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#952860 What if Sasuke had killed Sakura during the Land of Iron arc?

Posted by harry4e on 23 October 2017 - 10:38 PM

Y'know, I can just imagine the carnage that would ensue if J.K Rowling's used Ron as a sacrificial lamb for Harry x Ginny. 


For one they were already together so it wouldn't work...also I'd be OK with Ron dying, JK Rowling really screwed up his character when she decided to make Hermione look more mature Ron had to remain a immature brat.

#952859 What if Sasuke had killed Sakura during the Land of Iron arc?

Posted by harry4e on 23 October 2017 - 10:35 PM

Considering Naruto thought the person responsible for him growing up as a orphan was a pretty cool guy, he'd probably forgive the git and be best mates with him no matter what, heck he'd probably push Hinata in his direction, because Sasuke needs to be happy right? Uchiha's are all just misunderstood, all that murder and death is because they love too much.


If you look at Naruto's history the only person he didn't forgive was Kaguya, and thought the best thing to say to his son was how she didn't have a heart....Madara, Orichimaru, Obito, etc were all cool, but Kaguya someone who actually showed emotion at one point was the only person he didn't think had a heart. You don't say that to a son no matter how ancient he may be.


Posted by harry4e on 20 October 2017 - 11:47 AM

What do you know Aldini was playing with Eizen all this time, then again not really surprising, Eizen has been a very predictable villain, and for some reason he's had more screentime than any of the other antagonist, he's the weakest member of the elite ten but the manga seems to focus on him the most.


Aldini went Aizen on Eizen.

#951661 And what's happened to kishimoto?

Posted by harry4e on 12 October 2017 - 08:50 PM

If you look at the ending and consider it as a possible window of the Mangaka giving us a glimpse of what his life had been like for years, he was the one in charge of creating the manga, (ie Hokage) the villagers were the fans that depended on him, the paperwork is the tight schedule he had to meet to get the manga out ever week. And the ending was his justification of why he spent so much time away from his family. Naruto marrying Hinata and Sasuke marrying Sakura, is him giving into the pressures of work and society and continuing the manga for years and not writing the story he wanted. Or you could say everything I said was BS and I was just going all meta on you.


You could say working on the manga was punishment enough for him, as it may have given him plenty of wealth, but he very likely rarely saw his own wife and children.


He doesn't need punishing, he wrote a bad ending and gave some damning interviews, if you have issues, the next work he publishes don't read it, don't even bother to acknowledge it, and if anyone asks don't recommend his work to anyone,


Posted by harry4e on 12 October 2017 - 05:11 PM

But that's the thing isn't it? Takumi is entitled to win win because of character development, but not Megumi? Megumi went through butt loads of  CD too, but the story is always Yanking her chain in important matches too. That doesn't make sense for me. But it will likely happen. Truth be told though, My ideal scenario is that the VERY Last match comes down to Eishi and Rindo against Soma and Erina. the two "power couple" lol :lmao: tag teams. Besides I want to see Erina cook more too to establish and confirm the in universe hype to her skills as a chef rather than just being told about it. :yes:


Oh and I was mistaken, apparently "The Third Plate" will be 24 episodes


I would like to see Megumi win, however it would be unrealistic to expect a across the board win for the underdogs, (that is if Souma wins as well, i'm still not convinced he will.).


You can see Megumi losing because as far as character development goes, she's had the most growth shown after Souma (as far as cooking goes), she started off as someone who less than a year prior was one bad grade away from being expelled, she's gone from that to being acknowledged by the two former elite ten members, Erina herself rates her and is considered as a future Elite 10 member. Takumi on the other hand was considered a rising hope from the beginning, and he's not really shown his true growth yet, another lost for him would suggest he hasn't grown at all since day one. However for Megumi gaining acknowledgement from the current third seat would still be a massive win.


Also let's not forget Takumi is against the former number 10 seat, the weakest of the original members, Megumi on the other hand is against the former forth seat and by far the best in the elite 10 when it comes to sweets, that just so happens to be the topic in question.


I can actually see Megumi losing yet still be considered a win because Momo takes a liking to her and not care for the competition any more, as she plays with her new cute toy.

#951574 Questions about Minato's Era

Posted by harry4e on 12 October 2017 - 01:36 PM

Pretty much everything sans Uchiha is shrouded in mystery, you even have to wonder how the Senju managed to be their rival for centuries yet you look at the clan members and only the first Hokage stands out, even a weak member like Obito ended up being the main antagonists for most of the manga, so how was Senju not wiped out before? because even the first Hokages abilities don't appear to be a true bloodline as only one clan member had it, and that may even just be because he was Asura reborn. Also how did they get wiped out? Why do we get so much about Uchiha's but no information on how the strongest clan in the village went all but extinct?


