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Shadow Wolf

Member Since 12 Feb 2012
Offline Last Active Nov 05 2023 04:00 PM

#542920 Naruto 683

Posted by Shadow Wolf on 02 July 2014 - 10:16 AM

Random scenario in my head:

*Naruto touches Sakura's seal to either pass or take chakra in order to help Obito*

You still have a charming forehead.

#542039 music shuffle meme

Posted by Shadow Wolf on 28 June 2014 - 11:16 AM

1. How are you feeling today?
Every Teardrop is a Waterfall - Coldplay
(But I feel my heart stop beating to my favorite song).

2. Will you get far in life?
Silver Scrapes - Danny McCarthy
(League of Legends Championship song so I guess that's a Yes)

3. How do your friends see you?
Turbo Lover - Judas Priest
(I guess a combination of a guy who likes cars and who's passionate about love I guess)

4. Will you get married?
The Game of Love - Santana ft. Michelle Branch
(One Kiss, and boom, you're the only one for me)

5. What is your best friend's theme song?
Simple and Clean - Utada Hikaru
(Yeah, he feels like his special someone is all he needs, hahahaha)

6. What is the story of your life?
Bark at The Moon - Ozzy Osborne
(Those that the beast are looking for... Listen in awe and you'll hear him... yeah, Scott will probably laugh at this XD)

7. What was high school like?
Zappa's Theme song - Guilty Gear X2
(Its a combination of cool and kinda horror like rhythm, which basically describes my high school life: some cool moments and some moments I wish to forget)
8. How can you get ahead in life?
Hombres de Accion - Christian Castro (Mulan OST)
(I think the English version of this song is called: I'll Make a Man Out of You, so yeah... you know XD).
9. What is the best thing about your friends?
Valkyrie Missile - Angels and Airwaves
("Take your chance cause I know you want to." Basically they're not afraid to say when I need to improve on something and they take chances in life which encourage me to be like them.)

10. What is in store for this weekend?
Open Your Heart - Crush 40
(Oh boy...)

11. To describe your grandparents?
The Gift - Angels and Airwaves
(Pretty cool for their theme song. :-) )

12. How is your life going?
And the Hero will Drown - Story of the Year
(Nothing has been really taken away from me so I take it that the rhythm of this song describes my life, which is very catchy.)

13. What song will they play at your funeral?
Jet Lag - Simple Plan ft. Natasha Bedingfield
(Not a bad song, though is about missing your special someone so I would not like a sad song in my funeral).

14. How does the world see you?
Love Somebody - Maroon 5
(Good Lord I'm not that desperate to get a girlfriend, am I?)

15. Will you have a happy life?
Live and Learn - Crush 40
(Living and learning sounds good for me. :-) )

16. What do your friends really think of you?
Burn it to the Ground - Nickelback
(No, I don't drink Alcohol.)

17. Do people secretly lust after you?
Animal I have Become - Three Days Grace
("No one will ever tame this animal I have become." Emm... hope they don't have that much of a lust).

18. How can I make myself happy?
Mariposas - Shakira
(Spanish song. Let me translate a verse:

"Voy a insistir, sin descansar. Es una historia sin final. Mi amor es sobrenatural"
"I will persist without rest. It's a neverending story. My love is supernatural.")

(Pretty accurate since I want to keep learning about life and about love).

19. What should you do with your life?
Unknown from ME - Theme of Knuckles (Sonic Adventure 2)
("Won't be frightened, I'll stand up to all the pain and turmoil... We will be waiting when serenity is restored. This is my planet, I shall not surrender.")

20. Will you ever have children?
Anthem Part 2 - Blink 182
(Well, this is a teenager song -describes how teenagers are considered rebels though they want to move ahead in life- so I guess that's a yes).

21. What song would you strip to?
Bat Country - Avenged Sevenfold
(Eh, wot? hahahaha)

22. If a man in a van offered you candy, what would you do?
Going My Way - Youzuca
(Yeah, I'll probably ignore him and keep going my way)

23. What does your mom think of you?
Great Sea theme - The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
(Gues she thinks I'm like the sea).

