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#903181 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by MangaReader on 23 February 2016 - 05:09 PM

Imo, I don't think it's wrong.

We had Naruto call her weird before this interaction, we had him act cool by not wanting to cheat off her and regret it internally, and we had Sakura willing to sacrifice her the Chunin Exams just so Naruto couldn't lose out on his "impossible" dream. If all it takes is eye contact to gauge chemistry, then I've been living a lie my whole life

#902872 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by MangaReader on 20 February 2016 - 06:58 PM

Then there's these types of as*holes... you know, the ones who claim you simply cannot read or see what's going on. 


Damn Image is too large


This has literally got to be the worst argument to ever accuse someone of because it's such a cop out move and can be thrown around like pillows. It doesn't help your case, it proves you suck at finding your own proof, and it's just an embarrassment in a debate. Just going of this image, apparently anyone who likes NaruSaku is illiterate, immature, and/or paid no attention to Part 1 of the story, while SS fans are "genius", can comprehend "storytelling", and read Part 1 in full detail.... Yeah, mhmm, tell me again how Sasuke was just hiding his feelings for Sakura this whole time would ya? Or better yet, please explain to me why Naruto's and Sasuke's feelings don't matter at all? Maybe they could explain chapter 3 to me since I seem to recall the big reason Sakura started liking Sasuke more was because Naruto impersonated Sasuke the wrong way (talking through his own feelings instead of making Sasuke out to be the jerk that he was). And even if this scenario is suppose to mean Sakura loves Sasuke (like we all knew for Christ-sake), it doesn't mean it was a good love. What this image fails to prove and what this ship in general fails to prove is Sasuke's feelings in all of this, not one time can you pin point Sasuke doing anything selfless for Sakura, nor can you showcase one time Sasuke is shown comforting Sakura, unless Naruto's name is involved. 


But I'm just a lowly, illiterate child who clearly wasn't capable of seeing the big picture.

#902523 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by MangaReader on 18 February 2016 - 01:02 AM

Since the first one was received pretty well, I'll continue this unless I get directly told to stop... 


So yeah, another fun "argument" for the "amazing" pairing that is NaruHina is this: 




Unknowingly, they admit Naruto does love Sakura with this... on the other hand, they completely disregard that maybe a Hinata did exist for these guys and just like the Hinata we got, was completely irrelevant to the ultimate story being told and left to the background like the rest of the trash, scratch that, some background characters had more value then Hinata did. Or the reality they refuse to believe in was Naruto's true goal at ending past failures was being able to marry the women he loves... instead our ending involved nothing indicating our hero succeed at accomplishing anything that the past failed. Cycle of hatred ended? Don't know. Love Life? Take the easy route. Defeat the rival? Lets end this with a draw at best. Becoming Hokage? Pretty effin pointless considering peace apparently exists with no reason as to why.


Best Ending Evah, huh guys? ¬_¬

#902313 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by MangaReader on 16 February 2016 - 01:16 AM

In honor of this being a debate thread and while it's probably tiresome... I feel like bringing one up for ole times sake. 


So despite this image being a thing 2 years ago, I find it to still be relevant enough of an argument to use against us for some dumb reason




Let me count the ways of how wrong this comparison is by every standard... Seriously, why did this even become a thing at any point? 


Both believed in Kushina/Naruto before anyone else? The hell? Kushina thought Minato was totally unreliable, it was her who needed to believe in him because he was the one ultimately with a dream, not Kushina. As for Hinata, she just believed that Naruto was a proud failure like her, not believing he could be anyone special, hell she never once knew of his dream to become Hokage, at least not canon wise. What utter garbage to start us off here at #1 lol


Minato might be quiet at times, but he's far from timid... yeah he's not easy to work up, but his serious side is far more intimidating then Hinata's ever will be. He's might be Kushina's opposite, but he's also fully capable of calming her down. Naruto's has Kushina's personality, but not her temper, he doesn't go on a rampage quite like his mom and even when he's hot blooded, he's never been such a guy canon-wise around Hinata. Besides, she no where near capable enough to calm him down if he ever did get quite testy, so, failure #2.


Watching from a distance is an interesting term... we really didn't see Minato and Kushina much, but we know he wasn't the stalker type like Hinata... and we also know Minato actually succeeded in rescuing the woman he loved because she needed him while Hinata failed hard because she refused to believe in Naruto when he asked that no one interfere. It's almost like she purposely entered the fray to die thinking Pain would actually achieve his goal of kidnapping Naruto, just utterly no faith in the guy she apparently loves. #3 still fails with flying colors.


Wait...wtf, I just explained this, when did Hinata save Naruto when he needed her most? Pretty sure Sakura was the one to perform CPR... Wait, they actually think Hinata saved him from Neji's sacrifice? How do these people function if this is the logic they come up with? I... I can't... geez.

#896912 My Final Realization Of What bothered Me About The Naruto Manga

Posted by MangaReader on 08 January 2016 - 06:41 PM

Let us not forget that Sasuke was the one to give us the ending of Naruto's story, instead of Naruto himself

#893975 MangaReader's Blog

Posted by MangaReader on 21 December 2015 - 06:41 AM

What to blog about... well other then working Christmas Eve and my horrible experience with Senior Thesis Part 1 during the Fall Semester, not much happening. Always making news friends I suppose : )

#893972 MangaReader's Life of Drawing

Posted by MangaReader on 21 December 2015 - 06:29 AM

I'm way too lazy for a guy who wants to be a professional artist... no I don't mean I cut corners, I mean I just don't seem to finish what I start. I have to work on that because I'll soon be done with College before too long...gah. 