I don't know where the information about Senju and Uzumaki interbreeding often comes from, the manga only states the two clans have close links together and the first Hokages wife was a Uzumaki, it's largely just assumed that this was a common practice between the two clans. However if there are members of Uzumaki around they could have been wiped out in this unknown disaster they faced.However we do know there are survivors from the invasion by the unknown forces (though many do assume it was Mist when Madara was Mizukage) arescattered across the globe. Kushina was a orphan, her family did die during that invasion, though Senju would be a distant relative thanks to Mito, but I don't think she was a orphan when she joined the village, her parents were alive when she joined Konoha, atleast as far as we know...but because she isn't a Uchiha we aren't going to get a detailed breakdown. (Seriously not even the name of village or clan that attacked them.)


We know nothing about the Namikaze clan, or if it even was a clan, for all we know it could be name given to Minato by who ever found him or given to him at the orphanage, we don't know when he became a orphan or anything, even his teammates names or if they died, Come to think of it it's strange how that line of teams had atleast one Orphon in the team,3rd Hokages team had 2 Orphans, Jiaraya's team have atleast one orphan, Minato's team sounded like all three could have been orphans, and Kakashi had two.


Now thinking about it, didn't the manga have a really negative message at the end? The family always come second to the village, it doesn't hit home until the timeskip, but the message we are told for the manga is importance family even if it's not by blood, but the reality is Family is only important after the village's priorities, Tsunade should get over her issues for the village, Minato and Kushina should give up their lives so the village survives, Asuna should not be mad at his father because he was doing it for the village, Naruto is OK being a lousy father because for the village, Sasuke should not see his wife and kid for over a decade because the Village's safety comes first...pretty much we are told Family is important but the message seems more like Family is only important as long as it doesn't come in the way of the village and it's safety. Sorry went on a tangent then.


As for the bodyguards? Well they are all useless aren't they? The third Hokages guards were useless when Orichimaru invaded, Tsunade's are in the same league, look at the war, the other Kage's guards were useful in the war, I don't even know if Tsunade's guards were ever mentioned. I think that tidbit was thrown in to make the popular Gemna more relevent but it really just made him look like a douche as someone who would have guarded Kushina throughout her pregnancy but ended up ignoring him once he was born.


The manga could have been so much better if the focus was not placed so much on the Uchiha and over a third of the manga dedicated to a war no one really cared for. There is so much backstory that could have been delved into but you only get that if you are the enemy.

#950709 Toaru Majutsu no Index Season 3 confirmed for 2018

Posted by harry4e on 02 October 2017 - 08:31 PM

Finally they have announced season 3 for the Toaru Majutsu no Index, about bloody time, I have no idea why they took so long to gren light the third season, all previous seasons have done well, it has helped sell the light novels, and there is plenty of content that they could make another five or six seasons and not even catch up to the books.


I'd probably be more excited but I am worried it's been so long that I will very likely struggle to understand what's going on, specially as they do use certain terms that can be difficult to understand. 




I look forward to seeing Touma punching everything that stands in his way, for Index to continue to be a ungrateful freeloader and for Biri Biri to be the best Tsundere around.

#946510 What was the point of having Tobi act stupid initially?

Posted by harry4e on 16 August 2017 - 10:49 PM

It was meant to be a front to get other members of Akatsuki to not take him seriously, and not suspect he is the true leader of the group, he was the loyal lackey of the group, (though I always found it odd that he was only lackey they had. it allowed his to move about freely, allowed him to interact with the other members and judge their true loyalty. However as soon as Negato died, there was no purpose for the ruse, he had to lost most of his members and if he wanted to manipulate Sasuke he needed to show his true strength.


My biggest issue was the disgraceful way he was treated like a hero. absolute joke, he killed thousands of people all because he lost one person...still pisses me off thinking about it.


Posted by harry4e on 10 August 2017 - 12:03 PM

The rebels can't afford to lose Subaru and Megishima. The former is perhaps the most important key among the rebels, while the latter has the experience and skill needed to take down Eishi. Most importantly, Megishima is the one I see being able to balance out the top two freshmen of the group.


That's why I think they may lose them, this is the typical battle manga set-up, the heroes start off well, then the opponents deal a massive blow to them, taking out their strongest members, they we see the leader of team hero faulting, second guessing themselves, worried they made the wrong decision, feeling despair, then their nakama knock some sense into them, and they continue to fight stronger than ever.


So far it's been a very predictable setup this arc, more so than others, I can see them changing the results if they don't want to drag this any furthr (which if the response is not good I could see happening.) Otherwise I can't see anything less than at the very least two of the three rebels losing.


Btw: No update this week, it's a Japanese holiday this week.

#944901 Fairy Tail

Posted by harry4e on 02 August 2017 - 03:08 PM

yeah but that is only in terms of the later fight scenes (which only really began it's discrepancies during the GMG arc) and only SOME of the plot elements. All in all the story was quite well done for the most part, and as you said did have potential and COULD  have been even better than it actually was. All Mashima needed to do was at least put some more thought into it and give a better structure and conclusion for the fights, instead of what was given (fights ended by the power of friendship). Conclusion: I still love this series very much and it is still an all time favourite, but could have been so much more had there been some more creative process thrown in other than "Well, this happened and this is the excuse for it". 


Honestly have not been impressed with how nearly all the fight scenes have ended since....I'd say since the first time skip, it's all the same, looks bleak, but lets overcome with the power of nakama, the story cliff hangers all started with hints of being more important and potentially game changing but nearly all ended up being disappointing, and over hyped.