24. What is your deep dark secret?
That's What You Get - Paramore
(Is there even a secret behind this song? XD)

25. What is your mortal enemy's theme song?
Beast and the Harlot - Avenged Sevenfold
(Now I wonder who is my mortal enemy? XD)

26. What's your personality like?
Secrets - One Republic

27. Which song will be played at your wedding?
Love Like Rockets - Angels and Airwavws

28. If you were to become the Dictator of a small Eastern-European nation, would you be a benevolent Dictator?
Kryptonite - Three Doors Down
("I really don't mind what happens now and then, as long as you'll be my friend at the end.")

29. What are your aspirations?
Breakout - Foo Fighters
(I guess find something to breakout XD)

30. What goes through your head when you wake up? 
Rockstar (Jason Nevins Remix) - N.E.R.D.

#541477 Naruto 682

Posted by Shadow Wolf on 26 June 2014 - 01:21 PM

*Thoughts on the question making a few people paranoid: see first attached image*

So am I the only one who thought of something like this when I saw Zetsu creeping out of Kaguya's sleeve? (see second attached image)

Attached Thumbnails

  • 51682824.jpg
  • 1176382-yi_salvo.jpg

#541421 How Do You Handle The Situation Above

Posted by Shadow Wolf on 26 June 2014 - 10:45 AM

Ah, so he did get the idea of 631 from James... people, better start helping Kishi with an NS suggestions thread.

You find out someone you know and love (like a best friend) from another country moved to your own country, but even though you know that he moved not too far from you, you don't know exactly where.

#540724 Naruto 682

Posted by Shadow Wolf on 25 June 2014 - 09:54 AM

Kishi: They see me trolling, they're laughing, and rolling their eyes cause I'm a writing nerdy.

Think I'm just a writing nerdy (x4)

#538606 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Shadow Wolf on 18 June 2014 - 04:23 AM

I wouldn't be surprised if the reason why Kishi has been shooting SS again and again ever since 635 is precisely to make people shut up about 540 already.

#538217 WHAT IF Kishimoto decides for SS to be the end game??

Posted by Shadow Wolf on 16 June 2014 - 02:13 PM

The weirdest event
SasuSaku is canon
No logic for that

#537623 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Shadow Wolf on 13 June 2014 - 10:07 PM

People will always.find a reason to complain:

-OMG, we haven't seen Sakura in the past 2 chapters
-*Sakura appears* OMG, Sakura hasn't fought
-*Sakura fight* OMG, Sakura doesn't have a power up in ages
-*Sakura gets a power up* OMG, power up is crap.
-*shows power up with similar abilities to Tsunade* OMG, she's weaker than Naruto amd Sasuke
-*Sakura struggles with her feelings, juat like everu other himan being* OMG, just get over Sauce already...

I came to the realization that peopke like these will never be satisfied. As you can see, their expectations have reached a level where they will not cut any slack to the author because the atory is not going how "they" want to go. This is Kishi story, so enjoy the ride or comllain about it. However, don't go trying to ruin other people's optimism. I used to visit this site cause I cobsidered it a haven for NS fans. Now, it pretty much dissappoints me what almost everyone has left this place to become. Reply all you want to this post and put any consequence to it, but do know this: none will take the happiness away fron me and from those NS fans who are here to support each other instead of complaining because the story is not going as they want it to go.

#537296 E3 2014

Posted by Shadow Wolf on 12 June 2014 - 04:15 PM

I'll just drop this here:


#536986 Naruto 680

Posted by Shadow Wolf on 11 June 2014 - 01:58 PM

No, no, it's just that the light stopped.
And when the light stopped, Sasuke opened the Susanoo that was protecting them.

Yeah, Tekopi helped me clarify that earlier:

Probably I need to disagree with that. The IT was working due to 'moonlight' until it diminished, if it is still working, T7 won't come out of Susanoo. Which means, regarding of place, as long as the moonlight shone brightly, they will be caught.

Still, thank you and thanks to her for helping me correct that. :-)

@James: Sasuke is Uranus... *looks behind* AW HELL NO!!!