So yeah, he's something I need to promise myself that I'll finish

Holy S*** this image was bigger then I thought

#893773 New Boruto Manga?

Posted by MangaReader on 20 December 2015 - 08:11 AM

Maybe Kishimoto knew kitten he was getting into was so deep that he cut his loses, sold out and then entered into a form of retirement by becoming a supervisor. Doesn't help much, but it's forming a better picture of the events that have transpired over the past year 

#893693 New Boruto Manga?

Posted by MangaReader on 20 December 2015 - 12:03 AM

Hello misery my old friend *sighs =.=

#892913 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by MangaReader on 15 December 2015 - 07:15 AM

I think I've come full circle... don't give a damn what the ending is, I'm shipping NaruSaku till I bite the dust. Because really, who's gonna stop me from doing so, plus I just get to piss off the people who want me to accept what I see and move on. 

#887719 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by MangaReader on 17 November 2015 - 12:29 AM

I seriously need to get back into this pairing art... it's like the only thing to keep me from utter depression when thinking about Naruto these days

#887718 Manga-wise, why NaruSaku not happening makes sense.

Posted by MangaReader on 17 November 2015 - 12:21 AM

may be off topic but Hybristophilia is an interesting read regarding dysfunctional relationship. i only learnt this term today, never knew the whole girl-love-bad-boy thing may actually be set in reality  :ohmy:

I can really only think that those types of cases involve some form of messed up childhood or something drastic and dramatic happened in ones life... but I can't think of any reason on this planet we call Earth as to how Sakura would grow so attached to a one point in time killer and homicidal maniac, her backstory suggests nothing... bullying is not that traumatizing unless you have no friends in life whatsoever or something to that extent, but even still the only thing linked to her childhood is her crush on Sasuke because he was popular and she herself wanted to be popular. The only thing I can remotely think is that she's doing it to spite her parents who, outside of Road to Ninja (which sadly cannot be considered true canon), we know absolutely nothing about. If RTN (God I love that movie) is to considered her parents though, then Sakura must secretly be one of the most horrifying characters introduced, because nothing suggests that type of behavior.


To think any of this could have been avoid if you just keep to the damn story you were writing... there's absolutely nothing wrong with moving on from the negative influence in your life and forming one with someone who would literally give his own life up just for you to be happy. Given my limited psychology background up to this point... when I really think long and hard about NaruHina and SasuSaku on a realistic plain... the results are quite terrifying.


Oh but Naruto takes place in a fantasy world, we try to avoid the real world by reading it... yeah well, my suspension of disbelief gets thrown out the go*damn window when you base your kitten on real life tendencies. Naruto just might be the most realistic of fantasies that actually has a negative effect on the real world despite it's once powerful message. No f***ing amount of fantasy could change my opinion of falling for a girl with no personality of her own, that's been stalking me, that takes everything I say to heart, that adopts everything I say with nothing to offer about herself, who's submissive and generally has no faith in my capabilities. No amount of fantasy could change my opinion of a guy somehow changing in a heartbeat because I kept telling him he's taking the wrong path, that he just magically isn't gonna kill an entire village/nation/leaders, that he just somehow is so pure that he's corrupt-able and that he secretly wishes to love despite stating he sees no purpose in it. 


Okay I think I've made my point...

#887181 Manga-wise, why NaruSaku not happening makes sense.

Posted by MangaReader on 14 November 2015 - 04:28 PM

The more I think about... how unhealthy is it to just sit there everyday and wait for someone who may never comeback or may not comeback the same person? Seriously, is that the type of solid relationship Kishimoto was wanting because then he's nothing like Naruto, rather he's like Sasuke considering he's stated before he was almost never home, thus his wife is still like Sakura despite his BS that he's trying to say that's she's like Hinata (although it works for both these couples I suppose in some way). Back to the sulking though... wth was that, Sakura never cared about Sasuke missing that much to where it affected her social activity when the manga was still going strong

#885522 Boruto - the movie

Posted by MangaReader on 04 November 2015 - 06:23 PM

I smile when I see Road to Ninja because to me it's the last Naruto movie.

It is the last Naruto movie... it's the last one that tried to actually tell a compelling story 

#885232 Does Kishimoto's wife feel cheated on...?

Posted by MangaReader on 02 November 2015 - 10:59 PM

I wouldn't say being courteous to our rivaling fanbase was us being quiet or fear of being rude...rather it's common knowledge that actions speak louder then words and the actions in this manga were speaking far louder in our favor... until it came crashing to a halt in 2 chapters. I don't know how anyone could say they saw this ending let alone have speeches ready for how it happened.


Kishimoto's wife is a prime example of how we felt, we knew what the ending would be, we knew how we would calmly continue our lives while our opposite fandom weeps for their shy, timid, and lousy waifu, and we knew we'd be satisfied for generally not being @sshats (every fandom has good and bad people)... And yet here we are still struggling to understand how a guy who is suppose to be the creator (thus a leader) succumbed to pressure from outside (and inside I guess) sources. That's not a leader, that's a follower... and that more often means your in no position to maintain any sort of high level job unless your an @ss kisser. From a great writer to a so so writer with flaws to straight up incomprehensible writing, that's how Kishimoto devolved over the coarse of Naruto.


When the very people in your life, the so called loved ones, don't even know how you got from point A to point B... then you've got some major problems