Even the reveals that lived up to the hype were not exploited to their fullest, and in many ways were just thrown in for the wow factor but made no impact on the over arching story, Autumn (I think that's his name) was a great reveal but had no impact to the story line, Even Natsu and Zeref being brother, or even Natsu being reborn using forbidden magics, and being from the past were all under utilised and didn't add much to the story in the end, they were all plotlines that felt were thrown in as a maybe something can be made out of it, if the mangaka could be bothered which he never did.


This manga will always stand out to me as having great dynamics between the main cast, and the relationships between the charactors, and the first half of the manga pre-timeskip. but from a story telling standpoint it will be behind both Naruto and Bleach and pretty much all big manga's as a major disappointment.


Bleach I can sort of forgive because the end had to be rushed and I actually quite liked the last chapter. Naruto will always be a disappointment because the end and the movie undid the whole manga, it ruined the characters, and all the life lessons they learnt throughout the manga. It made the manga pointless for the sake of more milking of the franchise, (Something we don't know he was forced to do or was convinced to do.) Oh and the interviews did not help matters much.


Fairy Tail is a manga that kept it's promise with the relationships with the characters, but felt like they gave up on the story, story branches were added then dropped almost straight away. It was a mess of a manga at the end, and this was by choice, there was no pressure from the higher ups that they were axing the manga, it's the story that lost it's way. So Fairy Tail will sit in this weird spot where I will love it for the characters it gave us and early premise, but will be a bland unimaginative end that will be a massive disappointment. I'll remember it fondly and with a hint of bitterness.

#941684 E3 2017

Posted by harry4e on 16 June 2017 - 06:26 PM

I gotta say as far as E3's go, this year was a major letdown, Microsoft showed plenty of games, but not many interested me, (Forza, Ori 2 and Anthem look really good.) though the One X games look amazing, shames about the price though. Sony was too short and showed nothing new, Nintendo announced Pokemon for the Switch so that was really exciting, it's a shame it's still 16 months away.


On the whole I'd give this E3 a C-.

#940461 Fairy Tail

Posted by harry4e on 20 May 2017 - 02:02 PM

That's a complete over exaggeration^ this could be bad but not Naruto or Bleach bad, given the way they ended. And considering that Rowlings ending wasn't that great either, it doesn't always help. It depends on the author.


I guess it's something we'll have to disagree with, this battle end (as it stands) was the worst I've read...there was no build up, Achnologia was defeated by someone and a something that was only introduced recently, with close to no foreboding, and Natsu literally won because his love for his guild members burned inside him. The Harry Potter ending made perfect sense, it had clues from the first book about certain points,


I'm not talking about the epilogue for these stories, (though I liked Harry Potters end) like the Crap with Boruto, and the 'I give up you win' crap in Naruto, I'm talking about the actual way the battle ended, they were crap, the buildups were boring and uninteresting, and the way they ended were dull.


However I don't expect this to be the end, I am expecting a twist next chapter. But if it isn't, it's going down as the worst battle finale for a popular manga I've read.


Posted by harry4e on 14 May 2017 - 12:18 PM

That last page with the foodgasm felt completely out of place, I know I've been saying that the foodgasms have felt more PG in recent months which make it seem like the dishes don't have the same impact as before, but that last page just felt forced, she'd already tried the dish before and wasn't stripped, but soon as she accepted defeat she just stripped, despite the fact that from the sounds of it, if the conditions were perfect, her dish would have very likely won out or at the very least both their dished would have been better.


I wonder if it was just put in, because there were more people like like me complaining the foodgasms lacked impact, and they threw that in at the end. Though it's not the stripping part that's matters, but the impact of the dish it portrays, it doesn't even have to be them stripping, it's just has to portray the quality of the dish.


Posted by harry4e on 12 May 2017 - 01:12 AM

She lost because of room temperature wasn't right for her soba?


She lost because she was inflexible in her thought process. She knows only Route A, and never considers any other possibilities. It's essentially the biggest flaw in Azami's plan, he's teaching the entire school to Make food only one way, not taking into consideration the individuals. It's why I find the entire arc a pain, because Azami's thinking is dumb....Seriously why would someone who worshiped Jouchirou, who worked daily to evolve his cooking style and surpass the boundaries of what's possible, be so hell bent on making clones...to a point he built an empire abroad, abused his daughter to further his plans, and who knows what else just to get his revenge. It's more stupid than Sasuke's plan to kill everyone in his village to honour is brother who died to protect the people of said village...or to gain world peace my ruling over everyone like a dictator....actually on second thoughts, Sasukes' is still more ridiculous.


Posted by harry4e on 03 May 2017 - 08:42 PM

Another cliffhanger, just announce the bloody winner already, atleast we were shown a history of how Souma came up with his idea for Soba, and it wasn't just something he made up on the spot, instead something he'd been perfecting over years.


These foodgasms are really mild compared to past scenes, it's making the dishes appear like they are not as spectacular as previous dishes, though that said it was Soba noodles so it would have been difficult to make them appear more glamorous.