Finally, like I have said, this manga ain't over, so I'll just enjoy the ride. There's always the chance for Sakura to get something new just like there is not, but that's why we believe, just like it was said on The Matrix Revolutions (I didn't know, but I believed).

#533055 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Shadow Wolf on 29 May 2014 - 05:04 AM

Okay...what? I recommend not clicking the 'spoiler' tag unless you have a table to flip close by. 

You got a table yet?

Now if you excuse me...I have a table to flip.
Found this on a Facebook page and slammed my head onto my desk a couple dozen times. Never mind my skull being caved in, I need a new desk.

Here, let me fix that for him...

"I don't understand these NH fans. How can people be so blind and delusional? They act like the manga supports them when it doesn't even have to do with Hinata. Also, how can people like Hinata? She's useless. Has she ever helped Naruto? No. Has she ever been there for him? No. Has she shown that she cares for him and his happiness at all? No. How do people support NaruHina? It doesn't make any since to me! If there's anybody that deserves to be with Naruto its Sakura! She has always been there for Naruto from the start. She helped him with the Bell Test, with Itachi's gengutsu, with healing his arm and she kept his heart beating in this war, and Naruto mentioned that she is more or less his girlfriend, which means Naruto has to be with her in the end, right? I think that makes sense. He doesn't need Hinata. She never helps him unlike Sakura and Sakura actually cares for Naruto's dream instead of her own selfish desires."

Now, bear in mind that this is just flipping the argument around so any character bashing in the previous argument flip is not intended. Just wanted to give our friend here an idea so that he could make the guy who wrote this comment taste his own medicine (well, taste a stonger one since his was weak).

#532476 Naruto 678

Posted by Shadow Wolf on 28 May 2014 - 05:38 AM

On a side note: Remind me not to play Battleship with Kishi. He sunk two ships quite fast XD

#532319 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Shadow Wolf on 27 May 2014 - 03:51 PM

OMG I'M SO ANGRY RIGHT NOW!!!!!   Hinata tard replied to a NaruSaku fan.
"Downplaying moments, how sad, I guess trying to make it look like friendship is all you can do.
considering that NaruSaku has been given no romantic development, so you are going to try and discredit the NaruHina development in the last 240+ chapters, still on the defensive there I see, at least come up with something original and at least try to back up with credible evidence. so far NaruSaku supporters have not produced evidence that can justify their pairing. while Chapter 615 is a real stand out for NaruHina, if that was really a friendship moment then Naruto would never have held Hinata's hand, you know just saying. you can go with that friendship argument, but that will not stand for too long, it also makes your argument look weak and also makes you look desperate. as I said come up with some credible evidence, and no don't Sai, because if you do, you basically lose the argument."

Wait, what? Naruto and Hinata have had barely less than 5 interactions in the last 240 chapters and he calls that development? hahahaha

#532051 Naruto 677

Posted by Shadow Wolf on 25 May 2014 - 07:32 PM

Basically, Darkrest's logic goes like this: if they don't say it, they don't feel it. So, the characters can show hints over and over again (deep care, smile, Yamato saying that Sakura may even hold more than friendship for Naruto even though the sentence was not finished, thus open for "interpretation" even though we all know where it was going, even blushing like Sakura did when she asked Naruto if she looked better at the beginning of part 2), and he will not accept it.

#529736 Naruto 676

Posted by Shadow Wolf on 17 May 2014 - 03:13 PM

So in the end, we both agree that she could use improvement and that at the moment she is on part with Tsunade and that Kishi hasn't been the best at handling her. Why the hell are we debating then? XD

Anyway, I understand your point or at least I think I do, which is precisely why I say that I'm hoping to see more in the following chapters. I think if anything, like I said, right now I can't picture a logical scenario in which we can see her acquiring a new powerup at the moment. But who knows, maybe Kishi has something in store or at least I hope so. And finally, like I have mentioned earlier, I'm happy that she can use Byakugou offensively but I'm expecting more.

EDIT: @Mistraal: Shut up and take my like. :P

J/K, but I must admit that I laughed at your post, so thank you very much for making my day. :-D