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#966759 Sakura was written to be Disliked

Posted by harry4e on 10 July 2018 - 05:49 PM

The character of Sakura wasn't perfect. She had a flaw which was Sasuke. Kishi could have written a more perfect female character to be with Naruto, but Hinata was never really even an option to be with Naruto.


Her not being perfect was part of her charm, it made her more real, someone who was rough around the edges, even Sasuke was not a issue, it was her not growing out of that phase of her life, that was the issue...and why? Because according to Kishi she'd be seen as a bad person if she moved on from someone she liked when she was a under ten years old. 


I might have been ok with Hinata, if it wasn't painfully obvious that they never developed their relationship at all in the time they had a chance to, and even them getting together had to break the canon history to make plausible. I got over the fact that Orihime and Ichigo got together because the manga showed Rukia and Ichigo growing apart when he lost his power, and Orihime grow up to be something more than just someone who said 'Kurusaki-kun' all the time.

#966734 Sakura was written to be Disliked

Posted by harry4e on 10 July 2018 - 11:41 AM

for me Sakura represented the growth a normal person from only looking at things superficially, like chasing after a boy because of his looks, clan name and talent alone, and becoming a Ninja (a job) because it sounded cool and follow your friends, even thinking how cool it would be to if you had no rules growing up and can do whatever you want.


Then to grow up, realising there is more to person than just their outside appearance, and judge a person for who they are and not what they are, realising that being a Ninja is not a joke, and you not taking it seriously, puts others at a disadvantage, and they have to work harder to to bring up the slack, and finally realise the importance of family, and not to take them for granted. These are the things most of us learnt when we entered adulthood and Sakura was the representation of that growth.


I don't think a lot of the readers (that hated her) ever understood that, for them, they just saw the first few scenes (made worst in the anime) and judged her for the rest of the series, and I think to a certain extent Kishi (or his editor) encouraged this behaviour from her, like her confession, but not showing the resolution, her unlocking her potential and then requiring to be saved straight away, etc,because as sad as it is, even negativity can work in your favour for a medium as it drives discussion amongst fans, and keeps the series relevant for longer.


I could be wrong here, the trouble wasn't Sakura's characters negativity, but the Hinata hardcore fanbase, they had her on a pedestal and any negativity on her character would be ignored and not be tolerated, they refuse to acknowledge that her knowing that Naruto was being mistreated as a kid, and all he wanted was a friend, yet never doing anything about it, is a big stain on her character, that her obsession with Naruto was not healthy, her actions put not only her but her teammates at risks, and showed that even if she says she acknowledges Naruto she doesn't have the same level of faith in his strength that Sakura does,. Hinata's first action would be to stand in front of him to protect him, Sakura on the other hand believed in him or would stand beside him, or behind him ready to offer support. I think they were more afraid of the Hinata fanbase than the Sakura fanbase backlash.

#966600 Sakura was written to be Disliked

Posted by harry4e on 06 July 2018 - 02:57 PM

Considering Kishi's come out and said he never understood why Sakura was hated, I don't think that was the case, that said Kishi has the tendency to make contradicting comments all the time, one thing I think is clear is that planning was not a strong point for Kishi,

#966550 World Cup 2018

Posted by harry4e on 03 July 2018 - 09:08 PM

I am in a bit of a shocked state at the moment, we have seen England in Penalty shootouts before but this is the first time we have ever won one. I am sure like me, most of England had already decided we were coming back home.

#965582 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by harry4e on 01 June 2018 - 11:37 PM

What if the mystery person is Luffy's mother, I know a long shot, but can you imagine if Dragon's war against the World Nobles is because of what he learnt from his wife, it could also explain why Luffy's never met his mother and we've seen no mention of her,, even if Oda seems to suggest she is still alive. If their affair was kept a secret for Luffy's safety, it could be why we've never seen her.


Of course I'm basing this entirely on the mystery person holding Luffy's bounty poster and that they could be female.


Posted by harry4e on 19 May 2018 - 01:48 AM

Azami was introduced too early, he should have been introduced once we'd seen Souma and the game had proven themselves a bit more, so when Azami was introduced, the rebel side would feel better equipped that their challenges would feel more realistic and their wins more believable.


Ofcourse if would have helped if Azami was written in a manner that actually didn't make you facepalm every time he opened his mouth, but that's another issue all in itself.


They should have built on the challenge between Souma and Kuga, maybe even start their second year and introduce the second years that would have challenged for the number Elite 10, we could have even seen new first year students that challenged Souma but instead of showing any further growth they went in with a obvious villain that was designed as a final boss.


I don't get why SWJ does this every time, didn't the rapid decline in Bleach's popularity after Eizen or the scrambled mess of overpowered enemies after Pain not clue them in? they constantly repeat the same mistakes.


Posted by harry4e on 18 May 2018 - 07:14 PM

They need to learn to pace themselves with manga, so many times we see them jump the end boss level too high that soon as that arc is over the ridiculous has to happen, with new challenges getting out of hand and the story loses it's focus, Naruto did it after Pain, Bleach did it after Aizen, Fairy Tail did it during the time skip, but if anything the opposite was true with the growth of the main cast not making sense, and it looks like for Soma's to continue it has to follow the same path.


Posted by harry4e on 01 May 2018 - 10:02 AM

Yes, Erina using Soma's cubes was a nice homage to the very first dish that has challenged her ideals since she has met Joichirou. Some fans think she is copying Soma solely. Those criticisms are valid, especially if you consider Erina has been hyped up for who knows how long. But I think there is no dish more effective than this one b/c she's using the Yukihira style to show Azami that she is wrong. In addition to this, what better way to bring Soma into submission that using his own techniques against him?


I believe Azami could have been a decent villain if his goals had only been about Tootsuki itself, and not the entirety of Japan's gastronomy. Azami hates the rigorous expulsion system and competitive nature of the academy that drove his beloved senpai to despair? Sure, that is understandable. In addition to this, his character should have been a bit more subdued. It really doesn't help that Azami is one of the edgiest villains I've read in manga in a long time.


Souma makes perfect sense, as you said he challenged her ideals from the first day, she reacted most strongly against his cooking, it rubbed her the wrong way, as Souma's cooking was the style that went against the ideals forced into her by Azami, so taking up his style would be the perfect example of her rebelling against her father, like a teenage daughter dying her hair and and dressing up like a punk, or start hanging out with bikers before that, and whatever is considered unsavoury by parents today.


Azami never really worked as a enemy for me, he got the unpleasant side down to the T, but he lacked any depth, his actions never seemed to justify the reasoning he ever gave, plus the mental abuse he put his own daughter under pretty much overshadowed any reasonable side to him,and every flashback we've seen trying to show he wasn't always like that, just ended up making you dislike him more, as it failed to show why he would do what he has done and at the level he took things.


It also didn't help his behaviour seemed to be straight out of a dummies guide to being a villain, and his quirky behaviour they tried to show like him skiing down the mountain or a meeting in his suit just felt out of place, also he was very inconsistant specially when it comes to Rindou, him acknowledging her cooking style and behaviour goes against the very reasoning he gives for his actions.


Posted by harry4e on 23 April 2018 - 08:52 PM

No that just means he found the perfect wife. :excited: A woman that can match his absurdity and cockiness :P It REALLY WAS telling how similar these two were in the beginning :yes:


Well with a wife combo of those two, the regulars at the restaurant will be entertained that's for sure.


If you think about the two, you could argue they are Sasuke and Naruto done much better, We have on one side the one whose father was very demanding, and had natural talent that is superior to their parents, and on the other side we have someone who has to work hard to achieve, someone chasing their fathers shadow, who is a genius in their chosen field.


Only difference was we see in Shokugeki then actually grow, see them getting acknowledge for their hard work, and improve as they go along. In Naruto you had to be told one is a genius and the other is a dobe every single time, Sasuke got praised because the manga told you he was a genius, and Naruto has to be underestimated because the manga told you he was a dobe.


In SnS we've seen what Erina brings to the table and where her qualities lie, and with Souma we see him struggling, planning, and testing over and over before he gets it right, and when he wins the next battle those previous wins count and he is acknowledged by his previous successes, not under-estimated.


Posted by harry4e on 22 April 2018 - 11:57 PM

All the expressions Erina made this chapter were top notch, it showed the playful side of her that she never shows, the girl that likes to read her Shojo manga that gets flustered when embarrassed. this chapter could very easily me called the many expressions on Nakiri Erina.


So the combined dishes, included, Chicken Liver, Beef, Bacon, Chicken, Egg, Squid, and peanut butter


Poor Souma's he's been robbed blind, first she took his phrase, then she took his specialty, even his tool to torture others, and now she's taken his habit of 'and for my last trick' routine. All he has left is his family restaurant and his heart and the roll Erina is on she probably stole that as well.


Note: The fact that Erina incorporated Squid and Peanut Butter must mean that she was curious enough to try the combo herself sometime, how else would she be able to use God Tongue to know how to take advantage of the two ingredients?


Edit: Another idea she stole from Souma, was the use of rice crackers, Souma did something similar during the first task of their retreat where the used Kaki seeds to coat his fish, googling Kaki Seeds tells us that it's not a type of plant seed, but instead a rice crackers shaped like seeds.


Edit 2: So was bored decided to read some of the older chapters, and what do you know the dish Yukihira was so proud of, that got added to the menu during his stagnaire was a Oyakodon. So looks like Erina in one dish managed to beat Souma's multiple dishes in one go.


Posted by harry4e on 20 April 2018 - 10:52 AM

lol...oh if those spoilers are true, then hats off to the Mangaka, that is the best possible dish against not only Azami but Souma too.




So decided to check the spoilers, didn't read them but the scans look really promising, Erina really shines this chapter.


Posted by harry4e on 07 April 2018 - 08:21 PM

Another great chapter, using Erina to perfect his dish and throwing down the gauntlet, forcing her to prove her worth, making it the perfect set-up for the final dish. Makes perfect sense too, We know she has the god tongue, but do we even know what she specialises in? It only took two years for the arc to get remotely exciting, and they did it by going back to the basics.

#962397 The Last Reviews...fake?

Posted by harry4e on 26 February 2018 - 08:35 PM

Yeah the positive reviews were suspect, even those who couldn't read a word of Japanese, could see many of the positive reviews were remarkably short, and many of them were really highly rated despite being short, it didn't make sense that long in-depth reviews that were negative were being buried yet the short reviews were being pushed to the front page,.


In hindsight the best thing everyone could have done is completely ignore the movie, not give it any attention, that would have buried the series much quicker, The current mindset of allot of people is to pay good money for something when something is so negatively affected, to see for themselves, or just to be part of the conversation. It's why the Transformers movies are still going, or why Adam Sandler keeps getting hired,


That's what I did with Boruto, I largely avoided it, giving it any attention is still attention and for media that's all that matters to them as both can generate sales for them.

#962356 The Last Reviews...fake?

Posted by harry4e on 26 February 2018 - 01:57 AM

I expect there were just as many fake NH fan from the West posting positive reviews than there were fake NS reviews but like all things with current media, they would be pushing their own bias onto the readers, we no longer live in the day and age of true journalism, we live in the world where clickbait, trolling, facebook post reporting and opinion pieces are passed off as true journalism.


Most of the reviews were not fake though, as many negative reviews included scenes from the movie itself and their opinion on them. and there were hundred possabily thousands of reviews on the site...it would take allot of planning and to create that many accounts and post negative reviews.


If I am correct the whole thing about fake reviews came from someone posting that they planned to create a Yahoo account and were going to post a negative review, and maybe even someone on this forum suggesting others do the same, though I don't think any of us took it seriously, I'm not 100% sure, and this small incident was reported as all reviews being fake.


If anything all of us here had a blast as we saw the reviews come in, they were not pleasant. If I was a betting man I'd say the Boruto movie probably had more fake reviews, that movie has suspiciously high rated reviews .


Posted by harry4e on 21 January 2018 - 04:52 PM



While we wait for a better translation and higher quality upload. This will make Souma/Erina fans smile, I guess the Erina/Megumi fans if there are any will also enjoy the chapter, The Yukihira family motto has gotten the seal of approval, now we just need to know if the Original Souma version or the tweaked Erina version will be passed on to the future generations.