that Obito's descend to villainy wasn't very well executed.


The idea itself is sound; a person, who was just like Naruto, becoming to villain due to death due to the circumstances of a childhood crush's death and the manipulation of a bigger villain. It would show interesting parallels between main villain and hero, and would show that, maybe, Naruto may have become a villain. We just need more reason other than Rin's death for him to ultimately, because that would make it seem as if Naruto can so easily become a villain if someone close to him die, and, on the surface, it sounds very petty. I know a majority of the villains became villains because death of someone close, it is just that a majority of those villains were already kind of messed up to begin with. Nagato wasn't always the most well-adjusted person around, there was always darkness in him. Orochimaro(?) ALWAYS acted like a creep, and Sasuke..........well, we all know Sasuke's deal. It was the same for most of the other villains, so was believable to think they would become villains or were villains. Obito was different though, because he was a good kid. He didn't seem evil, and didn't really seem to have any kind of darkness in him beforehand. He may have been lonely, just like Naruto when he was kid (PARALLELS!!!!), but also just like Naruto, he tried to prove everyone wrong by getting stronger. However, while in general he was nice kid, he wasn't perfect. He wasn't good fighter, and he felt very envious towards Kakashi for being better. That mad him three-dimension character, that mad him likable and believable.


Yet, supposedly, all that went away by the simple death of Rin? Sure, beforehand he was crushed by a boulder and fused with a Zetsu, but there wasn't any indication that was cracking up. He seemed the same like he did before he got crushed; he was still determined as hell to get back to his team and he rightfully laughed at Madara's ridiculous plan to change the world. Yet somehow,just witnessing Rin die, he's like 


"Skrew it, and I am on Madara's side now, despite the fact that I mock his plan earlier."


And then suddenly he became the Tobi we all now love to hate, causing the death of possibly millions and manipulating several others to join him..............perfect sense  :roll:


Like I mention earlier, I do like Obito the character because he was, unlike most of the other current villains, he was very likable before his descend to villainy. An other thing that I mention earlier is the fact the idea, Obito becoming a villain, is alright. It just could have been done so much better than it turned out. One way would have been showing Madara actually getting through to Obito with his ideals, before Rin's death. That way he would be already debating with himself if Madara is right, and when he finally sees Rin die, then that would been the trigger that would convince him that Madara's right. Not only would show conflict in the character, but make his descend a lot more reasonable. An other idea that would work would have shown that after being crush he was also not mentally well afterwards. With a fragile mind, and little pushing by Madara, Rin's death could have been the perfect catalyst to push him over the edge. Or maybe, after Rin's death, he would work for Madara only under the pretense that he would do his bidding if would Rin. However, he would plan to betray Madara afterwards once he fulfills his promise, only to get corrupted by the action Madara makes him do.


I am only spit balling here, as there could have been MANY ways to make it better. Yet notice that I have always kept the part with Rin dying, that's because I see nothing wrong with her dying. While I feel kind of sexist to support an idea a female character dying to help a male character's development (WiR), but people DO do stupid things because of death. It is only human nature to allow death to overcome one's self, it is just that we need more for Obito. At least Nagato, they already imply that he wasn't all right up in his head before his friend's death, his death was just the wake-up call (that, and some manipulation by Obito, full-circle). We needed to see Obito already breaking before seeing Rin die, that ways it would seem reasonable and believable for him to join the dark side.


However, despite what I just said, I don't personally mind what we got in the manga anyways. Naruto never really had the sharpest of writing (though admittedly it came close around the second half of Part 1), so I wouldn't have expected them to get that complicated with a villain's reasoning. Besides, what we got I find really enjoyable. As mention earlier, 599 has been my favorite chapter in recent memory, and few of the scenes Obito's flashback were quite interesting to look at. Particularly the scenes where the Zetsus are cheering for Obito, and the scene where Obito attempts to hold Rin in his arms, only at first to realize that he can't touch her because of his justu (or whatever), is kind of heartbreaking. Not only that, yet Obito being the main antagonist brings emotional baggage to not only Kakashi, but, to some extant, Naruto (because he was father's student......and murderer). Not only that however, I personally feel sad that someone, who could have done great good to the world, did the exact the opposite of it. It creates an uneasy feeling in how if should understand his reasoning, or despise him the more. It has lead to some interesting scenes and dialogue, especially the part where he tells Kakashi that Rin's death wasn't the only thing that lead to his current situation (lier!) and how he mocks Naruto's naivety because he understands how he feels. The circumstances of Rin's death has also turn out to be more complicated originally thought, as most of didn't originally know what happen to her. When we first found out she died, we still didn't know about the situation she was in that allowed her to die, or how Kakashi was responsible. Then later, we found out Kakashi was the one that killed her, but we still didn't know why. We then find out that she jump in front of Kakashi so that he could kill her, because she had a tailed beast in her. With the circumstances of Rin's becoming more complicated than intentionally expected, I can't help but be invested in the storyline and desire to know more.


It really comes down to people's particular expectations of the manga, and how they interpretate the story. Having different interpretation is good, as it leads to good discussions, like the one we are having right now. In fact, because we are discussing this in such detail, then the story did something right for us to care.

#489928 Naruto 644

Posted by Transformers03 on 29 August 2013 - 04:28 AM

It's really funny that even in a chapter that really has no real pairing drama in it, many fandoms force the pairing drama. This corresponds to NS saying that he followed Kushina's advice, NH saying something about Hinata landing next to Minato's FTG kunai, SS bickering about something else, the Sasuke not caring about Sakura, and et cetera.

Admittedly, I borught it up too, but in hindsight, perhaps we take this pairing war too far?


Which is why, outside of this site, I don't even bother to check Naruto pairing related websites, because ALL SHIPPERS become desperate and mean. That includes NS fans, they are really some jerky and cocky NS fans out there who would just be total jerks to people for shipping an other pairing. On this site with have mods, GOOD mods, and at least the majority of people here are already NS shippers, so there isn't much conflict among us.


I don't think Minato will go without seeing Kakashi. Minato is his sensei and Kakashi his student. Minato being here without at least get a thought of Kakashi isn't likely. For now, I think they'll see each other.


Well, as it was proven with Dan and Tsunadre(?), Kishi knows how to create a contrive situation to makes sure two characters get at least one interaction with each other, despite it has no point to the plot whatsoever..................

Naruto has the best writing  :chuckle: